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PlayStation (Games) Media Businesses

PlayStation 3 May Play Too Much 367

Businessweek has a piece looking at the PlayStation 3, worrying that Sony is confusing the consumer with all of the technology it's trying to work into the console. From the article: "Some question whether Sony is trying to cram too much into the new box. The PS3 is expected to cost $350 to $400. While it has the potential to be a megahit, Sony's message might get muddled in the process of going after too broad a market, says Deutsche Securities analyst Takashi Oya. 'It would be difficult to sell PS3 initially as anything other than a game machine,' Oya says. Sony declined to comment on such concerns."
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PlayStation 3 May Play Too Much

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  • by Raven42rac ( 448205 ) * on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:11AM (#14687269)
    Much like buying a child a shoe that is a half size bigger, the PS3 will grow into itself. There's no such thing as "too much" on a gaming console. The more you can do with it, the better.
    • by engagebot ( 941678 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:15AM (#14687311)
      No, there's definitely a such thing as 'too much' on a gaming console.

      Remember the Dreamcast? Dial-up modem, the whole thing. It tried to do too much at the time, before the consumers were ready for it.

      I don't care if blue ray IS the next big thing. Its not the big enough thing now to get the word out that the PS3 is more than a game machine.
      • by Threni ( 635302 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:52AM (#14687675)
        > Remember the Dreamcast? Dial-up modem, the whole thing. It tried to do too much at the time,
        > before the consumers were ready for it.

        The Dreamcast was nothing special. I know there are always a few people who say "No, I liked $game" but it just didn't inspire people to buy it. But they certainly didn't fail to buy it because they were afraid it would do too much.

        There's "costs too much". The PS3 might do alot of stuff, but the problem at the mo with Xboxs and the like is that they only really add `playing games` to a list of things which you can already do on a £30/$50 DVD, but they charge ten times the cost of that DVD player to do it. Unless you're a hardened gamer, or very well off, that's just really terrible value for money.
      • by Antifuse ( 651387 ) <slashdot@ryanwadde[ ]com ['ll.' in gap]> on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:59AM (#14687742) Homepage
        Hrmm... I don't really think the reason the Dreamcast failed was because it "did too much". Dreamcast was a great platform with some great games, but Sega did basically dick all to promote it. Add in the fact that 3rd party developers like EA didn't hop on board (love em or hate em, if you don't have EA on your platform it's going to be a lot harder to get the frat boys to jump on the bandwagon) and suddenly you are looking at a console flop.
      • by soft_guy ( 534437 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @12:03PM (#14687786)
        One of the main reasons that people (including myself I must say) bought the PlayStation 2 when it first came out was because of the fact that it could play DVD movies. At the time a DVD player was almost as much as a PS2 ($400.00). It seemed like a good deal to me at the time partially because of this.

        I think the same could happen with Blue Ray.
        • But the Blu-Ray market today is nowhere near where the DVD market was in 2000.

          It was a selling point for the PS2, but it'll only be a feature for the PS3.
        • One of the main reasons that people (including myself I must say) bought the PlayStation 2 when it first came out was because of the fact that it could play DVD movies. At the time a DVD player was almost as much as a PS2 ($400.00). It seemed like a good deal to me at the time partially because of this.

          I myself made the same decision. However, between the time I decided that, and the PS2 was actually released, DVD player prices dropped to $150 or so. Since I was never all that interested in a game console
      • by hackstraw ( 262471 ) * on Friday February 10, 2006 @12:30PM (#14688041)
        Remember the Dreamcast? Dial-up modem, the whole thing. It tried to do too much at the time, before the consumers were ready for it.

        Remember the Apple Newton, the TiVo, and plenty of other things that came to market before their time??

        The thing is that the Playstation has a following for game developers and gamers. So long as it has good playable games it will do fine. If the other features work as advertised (or better), then that is icing on the cake. Only a few of us /. geeks would ever buy a Playstation or an Xbox with the intention to do things besides games. Believe it or not, we are not like the majority of the human population.

        If it works well with slideshows of pictures from a digital camera, and works well with HTPC kind of stuff, then that is only free advertising to sell more of these boxes. If it sucks at playing games, no matter how good the extra stuff is, it will fail. If they are able to pull off all of the extra bells and whistles, I see no problem with it selling or confusing the user, and it will only be an extra plus to the system in general.

