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PS3, Xbox Having Disappointing Christmas Season 149

Both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 appear to be having a bit of a rough Christmas. For the PS3, it's all about launch jitters. The worst of these jitters is probably the dubious nomination from TIME magazine, who has cited the console as a 'bust'. The 360, likewise, is having problems meeting expectations, especially those of Michael Pachter. He's the gent that expected big sales this Christmas for the console, and he's now trying to figure out why the 360 fell short. What is, perhaps, a larger problem - lack of penetration for the Xbox Live service - is being discussed by Reuters. While the still laudable number of 4 million subscribers sounds impressive, the article points out that the runaway success of the Wii and the overall ratio of possible to actual subscribers should give Microsoft pause. In short, Sony and Microsoft are having good, but not great holiday seasons. Next year, when there's enough stock to go around and big games on the way, we'll see who really 'has the stuff'.
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PS3, Xbox Having Disappointing Christmas Season

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    They named the 360 console of the year, along with all the other consoles.
  • I love the Wii and can not wait to see what 2007 brings for it. I'll still probably pick up a 360 or PS3 once they hit about 200-250, but the current entry price is simply to high.
    • I just mentioned in another thread a few minute ago that Micro Center is offering a $100 rebate [] on Xbox 360s, both the core and pro systems. For the core system, that would end up being $200.

      Now, that being said, beware the nickel-and-diming:

      • You have to pay $300 up-front and wait for the rebate to get to you, and make sure you take the check and deposit it in the bank. It's a bit of a hassle, but hopefully for $100, you won't forget.
      • If you pick up a few accessories and a game or two, that could easi
      • I'll wait till the Pro is $200-250 off the shelf. Plus, I figure MS will eventually do away with the online fee, so I don't mind waiting. I've never paid to play online, so I'm not going to start now.
        • I wouldn't hold your breath on the 'doing away with online fee' thing any time soon.... given that they've been doing it since the original Xbox debuted. And even then, you can access 90% of XBL's functionality for free, through their XBL Silver level, which lets you access the Marketplace, which actually has alot of pretty cool content at reasonable prices... all the premium live service really adds is online multiplayer capabilities, if I remember correctly.
          • by poopie ( 35416 ) on Friday December 22, 2006 @04:05PM (#17342474) Journal

            all the premium live service really adds is online multiplayer capabilities

            Which is the *ONLY* thing that 99% of the console players want out of an online service!!

            Make it free to play online already!

            Offer stupid extras or game downloads or other crap as premiums, but don't charge for basic multiplayer game functionality.

            That goes for all of the other console mfgrs as well.
            • Offer stupid extras or game downloads or other crap as premiums, but don't charge for basic multiplayer game functionality.

              That goes for all of the other console mfgrs as well.

              That's what happens when you choose to support proprietary crap instead of an open standard like PC gaming is [supposed to be, MS's attempts to hijack it via DirectX notwithstanding].

            • ### Which is the *ONLY* thing that 99% of the console players want out of an online service!!

              I kind of doubt that number. The most interesting thing for me about XBoxLive is that you have easy access to free demos, trailers and stuff. Sure, multiplayer is very nice as well, but having easy access to all those games, even if it are just demos or trial versions can provide a heck of a lot entertainment as well. And as far as I understand, you don't have to pay anything to get access to it, which you can't say
    • by rwven ( 663186 )
      I honestly think the price had nothing to do with holiday sales on a LARGE scale. Maybe for a few people like you, but that's pretty uncommon.

      I think what killed the 360 this Christmas is timing. I think the launch of the Wii and PS3 for some reason made people assume that they were "better" than the 360. The bottom line is this:

      The PS3 was delayed for a year mainly because of Blu-Ray problems. The technology that makes it "powerful" was pretty much ready to go out the door when the 360 launched. IMHO
      • by rwven ( 663186 )
        Correction: There's nothing on those game discs that *couldn't* have been fit on a DVD at this point...
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by archen ( 447353 )
        There's nothing on those game discs that could have been fit on a DVD at this point...

