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PlayStation (Games)

Battle the Colossus in God of War 2 37

Kotaku has a writeup on what it's like to battle the Colossus in the latest demo for God of War 2. The epic boss battle that sets the stage for the game recalls the incredible Hydra sequence at the start of the first God of War title. One can only hope that the designers plan to kick off every GoW game with an intense fight scene. Kotaku's Brian Crecente on what it is like to face the beast: "There's much rolling about and trying to dodge giant-sweepy arms, and of course dispatching of normal-sized bad guys. Finally, you can hump it over to a nearby ballista which you can use to first attack the big statue guy and then to launch yourself on to him. Once you mount the statue, the battle turns into timed button pushes which do some amazing bits of damage and really flexes the graphics muscles of the Playstation 2. My favorite bit here was the eye-gouging. You gotta love that." To see the game in action, GameVideos can accomodate you in a three part series of moving pictures.
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Battle the Colossus in God of War 2

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  • wording... (Score:5, Funny)

    by User 956 ( 568564 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @09:10PM (#17836614) Homepage
    Finally, you can hump it over to a nearby ballista which you can use to first attack the big statue guy and then to launch yourself on to him. Once you mount the statue

    Is this God of War: Brokeback edition?
  • a colossus! ...already fought 16 of these in one of my 3 favorite games of all time!
  • Nice to see... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Skreems ( 598317 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @09:30PM (#17836810) Homepage
    Nice to see that this is out for the PS2. Yet another awesome new game to validate my $120 PS2 purchase this Christmas :-)
  • by PresidentEnder ( 849024 ) <wyvernender@g m a i> on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @09:52PM (#17837040) Journal
    "What it's like to battle Lavos in Chrono Trigger"

    "What it's like to jump on Bowser's head repeatedly"

    "What it's like to move around the world map in Twilight Princess"

    "What it's like to click the ace of spades in MS Solitaire"

    • by StikyPad ( 445176 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @11:58PM (#17838246) Homepage
      "What it's like to click the ace of spades in MS Solitaire"

      I hope they don't forget to put up a big **SPOILER WARNING** for that one.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by KDR_11k ( 778916 )
      "What it's like to jump on Bowser's head repeatedly"

      Is there any Mario game where that isn't fatal?
      • Nope.
      • offtopic, but I think it's worth the karma burn.

        I went out of my way to do this in the original SMB on NES. Why? Because hitting bowser's head AND the axe that cuts the bridge simultaneously while "super" triggers the bug that allows the "small mario with fireballs" trick.

        you stay "super" when this happens but from then on, Mushrooms shrink you, getting hit by enemies enlarges you, and "tiny" mario can cast fireballs. A great way to get some more mileage out of an old game.

        even more fun than the "minu

  • GoW2 (Score:1, Troll)

    So basicly they took a game concept and made it 1 boss battle. How.. unintresting.
    • Theres video of it on Its actually quite interesting as it merges a big boss battle into an entire level.
  • by Wilson_6500 ( 896824 ) on Wednesday January 31, 2007 @11:39PM (#17838092)
    One can only hope that the designers plan to kick off every GoW game with an intense fight scene...

    I, for one, hope that there aren't sufficiently more God of War games to bear out a theory like this. I have nothing against GoW in particular, but _any_ series will get stagnant after a finite number of outings. I'd rather see the developers focus their energies on something new and different--sure, OK. THAT can have an intense fight kick it off, too, if that's what matters to people.
    • by cgenman ( 325138 )
      You wouldn't believe how often developers get this wrong. Why do movies know to start you off with the most gripping scene they can, but videogames start you as a weakling slashing at moving gobs of slime and, if you're lucky, bugs.

      God of War 1 kicked things off right with an amazing battle against a gigantic hydra on a sinking ship. Metroid gives you most of the weapons in the game to play with, before breaking them all. NFS: Most Wanted gave you the best car in the game.

      Give the players a big bang to s
      • by Eivind ( 15695 )
        Final Fantasy X also did this excellently. (avoiding the "let's swat butterflies for an hour first" crap)

        It was breathtaking. Sin attacks. There are sinspawn. Then a boss shows up. You're overwhelmed, scared, no fucking idea what goes on in this cruel world. Confused.

        Later (much later) you understand that actually, it's hard to actually die to a boss whose sole attack has the effect of halving your hp. But those few first hours are amazing. The game only started calming down once you got to Luca. Up unt

        • FFX gets around the butterflies in the typical RPG fashion: The Mentor approach.

          A.K.A. "We're going to pair you up with this uber-ass-kicker for the first bit of the game, he's going to do all of the work, and then fuck off for the first 25% of the game while you swat butterflies. When you get him back, he'll be just another character (level-wise, at least. Auron was about the only good character in the bloody game)."
          • by Eivind ( 15695 )
            Nah. Auron wasn't much strong when you first met him. (if he had been he'd have made Tidus pointless) he was doing perhaps 1.5 times the damage of Tidus, but on the other hand he had lower agility. He also doesn't give much mentoring, unless you count "I hope you know how to use it".

    • "Starting with an intense fight scene" is vague enough that I don't mind at all. It's not "start with an intense fight scene that involves a reptile inside a boat, where you swing around it and then have to attack it with a conveniently placed spear", it's just . . . "an intense fight scene".

      Considering that the game is about fighting, this is basically saying "I hope all the games start out strongly", and seriously I can't object to that.

      The classic Metroid series actually has a much, much more specific st
    • What enthusiasm? This isnt an article its a fucking ad.
    • I have nothing against GoW in particular, but _any_ series will get stagnant after a finite number of outings.

      it's not the numbers, it's what you DO with the franchise.

      not counting remakes, Metal Gear has had 6 Sequels in it's main series. (counting portable ops but not Snakes revenge or ACID) Final Fantasy has had 11. Dragon Quest has 7. Gran Turismo has 4 (counting HD.) Winning Eleven (Pro evolution Soccer) has about 9. Virtua fighter has had 4 highly rated sequels. Tekken's had around 5. Mario has had

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
