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Blizzard Confirms New Product, May Be Starcraft 2 229

darkhitman writes "According to a Kotaku post yesterday, Blizzard has confirmed that they'll announce a new product at their World Wide Invitation in Korea next month. The statement issued by Blizzard verified that they 'do intend to announce a new product [...] next month" and "plan to revisit [Starcraft] at some point in the future,' but did not confirm the rumor that the new game would be Starcraft 2 — but we can certainly hope."
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Blizzard Confirms New Product, May Be Starcraft 2

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  • heh (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 27, 2007 @09:39PM (#18908609)
    Zerg Post!

  • by Mr. Flibble ( 12943 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @09:40PM (#18908621) Homepage
    Blizzard announces World of Starcraft... And a feeling as if a million nerds cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 27, 2007 @09:48PM (#18908699) []

      Job Update 4/26/07
      New Position - Lead Engine Programmer Next-Gen MMO
      • by drix ( 4602 )
        That doesn't really come as a surprise considering they're absolutely minting money with their current-gen MMO. The question is, will it be Starcraft?

        Starcraft was the last computer game I played regularly before school and life got in the way. Now that I'm a little older and have some disposable income, I'd be seriously tempted to throw down in an Alienware or something or WoS came out.
      • by Siberwulf ( 921893 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @11:49PM (#18909343)
        Dumb question:

        Why can't that be a position for their current MMO?

        WoW has been running on the same engine since release in late 2004. Many MMOs (Dark Age for example) are constantly updating their game engine. Maybe this is just a new engine for the same MMO.
        • by Morlark ( 814687 ) on Saturday April 28, 2007 @01:39AM (#18909727) Homepage

          It's worth noting that Blizzard have recently renewed their trademark on Blackthorne []. Trademarks on other Blizzard games from that era appear to remain untouched.

          • And your link doesn't work.
            • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

              by fmarkham ( 1091529 )
              From the home of the underdogs []:

              Blackthorne is an excellent action/adventure hybrid in the same vein as Delphine's celebrated Out of This World. Probably the most underrated, overlooked game from Blizzard (made before the company became famous with WarCraft series), the game received little attention when it was released (perhaps due to the fanfare surrounding Warcraft 1, released around the same time). Which is a shame, because it is an excellent, addictive platformer that is arguably better than Flashback.

        • by Aereus ( 1042228 ) on Saturday April 28, 2007 @02:23AM (#18909897)
          Blizzard telling us that they are announcing a new game in *South Korea* next month almost guarantees that it is Starcraft-related IMHO. Starcraft is/was absolutely huge in Korea, so I can't see them choosing that spot for an announcement for anything else. A Starcraft MMO also makes good market sense right now, even if I would also love to see a new Starcraft RTS. There has been a distinct lack of quality mainstream Scifi MMOs so far. Starcraft could fit into that area quite nicely -- and by the time the game was ready for release, WoW would also be around its 5th anniversary.
          • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 28, 2007 @03:41AM (#18910111)
            Actually, the logical thing to do is pull a Warcraft 3. Announce Starcraft 2 in Korea, with a new 3D engine. Use this release to lay additional groundwork (in particular, any new story elements needed to create an MMO from it), while beginning serious work on the implementation of the MMO. Then release an expansion to the RTS 1-2 years later, then announce the MMO 1-2 years later, and release 1-2 years later.

            That way, you get the franchise revitalized and updated, making the expected shedloads of money, while also setting things up for the MMO to follow. And if they really are working on Ghost in-house, then if the MMO is delayed, there's another entry in the Starcraft franchise to keep interest in the brand up.
          • "Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present."

            says that aren't.
    • Actually... I for one, welcome our new Zerg overlords ;)

      Well, now seriously, maybe it's just me, but I've had it up to here with all MMOs being medieval fantasy. Nothing wrong with fantasy as such, but a little variety is good, you know?

      Well, that's maybe not technically true, so let me rephrase it a bit. There are a couple of SF MMOs, but so far they sucked hairy ass. Anarchy Online... well, read the Something Awful review, and know that SA is actually kind to them. It was actually even buggier and less fu
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by DurendalMac ( 736637 )
      I still don't think that it'll happen until Blizzard feels that WoW is waning. They don't want to split their market and wind up losing a ton of WoW players to WoSC.
      • So, they have a lot of people who like warcraft stuffing money in their left pocket. They make a starcraft MMORPG, and a lot of people who like starcraft starts putting money in their right pocket. Some of those previously stuffing money in their left pocket now stuff it in the right pocket instead.

        So in the end, they keep the current audience, and gain even more customers.

        Now add to this the idea that someone is tired of WoW and is about to stop playing. They look for another MMORPG that is more fun, and f
    • Does Blizzard DO anything other than WoW (That's been announced)? I went to their site a couple of weeks ago because I had not heard anything in a LONG time other than WoW and the site was basically one big WoW website.
  • by ween14 ( 827520 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @09:41PM (#18908635)
    Blizzard Announcement: "We will be having an announcement soon announcing when we will have an announcement about when we will announce a new product."
    • by Vrallis ( 33290 )
      Yeah, and the announcement will be:

      "We will soon be announcing that we will not be announcing a new product." /Just quit WoW after 30 months of raiding 5 days a week //I already have a job, thanks
  • by RobertM1968 ( 951074 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @09:43PM (#18908651) Homepage Journal
    Really... take half a statement, add another (irrelevant to the first) half statement, and you have a totally irrelevant headline for a /. article.
    • by garcia ( 6573 )
      Netcraft confirms it, Slashdot's editors may suck.
  • by scenestar ( 828656 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @09:46PM (#18908673) Homepage Journal
    A certain company is Releasing "FOO" somewhere set to Release at a yet uncertain date.

