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Role Playing (Games)

Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Teamup 53

Eurogamer reports on a PSP title that will see Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest character meeting up for the second time. From the article: "Japanese magazine Shonen Jump has revealed the first snippets of info about the game, including news that it will feature playable characters from both series, including Final Fantasy XII's Fran and Balflear. Stages will include one based on the Phantom Train in Final Fantasy VI. This isn't the first time Squenix has produced a DQ/FF game - back in 2004, they released Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special for the PS2. It was a big hit in Japan, but never made it over here. The PSP game won't be a direct port of the original - instead it'll feature all-new characters and stages. "
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Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Teamup

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  • The 2d final fantasy games were great(some may argue greater than the 3d ones, but thats another topic) so why don't they create a NEW 2d final fantasy game? Instead, we get either a)a billion and one ports of the older 2d titles or b)some "Jetsons meet the Flintstones" type game(such as the one in question).

    Come on Square-Enix, give the fans what they have been slobbering for, some new games in the old-school style!
  • Ouch (Score:3, Insightful)

    by kaldrenon ( 954188 ) <kaldrenon@gmail.com> on Friday February 24, 2006 @12:42PM (#14794517) Homepage Journal
    I was already under the general impression that the PSP, overall, was a flop. This tears it for me.

    Rehashes, blends, and clones are the only things I've seen for the PSP. The only game I've played for it that did anything new and different was the Pac-Man 3D game, and that was not a change for the better. 8-bit Pac-Man could run circles around that yellow blob with legs. Pac-Man shouldn't HAVE legs!

    Not only that, but the article says that "it will feature playable characters from both series, including Final Fantasy XII's Fran and Balflear. Stages will include one based on the Phantom Train in Final Fantasy VI." So not only are they doing an "X meets Y" crossover that's never quite as good as either of the standalones, they're taking things from multiple Final Fantasy Games. Cool though it might be, I'm pretty sure no Final Fantasy fan wants to see Cloud fight Kefka. It's justn ot natural.
    • Re:Ouch (Score:5, Insightful)

      by chrismcdirty ( 677039 ) on Friday February 24, 2006 @12:52PM (#14794613) Homepage
      I'm pretty sure no Final Fantasy fan wants to see Cloud fight Kefka

      Because we all know that Kefka would win. Cloud would sit there crying about how he's not really a human (or something like that.. I haven't played it in a long time) while Kefka poisoned him or gave him a cheapshot. Kefka was the most evil character I've ever seen in a video game.
      • Kefka was the most evil character I've ever seen in a video game.

        I think SHODAN could give him a run for his money.

        Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence? When the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence.
        • i disagree. while Shodan is awesome, and evil... kefka is petty. I doubt Shodan would go very far out of her way just to be nasty.. whereas Kefka is the type who would travel on a 300 mile journey, by foot if necessary, just to piss on your shoes and murder everyone you hold dear, for the sheer fun of it.
    • I'm pretty sure no Final Fantasy fan wants to see Cloud fight Kefka. It's justn ot natural.

      I'm guessing you've never sat through a hardcore FF-fanboy round table discussion about who could beat up who, have you?

    • So not only are they doing an "X meets Y" crossover that's never quite as good as either of the standalones, they're taking things from multiple Final Fantasy Games. Cool though it might be, I'm pretty sure no Final Fantasy fan wants to see Cloud fight Kefka. It's just not natural.

      IIRC, taking things from multiple final fantasy games and making something new worked out phenomenally well for them in Kingdom hearts, which I love to death, and Kingdom Hearts II which is getting stellar reviews overseas and i

    • Legend of Heroes?
      Lord of the Rings: Tactics?
      Metal Gear: AC!D?
      Untold Legends?

      There's lots of games that are new and different and interesting. And those are just the ones I own. What PSP did you buy?
      • Legend of Heroes?
        Lord of the Rings: Tactics?
        Metal Gear: AC!D?
        Untold Legends?
        There's lots of games that are new and different and interesting. And those are just the ones I own. What PSP did you buy?

        Untold legends and LotR: Tactics got bad reviews, Legend of Heroes got shitass reviews, and card battles and puzzle games don't do anything for me.

        Compared to the DS, which has excellent games in almost every genre, is half the price of a PSP, and plays the bajillions of excellent gba games, I don't und
        • The answer is "your opinions aren't the same as everyone else's."

          I love MG:A, and Lumines is the most addictive game I've ever played. LOTR:Tactics and LoH are actually really good. Reviews don't mean much anymore. Ever read the reviews for Devil May Cry 3? "It's too hard :(" Game is easy as hell, if you aren't a shitty gamer.

          I will admit, I'm a rarity. I'm happy with the PSP library. Those PSP owners that aren't have all the glorious homebrew they could ever want. The PSP has emulators for damn near every
          • I will admit, I'm a rarity. I'm happy with the PSP library.

            I'm glad you're happy with it. I just don't really understand it, because the DS has a stronger lineup at half the price. The only games for the PSP I'm interested in our Valkyrie Profile and Tales of Eternia, and I have both for PS1, so it doesn't look worth $250 from my view.

