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XBox (Games)

GameStop To Fill 360 Preorders by February 40

Gamespot reports that retailer GameStop expects to fill of of its Xbox 360 preorders by the end of February. From the article: "Gamers who thought they were getting the jump on the Xbox 360 shortage by preordering the system from retailers may have unknowingly stung themselves. Some of those who put down money up front for the next-gen console are still without their systems, as Microsoft continues to struggle to keep enough 360s in the channel to satisfy customers."
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GameStop To Fill 360 Preorders by February

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  • Sting Back (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ivan256 ( 17499 ) * on Tuesday January 17, 2006 @05:39PM (#14494783)
    Ask for a refund.

    If you're not going to get your console until the shortage is over, why should they get to keep your money until then. These stores should be punished for selling pre-orders before they knew the final pricing of the console, the release date, or whether they were going to be able to fulfill those pre-orders. Don't let them get away with it, and ask for your money back.

    Also, next time, if they can't tell you exactly what day you're going to get your item when they're selling you the pre-order, don't buy the pre-order! These stores only get away with this shit because we let them.
    • Re:Sting Back (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MBCook ( 132727 ) <foobarsoft@foobarsoft.com> on Tuesday January 17, 2006 @05:46PM (#14494846) Homepage
      I agree completely. If they didn't have my console on launch day and that was when they told me they would have it, I would almost certainly ask for my money back. At most, I would give them a week to produce my console. At that point, I would get my money back. They didn't hold up their end of the bargain.

      They are holding your money, making interest on it, not giving you the benefit of that interest, and not giving you your console.

      Take the money, and go look at Costco, Target, Wal*Mart, Toys R Us, EB Games (that haven't become Gamestop's yet), Babbages (owned by GameStop), Radio Shack, ANYWHERE. But the console where you can find it, and keep checking until you find one. If GameStop is the first to get it in and let you buy it, then they can have your money.

      But don't let them hold your money for free.

      I like my local GameStop, but I wouldn't put up with this. I didn't back when Chips & Bits gave me the runaround about the Virtual Boy I ordered, and I would now.

      • I would get a refund. I live in Calgary and I would guess that all the EB Games locations are sold out. I happened to be in BestBuy maybe a week ago and they had a small supply of 360s available, so why waste your time?

        What is the point of a pre-ordering if you can pick up a console at another store well in advance of your pre-order arriving?
      • Screw the big chains. Everyone and there brother will first goto the big chains in search of one. Go check your local mom and pop toy stores. I got my 360 four days before christmas with the games I wanted.
      • They are holding your money, making interest on it, not giving you the benefit of that interest, and not giving you your console.

        Interesting point. Can we charge THEM interest, due to their failure to hold up their end of the contract? It's obviously no longer a pre-order (as they stated it would be when we laid down our money), if fulfillment is taking place three months after release.
      • you actually "bought" a virtual boy...

        wow... most people dont have the guts to admit it.
    • Re:Sting Back (Score:4, Informative)

      by Guppy06 ( 410832 ) on Tuesday January 17, 2006 @06:09PM (#14495060)
      I found myself in a similar situation at the DS launch. I preordered one at my local EB and, once they came in, I was called and told that, because of the demand for the console, they weren't going to let me have the DS I paid for unless I also paid for their "extended warranty."

      I got a refund instead and bought my DS in Wal-Mart.
      • Re:Sting Back (Score:2, Interesting)

        As someone who worked for EB Games until recently, I have to say - if you ever have this happen again or anything like it, ask for the customer service number, take down the name of the person telling you that and file a complaint about them. That is strictly against company policy and I can assure you they would be severely reprimanded for that. I say this having left because I was sick of lying to customers to get sales, as this tactic isn't really that rare - but if you say something, you can be sure the
        • I work at an EBGames when I go back home for breaks and whatnot. Your experience working for or shopping at an EBGames really depends on the Store Manager. There are some which will take the easy road and tell their employees to lie and steal their customers' money. There are others - thankfully I have one like this - which cut you a little more slack as far as numbers go and let you be fair and honest with your customers. Most of my store's customers leave well informed about the different services we
        • Re:Sting Back (Score:1, Redundant)

          by Guppy06 ( 410832 )
          "if you ever have this happen again or anything like it, ask for the customer service number, take down the name of the person telling you that and file a complaint about them."

          No. It's on them to earn my money, and if the company can't be bothered to see for itself whether or not its policies are being enforced, then why should I do their job for them?

          Customer service is not a substitute for management.
    • next time, if they can't tell you exactly what day you're going to get your item when they're selling you the pre-order, don't buy the pre-order!

      Is this the time to use my Nelson voice and say: Ha ha! ?

      Anyway, I guess I've been around the block enough times to know better than to pre-order anything anymore. But there is always a new generation of high schoolers who they can go take advantage of.

      It *used to be* that pre-orders were a way for the store and manufacturer to guage interest in a product, and

  • GameStop == Satan (Score:2, Interesting)

    by smaffei ( 565629 )
    This is mostly GameStop's fault. I put in a $50 pre-order in at FYE 2 weeks before Christmas and my $600 bundle arrived on Dec 24th.

    GameStop has been giving web orders of their utimate bundles priorty over in-store pre-orders of just the console. Nothing but pure greed on their part is the cause of their backlog.

    Anyway, who's stupid enough to give anyone full payment for something months in advance? I know some people want one bad, but where is the common sense? I guess that's why it's called "bait and swi
  • by Hadlock ( 143607 ) on Wednesday January 18, 2006 @03:20AM (#14497644) Homepage Journal
    Do you get 3% off of your Xbox when they finally deliver it to you, since you let them sit on your (collective) 3 Billion dollars in preorders for 6 months? 6% is a pretty low number, I bet they make closer to 18% on new stores that are built in the long run on that money you helped them "invest" with for 6 months...
    I never preorder. I'll collect interest on my money, thanks.
  • By March... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Jim Hall ( 2985 ) on Wednesday January 18, 2006 @08:49AM (#14498817) Homepage

    GameStop To Fill 360 Preorders by February

    Actually, they expect to fill the pre-orders by end of February which means the title is a bit mis-leading. Should read:

    GameStop to Fill 360 Preorders by March

    (Sorry for the rant)

  • Silver lining? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Otis2222222 ( 581406 )
    The one thing that I hope comes out of this fiasco is that people will start to realize what a crappy deal pre-ordering is. Maybe when the PS3 comes out people that got burned by the 360 pre-order will start to refuse to buy bundles. Forcing people to buy bundles is the scourge of the console industry, in my opinion. I'm hoping companies like GameStop really take it in the shorts the next time a big console launches. They probably would never admit it, but I bet they knew damn well that there wouldn't b
  • Did anybody else read the title as: "Gamestop to fill 360(three hundred and sixty) preorders by February".

    Their business must really be hurting if it's going to take them that long to fill a few hundred preorders.

  • "Microsoft is just stupid. They have the means to produce so many more 360's than they have."

    They may be stupid, but they haven't made many mistakes with the 360. It is hardly their fault that other manufacturers aren't keeping up with their SLA's.
  • .. some poor sods in the UK who pre-ordered from Special Reserve, a UK online retailer, paid in full for their consoles. And the company then went bust, leaving those who hadn't paid via credit card £270 out of pocket.

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
