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Stargate MMO Announced 101

Adding to the growing list of S/F Massive titles on the market, Gamecloud reports that a studio called Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment will be attempting to bring the Stargate franchise to the Massive gaming genre. From the article: "Stargate Worlds provides players with a form of ranged combat unique to MMORPG that will take full advantage of modern and science fiction weaponry, cover, and terrain. Players will be able to form squads with their friends or use bots for players who want to go solo. Squad leaders will control maneuvers and objectives through an innovative combat control interface. Players may choose to create characters that are members of either the SGC (the Good Guys) or the System Lords (the Bad Guys). Characters are equipped with varied and mixed skills, with the choice to form such classes as Research, Combat Marine, Medical, Scientific, Diplomatic, Engineering, Archeological, and Exploration. PVP will be possible between the two alliances on many contested worlds, actually swaying the balance of power on those planets, and unlocking hidden content." No release date, and an ambitious plan. Hope it works out for them.
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Stargate MMO Announced

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  • by TripMaster Monkey ( 862126 ) * on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @12:50PM (#14608388)

    Players may choose to create characters that are members of either the SGC (the Good Guys) or the System Lords (the Bad Guys).

    That's rather stifling, isn't it? I can understand how the game creators might want to reserve such races as the Ancients, the Asgard, the Replicators, and the Ori as NPC plot devices, but that still leaves a lot of potential races out. What about the Tok'ra? Or the Unas? How about the Nox? Or the Re'tu?

    Hopefully, there will be updates and expansion packs to address this, as there have been in similar games. On the whole, it looks like this could have a lot of it has the burden of living up to that potential.
    • Hopefully, there will be updates and expansion packs to address this, as there have been in similar games. On the whole, it looks like this could have a lot of it has the burden of living up to that potential.

      And the developer should just admit defeat now, then. I'm willing to bet actual money on this failing as miserably as Star Wars Galaxies, in that it will never ever be able to live up to fan expectations. Add to that pile: Star Trek Online and The Lord of the Rings MMO.
      • by mightypenguin ( 593397 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @02:25PM (#14609460)
        I don't think this will even get close to SWGO. Making successful MMORPGs is still a delicate and difficult project even for companies like Sony. I don't think we'll see cool games until someone at comes up with AI managers that can add/remove gameplay elements dynamically in an MMORPG universe. As long as these games rely on human developers they won't be dynamic/realistic enough, and won't allow players to truly alter the course of events in the game. Right now it's almost impossible for small numbers of people to alter a game universe, with developers using large groups to do this. In real life, people at the right place/time can dramatically alter things. AIs would also be good for looking for people exploiting cheats and extremely unbalancing the universe. Also, right now most cool main characters appearing in MMORPGS (like Vader etc) are actually developer/actors working off of some kind of script. While this is cool, it limits the number of these more interactive cool characters. By using smarter AIs for these, and making all your NPC AIs more intelligent it'll be easier to keep balance and keep the game fun.
      • by tehlinux ( 896034 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @03:11PM (#14610043)
        Add to that pile: Star Trek Online and The Lord of the Rings MMO.

        Don't forget about The Matrix Online
    • by Kierthos ( 225954 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @12:57PM (#14608465) Homepage
      It could be argued that the Tok'ra are default members of the SGC. I mean, I can't recall an episode where the Tok'ra were the main feature and the members of the SGC were the sideline. Even the episodes that focused on Jacob Carter weren't solely Tok'ra.

      The Unas are technologically underdeveloped. The Nox are too powerful. (They are one of the four races originally in the great treaty.) And the Re'tu... okay, not only can they be invisible _all the time_, which is very unbalancing, but they loathe the Goa'uld, and don't feel that friendly towards humans either. A faction within the Re'tu tried to destroy SGC once.

      Frankly, I hope this lives up to all the potential hype, even though I would probably want to start as a Goa'uld.

    • Damn, you beat me to it. Mod parent up for having a very insightful opinion. The Stargate Universe is vast. Almost as vast as the Star Trek Universe. However, the limitations on the Stargate Universe (there is, after all, only on SGC) will require that a lot of imagination be put into making this a successful product.

      Speaking of which, I've been playing the fan-made Stargate Adventure [] a lot lately. It reminds me of how much I miss the old adventure games. For the longest time, Star Trek could only be done well as an adventure game. The final farewell to the Genre was the TNG: A Final Unity. Now that Stargate has taken Star Trek's place, I find myself yearning for a professionally done adventure game again.