        I don't even play video games, and I'm planning on buying the 2nd rev of the PS3 when it comes out. The graphics and capabilities of the thing seem amazing, and who knows, maybe I'll learn how to play a game or two.

      • "Duhhh-urrrrrh. I am just a consumer. I am too dumb to understand what the big shiny box does. Many pretty buttons, though!"

        Above is the way many "experts" think of American consumers. They are actually some of the best informed, most sophisticated buyers in the world. But it's easier to be elitist than thoughtful.
        • Wait, who? Consumers appreciate prices ending in -9.95, enjoy products because other people seem to like them (pet rocks, disco, gigapets, Brittney Spears, etcetera), think that larger numbers are better when they're buying a PC ("Hmmm, 733 MHZ is better than 4.7 GHZ, right?") and actually go in debt for brand new cars that will be worth a tenth of their value in five years.
          If kids' friends have them, and they play them at their houses, and decide they like them, then they'll get their parents to put one on
    • The more you can do with it, the better.

      hm, what about NO?

      a gaming console should be able to play games, end of story
    • by Thangodin ( 177516 ) <elentar@sHORSEym ... minus herbivore> on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:35AM (#14687511) Homepage
      The more you can do with it, the better.

      Exactly, because all of these technologies tie into where the game industry is almost certainly going, allowing Sony to already be in place as these innovations come into the mainstream. This means that they will not only have a strong grip on the console market, but they will also win the format and distribution war. As someone who works in the industry, I can tell you that Sony knows exactly what they are doing.
      • Well, they're up against a near-monopoly now in the form of Apple. I'm fairly sure we'll see more from Apple in the near future in the form of the computer as the digital hub - and they already have an extremely successful distribution system in place that's just starting to take off (sales are currently rising exponentially). And sure, having a PS3 in 100 million homes eventually will be a good foundation - if they succeed at that. I've got the Playstation and PS2 but so far I'm not sure I'll get the PS3.
  • by tibike77 ( 611880 ) <> on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:12AM (#14687281) Journal
    Hmm... "It would be difficult to sell PS3 initially as anything other than a game machine" ?
    So what if ? No, wait... better: does anybody even expect to buy it as anything else than a gaming rig in the first place ?

    XBox360, between 300 and 400. Games. Plus some other stuff.
    PS3, between 350 and 400. Games. Plus some other stuff.
    No idea on Nintendo.
    Barebones but decent PC (plus cheap monitor or TVout capable), between 400 and 600. Trivial stuff. Plus some older games.
    Reality check for PS3 ? Checked.

    People who buy the PS3 will buy it *primarily* for the games ANYWAY.
    They MIGHT use it for something else too, but at a price tag comparable to any other decent alternative, what's the harm ?
    If anything (*shock*), people who didn't plan on buying it for games might actually buy the console.

    Will PS3 games sales plummet because of that ?
    If you look at it from a games sold per unit of console sold, then yes, that might go down.
    But as an absolute number of expected sales... I really, really doubt a significant decline, no matter what anybody else might say.
    • Here is your Nintendo info...

      Revolution, between 200 and 300. Games. Just games.
    • Because Nintendo has been specifically targeting a games market, I would put the Revolution in the range of 200-300, and possibly 150-200. If you don't have a DVD player in the system, Nintendo doesn't have to pay for the supplies for it. The GameCube launched at $199. If I'm not mistaken, (completely off memory here), the NES launched at $99, the SNES at $199, and the N64 at $199. (the first two of the three launched with a game with the system, though. N64 was too long ago for me to remember.)

      They seem

    • It should cost $400 initially, because like XBOX 360, independent of store price that will be closer to the price people will find to buy it in the first days.

      Better buying from a store and money going to Sony than creating havoc in the first days and paying much more to an intermediate guy.

      When stocks raises, down the price to a more affordable level.
      • He makes a very important point about the nature of price, supply, and demand. If only people would understand that this applies to other commodities as well, we'd realize that there's no such thing as "price gouging." There is only "the price rises to market clearing levels." The secondary market for low-priced but 'rationed' consoles proves that.

    • No, wait... better: does anybody even expect to buy it as anything else than a gaming rig in the first place ?