        Even if Bluray comes later it becomes irrelevant for games. It's the game console addon problem. Addons do not work for consoles, because game developers will always aim at the base model. When you have an install base of 1 million PS3s that don't have bluray drives in them, who in the hell is going to publish games on a bluray disk and exclude those customers? Especially since they're most likely the early adapters wh
        • by rwven ( 663186 )
          You're failing to take into account that HD-DVD and Blu-Ray drives aren't always going to cost as much as they do now. Eventually I would expect that HD-DVD comes as the default 360 drive, and if games demand one I'd bet that they get pretty cheap to buy. Games like FF11 required a HD for the PS2 and people still bought that game....

          Also, even if they hadn't used the BluRay discs, if the content overflowed onto a second disc they could either install it to the harddrive or just have you stick in the secon
          • Games like FF11 required a HD for the PS2 and people still bought that game....

            Well, actually, Final Fantasy XI came with the hard drive and was the only game (at least in the US - FFXI for PS2 was much more popular in Japan and might have spurred more hard drive titles) that made any important use of it. I suspect the same was true all over the world since Sony removed the hard drive capability from their "slim" revision of the PS2. In other words, the PS2 hard drive was pretty clearly a failure.

    • I love my wii too, problem might be that it'll be *late* 2007 before anything good comes of it. (Metroid, Mario, etc.)
      • I love my wii too, problem might be that it'll be *late* 2007 before anything good comes of it. (Metroid, Mario, etc.)

        Though I don't agree that all the Heavy hitters will be pushed to Q4 2007, I'm curious about what you said. If there isn't anything good out for the Wii, and won't be until (as you speculate) late 2007, then why do you love it?

        • I mean, anything *new* that is that good. The launch games have been absolutely stellar. Zelda, Elebits, Madden 07 (gasp, I've hated madden for a decade now!), Trauma Center, and even Red Steel have kept me quite entertained.
          • by trdrstv ( 986999 )
            January we'll see Warioware, which to me is a KILLER APP for the Wii. Also Expect to see some more announcements after Christmas as to what is coming out when. I expect, Metroid Prime 3 Q2, Smash Bros in Q3 and Mario Galaxy in Q4. I have no inside info, but I expect them to give their 'headliners' some room to not compete with each other. Also Ubisoft has stated they will have 8 more titles out before the end of March 07. I'm hoping we get more titles as well put together as Rayman RR, and less like Farcry
    • The Wii is the first console I've ever been interested in.

      It's inexpensive.
      It has a very interesting control system.
      The control system is not likely to screw up my wrists (tho it may beef up my arms!).

      Xbox is too expensive and a Microsoft product and I'm really disliking them more with each passing year.
      PS3 is a Sony product and I will never ever buy another Sony product in my life (great products- the worst customer service I've ever see-- never been literally verbally attacked by customer service before o
  • I'd rather own a Wii. They just sound more friendly, frankly.

    Although, to be fair, I haven't tried Gears of War. It sounds fun, though.
    • by joggle ( 594025 )

      I tried getting a Wii a couple of times but haven't been successful yet. I planned on getting a 360 eventually so decided to get one now so that I'd at least have something new to play with. It's actually pretty fun (I played a few arcade games as well as the Legos Starwars game). I also like how they have integrated Live into the console.

      As soon as Wii starts showing up on the shelves for hours at a time I'll get one but I'm sure I'll still be playing plenty of 360 games too. If I didn't have broadband th

    • I'd rather own a Wii. They just sound more friendly, frankly.

      Yeah, it's the console that pops up and says Hi!

      Besides, we all know how to work a Wii.

    • by nuggz ( 69912 )
      It is fun.
      Most people seem to really like at least 2 of the Wii sports.
      I like tennis and boxing.
    • Re:Wii (Score:4, Interesting)

      by bynary ( 827120 ) on Friday December 22, 2006 @01:26PM (#17340068) Homepage
      I had a Xbox 360...and then I borrowed my brother's Wii console. Not only did my wife actually stayed in the room while I was playing she actually played a couple rounds of Wii Bowling with me. The next day I listed my Xbox on eBay and plan to buy a Wii at the earliest opportunity.

      It wasn't a tough sell at all.

      If you haven't played so.
      • I keep wondering why it's either-or with so many with regards to console ownership. While the Wii is a nice console, and it's fun for children and for playing together with others, the Xbox 360 provides a good single-user and online multiplayer experience. In short, you can have both. What's stopping you?

