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360 Has Best Launch Lineup Ever? 204

J. Allard had a chat with Edge magazine about the launch lineup of the Xbox 360, and makes the claim that they have the best launch lineup ever associated with a console. He also talks about the overall vision they had for the launch, and how well their expectations are being met. From the article: "I think it's pretty much spot on. I spoke with someone who was very involved in the planning about three years ago - he came over for about five minutes to drop something off and ended up spending three hours looking at all the capabilities of the machine, and he said, 'Son of a gun, if you guys didn't do 95 per cent of the original vision of the machine!' And I looked at him and said, 'Well, what was the other five per cent, what did we drop?' and he said, 'I don't know. I couldn't find it!'"
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360 Has Best Launch Lineup Ever?

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  • not saying much (Score:3, Insightful)

    by ThePepe ( 775625 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @11:49AM (#14291573)
    Well that certainly doesnt say much for the previous consoles' release lineups.
  • by Sancho ( 17056 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @11:49AM (#14291578) Homepage
    at launch. That's the only reason they can make this claim without being laughed out of the universe.

    Some story awhile back detailed this and made the example of "Oblivion" as a launch title, even though it won't be available until 2006.

    Spin, spin, spin....
  • by Torgo's Pizza ( 547926 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @11:50AM (#14291582) Homepage Journal
    At least, that's what I read just a few stories down. Best launch lineup ever or the one of the worst years for games. Time to curl up into a little ball and wait it out until 2006.
    • Yeah, I think the lineup is almost as bad as the Nintendo DS launch was and they seem to think it's the best thing since sliced cheese.

      My immediate reaction was to say that the NES or SNES had better launch line-ups: I seem to remember U.N. Squadron, Super R-Type, Gradius 3, and Actraiser being in the launch, with Final Fantasy 4 maybe a month or two down the road for SNES. Hell, many of the best SNES titles were first-generation titles dating at launch or first year.
  • No. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by vertinox ( 846076 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @11:51AM (#14291596)
    We'll reserve the best launch linup for NES "Duckhunt/Mario" combo catridge.

    Remember the times when consoles would come with a game that was good enough to play for very very long time before buying a new game?
    • I got the Nintendo with Nintendo Power magazine and Dragon Warrior together from Santa. I probably spent 3 or 4 months worth of afternoons alone on that single game.
      • Re:No. (Score:2, Interesting)

        by wilgibson ( 933961 )
        Man that promotion was great. I think I was 7 when my parents got me the NP subscription with Dragon Warrior. And, I also spent around 4 months on the game. I even remember getting the shit scared out of me when I defeated the Dragon Lord and he had a second form... good times, good times!
    • It sounds like you're speaking in tongues.

      Times when games were fun to play for a very very long time? Surely you're from outer space?

      Tell us about these times, let us dream with you dear sir!
    • Re:No. (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Eightyford ( 893696 )
      If you like those old style games than pick up a Gameboy Advance. Advance wars, Fire Emblem, Castlevania...
      • Re:No. (Score:3, Interesting)

        by vertinox ( 846076 )
        Strangley enough I own all of those and play on a DS. I was talking more or less about a time when the console would come with a good game... In fact the headliner of the console.

        More examples come to mind:

        SNES: Super Mario World
        Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog etc etc

        Now if you buy a console... It doesn't come with a game nor are most of the other games a killer app so to say. I'll admit that even Nintendo has shied away from this practice. I had to purchase Mario DS seperatley and it wasn't even that great of
        • I got a Zelda promotion pack with my Gamecube. It contains full versions of all zeldas (emulated) up until Majora's Mask, and also a demo of Wind Waker, all on one disc. Kick-ass value, I tell you!
          • Not all. No Link to the Past (probably because shortly after, LTTP came out on GBA and they didn't want thier freebie competing)
        • I've long thought that the DS, along with pictochat, should've had a few basic games built in. It's got the perfect input system for many of those little games, and it would make the system even more appealing. There's tons of little games they could've chosen from: Minesweeper, Solitaire, Majhong(however it's spelled, match the tiles game), checkers/chess(show off that online stuff), etc.

          Those are timeless games, they're simple, and so the development time/costs would've been minor. I think it's a shame so
        • small correction: I remember the genesis originally comming with Altered Beast. Point still holds though, I loved that game.
      • In response to your .sig, which reads: "E-Prime is great!"