      Well, the reasoning of the article is that the high price ($350-$400) is justified over the XBox-360 because it won't be just a game console. The article is essentially saying it will be looked at as just a game console, so the high price will have to be justified through that alone. He may be right too. How much is the X-Box 360 going to cost when the PS3 is launched?

      My guess is that the PS3 is

    • Keep in mind that this guy works for the lowest common denominator of business journalism. Its parallel to Red Book for relationships, or Psychology Today for psych literature, and NewsWeek for "news".

      The format for all of these magazines is as follows. Take regular mundane topic that most people know a little about, sensationalize it, make some assertions as if the journalist knows what they are talking about it to raise a little controversy, rinse, repeat.

      The PS3 will do quite well if it has good games
  • by ivan kk ( 917820 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:15AM (#14687306)
    People won't adopt it because it has too many features?
    Who comes up with ideas like that. If anything more features will drive more sales. Don't need to buy a blu-ray player, the ps3 will do it, along with movies and music.
    Both Sony and Microsoft are trying to put a media pc in our lounge rooms, and they're free to compete for my dollar.
    • "People won't adopt it because it has too many features?"

      I don't think that's the issue here. The question is, are people willing to pay extra money for these features?

      For example, I would be willing to pay $200-$250 for a system that simply plays games, but not $350-$400 for a game system that does a whole bunch of other crap that I don't care about.

      I'm sure a lot of the rest of the potential market for the PS3 feels the same way.

      • Don't make me laugh now... the only company that would do something like that is Nintendo. The only thing they dominate is the handheld market and it's mostly because they've been the juggernaut there for twenty years or so and Sony has just entered teh market.

        The ps2 was one of the cheapest consoles (err the last generation was) but even then it was $300. Most older consoles including the psone came near $400-$500.

        This monster will be about the price of the higher end xbox and it will have more features
    • by Khuffie ( 818093 )
      The question here is isn't that it has too many features. The problem that Sony faces is that how will they market this thing? If they market it strictly as a games console to gamers, they'll put off a large potential of the target market. If they market it strictly as a multimedia device, they'll put off a large potential of the gamer market. If they market it as a hybrid, people will assume it won't do either well.
      • More than that, there's some potential quality issues that could be harmful to the Playstation brand. The PS2 plays DVDs, but it's not a great DVD player. It was marketed primarily as a game machine though, so not many people bought it primarily as a DVD player. (And even those who did, DVD's were just so much better than VHS that even a crappy DVD player was a step up. Bluray movies won't be a big enough jump to get that benefit of the doubt).

        If the PS3 claims to replace your PS2, your DVD player, your ste
    • by masklinn ( 823351 ) <> on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:52AM (#14687673)

      Check PSP (lots of features) VS DS (games, and only games).

      Did the PSP outsale the DS because of it's extra features? Duh, no, it's been badly beaten by the DS...

    • Some people refuse to get those DVD-VCR combos because they don't want to have to replace both if one breaks (besides, it seems the combos are often low quality). It'd be different if it really cost the same as buying a vcr alone (and similar quality). So that's what it will come down to. How high a quality are these extra components and how low a price will the overall system cost. I've heard from others who own PS2s that they didn't use it as a dvd player. It just wasn't as good as the dvd player they al
    • I agree, I'd buy it because of it's mulitple features. The thought of consolidating multiple devices into one appliance is very appealing to me and I imagine that I'm not alone.

  • by neonprimetime ( 528653 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:15AM (#14687313)
    I'll wait ... just like I did with PS1 and PS2 ... a few months after it's out you'll probably see it for under $200 at Video Game Exchange, Rewind, FuncoLand, or some other Re-Sale game store. $350-$400, are you kidding!?!?
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • And the GC currently costs around $100, with 2 controllers, Another 2 to fill it out costs $50. The new XBox 360 costs $400 for the version that will play all the games, plus $50 for an extra controller. You want 4 controllers, that's an extra $100. Plus, if you want to play online, that's $60 per year.
      • Someone's looking at the past through rose colored glasses. The NES had two bundles:

        $249: NES Console 2 Controllers Light Gun R.O.B (Robotic Operating Buddy) Gyromite (R.O.B game) Duck Hunt Super Mario Bros.

        $199 NES Console 2 Controllers Super Mario Bros.

        Games cost anywhere from $59 to $79....and this was in 1985 Dollars! the Atari 2600 IIRC launched around $400 and sold like hotcakes. In comparison, the Xbox360 and the Ps3 are right in line with every other system launch that preceded them.

