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Games Entertainment

Sony's Phil Harrison To Give GDC Speech 30

Gamasutra reports that SCE's Worldwide Studios President Phil Harrison will be giving an important speech at the Game Developer's Conference in March. The speech is said to center around what Harrison is calling 'the third age of game development', which he claims is marked by the interconnectedness of gaming communities and developers. The speech will also detail what the concept of 'always on' can mean for gaming from Sony's unique perspective in the gaming market. Along with the Keynote from Shigeru Miyamoto, this year's GDC is sure to be an interesting one.
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Sony's Phil Harrison To Give GDC Speech

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  • Whats that mean? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Creepy Crawler ( 680178 ) on Friday January 26, 2007 @02:35PM (#17772390)
    For those who read this, all it is just an advertisement that this guy is going to give a speech.

    Now, whats with the "always on"? Arent most devices kept in a low-power standby in which they have instant on? Would you want to keep a game console 'always on'? I sure wouldnt, due to overheating and just plain wear n' tear.

    Unless instant-on means something else other than keeping the device in high-power mode, I fail to understand the point.
    • A game is more than it's platform. The GAME is always on. Just like life. It's not like life is paused for you when you "turn off" go to sleep".
    • The Wii has an optional always-on mode, WiiConnect24 []. It does things in standby like pick up your wii messages, update the weather forecast channel, etc. etc.

      Don't know what the PS3 always-on means though. No doubt it'll use many more watts.

      • And I do like that OPTIONAL part.

        Optional goes back to ownership. I own it, I tell it what to do and what not to do. Nintendo is good in that respect. Like what you said, who knows what PS3 means by that, nor do I like it.
    • Now, whats with the "always on"? Arent most devices kept in a low-power standby in which they have instant on? Would you want to keep a game console 'always on'? I sure wouldnt, due to overheating and just plain wear n' tear.

      There are many things that are 'Always on', and they are designed for that purpose. Your Refrigerator is 'Always on', My Cable modem, and Router are always on. Cisco Switches are always on. They are because they need to be, and are designed to be.

      My Wii has been 'Always on' as par

  • from Sony's unique perspective in the gaming market. Meaning he will preach leeching cash from users by doing thousands of bad expansions, buggy content and revamping the game in production to ruin it?
  • I guess Sony is forgetting all those systems that came before the Playstation.

    Remember when that Sony exec was interviewed and they claimed that they weren't arrogant? Yeah me too.
    • I guess Sony is forgetting all those systems that came before the Playstation.

      Now slow down thar, son.</foghorn_leghorn> He's not talking about the third generation of video game consoles. He's talking about some "third age" in gaming. Who knows what he means, he's probably full of shit, but it has nothing to do with number of generations in console gaming.

    • Maybe he means it differently than "third generation".

      Maybe he means:

      First Age: 2D, Blocky
      Second Age: 3D, Whatever
      Third Age: Whatever he makes up in his speech.
    • He didn't say generation, he said age.

      The Stone Age didn't consist of one generation of people but many. The same is true here.

      I'm not sure where I'd divide the first and second ages of video games (perhaps pre and post polygonal?), but I don't doubt that we're entering a new age.
    • He'll make an alliance between the younger consoles (Wii and DS) and first systems (NES and Master System), and win a war against the ancient returning evil of Sony.
    • Maybe he meant to say Middle Earth.
  • For all the store demo booths being in a frozen state that made it impossible to evaluate the console performance.
    • by trdrstv ( 986999 )
      For all the store demo booths being in a frozen state that made it impossible to evaluate the console performance.

      No. It made it quite easy to evaluate it. The system / demo locked up frequently, and it got to the point where many stores simply turned off their demo machines.

      That made the choice of 'buy now, or wait' an easy one.

  • "Sorry, guys, the massive failure of the PS3 drove us bankrupt. We're shutting the company and selling our assets to pay our massive debts. Goodbye."
    • I really don't get why one would want them to go bankrupt. There are many people who work for them who would be out of a job if Sony just went out of business. OTOH I'd rather have a few competing consoles on the market rather than one dominant player, I don't want to see a Sony-dominated console generation (or any vendor for that matter) again. I'm enjoying the Wii console's games now, but if Sony brings the price down by maybe 50% and releases some games I'd want to play I might add a PS3 to my collection
  • by XaXXon ( 202882 ) <> on Friday January 26, 2007 @02:45PM (#17772590) Homepage
    "What Not To Do"

    I mean, they can talk about how not to do portables, media formats, and high-end consoles. I just wonder if they'll be able to fit it all inside their allotted time period.

    Yep. Should be a good one.
    • Other good titles would be: "Dr.Spin: What to do when your hype far exceeds your content", "Cost: How much is too much?", or "DRM: How to convince your users that it good for them."

  • At the bottom of the page I read: "Expect the worst, it's the least you can do". I'm sure we can all relate to that with the exploding batteries and whatnot.
  • The speech will also detail what the concept of 'always on' can mean for gaming from Sony's unique perspective in the gaming market.

    Translated: "Every time I get home and flip on the news something negative about the PS3 is ALWAYS ON!"
  • I'd rather go to Miyamoto's keynote speech, even if he's speaking Japanese.
  • I'm thinking that it'll be along the lines of a presidential concession speech... before Miyamoto takes the stage.

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