        Perhaps you mean "I percieve E-Prime to be a great thing?" Or, maybe ... that's the JOKE!
        • Haha that's the joke!
          • I remember telling my girlfriend about E' after I read RAW's "Quantum Psychology," explaining to her the gist of it. She was like "Huh. So, you wouldn't say that I love you with all of my heart, eh? Just sombunall of it?" Kinda killed that experiment. heh eh.
    • Sorry bub, that combo cartridge wasn't available at launch. Hope you enjoyed Gyromite though.

      That came later.
    • Except that particular cartridge was not released at launch. In fact, at launch it wasn't even possible to buy a set with both Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt both included. Either you bought the regular set which included Super Mario Bros. or you bought the Deluxe Set which indluded Duck Hunt and Gyromite.

      As good as Super Mario Bros. was, however, I'd jump ahead a bit and state that Super Mario World was the best launch title. By this time Nintendo could have sold a ton of copies of it on it's own and incl
  • Wow (Score:5, Insightful)

    by nocent ( 71113 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @11:54AM (#14291627)
    News flash! Microsoft executive claims Microsoft product has best launch ever!
    • The real beauty in this set of quotes has to be the exchange with "someone who was very involved in the planning about three years ago":

      'Son of a gun, if you guys didn't do 95 per cent of the original vision of the machine!' And I looked at him and said, 'Well, what was the other five per cent, what did we drop?' and he said, 'I don't know. I couldn't find it!'

      Gee whiz! It's nice to know the people involved in XBox planning were so very, very up on their math skills. Now go out there and give the team

  • by tepp ( 131345 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @11:56AM (#14291646)
    Yawn. Wake me up when there is a single game a female gamer would like to play. Then MAYBE I'll consider buying one.

    I'm still furious that it isn't even backwards compatable with Ultramix 2 or Ultramix 3 which just came out!

    How hard is it to be backwards compatable with a simple dancing game?

    At least when I buy the PS3 I can play all my DDR games on it the first day!
    • "Yawn. Wake me up when there is a single game a female gamer would like to play. Then MAYBE I'll consider buying one."

      Kameo. The best 360 launch title is also a great one for female gamers.
      • Kameo. The best 360 launch title is also a great one for female gamers.

        Having played Kameo, I'm not sure I agree -- just because it features a female protagonist, that doesn't mean it's a game female gamers will enjoy.
      • Bah. (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Inoshiro ( 71693 )
        I didn't like it the first time when it was called Starfox Adventures, why would I like it with different textures?
      • We played the Kameo demo at CompUSA one afternoon. The consensus was "Pretty, but no fun".

        It's a shame that good graphics and good playability are a difficult combination to find in modern gaming.
      • Out of curosity, why is it a particularly good game for female gamers? Because the protagonist is a girl?

        The reason that most women don't like video games less to do with theme, setting, graphics or anything like that, and more to do with the fact that most women have lives, and anyone with any kind of objective perspective upon life will be forced to recognize that most games suck.
    • "Look, those arrows are a lot harder to render than it looks, leave us alone!" -- Microsoft rep.

    • I haven't a clue why DDR doesn't work yet, it doesn't seem that technically troublesome (at least Dancing Stage Unleashed[1] doesn't). It'll probably turn up in an update at some point of course. But the entire backwards compatibility seems rushed, its like the suddenly realised that "backwards compatibility" was something games wanted (and the PS3 and Revolution both claim they will deliver), so they suddenly rushed to implement this half-assed emulator based system, which gives use a small number of games
      • But with the Xbox 360 you will have a problem that even if DDR is compatible, the console doesn't have any Xbox 1 controller ports, so you won't be able to use an Xbox dance may (unless a USB->Xbox converter would work). I'd guess stuff like Steel Battalion and light gun games are similarly screwed. Yay for Microsoft!

        Most decent dance pads come with a USB adapter already these days - so you can use them with the PC and StepMania. At least all the Red Octane pads come with them and the Cobalt Flux has pro
  • Wow. (Score:3, Funny)

    by aspjunkie ( 265714 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @11:57AM (#14291649) Homepage
    Nothing beats a great "Launch Linup".

