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Wii Portables (Games)

Wii, DS to Rock With Guitar Hero 87

Gamespot has the word that, in a conference call on Activision's plans for the coming fiscal year, they announced Guitar Hero games for the DS and Wii. The titles could be coming any time between April of this year and March of next, and there are almost no details to relate otherwise. Presumably, Guitar Hero's new development home of NeverSoft will be handling the creation process. How do you think they'll incorporate the motion-sensing properties of the Wiimote into the axe? Any Nintendo classic songs you'd love to see included on the Wii version?
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Wii, DS to Rock With Guitar Hero

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  • by computertheque ( 823940 ) on Friday February 09, 2007 @02:01PM (#17950968)
    The guitar should house the wiimote, retaining the motion controls so pelvic thrusts register correctly. But seriously, the motion controls should be used for showmanship. "Hold guitar as if playing with teeth" and it would work. Just fanciful thinking.

    I have not played this game yet, so I am not aware of the exact control scheme, but I assume one that is not drastically different from Guitar Freaks.
  • Combined (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Ark42 ( 522144 ) <slashdot@morpheu ... et minus painter> on Friday February 09, 2007 @02:01PM (#17950986) Homepage
    I want to see Guitar Hero combined with Dance Dance Revolution, Donkey Konga, and the microphone, to form a 4-player game based around having an entire band!
    • Even before the string of interactive music games came out, I always had the pipe dream of having a game that mimicked the full band experience. Now that pretty much most of the musical experiences are now a reality; it seems that pipe dream is not too far off. Though, I must say, having a set of 4 different displays on one screen might get a bit confusing and complex to actually implement. There is also the trouble of breaking each song down into the different components, where each player has enough play

      • The arcade versions of Guitar Freaks and Drummania can be linked together, so that you can have a "band" with two guitarists and a drummer. Older releases also allowed linking up the final release of Keyboardmania, giving you two keyboardists in addition. Home versions of GF/DM let you have up to three players with a multitap.

        Also of note, Nintendo's Band Bros for the DS (released only in Japan) lets up to 8 players perform a song, using a variety of instruments (the instruments all play the same way - only
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by rtechie ( 244489 )
        Drum Hero is in the pipe and it will likely contain a co-op mode with at least 1 Guitar Hero controller, much like how the GuitarMania/BeatMania games linked together on the PS2 in Japan. So, in theory, you'll be able to do a 3-piece band with Drum Hero when it comes out.

  • Too Many Heroes (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Applekid ( 993327 )
    For what it's worth, I think having a whole bunch of the same games for different consoles causes trouble, and one has to look at DDR and Beatmania for evidence.

    Japanese releases of DDR get different songs versus US and European releases. The games go through localization which basically winds up with songs in one country's version of a game and not another's. Imagine if that was pulled with other games: a platformer that the developer made 20 different levels to play in but only 8 of them are common to all
    • Japanese releases of DDR get different songs versus US and European releases.

      This doesn't really matter to more than like five or six people. Most people see it in the arcade and want to play it. What matters is where the track selection varies from the arcade versions.

      • by tepples ( 727027 )

        Japanese releases of DDR get different songs versus US and European releases.
        This doesn't really matter to more than like five or six people. Most people see it in the arcade and want to play it. What matters is where the track selection varies from the arcade versions.
        The version of DDR Extreme (arcade) commonly seen in the United States is imported from Japan. Therefore, fans of DDR Extreme (arcade) will want the Japanese music.
    • you might pay $50 for only to get maybe $10 worth of new content.