        Yeah, I'm not counting the ps3. Being an european, it's a non-entity to me as long as it's only available in the US and Japan. ;)

        • In short, you can have both. What's stopping you?

          $500 is a lot of cash for toys.

        • by bynary ( 827120 )
          As a father of three I don't have much time to play video games. So, getting a Wii allows me to both play video games and interact with my kids and/or wife. In other worlds, the Wii gives me the best of both worlds. You hit the nail on the head with the 360: it's great for single-user or online multiplayer. I can count the number of other people I know with a 360 on one finger and I don't care to shell out the money for a Gold Live membership.
  • Bottom line is: I have a PS2, don't have an HD television and even if I did, the only announced HD movie that would possibly interest me is the scuba diving one with Jessica Alba and the Fast And The Furious guy. If one of the new consoles offered something really new, and if it weren't an adventure game in itself to find one, I'd buy it (and had been planning to buy first a 360 and then a PS3), but right now just don't see the point.
    • I was in Circutcity (Inserty funny name parody here), looking for a game for the nieces. The ps2 game shelf was gutted. But in there infinite wisdom the managment decided to stack xbox360 consolse on the floor in front of the games (maybe to tempt someone?).

      Price is still a big factor in games, and there are still good games cheap for the last generation consoles.

      • I was in Circutcity (Inserty funny name parody here), looking for a game for the nieces. The ps2 game shelf was gutted. But in there infinite wisdom the managment decided to stack xbox360 consolse on the floor in front of the games (maybe to tempt someone?).

        Price is still a big factor in games, and there are still good games cheap for the last generation consoles.

        Don't forget the DS. I've seen PS3's on the shelf more often than I've seen DS Lites in Stock (both are rare, but I haven't seen a DS Lite av

        • Tell me about it. After standing in line for the Wii unable to play my DS because there was too much ambient light for me to see the screen, I decided to get a Lite. There's nary one to be found in this part of the state (came across a few pink ones the other day, but I decided I wasn't that desperate).
      • How could you resist a setup like that? You should have snatched up your PS2 game, and then busted through the wall of xbox 360s while yelling "OOOOOHHH YEAAAAAHHHH!"
    • by hmccabe ( 465882 )
      I can think of only one reason you would want to see that film, and I'm happy to let you know that you can now download pornography via the internet.
  • by jandrese ( 485 ) <> on Friday December 22, 2006 @12:20PM (#17338900) Homepage Journal
    While Microsoft might have a legitimate worry with the 360, it's plainly obvious to me that it's too early to be calling the PS3 in trouble. I mean every single one they've manufactured and shipped has sold shortly after arriving at the store (or well in advance). That's hardly a sales failure (although it is a supply failure). More importantly, rough launches have hardly doomed consoles in the past. Both the PSx and especially PS2 had rough launches and look how they turned out.

    There are a lot of things you can criticize about the PS3, but the sales are not one of them. Really, you can't say much at all about the sales until they start sitting on the shelves for more than 5 minutes. Even if total sales during the holidays are slow due to lack of supply, it doesn't really matter that the total volume is low until the boxes finally stop selling instantly.
    • by SetupWeasel ( 54062 ) on Friday December 22, 2006 @12:29PM (#17339032) Homepage
      I will say this to you: take a gander at ebay. PS3s are selling at only a $50 premium. Compare that to the 360 last year and the far more abundant Wii (selling at a $200-250 premium), and you can see that the demand for the PS3 is worryingly low. The media simply isn't talking about it anymore.
      • I will say this to you: take a gander at ebay. PS3s are selling at only a $50 premium. Compare that to the 360 last year and the far more abundant Wii (selling at a $200-250 premium), and you can see that the demand for the PS3 is worryingly low.

        Or, conversely, that Sony intelligently priced the PS3 near the market-clearing price, rather than below it creating an opportunity for arbitrage. Since Sony is in business to make money for Sony, not a horde of e-Bay resellers, the lack of an e-Bay premium isn't,

        • by LKM ( 227954 )
          Or, conversely, that Sony intelligently priced the PS3 near the market-clearing price, rather than below it creating an opportunity for arbitrage. Since Sony is in business to make money for Sony, not a horde of e-Bay resellers, the lack of an e-Bay premium isn't, in and of itself, a bad sign.