      I know it's pretty much hopeless, but if any game publishers are listening: We want a Stargate Adventure game! I don't even care if you make it 2D or 3D. We want an adventure game! Kapeesh?
    • by PFI_Optix ( 936301 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @12:57PM (#14608475) Journal
      Tok'ra would probably be something you could become by starting from the SGC. If you achieve a certain level of respect from the NPC Tok'ra by completing quests for them, you could eventually gain a symbiote and beomce Tok'ra yourself. Unas wouldn't be all that interesting as a race themselves--they're too primitive. If you could play as a Goa'Uld, though, the ability to track down and infest an Unas for a different ability set would be cool. An expansion pack featuring the Ori would be cool if it added the ability to become a Prior (after a LOT of work serving the Ori). That'd require a lot of play balancing, though.
    • by Xzzy ( 111297 ) <sether@tru7h. o r g> on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @12:57PM (#14608478) Homepage
      As DAoC and WoW have shown (among others as well I'm sure, I just only played these two), three factions seems to be a good minimum. Two is not enough, as any population imbalances become huge hurdles. Three (or more) factions still have population issues, but at least two smaller factions have the option of ganging up on the big guy, and once the big guy runs to lick his wounds, the small guys can beat each other up.

      • by Kierthos ( 225954 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:00PM (#14608512) Homepage
        Yeah, but WoW only has two playable factions. It's not like you can be a goblin and work for the Steamwheedle Cartel. Admittedly, that would be very cool....

        • by ZombieWomble ( 893157 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:07PM (#14608602)
          Yeah, but WoW only has two playable factions. It's not like you can be a goblin and work for the Steamwheedle Cartel. Admittedly, that would be very cool....

          I believe that was his point - on different WoW servers, for a variety of reasons, the balance of power is immensely one-sided. Which means that the PvP aspects of the game tend to be heavily unbalanced, for all manner of reasons. Multiple factions mean 'politics' is possible in a meaningful fashion.

          Of course, whether that would work well in Stargate is questionable, thanks to the fact that everyone, in general, wants to wipe everyone else out.

          • by jchenx ( 267053 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @07:57PM (#14612470) Journal
            For some reason in WoW, even though the Horde generally has fewer players (sometimes the imbalance is as bad as 2:1), they typically do better than Alliance in Battlegrounds PvP (Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin especially). I've always wondered if it's because they're a closer knit community, or because their faction benefits are better (Shaman > Paladin, racial abilities), or just get more practice (smaller queue time for BG).

            Then again, in world-raid style PvP, Horde tend to have problems since there's no player cap, and that's when the population imbalance really becomes apparent.
    • by HTH NE1 ( 675604 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:02PM (#14608538)
      At least you know they're leaving out everything from Stargate Infinity [].
    • by Androclese ( 627848 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:50PM (#14609095)
      Maybe those will simply be the factions, and then under each faction, you can choose to be one or the other race?

      Jaffa Warrior with the System Lords vs. a Free Jaffa with the SGC.
      Goa'uld vs. a Tok'ra (both implanted humans).

      Then, over time, they can add in more races to each side and possibly add the Ori as a Third faction in a later expanstion.

      Heck, they could do a CoV-esque quasi stand-alone game and add the Pegasus Galaxy so the City of Atlantis humans and Wraith can be played. Then, if you own both games, you can use the gate to travel back and forth between the universes.

      This has a lot of potential. Lets hope they pull it off.
    • by plover ( 150551 ) * on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:53PM (#14609126) Homepage Journal
      "Good Guys" vs "Bad Guys" is only a description of alignment. It's not racial and does not mean that it's exclusively humans vs. go'a'uld players only.

      Just as you can be a gnome, elf or human on the Alliance side of WoW, you could be a human, nox or asgard member of the SGC side, or a jaffa or un'as member of the System Lords. Actually, most of the races have members on both sides of the conflict, so race might not even be the determining factor of which side your character is on.

      I almost want to be a replicator (talk about an overpowered character!), but playing a lego brick just doesn't sound like the ultimate immersive game experience to me. Besides, we'd need a raid group of like a billion people to do much of anything. :-)

      • by HTH NE1 ( 675604 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @08:29PM (#14612641)
        I almost want to be a replicator (talk about an overpowered character!), but playing a lego brick just doesn't sound like the ultimate immersive game experience to me. Besides, we'd need a raid group of like a billion people to do much of anything. :-)

        You wouldn't be a single Replicator but rather the hive mind of a swarm of them, like controlling a bunch of Zerg in Starcraft.
    • I'd strongly suspect that those will be playable in future versions, just as races have been added to other MMORPG's in the past.

