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XBox (Games)

Microsoft Updates Xbox 360 Back Compat Again 71

liquidzero4 writes "Earlier this week, Microsoft patched in another of their regular backwards compatibility updates. This one is fairly important; not only does it add a number of titles to the official back-compat list but several of the new old games are fairly popular. The likes of Panzer Dragoon ORTA, Jet Set Radio Future, Mercenaries, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, Soul Calibur 2, and Star Wars Republic Commando are sure to make some 360 owners happy."
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Microsoft Updates Xbox 360 Back Compat Again

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  • I clicked on this and it mentioned initially that there was nothing for me to see here and then magically came up. Did I miss something?
  • JSRF (Score:2, Interesting)

    by mqmatt ( 126466 )
    It's great to see Microsoft continuing to add backward compatibility. I'm really looking forward to playing JSRF again, but unfortunately if looks like it doesn't work on PAL systems yet :-(
    If you have a sufficiently high constitution, wade through the discussion at http://forums.xbox.com/11825595/ShowPost.aspx [xbox.com].
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Damn this is the LAST thing I was thinking Microsoft was going to do. What would you expect a marketing company to do? Market the hell out of the backwards compatibility, then when you finally get them to buy the product, you slow the porting waaaaaaaay down, to just enough so you can say "we're working hard to get these games playable".

      This seems entirely out of Microsoft's ordinary character. What is the world coming to?
      • by British ( 51765 )
        This seems entirely out of Microsoft's ordinary character. What is the world coming to?

        They are trying to beat the snot out of Sony in the video game field. If you want to go into more detail, they are trying to outdo Sony's backward compat. with PS2 games.
      • by ivan256 ( 17499 )

        . What would you expect a marketing company to do? Market the hell out of the backwards compatibility, then when you finally get them to buy the product, you slow the porting waaaaaaaay down, to just enough so you can say "we're working hard to get these games playable".

        It's been 18 months since the system came out. How much slower do you want them to go?
  • by Travoltus ( 110240 ) on Sunday April 22, 2007 @09:39AM (#18831313) Journal
    How does the game of the year several times over take so long to be made compatible for the 360?

    Check the Elder Scrolls boards, tons more people would buy Morrowind if it were 360 compatible.
    • by jZnat ( 793348 ) *
      Hmm, I just got that game (still only have an Xbox), and that's nice to know. I know that I'll be keeping my Xbox for Xbox games for quite some time since Microsoft can't get the ball rolling and support most of the Xbox game library. Hell, I expect that the Xbox emulator projects (I know of two) will surpass Microsoft in compatibility in no time at all, and they don't even get access to the SDK documentation!
    • by MogNuts ( 97512 )
      i totally agree with u! i was thinking this for the longest time, and when i saw the new list recently, morrowwind was the first thing i looked for. :) my advice, go buy it for the pc. I've seen it used for like $7 on amazon. I don't think it'll ever be released, probably a ploy by bethesda so that ppl will buy oblivion instead. I went this route because i recently got a new box. Its got an entry level ATI x1300. plays it fine, so u should be ok. (I was originally wanting Morrowind for the 360 because befor
      • by MogNuts ( 97512 )
        P.S. Only meant to recommend it for the pc because u probably already have one, and there is no sense in buying a used original xbox for 1 game. I don't mean to play platform favorites. ;)
      • Unless you already own Morrowind for the XBOX I'd say go for the PC version. You can run it decently on a couple year old PC even with (some) integrated video chipsets, and decently with any non-integrated 3d video card released in the last couple of years. Mainly because of the number of Mods and addons out there that you will miss out on the XBOX, and I can't imagine playing Morrowind without a mouse.
    • It's obvious that Morrowind is probably a harder compatibility job thanks to its complexity. It's only slightly less obvious that Marrowind may be an incredibly hard compatibility job thanks to its bugs. I don't know how patching on the Xbox ended up, but the last time I played the game it still had show-stopping bugs that cropped up. This one may not be Microsoft's fault - except, of course, in the sense that they let Bethesda ship a buggy game.
      • Agreed. It took me a while to give up on the game, but I should have known better when I could cook an entire meal during the loading screen. What a terrible waste.
    • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *
      I'm still waiting on a patch for "The Warriors." It was one of my favorite Xbox 1 games, and still no joy on the 360.
    • Morrowind was barely compatible with the Xbox. Making it compatible for the 360 may well prove impossible.
  • Soul Calibur 2 (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Soul Calibur 2? The 360's been able to play that for a while. I brought to my friend's house to play on his 360 several months ago and it worked flawlessly.
  • I tried playing Sega GT only to have it run exceptionally slow. But overall I know the reason behind the backwards compatability issues. They are not only emulating the old game but they are also instilling full time AA. Personally I'd like to see and option to turn off the AA for those wonderful games like Sega GT which overload the GPU on the 360 and cause a slowdown in the game. I'd also love to be able to play my Rally games on the 360. Rallisport, Colin Mcrae, etc. There was a number of great dri
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Still no Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.

    And don't tell me it's "only graphics with no gameplay", that's what most games are these days.

    • I'd think more along the lines of MS not wanting to cut into sales for DOAX2. I mean, why allow playback for the old version when you can ding your customers for another$60, or even $30 for the platinum edition?
    • "And don't tell me it's "only graphics with no gameplay", that's what most games are these days."

      Ok, I won't.. it's only for the bewbies.

      Disclaimer.. I am female of the straight variety but it's kinda hard to miss the bewbies.. any yes, the packages on the males bounce as well ;).
  • There are issues with a bunch of existing titles on that list that haven't been fixed. Silent Hill: The Room, for example, has massive great black cracks appearing on the faces of the character. And Star Wars: KOTOR - one of the first games to be made backwards compatible - has problems with the frame rate dropping and the sound breaking up.
  • Great I thought. I can play JSRF again. No said Xbox 360 - not unless you unplug the TV and use scart. Meh i thought. JSRF back in attic.
  • We're still waiting for one of the best selling titles... I personally may have never switched to a 360 had I known
    I'd be giving up Morrowind. ... and Oblivion is no substitute...
  • Waiting.. waiting.. waiting some more..

    I want to play PGR and Morrowind on my 360. I was hoping they would add them soon, but I guess no joy yet. :/

    *quietly fires up the old xbox while the shiny and nice 360 sits idle*

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