    • Well it has been 4 months and you still can't even get a new 360. So what makes you think you will be able to get a PS3, for half the price in a couple of months after release. The only way that will happen is if they put out total piece of junk.
    • You are assuming you will be able to buy a used PS3.

      There have been rumors about the range of DRM to be included in the PS3. Some rumors stated the console and the games will be locked to the original purchaser's console only, Sony's goal being to destroy the used game market that doesn't pass any money into Sony coffers.

      Hard to imagine paying full retail for each and every game. And what happens when the PS3 breaks and you have to buy a new one? All your old games die with the broken console?

      I hope this
      • This is complete speculation man... theres no basis for this claim..

        People start rumors because of that stupid root kit crap that Sony put out... which, by the way, was in an unrelated division of Sony that doesnt have direct relations with the gaming division

        Even so, there probably will be some method of DRM incorporated in the future.. but it will not be restricted to the original buyer... thats just stupid economically... completely screwing the resale value... look at gamestop, or any other shops like i
  • by bilbravo ( 763359 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:16AM (#14687318) Homepage
    People know what a Playstation does... it plays games! If it does more than that, great. Don't underestimate the consumer! People are anticipating this release, and just because it does movies, internet, PVR (does it?), washes the dishes and takes the dog for a walk... well, that isn't going to change the fact that Gran Turismo 5 and Grant Theft Auto are going to be played on it--consumers won't forget that!
    • My company was bought out by a much larger corp and our 401k options went from 18 choices to 5 very bland ones. When asked why during a Q&A, HR replied that people get confused with too many options and wont participate. The room erupted with laughter. Since there's so many options for shampoo, are there people too confused to shower??

      That's not to say that more stuff is always better. Especially if it bloats the size, price, chance it will fail. No one want's to pay for features you don't use but sayi

  • by thefirelane ( 586885 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:17AM (#14687336)
    says Deutsche Securities analyst

    This is how it works when you are an analyst: Make anything sound negative. Either it has too little features, or then it has too many. Never is anything just right, or well done.

    That way, if it fails, you can say "See, I called it". If it succeeds, you say it did so in spite of those shortcomings. That's how it works.
    • i wasn't sure whether to mod this funny or insightful.

      then i noticed i don't have any mod points. problem solved!
    • I'm a buy-side analyst (that is, someone who consumes the research of the "sell-side" analysts and decides where my firm should allocate money based on their and my own research) and I have to say that it doesn't really work like that. There are a few "gloom and doom" types who always seem negative on everything, but by and large most analysts are too positive.

      I would actually greatly prefer it if sell-side analysts were always saying things would fail for specific reasons. I generally find research to be
  • by digitaldc ( 879047 ) * on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:17AM (#14687341)
    I say cram as much stuff as you possibly can into it, just don't let the price go too high.

    If you have the technology to be the latest and greatest, why not?
    • I say cram as much stuff as you possibly can into it, just don't let the price go too high.

      That's precisely the problem, though.

      The more you cram in, the higher the price goes. That's just the way things are. Now, it looks likely that the Xbox 360 will be cheaper than the PS3, and the Revolution will probably be quite a lot cheaper. Given that, will the PS3's superior hardware be worth the extra cost?

      In theory one could probably cram half a dozen Opterons and a pair of top-end SLI nVidia cards into a

    • I'm not sure that this is a good idea. In fact I'm pretty sure it's a terrible idea.

      What you want a consumer product to do is to incite acquisitive lust. What you don't ever want to be in the position of doing is having to explain what your product does. Nor do you want to be in the position of paying to support features that don't pay their way.

      Furthermore, I'd go so far as to say that if two features have this IAL (Incites Acquisitive Lust) property, if at all possible you should not put them into the
  • Jack of All Trades (Score:2, Insightful)

    by duerra ( 684053 ) *
    As the saying goes - "Jack of all trades, master of none."

    Sony needs to make sure that they really come through one some of the features they are offering with the PS3. If the PS2 is any indication, Sony may be in for some tough times ahead. While at the time the PS2 was a great option for a cheap way to get a DVD player, its DVD menu system is absolutely horrendous. Also consider that the Emotion Engine never even came within flying distance of living up to its hype and expectations (expectations which
  • The PSP started off being able to play games, UMDs and MP3. Later upgrades saw the addition of a web browser, a viewer for Sony's wireless video system, AAC and more. Despite doing so much it seems to be selling quite nicely.