          Come on. It's not like Sony could go even lower with the price - they're losing tons of money as is, and people don't buy the consoles.

      • Personally I figure its more a case of "a little too early".

        Most people are pretty satisfied with the PS2, and don't have a need to move into the PS3 yet.

        Over the next 6 months, as more "must have titles" come out, and as the current wave of HDTV adoption hits, you'll probably see an uptick in PS3 demand.

        This combined with people remembering the ridiculous hype surrounding the XBox360 price ... and the jumped on-line prices, have kept peoples expectations in check. I've heard lots of really good things abo
        • I see no reason why Sony or a third party couldn't come out with a similar controller, similar to the add-on gamepads, Air-Guitars and Microphones we've all come to know and love on our PS2s

          Except... there ar three or four games at most for each of these add-on "gamepads." Even the EyeToy didn't get more than a few mediocre games. On the Wii, every game can and will use the remote to some degree, because developers know they can rely on it being there.

          And as we've seen, ideas usually don't suddenly appe

          • It should be noted that no new revision ever fundamentally changed the hardware. They made new versions of the GB, GBA and DS smaller, prettier and included a brighter screen, but they never increased the screen's resolution, or made them faster.

            You're right. Each revision merely added features that should have been in the device from the start (backlight on the GBA for instance), or that reflected advances in technology (smaller/lighter and brighter screen).

            Why is the inclusion of an HD output and a scal

      • by ivan256 ( 17499 )
        The thing that should be worrying to Microsoft is that by this time last year, they hadn't sold any more 360s than Sony has already sold of PS3s, and the only reason Sony hasn't sold more is that they aren't available. A $50 premium is still a premium. 360 Core systems were abundant at retail the week before christmas last year.

        What both of them should be worried about is that they both made the possibly fatal blunder of releasing a console that comes in two different configurations. Nobody wants the low en
    • Every place I went asking about Wii they tried to sell me the PS3's sitting there.

      Not saying they are not selling a lot of PS3's but they are not flying off the shelves and you could get one easily if you cared to.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by The-Bus ( 138060 )
      Sony and Microsoft's positions are bit a reversed from what they were in 2001: Sony had the year old console, Microsoft the new, more advanced upstart. Microsoft was never able to catch Sony's lead.

      Is history repeating? I wouldn't be so sure. In 2001, the PS2 had a triumvirate of absolute monster blockbuster titles: new entries in the Final Fantasy, Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear Solid series. Each of them sold close to a million copies in December and you could argue that each filled somewhat of a niche.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by 0xdeadbeef ( 28836 )
      Will you people get off it? No one has brand loyalty to Sony but you fanboys. There are no hordes of people itching to get a PS3 the second they can find one. People simply do not give a shit, because all they really care about is the games.

      The adoption curve will probably look exactly like the 360, and both systems will have disappointing numbers until they lower the prices.
      • by 7Prime ( 871679 )

        Bingo... as rashly as you put that, I believe that you're (mostly) correct (there are Sony fanboys out there, just a lot less than people would make out to believe). At this point, there are two large groups of gamers: Console Gamers, and PC gamers: there's very little crossover, the two groups have been at each other's throats since the beginning of time... yeah whatever, let's move on. On the console hardware end of things, there are (effectively, for buying practices), three major camps: the Nintendo fan

        • The only thing closest to a "Sony fanboy" that I've ever seen is the JRPG crowd (of which I'll admit to belonging to), who basically go to whichever system Square seems to be endorsing at the moment.

          Are you a JRPG fan or a Squeenix fan? I'm not flaming, I'm just curious. I haven't been a fan of Square for some time now, but I love JRPGs and I've noticed we haven't heard from some of the non-SE JRPG publishers lately. Do we know where they're going? I know Atlus is getting some mindshare on the DS and Wii fr
      • by antic ( 29198 )
        I agree. I am interesting in getting one of the 360 or PS3, but not at the current prices.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Stores all over North America have been getting restock every couple of days. The eBay scammers were counting on Sony having continued production problems past the holidays. That has turned out to be a false hope resulting in crashing eBay prices for PS3s.