      I think you're quite mistaken - I would consider myself something short of a GH "enthusiast," and I would have to say that most people who play the game find themselves considerably 'hooked' as the game brings some very fascinating aspects into the rhythm game market. Given it's addictive quality, they could re-release the original Guitar Hero songs on the GH2 engine (as they plan to do for the 360) and I would gladly pay full price, even t
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      For what it's worth, I think having a whole bunch of the same games for different consoles causes trouble, and one has to look at DDR and Beatmania for evidence. Japanese releases of DDR get different songs versus US and European releases. The games go through localization which basically winds up with songs in one country's version of a game and not another's. Imagine if that was pulled with other games: a platformer that the developer made 20 different levels to play in but only 8 of them are common to a

      • On the same note, however, as a UK-based DDR player I would much rather be dancing to Papaya than Boyzone...
      • by _Hiro_ ( 151911 )
        If the engine doesn't change, then why not release the "Japan Mix" right next to the "US Mix" for each release? You already know the engine is good from testing the US Mix, just make sure there were no compatibility hiccups for the Japanese data, and then you're out an average of $2-4 per disc in additional development and publishing costs for a game that will sell at $30 each retail in the ~10-20K copies range. (Granted, there could be some lost sales on the US Mix, but...) Figure that wholesale is $18.
        • I think this is an excellent opportunity for downloadable content and micropayments to shine here. That way you could have a j-pop expansion, a death metal expansion and so on.
    • by maxume ( 22995 )
      Causes trouble for who? People who buy it, by definition, want the game more than the $50, and the company most likely pays much less to swap in songs than it does for development of the initial game(meaning that they profit even at lower sales volumes).
    • This is true of anything that becomes popular. If it becomes popular enough you'll eventually have to buy a McDonald's Happy Meal to have a "complete set".
  • I think the propietary controller could plug into the Game Cube port similar to the way that DDR is going to have the dance pad plug into the game cube port then the motion sensing controller will be used for hand movements making the dancing a full body game. You could have two player mode with a guitar and someone else using the Wiimote and nunchuck to simulate playing the drums. Maybe the drummer could control the speed of the song you were playing and try to mess you up. Just some ideas
    • Re:Guitar Hero? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MindStalker ( 22827 ) <> on Friday February 09, 2007 @02:34PM (#17951544) Journal
      Have you ever seen the Wii remote, its got a handy plug in the back of it for extensions, plug the wiimote into the back of the guitar and you seriously reduce the complexity of the guitar making it even cheaper to produce.
      • Or, they could make a slot in the guitar controller, and slip the wiimote into it! No need for any unnecessary extended objects.
      • True ... or the company making this could say "they're going to buy this no matter how we do it" and release a wired guitar that uses nothing that wasn't in the PS2 or 360 versions of the game. You assume they'll just let you snap in a remote cause it would save money ... why do they care? Activision is no stranger to the generic port. Maybe the Wii will get a Les Paul shaped guitar but I wouldn't count on anything revolutionary. The DS version is just a cash grab.
        • Sure, they might charge you the same, but if it saves money in the manufacturing and development they will do it.
  • Aside from the Legend of Zelda theme and the Super Mario Brothers theme, are there any Nintendo Franchises with theme songs conductive to being played on an electric guitar.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by NonSequor ( 230139 )
      Metroid Metal []
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Fozzyuw ( 950608 )

      Aside from the Legend of Zelda theme and the Super Mario Brothers theme, are there any Nintendo Franchises with theme songs conductive to being played on an electric guitar.

      Good God, if they make "Guitar Hero: Mario Mix", like they did with DDR, then I think I'll personally go down to the Guitar Hero's offices with a stereo set on repeat and play them the Mario theme song.

      Seriously, the first 'techno' Mario theme I heard how long ago, was kind of cool and nostalgic the first time but that's it. Nintendo'

      • by sehryan ( 412731 )
        "As for the Wii Remote, I'm sure they'll just require you to purchase a whole new guitar controller."

