Deep Thoughts On The SWG Revamp 40
The always thoughtful Terra Nova has a look at the recent Star Wars Galaxies revamp from a group with a long view on the role of Massive games. From the article: "Unfortunately, the live management team seems to have ignored another long-standing criticism of SWG by many observers: that their design and implementation process is a disastrous mess. Never more so than with the NGE: whatever it is conceptually, in practice, it's roughly on par with an alpha build of a MMOG. Or did they ignore it? It's just possible that SWG's latest flaming car wreck resulted from deliberately driving over a cliff. I'm normally deeply suspicious of conspiracy theories. In the case of SWG's NGE, though, there are really only two possibilities: that there is a deeper agenda or that the live management team is well beyond cluelessly self-destructive, out in some outer void of fecklessness. "
Or... (Score:3, Insightful)
people get pissed when things never change, but riot when they do.
Take your pick.
Re:Or... (Score:1)
What I would like to see in MMORPGs... (Score:2)
-a new continent has been discovered
-new items have been invented
-a new threat appears
And that goes for ALL MMORPGs, not just SWG. Of course, SOE seems to go against this principle with extraordinary energy
Re:What I would like to see in MMORPGs... (Score:1)
Re:What I would like to see in MMORPGs... (Score:2)
As opposed to destroying things that already work fine, which SOE seems to do these days in SWG.
I was at SOE to see... (Score:5, Insightful)
These guys have some great ideas, they really do. They have a problem with implementation that needs to be solved if they are to ever create a game that stays fun without having to be completely overhauled every 2 years when subs fall through the floor.
Two views... (Score:5, Interesting)
Two, is that this is pretty interesting from a game design challenge aspect. I played SWG way back when it first launched. I've sampled the Combat Upgrade, and I'm debating sampling the NGE - not because I'm interested in playing the game again, but because I'm interested in the concept of the whole MMO overhaul deal. It's kind of like how people who aren't terribly interested in getting plastic surgery done can still be fascinated by watching the procedure on a Discovery show.
From an entertainment standpoint, I think SWG is a miserable failure. One person I know said that it was a spreadsheet with a 3D interface, and that's about as apt a description as any I could think of.
From a game design standpoint, as a learning experience, as an example of what kinds of things can go right and what kinds of things can go so very, very wrong, as a window into the MMO business world, it's interesting. I found the recent
I think that, at one of those schools that's now offering a degree in game design (or whatever they're calling it) SWG would be a very fine bit of learning material.
Too bad they broke the game, though.
Re:Two views... (Score:2)
Since companies are pretty closed mouth about actual numbers it is hard to tell how this has actually affected subscriptions. My guess is that there are a lot of people re-activating accounts for 1 month to see what the noise is about, but that everyone interested in anything other than combat has probably cancelled at this point. I don't think you can sell someone a subscription to one game and expect them to be happy about
What's Really Going On (Score:4, Insightful)
SOE's biggest problem is that they make very boring, tedious games that are no fun to actually play, but give the player a sense of advancement and accomplishment. When EQ players think about moving to EQ 2, they see their max level character and all they've been through to get him where he is. Doing all that again wouldn't be fun, it would be work.
So this is their new idea. It's just no surprise that it was an utter disregard for the players from the company who teleported a peaceful (and very reasonable) protest into space. Way to go, SOE.
Trying to save it (Score:2)
My idea is that they could have split up there populations in 2 parts, 'old way' and 'new way' (NGE). This way you retain the subscriptions who don't want major change, and keep those that do want the change (if they like the 'new way'). They may be able to attract new subscriptions if the NGE catches on.
Now the overhead of maintaining 2 server games with 1 client may be a nightmare and redu
Re:Trying to save it (Score:2, Interesting)
Maybe Sony should focus on making SWG 2 and leave SWG alone. They need to let it go. Get a good new project manager and a new good software architect and start with a new team from scratch. New graphics, new gameplay, keep what worked, toss what didn't. Two years d
Re:Trying to save it (Score:2)
Hell, by many accounts WoW is already getting old and stale. I think half the player base will have 3 or 4 lvl 60s by the time the expansion comes out.
I think I could run through UBRS blindfolded at this point.
Re:Trying to save it (Score:2)
4 level 60 characters? That's a lot of quests and a lot of grind! And you probably got your money's worth out of it. Time to move on perhaps?
Re:Trying to save it (Score:4, Informative)
When you hit the high end game rewards become very hard to come by. Maybe there is too little grind in the early part and too much in the high end.
After 60 it goes like this:
Run the lvl 55+ dungeons to get your "set" of items. You will be looking at an average of an 8 percent drop rate for your items per run. If the item does drop you will need to roll on it with everyone else in the group who is the same class. So you can look at doing those dungeons quite a few times (at 1 to 3 hours each run). And each item is an incremental improvement over the gear you are likely to have by lvl 60 anyway.