    As long as Sony don't shoot themselves in the head (and I wouldn't put it past them) I imagine the PS3 will be an excellent games system first and foremost and with luck an excellent multimedia jukebox. Of course Sony being Sony they'll promptly royally fuck things up by putting some

  • Well, we already know that the ps3 will cut the fat! []
  • by bitkari ( 195639 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:21AM (#14687374) Homepage
    from tfa: If consumers buy the PS3 as a multimedia machine, they might not purchase as many video games...

    since the PSP also plays music and movies, fewer people are buying games designed for it. In the PS2's initial

    year on the market, players bought more than three games for each machine that was shipped. For the PSP, that

    ratio slipped to 2 to 1.

    I suspect that the reason for this was not the fact that the PSP can play music and movies, but the fact that

    (and I'm bracing for the karma burn here) the PSP simply hasn't released enough quality games.

    Sure, there are some good titles, but nowhere near enough of the quality and variety needed to really push the

    PSP platform.

    As long as the PS3 manages to maintain a game catalog akin to that of the PS2, it should do well. Having a slew

    of additional features should not harm sales, as long as the games are there in force.

  • by Last_Available_Usern ( 756093 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:22AM (#14687392)
    Chrysler announces it's latest offering of cars will not come with air conditioning or a back seat amongst other features. They are quoted as saying they want to focus on the "driving experience" only for now. They fear some potential buyers might be scared off by the superfluous features.
    • In other news, Sony announced that its new CarStation would not only play the next generation of games, but you can drive it to work (max speed 45MPH, 5 gallon fuel tank, 15MPG), it also has a built in coffeemaker (because people like to enjoy a fresh cup on the way to work), an automatic shaver (for folks with long commutes who don't have the time to shave at home), and will also play BluRay DVDs with 5.1 surround sound.

      (Never mind that there wouldn't be enough range for folks with long commutes, or that

    • by Slightly Askew ( 638918 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:53AM (#14687683) Journal
      Laugh if you want, but there are some high end sports cars that do not come with a radio, back seat, automatic transmission, air conditioning, and many other "features". And yes, the purpose is to enhance the driving experience, whether by making room for more power or forcing the user to concentrate on the driving, not the radio/cell phone/passengers.
    • by Vellmont ( 569020 )
      No, you've really missed the analogy here. It's like Chrysler saying all it's new models of cars will all have AC, power windows, CD player, anti-lock brakes, heated seats, in-car navigation, and a leather interior. All models will cost about $3000 more than the equivalent model (minus the above extras) of the competition. That's great if you want all those features, and are willing to pay for them. It's not so great if you just want basic reliable transportation.
  • by bhunachchicken ( 834243 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:24AM (#14687403) Homepage
    1. Playing PS2 games
    2. Playing PS1 games
    3. Watching Movies

    Hopefully I will use my PS3 for 4 things

    1. Playing PS3 games
    2. Playing PS2 games
    3. Playing PS1 games
    4. Watching Movies
    • All Sony hardware will come with a Root Kit pre installed, so you can act as a node on a zombie Spam network without any activity on your part!

      Just plug in, connect to the network and go!!!

      As an added bonus, anyone who buys or hacks the Sony "vertical marketing module" will be able to access any in game contact information you've stored for online gaming! As a result, you'll be able to send v1argr@ popup ads to all your opponents and allies in on line MMPG games!

      Isn't that COOL?!?!?
    • Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Sony stated that the PS3 will not have backwards compatability.
      • Well that's killed it then...

        PS2 was a runaway success because of its PS1 compatibility. The PS2 catalog is *huge* - to ditch that is a big mistake IMO.

        You'll end up with the PSP situation... Nice box, no games.
      • by danaris ( 525051 )

        Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Sony stated that the PS3 will not have backwards compatability.

        You're wrong.

        The PlayStation 3 will be compatible "on the chip" with PlayStation 2 and PlayStation games, without emulation. It still is not known how Sony has achieved this (although Sony had developed a single-chip PS2 CPU/GPU solution, used in newer revisions of the "slim" PS2). Compatibility with PS2 online games and games designed for the hard drive have not been elaborated upon. In a recent interv

  • Badly written article != news.