    Go Spellcheck!
  • by the computer guy nex ( 916959 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @11:57AM (#14291657)
    ..but this is spot on.

    Most of the release titles were sequels of solid games (COD, Perfect Dark, EA sports games). These are phenominal launch titles because they are easier to create and already have a fan base.

    Case in point: The best release title is Kameo. It is the best adventure game ever to be released with a console spare Mario 64. It doesn't get the press it deserves because it isn't a sequel.

    My local Best Buy had every 360 claimed by 6PM on Saturday night (40 people in line), when there wasn't even 40 in line on the launch day.
    • That is utterly laughable to anyone who's been a gamer for more than... I'll grant 4 years, at the most.

    • by badasscat ( 563442 ) <> on Monday December 19, 2005 @12:39PM (#14292034)
      Most of the release titles were sequels of solid games (COD, Perfect Dark, EA sports games). These are phenominal launch titles because they are easier to create and already have a fan base.

      So what you're saying is that this launch features a bunch of generic, lowest-common-demoninator sequels that appeal to people who have already played the previous versions.

      This is a good launch lineup? At best, it will appeal to some of those who already own Xboxes. It will not initiate any interest in anyone beyond that. This is the problem when you have a launch lineup that's mainly a bunch of sports games and sequels.

      Good launches always have at least one "must-have" game that shows off what the new system is capable of and/or offers a new gameplay experience. They also have to have most of the popular genres represented. The Xbox 360 has most genres represented (though it's missing a few important ones, like fighting games and RPG's), but it has no must-haves whatsoever. There is nothing in the 360's launch lineup that makes me go "wow! I've never seen anything that cool before, and I have to have it." There's no equivalent to Super Mario or Soul Calibur or even the original Ridge Racer in there (no, RR6 just doesn't carry the same cachet). MS obviously thinks there is in PD0 and CoD2, but these are sequels - they are basically graphical upgrades to previous games that a lot of people have already played. They may have a few gameplay tweaks but the core gameplay is nothing we haven't seen before.

      I'd say the 360 launch lineup is middling. It's not the worst ever (go look up something like the Intellivision launch lineup), but there have been better ones, including the PS2, PS1, Coleco Vision, NES, SNES, Game Boy, N64, and Dreamcast. Not all of these systems had the same quantity as the Xbox 360 but they all had at least one game that everybody just had to play, and in some cases they had several.

      I don't think the 360 launch lineup will hurt or help the console; I think it will mainly be forgotten about once the next round of games comes out.
      • There is nothing in the 360's launch lineup that makes me go "wow! I've never seen anything that cool before, and I have to have it."

        Exactly. The 360 launch titles have the same problem as the original Xbox - they're a bunch of mediocre titles that would be the filler games if the console had been out for 1-2 years. The possible exception is PGR3, although not for me. I played PGR once, and while it was pretty, I didn't find it fun at all. At least there's no Azurik this time, but still.

        There used to be two
      • Any console with Geometry Wars 2 as a launch title wins my vote.

        Geometry Wars 1 was the best game I played on the Xbox, I simpled loved it. And the sequal is suppose to be good. If the Xbox 360 cost £100 I would buy one tomorrow just for that little gem!
    • WHAT? Why you gotta be ignorant your whole life?

      It is the best adventure game ever to be released with a console spare Mario 64. It doesn't get the press it deserves because it isn't a sequel.

      Even if we grant Kameo (which we most certainly do not, we have far better things to grant with our granting stick), you overlook the fact that Mario 64 itself was a launch game!

      Indeed, it and Goldeneye, which, while I don't think it was a launch game was pretty close to being one, were responsible for the N64's treme
      • GAH. I just noticed a mistake I made in the wording of my post, here's hoping I can catch it before someone wiseass does: Kameo is NOT a sequel to an N64 game. It had an N64 prototype. It certainly has been reworked since then (possibly more than once, given the time since its conception). But it is not, itself, a sequel to anything, which was in fact a point in the post my message replied to.

