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XBox (Games)

Hacker Team Releases First 360 ISO 51

surefooted1 writes " has a brief story on the first Xbox 360 game dump here. A full dump of the game 'Condemed' has been released. From the article: 'The PI group released Xbox 360 game ISOs today. Note that downloading such releases is illegal and you can't do anything with them yet (they will not boot on your Xbox 360). You can find the NFO of one of their releases here. They also released an open-source tool to extract these releases (basicly it's an 'x360-ISO extractor') so you can check out the files in the image. It will NOT work on original discs as a PC DVD-ROM can't read those.'"
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Hacker Team Releases First 360 ISO

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  • small step (Score:3, Funny)

    by RasendeRutje ( 829555 ) on Friday December 09, 2005 @10:36AM (#14219802)
    One small step for a man, but one giant step for mankind!
    Where are those modchipmakers? the lazy #$^%-ers
  • Ilegal eh? (Score:2, Funny)

    by steveo777 ( 183629 )
    Note that downloading such releases is illegal and you can't do anything with them yet

    Sort of like those funny colored 'sculptures' they sell in the Electric Fetus and other fine retailers. They're "For Display Purposes Only."

    Strange that. Usually when people "display" them there's some sort of smoke rising from them and a funky smell in the room... and everybody has that look on their faces like they're about to be hit by a train and they're not sure if they care.

  • The 360 security revolves around preventing the use of unauthorized code. Pulling unauthorized code from a game is the easy part. Microsoft could really care less about an image file.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      The fact is that being able to copy games is the first step in modding a system; this is why it took so long to hack the Gamecube (its discs, which were a CAV variation on a DVD, took forever to make copies of). Now that the mod-chippers have the XBox 360 they can 'observe' what occurs when a legal game is put into it, and what happens when a copied game is entered into it, and see if they can bypass the security.

      Personally, I'm betting that the first mod-chips will be available before the PS3 or Revolution
  • Difficulty? (Score:2, Redundant)

    by Eightyford ( 893696 )
    Why would this be newsworthy? Does it take more than regular dvd copy software to do this? Aren't they using regular DVDs for the 360, or is this kind of like the Dreamcast's almost-normal CDs?
    • no.

      you don't even need to RTFA, its in the damn summary
      "It will NOT work on original discs as a PC DVD-ROM can't read those."
    • Yes it takes more than DVD Copy software to do this. Xbox and Xbox 360 do not use a file system readable by PCs. They use their own. If you read the article you'll find out the 360 uses a slightly changed version of Xbox's file system(which also required a PC .exe extractor written for the file system). You can't read Xbox or 360 DVD game data in a PC DVD-ROM.
  • by shoptroll ( 544006 ) on Friday December 09, 2005 @10:58AM (#14220014)
    Unfortunately the initial launch was enough of a dud that I'm suprised anyone would go through the trouble of caring about this. So which EA sports game or port did they ISO?
    • They said which game it was. It's an Xbox 360 exclusive, which is not a sequel, prequel or anything else. You're a moron.
    • If you'd RTFA instead of rushing to troll, you'd see that the game is neither from EA nor a port.
  • Un-DVDs? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Tom ( 822 ) on Friday December 09, 2005 @11:00AM (#14220034) Homepage Journal
    So, the xbox DVDs are broken in that "nahnah, you need special firmware to jump across this intentional break" way.

    Do they carry the DVD logo? Are these things DVDs or not?

    Yeah, it might look like nitpicking, but standards and interoperability are crucial to an info-age society.
    • >>Yeah, it might look like nitpicking, but standards and interoperability are crucial to an info-age society.>> Its a proprietary console. Did you buy a game thinking it was going to run on your DVD player? I'm all for standards and interoperability, but if I insert a CD-R into my toaster on the theory that one burner is basically the same as another I don't expect my toaster to fix my mistake.
      • I'm all for standards and interoperability, but if I insert a CD-R into my toaster on the theory that one burner is basically the same as another I don't expect my toaster to fix my mistake.

        No, but if I put a disc that shows the DVD logo into a DVD player, I do expect it to play it. But since apparently these non-DVDs don't show the logo, it's a non-issue. I was just wondering.
    • Xbox games don't carry the DVD logo, I'd assume that the Xbox 360 ones don't either. On Xbox 1 discs data isn't readable on an ordinary drive, it is DVD based, but it's some sort of custom weirdness. I seem to remember it might be that Xbox games are effectivley DVD-9's written backwards. If you put an Xbox game in a DVD device you get an Xbox animation and a multilingual message that it's an Xbox game that will only run on an Xbox, and that's it.

      (My European copy of Xbox Soul Calibur 2 has a CD-ROM logo on
  • Am I the only one? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Rowan_u ( 859287 ) on Friday December 09, 2005 @11:39AM (#14220429)
    Am I the only one who thinks that the 360 is going to be easier to hack than its predecessor? After all, the 360 already gets a lot of data from network devices, such as streaming audio from media connect, or streaming video from a Media Center. Perfect opportunities for buffer overflows (if any exist). Also, the 360 has been reported [] to run actual streamed code such as the browser from Media Center.
    • If you reread the article you linked to about the 360 running linked code, you'd notice that it's only a dumb-terminal and that all of the code execution happens on the PC.

      That said, when you consider that the original X-Box exploits were FONTS, it's totally possible to imagine that some other form of media will be this box's undoing. It probably won't be a bitmap (already done on the PSP), but something equally cool should be in order. Maybe a MIDI file!
      • The hypervisor [] built into the CPU may effectively prohibit that.
      • It seems like they (Microsoft) have actually tried to make the X360 hard to hack. AFAIK it only executes signed code and the certificates it validates code against are stored on the CPU. That will make it quite a bit harder than the Xbox to hack.

        I bet someone will manage in the end though.
  • The 360 has been hacked, cracked, and now ported and ready for emulation... and the 2nd round of shipping hasn't even arrived yet.

    "You know, if you put a little hat on it, a snowball can last a long time in hell." - Dogbert
  • If these ISOs can't be used, how do they know that they can be used?

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
