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XBox (Games) Businesses Microsoft

Xbox Execs Gain Clout 19

C|Net reports that Microsoft's Entertainment and Xbox division heads have been given new positions with greater influence in the company. J. Allard is now the leader of the new Experiences and Design for Gaming and Entertainment Group, while Robbie Bach now oversees a reorganized Entertainment and Devices division. Gamasutra has commentary as well. From that article: "Once confirmed by Microsoft themselves, the changes will essentially give a larger company-wide influence for executives involved with the Xbox, presumably to counter rival next generation formats being released next year. It will also help with the integration of the Xbox brand and technologies with other areas of Microsoft's business - such as the compatibility between Xbox Live and MSN that has already been hinted at by the company."
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Xbox Execs Gain Clout

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  • Only in America... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by badasscat ( 563442 ) <basscadet75@ya h o o.com> on Thursday December 15, 2005 @02:58PM (#14266623)
    ...can you lose your company four BILLION dollars and get promoted.

    I'm just waiting for Peter Moore to take over as CEO.
    • If Microsoft really wants to kill themselves on this, not only will the /. crowd love it, but so will Sony, and Nintendo. Of course, all those commercial companies that have figured out how to run an actual business on top of MS's OS may not appreciate having a bunch of gaming/entertainment execs that can tug on the ship helm at will.

      I'm sure shareholders won't look too lightly on the profit losing [forbes.com] division which represents the XBox. Shareholders are likely to examine the idea quality vs. profitability r

    • by oGMo ( 379 )
      It's the Dilbert Principle [wikipedia.org].
    • You are assuming the purpose of the Xbox division is to make money.

      Every Xbox purchased means a Playstation or Gamecube unpurchased. Every Xbox game played means a Playstation or Gamecube game unplayed...
      • ...I have all three. What's that unpurchased?
        • So you admit that you have spent money on a Microsoft product, rather than a competing product.

          MS' objective is not to make a profit in this market; it is to drive their competitors out of the market. The price of the Xbox is only constrained by a desire to avoid accusations of dumping.
      • Not really.

        Somehow I manage to own a PS2, Gamecube, and an Xbox.

        Buying an Xbox does not somehow magically prohibit you from buying a Gamecube or a PS2.
        • You're not listening. If you hadn't bought an Xbox, you would have more money that might have gone Nintendo or Sony's way instead.

          The Xbox division does not exist to make a profit. It exists to increase Microsoft's mindshare, push the adoption of their own Xbox-compatible products, and to reduce the amount of money that would otherwise go to Nintendo and Sony.
  • "can you lose your company four BILLION dollars and get promoted"

    Current numbers show their losses are
    Despite the losses, the Xbox1 was a *glowing* success.

    These promotions are not suprising, the 360 is now a media center for the living room. Watch DVD's, listen to music, voice message friends, download demos, download trailors, stream media from PC's, etc.
    • "Current numbers show their losses are
      Despite the losses, the Xbox1 was a *glowing* success."

      Exactly. M$ is willing to take a loss to get a bigger market share w/r/t consoles. They figure eventually to make money (At a point in the future when Sony and Nintendo will face losses they cannot handle).

      What I find intriguing (and please note that I am always attacking M$ trolls who unconditionally love Sony/Nintendo and this is no knock, just an observation) is that this seems like a back door way to get into th
      • Both Sony and Microsoft have definitely been going for this with their convergence box. In fact, if you look at Microsoft you will realize this is why they got into console gaming as far back as the Dreamcast (just like it's the reason why they got into Web Browsers and Word Processors.). Bill or someone fired up the ol' Destiny Prognostication Engine, looked at one possible future where the average person was using a Playstation Mark X for the majority of computing functions, and recognized the threat to
  • I can already hear their first proclamations regarding the "market terrorists" known as Sony and Nintendo

    "hunt them down, wherever they hide"
    "if they're not with us, they're against us", etc

  • After the XBox 360 launch, maybe they should run FEMA now.

Them as has, gets.