        But they should be able to make a guitar controller that allows for the Wiimote to just plug in, meaning that the guitar itself should contain significantly less technology, and thus cheaper. For instance, plug the Wiimote in to the guitar, and it is instantly linked to the Wii. No extra wires or wireless components needed.
    • Not technically a Nintendo song, but since the series was on N systems for so long... Castlevania? I mean, how many titles have found their way to NES, Super NES, Gameboy(Pocket|Color|Pocket Color|Advance|Pocket Advance Color SP|Pocket Color SP Advance Kosher Edition), and the DS? Some of Castlevania's songs would translate fantastically into guitar rock. Hell, some of them already have. "Tragic Prince," anyone?
    • tetris [] works pretty well in my opinion.
    • The soundtrack to Rygar was always one of my favorites. Actraiser had some good themes too, even though the Kasandora song tribute sounds suspiciously like Richard Marx's "Hazard".

      And Castlevania -- just listen to Bloody Hell [] from Ailsean and Kaijin over at OCRemix. Damn, I dare you to try that on Expert!
    • The bus theme from Earthbound. 'nuff said.
    • by tepples ( 727027 )

      Aside from the Legend of Zelda theme and the Super Mario Brothers theme, are there any Nintendo Franchises with theme songs conductive to being played on an electric guitar.

      Have you played Super Smash Bros. Melee? I heard guitar parts on a lot of the songs in that game, such as "Multi-Man Melee" and "Brinstar". Or flesh out some of K.K.'s songs from Animal Crossing Population Growing or Animal Crossing Wild World, which would involve turning off the distortion pedal to get a faux-acoustic sound.

    • ... A whole lot of the tunes from the NES Mega Man games would work well.

      The title music from Mega Man 3 is going quite nicely in my head right now, for instance.

  • The most perfect Guitar Hero songs is old Metallica music. I'm talking pre-Black Album. I cannot think of a more perfect blend of lead guitar and rhythm that would go perfectly well with Co-op mode.


  • And head bang my way to oblivion with my Wii!

    Any chance of them getting some female artists for this one?
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Desult ( 592617 )

      Any chance of them getting some female artists for this one?
      What are you trying to say here? GH2 had female artists... It seems like you're slighting Chrissy Hynde, Ann and Nancy Wilson, and Axl Rose! I won't stand for it!
    • by _Hiro_ ( 151911 )
      Gutar Hero: Heart Edition!

      I'd buy that!
  • Wonderful! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Garse Janacek ( 554329 ) on Friday February 09, 2007 @02:58PM (#17951904)

    I've been waiting for this news for a long, long time.

    However, what's with the assumption that the DS will get Guitar Hero? The actual quote is "In fiscal 2008, we'll double our offerings on DS and the Wii, including Spiderman, Shrek, Transformers, and Guitar Hero." -- it seems a peculiar assumption to make that every single one of those things is coming to both platforms. It was just a list of things they'll be bringing to Nintendo systems. Unless the company confirms this, I think it's a very odd interpretation to assume that this means the DS will get Guitar Hero.

    That said, though... Guitar Hero on Wii. That single game was the biggest reason I've been tempted, for a long time, to buy a PS2 (there are other games I might play, but nothing else that was worth buying the system). Now, I know I can have it anyway if I just hold out a little while longer.

    Now, if I could just find a store with the Wii in stock... :-P

    • Yep, sucks for Sony and M$. I've been holding out for a while now on buying a PS or 360... only game I'm looking for is GH2. However, now I guess I can just wait for the Wii release :)
    • That said, though... Guitar Hero on Wii. That single game was the biggest reason I've been tempted, for a long time, to buy a PS2 (there are other games I might play, but nothing else that was worth buying the system). Now, I know I can have it anyway if I just hold out a little while longer.

      I agree. I actually have a PS2, but just the idea that I can get Guitar Hero on my Wii makes me want to buy that as well. All the cool girls I know love it.
    • Guitar Hero on Wii. That single game was the biggest reason I've been tempted, for a long time, to buy a PS2
      If you're going to go that far, why not just learn to play guitar?
      • Guitar Hero on Wii. That single game was the biggest reason I've been tempted, for a long time, to buy a PS2
        If you're going to go that far, why not just learn to play guitar?