        Sorry for the inaccuracy.
  • by dgrgich ( 179442 ) <drew@grgich. o r g> on Monday December 19, 2005 @12:05PM (#14291724)
    Dreamcast's launch lineup was much better. Virtua Fighter 3? Check. Soul Caliber? Check. A Sonic game? Check. Furthermore, games like Soul Caliber exercised the power of its hardware. A fair number - Gun, Tony Hawk:AW, others - of the launch titles of the 360 are just retextured ports.
    • Dreamcast's launch lineup was much better. Virtua Fighter 3? Check. Soul Caliber? Check. A Sonic game?

      Virtua Fighter 3 did not launch with the DC. About a month or so after launch, I believe. Soul Calibur was good. The Sonic game was mediocre at best. Too much of its focus seemed to involved going around, getting those eggs, and raising them on your memory unit. If I wanted a pocket pet thing, I would have bought one!

      I'm not saying the Xbox 360 has the best launch lineup, as that's a very subjectiv

  • next-gen DVD (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by Ender Ryan ( 79406 )
    They left out next-gen DVD capability. If they hadn't shoved the 360 out the door, they could have included a much better, next-gen DVD drive. Also, with a console that begs to be stood up on its side, they really should have gone with a slot loading drive. Even the Revolution is supposed to have a slot loading drive. Oh well, not like I need a 360, I have a high-end PC and never liked Halo.

    And that's fine with me. It was expensive to buy all three consoles this generation, not to mention how much sp

  • I'm pretty sure that "Adequate Supply" is the missing 5%.

    Seriously. They screwed up bigtime on this one. Among my friends, there is virtually no hype around the 360. As a matter of fact, a lot of us are seeking out older consoles and their representative games. N64 still has the best selection of 4-player games hands-down. Goldeneye, smash, mariokart, marioparty, etc....
    • Re:Other 5% (Score:3, Informative)

      by Stormwatch ( 703920 )

      N64 still has the best selection of 4-player games hands-down.

      I'm not very familiar with the N64, but I suppose Dreamcast may have a better 4-player lineup:

      AeroWings ~ Armada ~ Boku No Tennis Jinsei (JP) ~ Bomberman Online ~ Caesars Palace 2000 ~ Championship Surfer ~ Chu Chu Rocket ~ Cool Herders ~ Dead or Alive 2 ~ ECW Anarchy Rulz ~ ECW Revolution ~ ESPN International Track and Field ~ ESPN NBA 2Night ~ Fur Fighters ~ Gauntlet Legends ~ Giga Wing 2 ~ Golf Shiyouyo (JP

      • Just having a 4 player capability doesn't make it a great 4 player game. I wouldn't really consider putting Quake III arena up against Mario Party in this regard. That said, Worms was probably one of the best "gather round the console" games ever made for a group of friends to get together and have a great time. It was strategic, hilarious, social. It also looked fantastic. Because of the rather sbstract, cartoony style, it *still* doesn't look "old," at all, despite our new venture into the age of HD
      • Ok, well. I being a dreamcast fanatic, I'm suprised at the huge numbeer of games there i haven't played... But your list should be much shorter. 1) Nobody I know who is worthwhile to play games against will play sports games, and rightly so. 2) Dead or Alive 2 - good game, but let's not call it 4 player. It is, in reality, a 2 player game. The 'tag team' mode is somewhat stupid. 3) Gauntlet Legends has a huge problem in that you CANT BUY FOOD. This makes it simply retarted later in the game, as you and yo
    • The key to a good 4-player (or more) game is being able to hop in and out mid-game. Most Nintendo games never caught on to this. Mario Party XXVI will probably still not have it. XBox hit it on the head with Fusion Frenzy (which we played for 8 hours straight as a demo on the Halo disc, then returned Halo to buy)When was giving your OWN music away for free illegal?
  • by Progman3K ( 515744 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @12:14PM (#14291805)
    As soon as I figure out what a "Linup" is...
  • The 360 launch lineup was a good one, but probably not the best ever. It very much lacks variety in genres. FPSs, sports games, and racing games make up far too high a percentage of games. At least it had 3 action adventure games (Gun, Condemned, and Kameo), but not other genres such as RPG, strategy, adventure, platformer, or simulation. These are some of my favorite genres, but they are hardly being utilized down the road on the 360. I guess I'll stick with PC and PS2 for now.