Run Molten Core, Black Wing Lair and Zul Gurrab. These require an organized group of 20 or 40 players. Once again when that mad loot drops you will need to roll. Or you may just need to run the raids withough any gain at first in order to get "dragon kill points" before you can get any items. Being in a large guild is somewhat of a prerequisite, with all the joy that usually brings (player drama, military organization, must be available to raid at specific times get dropped from the guild etc).
If that's not your cup of tea other options include:
PVP - you can try to get honor through PVP to earn special items. If you want to get to the top ranks be prepared to spend a lot of time in game. PVP is not always active, so you may spend a lot of time sitting around waiting for a game to open up. And if you are PVPing in the level 60 bracket, be prepared to face a core team of organized players with epic gear. Better go back to doing the MC runs if you want to be competetive.
Crafting - the highest end of the various crafting skills can make some great items. You will need to earn faction with NPC groups before you can learn to make them. How do you get that faction? By running certain quests over and over again generally. And once you learn how to make the item, getting the materials to make them can take an tremendous amount of time.
As to time to move on? Yeah, pretty soon it will be. Most of the reason you keep playing is friends and guild mates in the game. Not so much the mechanics of the game itself. I recently had a handful of real life friends pick up the game, so I'm having fun playing with them for now.
To Blizzard's credit they have been adding a lot of new content over the past 6 months. I just hope we see more stuff that casual players can have a good time running. Not everyone has the time for the high end 40 man raids.
It will be interesting to see how the next round of MMOs (D&D Online, Conan, Middle Earth etc.) respond to the juggernaut that is World of Warcraft.
Current Playerbase is Going Crazy (Score:1)
Bugs, bugs, bugs... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Bugs, bugs, bugs... (Score:2)
I had quests I couldn't turn in even though they were complete. I think the best one was when I tried to fly the space ship. The tutorial kept telling me to fly using the mouse, but I couldn't change the ships pitch with the mouse. Finally I figured out that the game had auto-detected m
Re:Bugs, bugs, bugs... (Score:2)
Ah, so *that* was the problem! I played two sessions from the 10-day trial and I still hadn't figured it out. It drove me crazy! I couldn't use the mouse to steer the ship up and down! I'll try my gamepad this week. Thanks!
In any case, apart from some small bugs, I enjoyed it so far, but I don't
Re:Bugs, bugs, bugs... (Score:2)
Re:Bugs, bugs, bugs... (Score:2)
If you do want to fly with the mouse - go into the control options and look for a checkbox that says something like "auto detect joystick for flying". Select the option for mouse control directly instead. Mouse control is a bit squirrely however.
Re:Bugs, bugs, bugs... (Score:2)
It's strange, I don't expect PC games to support a gamepad out of the box. I usually have to map it using software to keyboard/mouse commands. Strange, because so many PC games play a lot better with a gamepad (can't say anything about joysticks-- that one goes back to the old C-64 days
Saw the Headline .. (Score:2, Funny)
Part of the truth (Score:2, Interesting)
my thoughts (Score:1)
A fucking mess, and more Sony fraud (Score:2)
The interface sucks, melee combat (which Jedi is the only melee class now) is horribly unblanced.
You can't even tell which direction you are pointed thanks to the idiotic UI.
Not to mention, mouse movement, which used to be so fluid and a strength of this game, is gone.
And, if you were an existing vet (who respec not full template, CL80 and have to grind 5 million XP to get to CL90), the ONLY place you can get decent XP is on Mustafar, doing THREE quests that are located ONLY there.
I enjoy it... (Score:2, Interesting)
Not meant to be a troll... (Score:3, Insightful)
Seriously, why is anyone still playing SWG?
Go out and try a new MMO. Stop running around in the same body, pounding the same keys, fretting because of the same stupid game management that launched the game in a beta state. Free yourself.
It's not that damn hard to get started again in a new game, and you know what... you'll have more fun being a newbie and seeing a fresh new world as a level 1 than you have as an uber jedi running around the same damn planets collecting more crap to put in a building that few people have ever seen.
Mod parent up, dammit! (Score:1)
Seriously, if you don't like SWG, then quit and join some other game. Instead of paying $15/month for the privilege to bitch and moan, pay $15/month to actually HAVE FUN. Take it from me: that's what I did.
Re:Mod parent up, dammit! (Score:1)
Re:Mod parent up, dammit! (Score:2)
I quite like the game.... having said that, after nine months I think I'll hang up my mouse
Cashed out just in time! (Score:2, Insightful)
10 Day Trial (Score:1)
what you didn't mention (Score:1)
Re:what you didn't mention (Score:2)
blockquote> 2 minutes later the thread would get deleted. and guys, if you leased a porsche, even added a few extras to it , go to bed, wake up and suddenly see a mini-cooper in front of your house for the same price, wouldn't you be upset? wouldn't you go to the guy you leased the porsche from to tell him where he could shove it and end the contract? now imagine people who paid a year in advance because they so liked their porsche (old SWG) and are stuck with the mini-cooper (NGE SWG). and when voicing
Re:what you didn't mention (Score:1)
I bailed out of the game a few weeks after the CU when it beca
SWG = RIP (Score:1)