    Microsoft apparently is flooding the channel with 360s to try to be able to make an effort to be able to claim they reached their sales goals for the first year. People are reporting giant stacks of 360s sitting in aisles in stores this past couple of week
    • The (many) stores I'm visiting are reporting getting new supply but that it sells out within a half an hour so basically if you are not in the store when it arrives, you are sol. At one local walmart they received 25 Wii's and sold them basically instantly to random people or people who had just decided to camp that particular store.
    • We've been getting shipments of everything but the ps3. WE've had tons of 360's ordered hundreds for the holiday and they are selling but we've barely had any ps3's. The ps3's status is worse then the 360's last year. We knew we would be getting at least one shipment a week if not more. Three months after launch we were never out of stock for the 360's. I've not heard a thing about us even getting more ps3s.

      Parent's aren't even interested in asking about the ps3's and when they do it's something like.
      • by Megane ( 129182 )

        We've been getting shipments of everything but the ps3. We've had tons of 360's ordered hundreds for the holiday and they are selling but we've barely had any ps3's.

        Back in early December or so, when checking for Wiis at a Sam's Club, I was told that they didn't expect to get any PS3s until... March! So either the guy was just making something up to answer a question that I hadn't even asked, or Sam's Club isn't going out of their way to get PS3s.

        Anyhow, I still don't have a Wii, but I did manage to walk into a Gamestop just as they were filling the shelves with 2/3 of a shipping box full of controllers and got mote/chuck pair.

  • by Kelbear ( 870538 ) on Friday December 22, 2006 @12:26PM (#17338984)
    Anecdotal story, but I may speak for others:

    I am fascinated by the Wii, and already own two games(Zelda:TP and Super Monkey Ball) for the Wii...and I still do not own one. There just aren't any that aren't sold on the internet or on a freezing cold line at 3am.

    So rather than going home empty-handed to sit out my holiday vacation days in boredom...I picked up an Xbox360 to tide me over till February when the Wii (hopefully) where the Wii is available on the inside of stores rather than the outside.

    So my desire for the Wii managed to boost Xbox360 sales. Having an Xbox360 made a large number of games available to me, and it led to purchase a series of games I'd been curious about but never cared to pursue. So Nintendo can also be thanked for netting me 10-12 games(though only about 6 are new).

    Naturally my story will not be common, but I don't think it will be all that rare. I just happen to have an excess of disposable income due to my circumstances and underdeveloped propensity to save.
    • The Wii is definitely worth the wait. I got Zelda a little while after the Wii and it is AMAZING so you will not be disappointed. I will warn you though, Super Monkey Ball Blitz is pretty bad. The main game just isn't worth playing. The party games are decent but I feel like the design was rushed. When a game is over you can't even choose to play again, you have to constantly exit and restart the game making it really slow.

      If you have a chance pick up Trauma Center. I never played the DS version but it
      • First of all, yes. Zelda is amazing. I think it's one of the top four Zelda games ever (the other three being Occarina, Past and Awakening, imho). Possibly the best.

        Second, I don't understand why people prefer Rayman to Super Monkey Ball. Rayman's multiplayer mode for most minigames is to let players play the game one after the other. That sucks! Rayman is a pretty crappy party game. In addition to that, you have to unlock minigames. That sucks even more!

        Contrast this with Super Monkey Ball: All game are

  • Ebay!

    Seriously, go search for PS3s on ebay, what you'll find is that there are some selling for under retail now! I wonder if those sellers actually go through with those auctions? The Wii? It can still be found selling for nearly double retail.

  • I think the XBox 360 suffers from a "what it's not" identity crisis.
    • It's not a new way to play games
    • It's not a BluRay (or HD-DVD) player.
    • It's not fully backward compatible
    • It's not a Linux platform.
    • It's not friendly to casual gamers
    It's just the XBox...only prettier. There's no easy way to market that...