    I guess the xbox 360 is great
  • by rohlfinator ( 888775 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @12:33PM (#14291984)
    "Sitting down with Xbox's J Allard six months ago, at the 360's unveiling, two things became very quickly apparent. The first was that this was a machine built around a philosophy, not a set of tech specs."
    It's this idea that makes me far more interested in the Xbox 360 than the PS3. Sony is clearly chasing the "set of tech specs" model of console design. At least Microsoft has a game plan, even if they don't follow through on it completely.

    It's hard to tell if the 360 will ever live up to this philosophy. Xbox Live and the 360 Marketplace seem to be a big focal point, and I love what they're doing with retro downloadable games (although Nintendo will undoubtedly do it better).

    But while Allard's "grand vision" of the Xbox 360 sounds amazing, it's hard for me to imagine Microsoft actually pulling it off. He claims that they're going to attract casual gamers, yet the launch lineup was aimed squarely at the same audience that bought the Xbox 1. He says that Microsoft can change their reputation through their actions, but their actions are only giving us PGR3, Halo 3, PDZ, and Kameo.

    Nintendo was able to shift the DS's audience a bit by promoting first-party games like Nintendogs, Brain Training, and Electroplankton, which should open the door to third-party "non-games". But I really can't see Microsoft doing something like that. If Microsoft made a puppy simulator, their core fanbase would go nuts. The only non-games I can imagine MS promoting would be puzzle games and card games, both of which are readily available on the PC. The 360's price point isn't very non-gamer oriented, either. Microsoft can't win over non-gamers by considering them an afterthought.

    Microsoft has good intentions, but it they're trying to cover two completely different markets in an attempt to compete with both Sony and Nintendo. Problem is, they can't do it all. One of those markets is being completely ignored, and the 360 will likely end up with the same core audience as the Xbox.
    • by DarKnyht ( 671407 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @12:47PM (#14292131)
      "Sitting down with Xbox's J Allard six months ago, at the 360's unveiling, two things became very quickly apparent. The first was that this was a machine built around a philosophy, not a set of tech specs."

      Hmm... odd I seem to remember Microsoft and Sony getting into a peeing contest over their specs, and Nintendo being the only one to state that specs didn't matter three months ago.
    • But while Allard's "grand vision" of the Xbox 360 sounds amazing, it's hard for me to imagine Microsoft actually pulling it off. He claims that they're going to attract casual gamers, yet the launch lineup was aimed squarely at the same audience that bought the Xbox 1. He says that Microsoft can change their reputation through their actions, but their actions are only giving us PGR3, Halo 3, PDZ, and Kameo.

      So: Does all the talk about philosophy and innovation match up with the product? If not, you can saf

    • It just has troubles delivering them. Remember it had an awfull lot of this talk with the launch of the original x-box. Oh and with internet tv and a whole lot of other stuff. Just somehow it never seems to come together.

      The x-box was an odd product in that it reached no new homes. It was bought by gamers. Now in itself that is not a problem except that this is not what this vision is all about.

      Why does everyone want to get non-gamers to game? Non-gamers don't game because they don't like playing computer

    • He claims that they're going to attract casual gamers, yet the launch lineup was aimed squarely at the same audience that bought the Xbox 1.

      You're thinking too narrowly - the RETAIL games are aimed at the traditional Xbox audience. The casual gamer content is sitting right there on the Marketplace, and Bejeweled and friends are filling the casual niche pretty damn well from the word "go". At the Austin Game Conference, MS had a booth all about their "Casual Games". It was pretty much all games on the Ma

      • Why should a casual gamer spend $300-400 on a new Xbox 360 to play Bejeweled when their PC does this already? Microsoft isn't going to attract new customers unless they provide something better than what's already out there. Ports of free PC games aren't going to cut it, especially when most of them are better suited to a keyboard and mouse.

        I'm not going to claim that MS can't earn any casual gamer support, but they've already dug themselves into a bit of a ditch. How are casual gamers going to learn abo
  • by RoLi ( 141856 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @12:54PM (#14292194)
    According to [] and [] (sorry, in German), Microsoft sold only 325.902 units in North America in November, but 556.221 during the same period at the XBox1 launch.

    Also they sold something between 41.817 and 62.000 units in Japan during the first 2 days while they sold 123.000 XBox1 unit in the first 2 days.

    Seems like the XBox360 launch is even worse than that of XBox1.

