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Oblivion Expansion Confirmed 61

The rumored first 'real' expansion to Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has been confirmed. Shivering Isles will be available for the Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game, with the expansion available as a download for 360 owners. In additional Oblivion-related news, GameSetWatch made a point to single out the double-layering of content for the PS3 version of the game. The title (due out next month with all 'add-ons' included) overcomes the slow speed of Blu-ray discs via a simple kludge: putting the content on there twice. From the article: "A perceptive comment from 'Marvin' is worth reprinting: "You'd automate the duplication at the image creation stage to avoid any stale data problems. People have done this on other platforms before for the same reasons - particularly the PSP, with its horrible UMD seek times. However, it does rather negate the whole increased storage capacity advantage."
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Oblivion Expansion Confirmed

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  • by 0racle ( 667029 ) on Thursday January 18, 2007 @04:49PM (#17671362)
    Isn't expanding oblivion just creating more of nothing?
  • Even with HDDVD and BlueRay game developers are going to have to start writing more elegant games or they will end up using up there new 50+ gig media without adding much real value to the game.
    • aw no thats hardly fair - I feel the richness and immersion into Oblivion's environment would be significantly better with some higher-res textures (anything to make the mid-distance terrain look un-lame!) and I don't really mind the footprint growing toward 50Gb to make that happen..
      • Not sure about you, but I'd rather have more content in that extra space than more graphics...

        If you're spending a significant portion of the game thinking the graphics could be better, then it needs more and/or better content.
        • Not sure about you, but I'd rather have more content in that extra space than more graphics...

          I think the GP was referring to the distant LOD textures in Oblivion, known by modders as "pea soup" because the line between nearby high quality textures and distant low quality textures is so extreme. Also tiling patterns within land textures are a problem with the stock textures. Those are probably the 2 biggest problems with the graphics in the game, likely to accomodate weaker systems, but they really stand ou

      • by ivan256 ( 17499 )
        Ironically, you can make the distance look better by doing less HDR crap in the foreground. The added shininess in the forground draws out the difference between the close stuff and the distant stuff. Besides, once you get over the "Ohh, that's new!" of the HDR lighting, you realize that it actually looks less realistic, and, if you're like me, it starts to piss you off anyway. It's just another hack so we can continue to pay nVidia and ATI for their existing IP that renders flat surfaces really well instea
    • by nten ( 709128 )
      Suggested solutions have been targeted at procedurally generated models and textures to my knowledge, but the real killer for oblivion was the voices. Convincing text to speech would have halved the size of oblivion at least from what I've read. Even if it wasn't perfectly convincing, something that you could suspend your belief on would be sufficient. Would kinda hurt voice actors a bit.
  • by Sciros ( 986030 ) on Thursday January 18, 2007 @05:07PM (#17671756) Journal
    Well, given that Bloodmoon was one of my favorite expansions for any game ever, I do have high hopes for this one. Hopefully it will incorporate some of the improvements mods have made, such as the auto-leveling rubbish. I'm assuming this place will be cold as well (yay for being a Nord) but I'm also hoping it will have just a tad more variety in terms of landscape than Cyrodiil did. I mean, good golly, a land mass so big but so homogenous... that's a big part of why Morrowind is liked more by so many. I like how the announcement also takes a stab at PS3 and Blu-ray's read time problems :-) The criticism just never stops. Though I guess that's what happens when you strap a jet engine onto an elephant and call it a sports car.
  • Hmmm (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Y-Crate ( 540566 ) on Thursday January 18, 2007 @05:10PM (#17671820)
    Does it include an option to disable scaling the environment? Pretty please?
    • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

      by Danse ( 1026 )
      Does it include an option to disable scaling the environment? Pretty please?

