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XBox (Games)

The Xbox 360 Launch Examined 61

A few days have gone by now, and more details of the 360's launch are becoming available. Gamasutra reports that, as expected, there were far too few units of the new console to meet demand. In one place, in fact, a pitched fight broke out when it became clear that not everyone waiting in line would get a unit. Additionally, the occasional glitch or crash has been reported in several locations online. This primarily seems to be the result of an overheating power supply. Despite these issues, and mixed reactions to launch titles, overall consumer reaction seems to be generally positive.
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The Xbox 360 Launch Examined

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  • Consumer Reaction? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Avacar ( 911548 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @09:55AM (#14112942) Homepage

    Sure, consumer reaction will be positive... they're the people who bought the system. I sincerely hope that those who paid for it are enjoying it, otherwise they've wasted a lot of money.

    For the rest of us, though, the current Slashdot poll alone shows that most of the voting slashdot community, at least, will not be getting an Xbox 360. I'm sure my reaction to spending $400+ would be to say I'm pleased with it too... I just don't plan to do that. So, consumer reaction? Generally Positive. Overall Xbox 360 Public Image? TBD.

    • by rednuhter ( 516649 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @10:04AM (#14112993) Homepage Journal
      I am not sure the Slashdot community is respective of the console buying community judging by the percentage of posts on GAME marked articles vs the main stream geek culture topics.
      That said how many people are going to vote (in a fun poll) for "NEVER" just becuase its Microsoft ?
      I am most did but I definitely getting one early next year after the price drops.
      • getting one early next year after the price drops.

        and the modchip is released.

        (that way they will actually cost Microsoft money...)
      • by Anonymous Coward
        For me the 'Never' choice was not correct but represented the best of the options; with the XBox 360 I am not planing on getting one unitl there are 5 games that I want on it and the price is $200 or less; I would say the same thing about the PS3 except that (if backwards compatibility being is as good as they claim) I only want to wait for a price drop because I never owned a PS2 and there are dozens of PS2 games I would like to play.

        In fact the only system I am planning on buying at launch is the Revoluti
      • I voted never because the XBox was meant for a demographic that doesn't include me and so far I don't see the 360 change that. I mean, the big launch titles are racing games! I still have my fill of racing games for the decade from Burnout 2.
    • Wow, actually using a slashdot poll for factual information, that takes balls.
    • Slashdot isn't representative of the population, it's a heavily anti-MS skewed place. Not to mention the poll is susceptable to ballot-stuffing.
  • by Iriel ( 810009 )
    Yeah, I've heard the crash reports too. Some of them sound down right dubious. Someone even claims that they got the same problem after exchanging their system. Wow, what an utter load of BS. Even still, most of the crash reports I've read have been problems relating to the hard drive rather than the power supply.

    While the system is tempting and all, "generally positive" isn't enough to make it worth the effort to make my way through the mobs with a pitchfork. I'll wait to see if there's enough errors to wa
    • So this seems to be about in line for tax return season?
    • Two defective units to the same person is NOT "dubious" or "B.S." there have been TWO cases just like this at the Gamestop near my home. They had three systems that folks who pre-ordered could not be reached, and have had 7 returned... of the three extras they had two went to people with problems on their first 360... both came back AGAIN. The guys at the store thought it was user error and even swapping power cords/HDD's/and trying brand new games they truely didn't work.

      This is a lot bigger than MS is let
      • by Iriel ( 810009 )
        While I may have been rash to immediately rule out the possibility of exchanges for systems that others failed to pick up, some of the claims online are still sounding rather shady while others seems all too plausible. At first I wondered if MS was keeping the other 3/4 of the shipment in stock just to build hype and frenzy over limited supply, but the crash reports have made me wonder if they were really doing a controlled test for recall rather than deal with it (if it happened) in a giant mess with peopl
  • Congratulations (Score:5, Insightful)

    by warmcat ( 3545 ) * on Friday November 25, 2005 @10:32AM (#14113149)
    Congratulations are in order to the Xbox 360 PR folks.

    A quick search on "360" in Slashdot shows over 150 stories generated in the prime demographic of Slashdot readers.

    How we all held our breath for what worldchanging events the Whoragin 360 website "suck in the suckers" campaign might have heralded. And how we were all disappointed -- it was just a PR campain with such vast amounts of money behind it that just for a moment it seemed that a Myst-style tree with Latin -- OMG LATIN -- on it might have held some revelation that would change all our lives!