      I'd rather see the game come out sooner, and stable than gigantic and 6 years from now.
  • by kyouteki ( 835576 ) <kyouteki AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @12:54PM (#14608434) Homepage

    Hot on the heels (okay, not too hot) of JoWood's cancellation of Stargate SG-1: The Alliance. Excuse me if my confidence falters.

    Hopefully this game will take place in both the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies.

  • Great Idea (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Yerase ( 636636 ) < minus punct> on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @12:56PM (#14608456) Homepage
    Personally, I love the idea of a Stargate MMO.. but am I the only one that thinks "Cheyenne Entertainment"'s website looks like a random collection of buzzwords targeting Venture Capitalists?
    • by cogito1002 ( 819429 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:00PM (#14608516)
      The site is a wreck. How are we supposed to put our trust and hope in the design of a massive mutliworld universe, when the company cant even whip up a creative web site? The concept as so much potential, but Ill reserve my hope for later.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @05:52PM (#14611561)
      Cheyenne, Wy [] and the origional, the Cheyenne indian tribe [].
      There's more than just the Cherokee and Pueblo tribes out there. My guess is one of the founders had some indian blood in him, or was an american history buff.
      And really, how's it any wierder than Maxis, Valve, Cryptic, or Turbine? What about Origin, Electronic Arts, and the like? They're rather braggy to investors with their names ("THE origin of gaming." and "We make electronic art, everyone else just makes games...").
      • by HTH NE1 ( 675604 ) on Wednesday February 01, 2006 @05:36PM (#14620844)
        My guess is one of the founders had some indian blood in him, or was an american history buff.

        My guess is that it is exactly what reading the [fine] article reveals it to be:
        The game will be developed by the newly revealed Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment (named after the real NORAD base where the fictional Stargate Command is located)
    • by kingsmedley ( 796795 ) on Thursday February 02, 2006 @12:38AM (#14623550)

      but am I the only one that thinks "Cheyenne Entertainment"'s website looks like a random collection of buzzwords targeting Venture Capitalists?

      Considering how young the company is (about 6 months), what else would you expect? On the bright side, they do seem to have some experienced people running the company. It is far too early to bother to get my hopes up, but this does sound like a crew capable of finishing the product. I'll be keeping my eye on this one. (And with any luck, when the game comes out God-knows-when, I'll have a machine capable of running it!)
  • Star Wars? (Score:3, Informative)

    by lexarius ( 560925 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @12:58PM (#14608489)
    So far this sounds a lot like the Star Wars NGE, but hopefully done correctly. Good luck to them.
  • Did the creators decide that stories about 4 or 5 elite SG-1 team members were boring, but stories about 40,000 or 50,000 random grunts would be exciting?

    Or did they decide that games which can be run as a standalone application sell for $50, but games which require central servers can bring in $50 + $10 per month for a year?
    • by SScorpio ( 595836 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @04:20PM (#14610661)
      It's not reported as an MMORPG, just a MMO. I'm guessing something around the lines of a squad based first person shooter like Plantside. It could be a very interesting concept; however, I hope there will be more than 2 factions so conquest does not become one sided. By having 3 or more factions, alliance between powerful guilds (possibly squads in this game) could be formed to push back a faction that is in the lead.

      This could definately be very cool if done right.

  • by ShibaInu ( 694434 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:03PM (#14608553)
    Now that WoW is a big hit, it seems that every fantasy or sci-fi franchise is grist for the MMO mill. We'll soon have a Firefly MMO, a Lost MMO, etc. I wonder how this will impact single player games - will publishers only want MMOs?

    • by chrismcdirty ( 677039 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:36PM (#14608925) Homepage
      A Firefly MMO could be fun, with all the heisting and thieving and what not. Not to mention the possibility of playing as Alliance and trying to put an end to all the fun stuff.

      But a Lost MMO would be ridiculous. What would you do? Explore the jungle and develop your character's back story? Then when things start to get exciting, you have to take a break for a week or two before you're allowed to play again.