      Already have mods for this. FranOOOMMM makes Oblivion about 10 times more enjoyable. I feel sorry for XBox players... naah.. not really... :)
    • I hated the game when it came out. However, I just recently reinstalled, and now I can't be happer thanks to two plugins. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul [] and AF Leveling Mod []. The former balances content by reassigning level ranges for all NPC's, and also changes treasure chests to give out neat static rewards, which brings back "lucky finds" of Morrowind (just tonight I found an awesome two-handed electrified sword two levels down in a dungeon, and I had to stop there because I ran into one thug who was kicki
      • I have to agree, OOO re-defined Oblivion and made it fun. Without mods, random mobs were leveled based on your character level, so you're not really challenged early on in the game. The problem is, unless you level perfectly, as you gain levels the random enemies get tougher and tougher. I ended up giving up after level 20, I just couldn't keep up.

        But OOO is really all you need. Here's why:

        OOO brings a bit of randomness back into the game: monsters are generated on a random level scale with a maximum ca
  • Old News (Score:2, Insightful)

    by jnials ( 199766 )
    This was in the print edition of PC Gamer I received in the mail over a week ago. How is this new?
  • by Kuciwalker ( 891651 ) on Thursday January 18, 2007 @05:36PM (#17672320)
    The problem is that content is crippled by a shitty combat system and a completely ass-backwards levelling system (it practically requires min-maxing). Oblivion is a beautiful but broken game.
    • by spun ( 1352 )
      Meh. To each his own. I like the combat system. The leveling system has problems, but it doesn't require you to min-max anything. I think what your really trying to say is, the levelling system makes creating uber-characters too much like work. You can get through the story just fine without ever getting a +5 on any stat.

      These issues existed in Morrowind, too. Mods to fix these perceived slights have been released for Oblivion just as quickly. Can't name them off the bat, as I just got the game for Christma
      • I think what he's saying about min-maxing is that it's actually easiest to play through the game tagging all the skill you don't use as your primary ones. That way, you can still get better at them relative to enemies since you're no longer gaining levels.
        • As mentioned in an earlier post, it's quite fixable using AF Leveling mod, and scaling enemies and lack of 'lucky finds' are fixable with Oscuro's Overhaul. I bought the game at release, played it for a few days, saw the shitty leveling and scaling problems and put it way. I reinstalled it a couple of days ago, downloaded those two (and BTMod), and I'm having an absolute blast.

          Only problem is that it's taking me a while to level. I'm using 'one level up for every 10 major skills practiced) and I'm still
      • I think a few of the UI mods are worth doing, even for your first pass. The keychain and the small-icon inventory mods let you concentrate on playing the game, and spend less time scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling through your inventory and maps to manage things.
  • "A perceptive comment from 'Marvin' is worth reprinting: "You'd automate the duplication at the image creation stage to avoid any stale data problems. People have done this on other platforms before for the same reasons - particularly the PSP, with its horrible UMD seek times. However, it does rather negate the whole increased storage capacity advantage."

    I wonder if Bethseda is aware there is a harddrive on all PS3's that games can be installed to?
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Babbster ( 107076 )
      I wonder if Bethesda is aware how nice it is to be able to have 10 (or, obviously, more) games ready to play at a moment's notice without first deleting data from the hard drive and then installing another game to be played. I'll bet they are...

      I don't know about other console owners, but NOT having to deal with a hard drive installation is one of the [many] things I like about console gaming as opposed to the PC.

      Besides, the advantage of Blu-ray over DVD in terms of gaming is its increased capacity
      • by gmb61 ( 815164 )
        You can buy a 300GB drive for under $100. I've seen 500GB drives for as low as $140. With that much space you could easily store over 100 games with room to spare. If you are like me and use No-CD cracks on all of your games, then you don't even need to put the game disc in the drive to play any of those 100 games. Just click and go. You can put all the discs away in a safe place and just run completely off the hard drive. IMO, this puts the PC way ahead of consoles.
      • by kbolino ( 920292 )
        Small correction: 25GB for single layer and 50GB for double layer (see Wikipedia [])

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