    • # It's not a new way to play games Unlike the GameCube, PS3, PS2, PS1, N64, SNES, Genesis, NES? So you have one new console with a new way to play games. Of course, had Microsoft gone with some sort of wii-like control scheme, you'd have blasted them for 'ripping off' the Wii, right? And I seem to remember alot of dismay about the Wii controller (even from Nintendo fanboys) when it was first demoed... let's face it, Nintendo took a big gamble sacrificing the graphics/performance one-upsmanship and betti
    • I think the XBox 360 suffers from a "what it's not" identity crisis. It's just the XBox...only prettier. There's no easy way to market that...

      The 360 at least has LIVE to differentiate itself, which IMHO is better than what the PS3 has. Quite honestly Blue-Ray is the only defining characteristic of the PS3, and that might be more of a selling point if the system was $200 cheaper for each version.

      It has a 'Me-Too' motion sensing controler (that isn't as good or acurate as the Wii),

      a 'Me-Too' Online S

  • by Andy_R ( 114137 ) on Friday December 22, 2006 @01:27PM (#17340088) Homepage Journal
    It's hard to say if Sony is having a bad Christmas or not round here, as their 'we can't be bothered' attitude to Europe means they forgot to send us any. The Wiis are all sold, which means Microsoft are probably picking up extra sales from worred parents who would be left without a 'big present' for little Timmy if that nice salesman hadn't convinced them to go for the Xbox 360.

    Apple are either being incredibly clever holding back the iPod shuffle knowing the 'next present up the ladder' is their own Nano, or they seriously miscalculated demand, since they are practically unobtainable here.

    I think the real problem for the Games market is that there were no really 'big' must-have games this year. I'd have bought a Wii if the Mario Game was out, a PS3 if it and GT5 was out, and a Xbox360 if hell froze over. My spend on games this Christmas is zero, and I'm not the only one.
    • by trdrstv ( 986999 )
      I think the real problem for the Games market is that there were no really 'big' must-have games this year. I'd have bought a Wii if the Mario Game was out, a PS3 if it and GT5 was out, and a Xbox360 if hell froze over. My spend on games this Christmas is zero, and I'm not the only one.

      Is it safe to assume you're playing Twilight Princess on the GameCube?

    • According to [] Zelda: Twilight Princess is the 6th highest rated game of the last 2 generations from an average of all reviewers. Next highest of any of the new consoles is gears of war at #16.

      I suppose that doesn't make it a "big game".
      • by Andy_R ( 114137 )
        The problem is that Wiis are in such short supply over here that Zelda (while it's undoubtedly a great game) isn't yet a big seller.
  • we need videos of people throwing Xbox 360 and PS3 controllers through their TVs on youtube. That seemed to have working for the Wii. And before you're all like "no, nah ah!" this is Microsoft and Sony we're talking about, they'd probably be like "yup, that must be the wii's secret to sucess" If I saw a commercial with Bill Gates whipping around a 360 controller then smashing it into the camera lense and breaking it, I'd be more inclined to buy a 360.
    • by LKM ( 227954 )

      Interestingly, those videos possibly are helping the Wii. I've seen lots of "Wii conversations" being started by those, or by the "recall" of Wii straps (which, I know, wasn't technically a recall). Eventually, these conversations turn into a discussion of how cool the Wii's new controller is. So yeah, in a way, these videos might help Nintendo.

  • I have an HDTV and am an early adopter... but I'll probably only buy a PS3 once it has a few games I want to play. None of the launch titles do much for me, so even though I could probably find a PS3 if I really wanted to right now, there's no point.

    The Wii, on the other hand, has Zelda, which looks like fun, and Wii Sports, which other members of my household will enjoy playing. So I'll probably get one of those first.

    But it's not about liking one console more than another, or (to a huge extent) about

  • It's only $100. The 20GB PS3 compares closer to the XBox 360 Premium, feature-wise, than the 60GB PS3.
    • In australia, you can find premium xbox 360s for $599, and the ps3(60g) is going to go for $999 (even if our currency goes up 10% local resellers will pocket the difference)

      By the time the ps3 is released, March/April, everyone will have NO money left, because thats usually the time when people start pumping large amounts
      of their wages into the CCs that they spent big on the December.
  • A few commenters have said that PS3s don't always sell out instantly.

    I'd love to know where; I have an actual paying project held up by the fact that I can't find a PS3 for love nor rubles.

Those who can, do; those who can't, write. Those who can't write work for the Bell Labs Record.