    Just a hint.
  • Why not? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by engagebot ( 941678 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:25AM (#14687416)
    Sure, why not! Why would you NOT want extra feautures?

    I'd be clamoring for a $600 cell phone that plays music, watches video, manages my schedule, a 12" widescreen display... See my point here? Number one, we've tried the everything-to-everybody-devices before. They usually don't do that great.

    Number two, it'll be hard to get the average non-gaming best buy shopper in the HDTV section to take notice of the PS3 over there in the 'kids' gaming section. They've got the PS3 name. Playstation = games. As of right now, Playstation != next gen HD movie content. It's possible, but they've got to get it out there.

    Give my dad a reason to even LOOK at a ps3. He's a HD connoisseur like anybody else, but the thought of getting a PS3 wouldnt' even go through his mind.
    • If a blu-ray player is $1000 (and currently it is) and the PS3 is sub-$500 (they currently claim it will be) then you'll see people walk over to buy a PS3 just to play blu-ray.

      Of course this is where I get confused. If the cheapest BR player is a grand and bigger than my stereo reciever, how on earth is the PS3 going to come in at less than half the price and no bigger than the 360?

      I'm reserving judgement until I see the final product, but I think this is why no one has see the final product.
    • Give my dad a reason to even LOOK at a ps3. He's a HD connoisseur like anybody else, but the thought of getting a PS3 wouldnt' even go through his mind.

      That's because the components Sony will put into the PS3 may be the same as they are with the PS2: bottom-of-the-line. The PS2 DVD player is one of the worst as far as playback. Sure, it plays movies. But that's about it. Any home theater enthusiast will be playing their movies on something else.

      The BluRay drive in the PS3, besides helping with game storag

  • Yeah, so its hard to sell initially as anything but. IFF (if and only if) sony does a good job of making a media machine as well, then maybe we'll see some consumer saturation grow, create an emerging market. Otoh, a $400 media machine is very hard to justify. Unless you're comparing it to the extensible PC media center platform, in which case its a bargain, if limited to whatever shitty sony-centric drm-laden BS they turn it into. Frankly, I'll bite the bullet and point fingers now, Sony's going to hav
  • Nintendo called it (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Dixie_Flatline ( 5077 ) <vincent DOT jan DOT goh AT gmail DOT com> on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:31AM (#14687466) Homepage
    The Gamecube was specifically designed to do one thing very well: play games. (Whether or not you feel it has games worth playing is moot.)

    The Revolution, similarly, is meant to play games and do very little else. Nintendo has said several times that they want to make GAME consoles, because people already have all that other stuff, and they can remain more focused this way.

    There's nothing terrible about Sony's approach, but it MAY confuse some people. It certainly seems to be lifting the price.
  • by djsmiley ( 752149 )
    When i look for a DVD player i want it to play xvid, avi, jpegs and MP3s at least.... Yet when my mum looks she just wants it to play a DVD easily.

    If sony can make it accessible to the customer, then the customer will buy it, if it also plays other formats, the customer will be more pleased when they randomly find this extra functionality. It will set the level of what consoles "should" supply as default and god help any which dont then fit this selection".
  • When you think about it... they keep adding all these media features... all these internet features... before you know it, you'll be typing papers on your "gaming console"

    Essentially what they're doing is adding computer functionality to a gaming console. Sure, it would come in handy, but... a gaming console should just play games. Do I think it will kill the system? No. It will probably sell more becuase of the added features.

    But they have to be careful how far they go... As long as you can still put a
  • The question is, will I be able to use them the way I WANT to use them?

    I will be able to play PS3 games.
    Will I be able to play PS2 games I already own?

    I will be able to watch DVDs.
    Will I be able to watch DVDS from other countries?

    I will be able to watch Blue-Ray DVDs.
    Will I be able to watch Blue-Ray DVDs the way I want to watch them or the way the content industry wants me to watch them?

    In a nutshell, the question isn't what it will enable me to do, the question is what will it keep me from doing.
  • Doesn't Matter. (Score:2, Interesting)

    I don't think there has ever been such tremendous fanboyism associated with a gaming console as there is with Sony. I think they could sell it at $700 and still outsell Microsoft's offering.