    • Microsoft sold only 325,902 units in North America in November

      Didn't I read somewhere they only had 400k units for NA launch? If so those are pretty good #s.

  • by PhotoBoy ( 684898 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @12:58PM (#14292242)
    The only launches the 360 beats are the Jaguar and the Amstrad GX4000. Thinking back to things like the SNES launch with Mario World, F-Zero, Pilotwings, Actraiser etc it's pretty clear that the 360 hasn't had a great launch. In fact its launch reminds me of the PS2- shortages, stupid prices on eBay, rushed unfinished launch titles and nothing ground breakingly original in the lineup.

    Hardly any of the 360's launch games are exclusives, those that are exclusive aren't that great and all of the games were clearly rushed out of the door in a desperate attempt to have some games on the shelf for launch. I think in the long run MS will have to concede that getting your console out the door first isn't a good idea when it means leaving a sour taste in the consumer's mouth.
  • by CMiYC ( 6473 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @01:11PM (#14292396) Homepage

    Interviewer: What was the first piece of 360 game software that you played that made you say: "Yes, that's it, that's what we were trying to accomplish"?
    J. Allard: Uh - well, in a way it hasn't happened yet, I would say.

    Interesting. The most successful console launch ever, hasn't even impressed the guy who architected it.

    Later on: These early games? They cut a lot of corners... but don't worry after knocking his own launch twice, But I still think it's the best launch line-up of any console ever. Of course he does!
  • I still argue this had the most diverse and complete list of games at launch. As I recall, a few months back, one of the millions of gamer sites (1up maybe) ranked the launches of consoles, and Dreamcast was one of the (if not the) highest one. Of course they were making up for the poor showing in their previous launch, but alas lies and deceit from the Sony camp caused the premature end of the Dreamcast and all future Sega consoles.
  • "Microsoft sold only 325.902 units in North America in November, but 556.221 during the same period at the XBox1 launch"

    This isn't a movie launch, there isn't infinite supply. Microsoft created around that 500k mark with the rest going towards the Euro launch and the Asian launch.

    How many times have you seen people line up outside Best Buy for a console a month after the launch? Every Best Buy in the US had lines of 40+ people by midnight Sunday morning for the 8am re-launch.

    These numbers you
  • I think ultimately, the response to the XBox360 has much less to do with the product's specs and line-up, and mostly to do with the distinction that this is the "It" gift for the 2005 Christmas season. I'm unaware of any other new major releases that have the buzz of the XBox360 and its limited availability has created an increased demand as parents and others go to extremes to get the "It" gift to prove how much they "care." If you can give someone something that's hard to get, it's obviously a special g
  • by Tom ( 822 )
    J. Allard had a chat with Edge magazine about the launch lineup of the Xbox 360, and makes the claim that they have the best launch lineup ever associated with a console.

    Hey, I don't blame him. It's not like he's biased, or anything. If Edge magazine were to ask me about, say, web-based multiplayer online games, I'll make it a point to mention that BattleMaster [] is certainly one of the best. And that has nothing to do with the fact that it was made by me or anything...
  • They don't really have the best launch lineup, it's just that they have games from other platform's popular games available for it. The playstation 1 had no predecessors and therefore it couldn't launch with games from other platforms, like one of the main Xbox360 launch games being Need For Speed : Most Wanted which is out on tons of others.
    I think they have to compare it in context, as in which games are exclusive for the xbox360 on launch.

  • I checked this story more because of the big-ass obvious typo in the headline then out of actual interest.

    "360 Has Best Launch Limp Ever?" would have been funnier and perhaps more accurate.

  • How about the PS2 which had all of the PS1 games available at launch time, in addition to whatever launch titles they actually had?
  • by Repton ( 60818 ) on Monday December 19, 2005 @10:37PM (#14296371) Homepage
    ...shame they forgot to release the console at the same time :-/
  • I've never owned any Nintendo console, but let's face it; Any new Nintendo system with a Mario title is a better launch lineup than the 360's.

    In fact, I'm very disappointed by the 360 lineup on it's own; I have yet to see any 360 game which goes beyond "slightly better looking version of a game which I've seen before". Apart from minor graphics improvements (shinier cars in PGR3 are _not_ major improvements), the 360 seems to offer nothing new.

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