        Come on now. Just because the parent enjoys Guitar Hero doesn't necessarily mean that they don't play guitar. I play guitar (bass actually) myself and I love Guitar Hero. I also know a bunch of guitarists that also enjoy Guitar Hero. I'm getting a little sick of people being like "OMG wannabe!!1!1" when people talk about how they like Guitar Hero.

        p.s. I skateboard and I enjoy THPS, but I don't call people posers if they just play the game.


        • Seriously? I tried it out at a friend's house, because I wanted to see how they simplified guitar playing. I was expecting to see things like automatically correcting timings to the nearest eighth note, only letting you play notes that are in key, fretting every note perfectly, possibly palm-muting turned on and off with a button, and probably some system to build appropriate chords from single notes.

          I was pretty startled to discover that you could only do one set of notes, either right or wrong, and that
          • Well, you have to remember that it is basically a rhythm game. It's not a guitar simulator. I enjoy it because I can "play" some good songs without necessarily taking the time to learn it. Also, I can play with my friends that don't play guitar on the co-op mode which is pretty fun. I don't think of it as actually playing guitar, it's just an easy way to get some instant gratification. Plus I have learned a couple songs on my bass (John the Fisherman) because it was fun playing them on Guitar Hero.
          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • Shit, if it were the game you were describing, you really would might as well just play a real guitar.
              Well, yes, if you already play guitar. If someone did make a system like that, a novice could probably get to a halfway passable level in a couple of hours.

              And yes, I was expecting something completely different. I do play guitar, and I assumed someone did something along the lines of what I was describing and I wanted to see how it worked out.
      • If you're going to go that far, why not just learn to play guitar?

        Well, there's a couple answers. As a related example, I absolutely love Wii Boxing (I've played my brother's system), but have no interest in actually learning how to box in real life. It's a completely different activity. I'm not using Guitar Hero as a stand-in for a real guitar, it's a fun activity all by itself (I've loved pretty much every rhythm game I've ever played).

        Or, an alternate but related answer: I do have a guitar, and play

    • Now, if I could just find a store with the Wii in stock... :-P

      It seems the winning strategy is to check the ad for your local store at 8 AM on Sunday morning. If it says they'll have Wiis in stock, they mean it.
  • I agree that the easiest method would be to have a slot on the front of the axe that you click your Wiimote into, it attaches to the guitar through the nunchunk port, and some kind of click lock, or other mechanism to hold it in place...

    The actual guitar hero controller is EASILY mapped to a legacy controller such as is already attached via the nunchuk port for virtual console games...

    5 button - a, b, c, d, x
    Strum trigger - either y button, or maybe use the analog stick to be able to track hos strong your h
  • Obligitory (Score:5, Funny)

    by optkk ( 907995 ) on Friday February 09, 2007 @03:22PM (#17952232) Homepage
    For those of you about to rock, Wii salute you!
  • This sounds like it would be great for the Wii. At first, I thought using the nunchuk would be great for strumming, but the WiiMote just isn't suited for playing the guitar. Fortunately, the Wiimote could easily become the strumming mechanism with a GH dongle plugging into the base. rotate the Wiimote to strumm, move horizontally for whammi... I could see that.

    The only thing I'd be concerned about with the dongle is utility. If I've got 5 buttons up there, it sure would be nice to have a neck to slide my

  • Any Nintendo classic songs you'd love to see included on the Wii version?
    Korobeiniki [] (AKA Tetris A-Type music), as performed by Ozma. Oh man that song rocks. I'm also partial to the Zelda theme. And maybe somebody can cut a deal with the Minibosses to use some of their work...
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Is this now time for Playstation owners to yawn, and comment about how 2004 Guitar Hero is..

    If not, then that's surely hypocrisy from the Xbox owners who said the same about the PS3 Oblivion Elder Scrolls news...

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