    I'm not saying it's gonna be a bad box - it's probably going to be great, which the Playstation 2 NEVER was. I'm saying that worrying that their aim is too broad just seems a little silly. I'm also saying that many Sony fans will pay too much for their console just because it's Sony.

    Yes I know that history is litte
  • by PFI_Optix ( 936301 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @11:54AM (#14687697) Journal
    Consumers don't want to be confused by products who do more than one thing. Just look at the abysmal PC market (including Macs). I mean, once people find out that these things surf the internet AND send e-mail AND play music AND play movies AND play games AND store/edit images AND let them store all the information they can think to store, they'll run screaming to the other side of the store and buy a notepad, ledger, calculator, typewriter, DVD player, WebTV console, CD player, and game console. These computer things will never catch on.
  • Sony is trying to make the PS3 an all-in-one entertainment device, and this could ruin the PS3.

    I don't need it to be a DVR, media server and game console as well as an outlet for online music and video sales.

    The DVR feature will be a novelty as it won't integrate with Digital Cable networks allowing for seamless scheduling of HDTV content and digital channels. I rent a PVR from the cable company that allows me to record entire seasons of a show in High Def at the touch of a button, the PS3 won't be able to
  • by dmouritsendk ( 321667 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @12:40PM (#14688138)
    It would be difficult to sell PS3 initially as anything other than a game machine

    That's a bold statement if i ever saw one. The PS3 vill probably be priced O($500), and judging from what I've read about the upcoming first generation Bluray movie players, they aren't going to be cheap. Pioneer's have a $1800 player set to debut around march, and judging from this interview sonsinterview.html [] it doesn't seem like they are in a rush to get out budget models because they claim early adaptors want über gear(they even claim sony's early $1000 DVD players outsold their $500 players).

    anyhoo, back to the subject. I'm willing to bet good money that a ½-decent salesman will be able to sell a 500$ PS3 to people with HDTVs who want a HD alternative to their regular DVDs if the alternative movie-only players are x2 the price.

    • The problem is that no one know how well the PS3 will play blue-ray movies. If the quality of the PS2 to play dvd's is any indication a lot of folks are going to be disappointed.
      • I haven't watched that many DVDs on the PS2 (since, i dont have one :-P) but the few I've seen was pretty decent, eventhough i still think my own trusty Pioneer player does a better job though. But to be fair, i don't think the difference are large enough for anybody but enthusiasts to care. And im guessing its going to be like that with Bluray too, the PS3 player probably wont be the best of the bunch (its more likely it will live in the other end of the spectrum) but I doubt that will stop people from buy
  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <> on Friday February 10, 2006 @12:48PM (#14688222)
    Convergence has to be done right in order not to suck. Just because it's done bad most of the time doesn't mean that convergence sucks. It's the way it's implemented.

    The big difference between Consoles and Computers nowadays is that the OS and core functions on one are on the hardware and are on volatile and modifiable storage on the other.

    Build one size fits all device that doesn't suck and boots into the GUI in 3 seconds flat and you've got a sale on your hands. No matter how many features it's got.
  • There are a couple applications that PS3 will absolutely blaze at as a media center type machine, like decoding new formats and transcoding HD content. The PS3's 7 CELL processors will function as a much faster than realtime encoder for mpeg4 and any format in the forseeable future. DVR like functions and transcoding for portable device should become a much less painful affair.

    Also picture the CELL behind sound processing for home theater. Audiophiles who are toying w/ DSPs know what I am talking about, the
  • by SnarfQuest ( 469614 ) on Friday February 10, 2006 @01:06PM (#14688384)
    Ok. Let me get this strait.

    It can run ps3 games, and play movies.

    Aaaccckkk! My head is aching. How is that possible!

    It can also run ps2 games? That can't be possible! They you have to have an entire PS2 bolted onto the box. I think my head is ablout to explode! This is getting too complicated.

    OH NO! It can also play PS1 games. I'M SO CONFUSED! Does it play PS1 games, or does it play PS2 games, or does it play PS3 games, or does it play movies? It can't possibly do more than one of them! My head is about to explode!

    It has a little light on the front when you turn it on! How can it possibly turn on a light, and play games? That is impossible! Nobody could possibly do that! That would almost be like a VCR (Very Confusing Red-lights) that did something other than blink 12:00!

    No more, I beg of you! Keep that infernal monster away from me!

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