      I get what you're saying, though. Frankly, I'm tired of how many new games are MMOs. Take a look at and see how many are on the horizon. And so many of them are advertising themselves as "the next big MMO". Granted, some of them have interesting concepts (Chronicles of Spellborn, Pirates of the Burning Sea), but most of them are retreads with a few upgrades in place over the current crop. And likely half of them won't be done right, and another large chunk will be cancelled before they're released.
    • by JohnnyLocust ( 855742 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @02:36PM (#14609604) Homepage
      We'll soon have a Firefly MMO

      Screw that! I want Buffy the MMO Slayer! WooHoo!
    • by whyrat ( 936411 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @03:19PM (#14610121)
      A Lost MMO...

      You are lost on a desert island with a handful of companions. Oddly Similar to a single player game, only it costs $10 a month.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:03PM (#14608556)
    And then later became dissapointed?
  • by Winterblink ( 575267 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:04PM (#14608570) Homepage
    I'd spend all my time offworld, I don't think I'd be able to maintain my sanity when every few minutes the warning klaxon would be going off and that tech guy belting "Unscheduled offworld activation!" out over the PA.
  • by cwtrex ( 912286 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:09PM (#14608623) Journal
    I don't believe that stargate is that popular abroad. Also, I would much prefer having a stargate game that was solo and simply re-lived some of the better moments of SG-1 OR ... possibly fill in some extra plot leads such as Daniel's grandfather's exploration in the episode "CRYSTAL SKULL" I seem to remember them stating that they'd be back in that episode and they've never returned... I always thought there might be a lot of story behind Daniel's grandfather. There were several other leads for further story telling in past SG-1 episodes and I'm sure they could easily make a game that tied it all together.
  • by burgeswe ( 873550 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:10PM (#14608633)
    This has the POTENTIAL to be a great game. The problem is, how well can Stargate as a franchise hold up to games like WoW, EQ2, Vanguard, etc.

    Right after the cacellation of the Stargate Alliance game, this is announced. Apparetnly there is a big enough fan base for a Stargate game, however, I am doubtful about how well it will actually be done.

    Also, with such a flaky website, that offers so little actual information (and the information that it does offer being so lack-luster), I am not going to be expecting much, if anything out of this.

    As a Stargate fan, however, I hope to be proven wrong
    • by sterno ( 16320 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:26PM (#14608806) Homepage
      The problem I've seen in most of the licenses franchises like this is that they tend to pick things that are too popular. For example the problem with SWG was everybody wanted to be a Jedi and everybody wanted to go whoop up on Darth Vader. The storyline is too well settled and the characters are too well ingrained in our culture. It makes it very hard to give developers some flexibility.

      With Stargate, yes there's a fan base, but Stargate isn't near the level of the Matrix, or Star Wars. But the universe of Stargate is quite huge and there's already an established notion that while there are many stargate teams, the show is about the SG-1 team. So you can have people play the game as SG-130494505 and still have fun and not feel like they are getting ripped off because they can't be Colonel O'neil with the +5 Vorpal Snark.

      So they get name recognition, a fan base, and a good slate of material to work with, but not a lot of the overhead that comes with some of the bigger franchises. Plus I'm sure they got the rights for a lot cheaper :)
    • by jayabalard ( 953499 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @02:28PM (#14689461)
      not to digress... but last I checked EQ2 still hadn't caught up to EQ... and based on the people I know who have played both, I kind of doubt it will. []
  • This could be very interesting. I think there may be more "content" that can be exploited than in a lot of the current sci-fi settings. The Stargate "world" is a very rich tapestry and I am very interested in seeing where this goes.
  • by denverradiosucks ( 653647 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:14PM (#14608681) Homepage
    Hey in the same spirit of Richard Dean Anderson Television Shows, how about a MaGyver MMORPG?

    Selma: Richard Dean Anderson will be in my dreams tonight!
  • by Jarlsberg ( 643324 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:22PM (#14608754) Journal
    Ok, I'm not one for MMOs, but this I'll play. :)

    Any connection to the single player game that was supposed to be out in 2005? h=1 []

  • In an already crowded field. I wish them a lot of luck, but that laundry list of features sounds like it'll take a whole lot of development time, and as an "also ran" MMO, they're going to have a tough time recouping it.