    But no. It was just people in suits selling 'products' for money, same old same old. Customers are just customers, slumped slackjawed consumers that can never contribute, except with their wallet and their time. After a while the customers will evolve into the Eloi while the suit guys are already the Morlocks.

    Noting a surfiet of bread, Microsoft cannily decided to provide the circuses.
    • It's called Capatilism. Microsoft did their job. Slashdot editors also did theirs when they posted stories of interest regarding a highly anticipated tech product. You seem to take some issue with the fact a corporation developed a product, marketed this product and in the end sold that product. The "same old same old" has been practiced in the free market for a very, very long time. It is no different than the ipod, the ISP you use nor Slashdot themselves.

      Pray tell, how were we all dissapointed? W

      • And wait until the PS3 get closer. It'll have at least as many Slashdot articles, and probably more because I think more Slashdot users are PS2 fans than Xbox fans. It's just pointless griping.
  • With the way console gaming is going these days, it seems ridiculous to shell out even $400 for a system that will fall behind PC gaming power/graphics in a short amount of time. Besides, most games for consoles these days are either sports or PC ports, and rarely do the ports "port" well. So, why not just put that money into a cusotm-built PC? The game catalog is HUGE and you can "legally" use it for more than just games! Just my opinion...
    • by Liquidrage ( 640463 ) on Friday November 25, 2005 @11:55AM (#14113608)
      For $500 you can get a midrange Mobo-CPU-RAM and Video-card. You still need a case and power supply, hard drive, CD-Rom/DVD drive, input devices, and OS. And yes, since we're talking about *games* you're going to be paying for that OS. I'm not even going to bother talking about *pirated* OS saving money, though if you want, there's a few more dollars saved if you don't pay for Windows.

      OK, so you have that, I'll assume you have a monitor just as for a console I assume you have a TV. You're probably into the range of $700, and congrats, you've built yourself a mid-range gaming rig that most likely doesn't match the quality of the 360 or what the PS3 will. Your rig will also be outdated in a year or two. Sure, it'll still play the games. Just like the 360 and PS3 will. Just like the Xbox and PS2 do now. But you're not going to be running the current games in all the high-res texture, all graphical options on, big resolution. Let alone doing that for games in a year or two down the road.

      I'm all for PC gaming. I play more on my PC then on my Xbox/PS2/Gamecube. And more then the 360 I'll eventually get. And the PS3 I'll eventually get. And Revolution I'll probably get. But the better bang for your buck if all you care about it games, are the consoles. Not the PC's. Hell, the sell you consoles at a loss, and you get games that have been optimized for a very specific set of hardware. The prices drop on them as the technology loses it's "cutting edge" factor. Just as video cards and CPU's do.
    • Where the hell do you get a PC for $400 that is guaranteed to be powerful enough to play all the latest games for the next 4-5 years? Without any fucking about putting it together or configuring it?
      • Not all the latest games require a dual core 3 GHZ processor.

        For instance The Movies (one of the latest games) claims all you need is a sub GHZ Pentium (800MHZ I think they say).

        While thats a bit extreme, not everyone codes only to the latest bleeding edge hardware.
  • by PhilHibbs ( 4537 ) <> on Friday November 25, 2005 @11:19AM (#14113387) Journal
    someone got shot in the chest []!
  • I for one consider that anything that rediculous to be fighting over, and general mayhem,... because you have to have a damned video game!;... sheesh. I don't want to know where those gene's came from and don't want my kids associating with the likes of those!

    I won't be having one of those in my house. My regular Xbox is problem enough without having to have something like that in there...
  • by techstar25 ( 556988 ) <techstar25@gma i l . com> on Friday November 25, 2005 @01:57PM (#14114197) Journal
    From the article...
    According to Xbox senior product manager Molly O'Donnell,"The vast majority of Xbox 360 owners are having an outstanding experience with their new consoles".
    Well, if you can't trust her opinion to be fair and unbiased, who can you trust? The article linked has opinions from three people. Two negative, one positive, and the positive works for Microsoft.
  • There's not such a shortage as long as you're willing to pay upwards of $1500...

"Money is the root of all money." -- the moving finger