            I do like the competition though. It's better for us gamers if we have more choice. Those PSP owners that aren't have all the glorious homebrew they could ever want
            • Old PS1 games remade on a new and better console. People like that stuff. For example... Final Fantasy VII? People begged for a rerelease on PS2. Then at E3 there was that tech demo, and people begged for a rerelease on PS3. Plus I never got to play Tales of Eternia or Valkyrie Profile on the PS1, they were just too hard to find by the time I finally got one. So the PSP rerelease lets me play those.
              As for homebrew, you only need Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, which is a decent game in and of itsel
    • The only game I've played for it that did anything new and different was the Pac-Man 3D game

      They've been making 3D Pac-Man platformers for years now. The first Pac Man World came out for the PS1. [gamespot.com]
  • ...The Dragon Quest games for the game cube, or revolution. My favorite series of all time, yet i refuse to buy a playstation for two games...i also happen to like zelda & mario so that's why i stick with nintendo
  • The PSP game won't be a direct port of the original - instead it'll feature all-new characters and stages.

    When is the PSP going to get another non-sequel/port? Now, given that the US never got the original, I guess this game could be considered the second 'original' PSP game. Still... Lumines is the only game I enjoy on the PSP right now.

  • FINAL -- coming at the end : being the last in a series, process, or progress

    Am I the only one who is upset at the repeated mis-use of the word "final"?
    • Except it's not called Final. It's called Final Fantasy, which has a totally different meaning than the word Final, in the same sense that a fireteam has a totally different meaning than the word fire.

      Final Fantasy was an RPG created by a nearly insolvent Square; the Final Fantasy series is a set of RPGs created by Square, now Square Enix, centered around fantastic and magical adventures in a techno-mystic world.
    • FINAL -- coming at the end : being the last in a series, process, or progress

      Am I the only one who is upset at the repeated mis-use of the word "final"?

      No, you aren't if you read any other thread where some half-wit whines about the same thing. Final Fantasy (the original one) was supposed to be the last game for a dying company. Well, it turned out to be a bit. And thank god, because they made some of the best games after that one. It's not hard to use your imagination and say it is the final fantasy o
      • That, and there is a theme in each one about the world coming to an end. Now you may say that whoopdeedoo - that's what every RPG is about - but not really. Some are about an evil dictator wanting to rule everything, or a single character acheiving revenge (loved SEGA shadowrun!) - or just wanting to collect a whole bunch of pets - but to record, every FF game has involved world cataclysm.

        (I've never played FF11, the MMO, so if I'm wrong there, I'll blame the MMO tycoons for corrupting it.)
        • And how many books, movies, etc don't involve such a thing? Maybe not worlds, but quite often whole cities, continents, and sometimes beyond the world to the galaxy etc.

          "Saving the world" has been a theme of books, movies, and even games for a long time.
    • Ignoring the fact that the name's origin initially comes from the fact that it was a last gasp from Square at the time, there's probably other reasons why the series started out that way.

      Every single game in the Final Fantasy series is an apocalyptic story. The world is ending in every single one.

      Each one, therefore, is a Final Fantasy - the Final Fantasy for that world. (Okay, Final Fantasy X-2 screwed the pooch on that one, but hey, it's fan service anyway. It should've been called something else.)

      I know
      • There's also the fact that, except for the aforementioned X-2, all the Final Fantasy games take place on completely different, totally unrelated worlds. So, in essence, each one is Final. It happens, you win or you lose, and then we never really see or hear from that world again.
    • Am I the only one tired of people bringing up this same stupid "witty remark"?
  • by Valdrax ( 32670 ) on Friday February 24, 2006 @01:21PM (#14794910)
    Final Fantasy Mystic Quest? With a name like that, it could never lose!
  • by jshackles ( 957031 ) on Friday February 24, 2006 @02:32PM (#14795583)
    The original that this game is building upon, Itadaki Street Special, more closely resembles a board game than an RPG. While everyone is salivating and foaming at the mouth for this crossover game and how much it is going to suck, let me give you my mini review of Itadaki Street Special for the PS2:

    This game is basically Monopoly, but more advanced and certainly prettier. All of the characters are the same - that is that no one character is any better than any other character. This puts to rest all of those "Cloud would kill Kefka" fanboy-ism that is going on.

    The game stands out on it's own merrits, that is that it involves a lot of strategy and requires that you be shrewd with your opponents in order. There are the standard chance and community chest type cards (which portray scenes from 2D FF and DQ games) which you pick from a 10x10 grid. If you get a combo (5 or more cards in a row without your opponent blocking) you start getting money multiplier bonuses.

    At the end of the day, this game is still just Monopoly, where your 3d animated character throws the dice around, moves around the game board (in this case Ghost Train level of FF6), pays rent to the property owner, and waits for his next turn.

    You can check out the webpage at http://www.square-enix.co.jp/games/ps2/itastsp/ [square-enix.co.jp] where they have mini-games to this effect.

    In short, this is nothing to get your hopes up for unless you're like me and actually enjoy Japanesse Monopoly with a dificulty level of hard, HARD, and HARDEST.

  • I want to know about the developers. Chrono Trigger (which had DQ, FF, and DBZ talent poured into it as I recall) was a masterpiece. It'd be interesting to see what the FF and DQ team could come up with together now that they are in a single company.
  • Chrono Trigger was produced by "Dream Project" which featured members of both the Final Fantasy (Square) and Dragon Quest (Enix) teams. It was a hell of a good game, and that cooperation was long before Square and Enix merged. I'd personally like to see Dream Project get back together and do a third Chrono title (maybe Chrono Break, since they did reserve the name, though that game is nothing but vaporware at this point).
  • So I tried to play FFX but I get the sense I'm missing a lot of backstory. Is there some kind of compilation or way I can play through the whole thing?

That does not compute.