    I wonder if it isn't time for someone to create a semi-generic "engine" for MMOs that developers could buy and modify instead of creating their own every time. Basically, a situation like the FPS market today. It would allow people to create niche games like this without breaking the bank on developing the engine/servers before they even get to the content. Then they could be released with only a small handful of servers and enjoy a modest success without needing 10,000 people a day signing up just to break even. In an environment like that, I'd be excited at the prospect of a SG1 MMO, but in the current environment I fear the game will either run out of money and not be released, or be released in some half finished state that does no justice to the series or the fans.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:32PM (#14608872)
    I want to be the MacGyver guy. If I can't make my own Stargate with an electric fan and some PVC pipe, this game isn't for me.
  • by Komarosu ( 538875 ) <nik_doof&nikdoof,net> on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:45PM (#14609033) Homepage

    I hope they don't get stuck in the old conflicts of Earth vs. Goa'uld, that conflict has sort of fizzled off with main offender now being Baal. The SG Universe has moved on, Replicators and now the Ori

    I'd love to see a MMO version of SG just i hope they don't make it crash and burn by limiting the gameplay to Good Vs. Bad, Earth Vs. Goa'uld. More involvement of other races (even if they're non playable) would be good. Asguard, Nox, even the odd descended Ancient/Altera

    Hell, how are they going to play Atlantis? Or are they just going to skip over that.

  • by merlin_jim ( 302773 ) <James@McCracken.stratapult@com> on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:46PM (#14609047)
    You be the judge...

    Their idea isn't quite the same in detail as mine []... but it is roughly similar. But then again so would any MMO-Stargate. Honestly I think it would take longer than 8 days to bake this idea enough to be able to make an announcement...

    On the other hand I've heard that the gaming industry is a cutthroat high speed race environment when it comes to new product development, so anything is possible...
    • by Fantastic Lad ( 198284 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @03:04PM (#14609969)
      I'd not been aware of the Stargate game cancellation, or your previous post, but was hit with a Stargate-style game idea about a week ago as well in a very strong way.

      The muses, I don't think, are mythical icons. I think there is a very real effect at play. --That there are ideas which are directed to creative types with the aim of altering the human experience en masse. It's one of the ways societal control can be affected without visible strings.

      Creative people will pick up on various signals, and then depending their alignment, will choose how to implement those ideas. I can think of a dozen or so instances where I've been hit hard with exciting ideas and have seen them put into production by various other creators within the expected time-frame. Channeled sources purport that there are many individuals engaged in thought projection work at this time.

      There are two basic camps in the thought-projection crowd; those who want to see humanity become enlightened and free, and those who aim to control and eat us. The messages and inspirations each send out are designed to create media which will speed us toward one of those two ends. "Baywatch", for instance, was very body-centric and materialist, which are both extremely mis-directive traits. "Stargate", by contrast, does quite the opposite. I find it interesting that the two male leads from the two shows held some animosity for one another. . .

      Much about Stargate strikes me as, 'Good Guy'. --Their message, while a bit sugary and simple around the edges, definitely deals in subject matter which starts people asking important and (very) relevant questions about human history. They've come out against Terrorism. They produce the show in Canada. Their message is one of reason. --They do have a few off-notes, such as Greys being depicted as both highly intelligent and friendly, neither of which is true. But the messages behind the show are otherwise good ones to explore. --Particularly with regard to the Atlantis stuff, and the vampire alien hoards, etc.

      I question why the Stargate idea I was hit with involved a lot of war and conquest. --It is one of the reasons I chose to ignore it. (Not that I'm in any position to be making and publishing video games in the first place.) But it feels rather like counter psy-ops stuff to muddy a good message with violence and selfish activity.


      • by UOZaphod ( 31190 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @05:29PM (#14611321)
        Yes, I'm picking up your creative signals at this very moment.

        I'm getting a mental picture...

        It is sort of fuzzy...

        Wait... I see it now. I'm picturing myself sitting in front of a computer, with a huge bong in my hand. I feel like everything I say is very profound.

        Very cool.

        • by Fantastic Lad ( 198284 ) on Wednesday February 01, 2006 @11:49AM (#14616765)
          Wait... I see it now. I'm picturing myself sitting in front of a computer, with a huge bong in my hand. I feel like everything I say is very profound.

          Profound? That's a matter of perspective. Accurate?

          Well, I've been ahead of the curve for a few years now. The funny thing is that people don't apologize for being condescending twits when they find themselves face to face with certain realities. Or as one friend put it, "People laugh until they suddenly need your help getting rid of a terrorizing spirit. Then they believe all right."


    • by kingsmedley ( 796795 ) on Thursday February 02, 2006 @12:44AM (#14623572)

      I think it would take longer than 8 days to bake this idea enough to be able to make an announcement...

      Considering the company is named after the Stargate Command base (Cheyenne Mountain), and that it was formed at least 6 months ago (read the news breifs on their page), I am fairly certain this concept has been in the works at least since the company was formed - probably earlier.
  • by Komarosu ( 538875 ) <nik_doof&nikdoof,net> on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:53PM (#14609119) Homepage

    And here is the obvious site [] for the game... ooo comming soon!

  • by Churla ( 936633 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @01:59PM (#14609180)
    The entire show is built around a plot device which is the PERFECT MMO instancing device.

    New content is simply added as new dialing sequences they dicovered to go to a different planet

    The only drawback I see would be limiting is skills, basically everybody is military infantry with a mix of some secondary skills. I wonder if they'll have a Symbiote bearing warrior style class with a power staff... heh

  • by Depris ( 612363 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @02:37PM (#14609620)
    The bottom line is MMOGS have had a lot of time to grow up. Yet most of the games coming out are fairly a like. Their are small differences in content but the gameplay is the same. This is just going to be another attempt to maximize a franchises' profits a la Star Wars Galaxies and Star Trek Online by creating a game modelled after a successful convention show/movie with an instant userbase.

    While some mmogs have done more of the same "very well" (world of warcraft comes to mind) it's still not next generation. MMOGs have been around for almost 10 years now...I mean seriously, Ultima Online still holds the place as best MMOG to date IMO...

    That rant aside, I'm still not sure how MMOGs could go about being radically different. I mean until I see something truely next generation I'm not going to be all that excited as I would be towards something like, say.. Fallout 3. I've heard a lot of crap about permadeath "not working" but the bottom line is until a developer with balls comes along and tries we won't know and taking the easy way out to do more of the same is lame.
  • by Lord_Dweomer ( 648696 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @02:54PM (#14609840) Homepage
    I posted a while ago wishing someone would make that (I'm suing!). This is fantastic.

    I just hope they pull it off right...and to do that I'll suggest a couple things.

    First, the stars of the series need to be able to be interactive. Possibly even accompanying you on instanced quests. Second, offworld sites should not necessarily be instanced. Part of the fun will be when forces are trying to hold a gate position, and reinforcements come on through to turn the tide of battle.

    Next....TELEPORTERS! Also, flying vehicles. The aircraft and spaceships are such an integral part of the game, they had better be player useable.

    Also, the weapons and armor of the various races needs to be done as accurately as possible. The horus masks should retract, etc.

    Lastly...LOTS of worlds. The magic of the Stargate universe is that there is potentially an unlimited number of worlds. Part of the fun might be trying to piece together gate codes on quests and such!

  • If I could be a Go'auld.

    But more importantly, if I could change my voice to SOUND like a Go'auld. I mean, you have to have your priorities when it comes to these things, right?
  • by Drakin030 ( 949484 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @04:41PM (#14610868)
    Yet another game that is going to try to copy the WoW properties. EVery new game out there has been close if not the same thing as WoW with a different interface. Im not looking forward to any MMO's at this point I have stopped when the community of n00bs migrated to WoW.
    • by beetlefeet ( 866517 ) on Thursday February 02, 2006 @11:53PM (#14632688)
      WoW _started_ with a community of noobs.

      I'm not being funny or insulting, it had many many diablo2, starcraft and warcraft3 players who were totally new to MMORPGs. They got a whole slew of people interested in the genre that was previously quite 'hardcore'.

      I remember reading newsgroup postings about wow before it was released saying things like: "WTF? monthy fee for the next warcraft game?! why don't they just put it on like the last one?".

      Also WoW isn't some sort of grandfather of MMORPG, it copied alot of things from the games before it. Most of these 'properties' you are talking about probably originated long before WoW.
  • by technoextreme ( 885694 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @04:52PM (#14610984)
    Why is it that the name of the company that is making the Stargate video game is also the same name of the complex in Stargate??? The whois is also a bit odd with their eimail adress.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @05:33PM (#14611357)
    Nerf Priors!
  • by BloodAngel_Au ( 449499 ) <> on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @06:09PM (#14611702)
    Hell, I'll just buy it as soon as I can, as being a year long player on the shining turd that is Matrix Online, I'll happily drop it to play Stargate, one of my favorite Sci-Fi shows :)

    As long as SOE have nothing to do with it, I'll happily pay tomorrow for a copy.
  • by Rinisari ( 521266 ) on Tuesday January 31, 2006 @08:11PM (#14612550) Homepage Journal
    And the real Tau'ri cried out in simultaneous orgasm, then were suddenly silenced when they saw no release date.

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