    No details are as of yet released, but rumour has it that it *might* be the highly anticipated s equal to their previous bestseller "BAR"

    More details at eleven.
  • Good Locale (Score:3, Funny)

    by bstorer ( 738305 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @09:50PM (#18908707)
    Where better to announce Starcraft 2 than in Korea? Kekeke!
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by DanielG42 ( 906032 )
      In South Korea, only old people wait for the next release of Starcraft.
    • by Xtravar ( 725372 )
      ^_^ kekek


      - And now for some random text about lameness filters not letting me post what I want to.
  • This reminds me of an old saying... Ask her if she'll go home with you BEFORE you spend $50 on drinks....
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      Yeah, man... would hate to not be able to buy some new game coming out.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • That came from Richard Feynman in something he wrote. I don't remember which essay it was, but it was while he was working at Cornell, which is only a range of a few years shortly after World War 2.
    • Old saying? Wasn't that one of Richard Feynman's quotes?
    • by aliquis ( 678370 )
      Or better yet convince her she wants to go home with you instead of buying her fucking drinks, why would that help? "Here you have a drink, now can you please sleep with me?!!" "omg i gave you a drink and you don't give me sex?!"

      Thought I'm from sweden and not the USA, maybe it's more common to buy drinks over there, and your dating bussiness is different to ours ;D
  • by rsborg ( 111459 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @10:08PM (#18908797) Homepage
    Since Korea is the worldwide capitol of Starcraft players.

    Also it's not a total surprise given the hints [] that Blizzard has been putting out (validity of "hints" left as an exercise to reader).

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 27, 2007 @10:12PM (#18908827)
    I bet they'll introduce the new "World of Starcraft" with an expansion pack for WoW. Just when a new guild is about to take down Kel'Thuzad for the first time, and a voice will come out of no-where and announce "Nuclear Launch Detected".
  • by Bo'Bob'O ( 95398 )
    I hope they really make some improvements in the AI, assuming it's still an RTS. As much as I love playing online.. now and again.. sometimes i like to move at my own pace, or don't want to be rude to people if I know I might have to leave in the middle of a game. In too many games single player is just a joke. Sure they can give it perfect accuracy in an FPS, or make it cheat in an RTS, but I'd really like to see something that gives me something at least close to playing with a person. I enjoyed Warcraft
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by cHiphead ( 17854 )
      I'd like to see a good, fully modernized version of Shattered Galaxy [], its like starcraft if it actually required minimal tactical strategy competence.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        "...starcraft if it actually required minimal tactical strategy competence."

        Hold up there. If you're implying that Starcraft doesn't require tactical competence then perhaps you're dealing with some strange definition of tactics that I was unaware of.
        Tactics: Tactics is the collective name for methods of winning a small-scale conflict, performing an optimization, etc. This applies specifically to warfare, but also to economics, trade, games and a host of other fields such as negotiation.

        That kind o
  • "... and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present."

    hello? that sounds like it is not SC2
  • wtf? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by sloth jr ( 88200 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @10:38PM (#18908989)
    Why is a sequel something to get thrilled about? How about a TRULY new game from Blizzard?!?
    • Because it seems that even when they make a sequel or modification to an existing franchise they produce a fantastic game. I wouldn't mind a new game, but I would also love a new version of StarCraft updated to something even better.
    • by Guuge ( 719028 )

      Blizzard doesn't do creativity. Their top game is an Everquest clone that continues a franchise based on a setting created by Games Workshop. They haven't had an original title since Diablo in 1996, which is just a simplified dungeon crawler with online play.

  • by RichPowers ( 998637 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @10:48PM (#18909051)
    I loved Warcraft I and II, but I lost interest when Bliz started emphasized the cartoony fantasy elements instead of the all-out war between the Alliance and the Horde. The RPG-esque elements of WC3 never appealed to me and the lower unit count drove me nuts. I loved the fast-and-furious RTS experience provided by the first two.

    In doing so, Blizz set the groundwork for the successful fantasy world that is WoW, but it still doesn't make me happy :)

    I will be somewhat disappointed in they take the same route in the next Starcraft.
    • I loved Warcraft I and II, but I lost interest when Bliz started emphasized the cartoony fantasy elements

      Which version of Warcraft 2 are you playing that didn't look cartoony?

      The RPG-esque elements of WC3 never appealed to me and the lower unit count drove me nuts.

      SC drove me nuts precisely because you had so many units and that interface wasn't built for it. Templars were useless except to turn into archons since with 200 units, you can't even bother to cast spells. Like WC3, you could only select 24 uni
      • SC drove me nuts precisely because you had so many units and that interface wasn't built for it. Templars were useless except to turn into archons since with 200 units, you can't even bother to cast spells.

        Playing the game on "fastest" is not a built-in feature of the interface. Play at a slower speed and you'll find you have time to cast spells.

        Chris Mattern
    • Warcraft 3 was about the BATTLES (using your hero, items, and units precisely in battles) that took precedence over production and holding parts of the map. Warcraft 2 and Starcraft were more about production. If you got good amount of production going, you could just throw your units into the enemy lines endlessly (which was kinda fun).

      I learned to love Warcraft 3 due to the top replays (that taught me how to really play the game and stop getting frustrated that I couldn't play it like Warcraft 2/Starcraft
  • by Phase Shifter ( 70817 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @10:57PM (#18909109) Homepage
    Is that any sufficiently rabid fanboi will see what he wants, regardless of whether it flat-out contradicts the obvious.

    To paraphrase Blizzard: "We're about to announce a new game, and we really want to do something with the Starcraft franchise, but this ain't it."
    Rabid fanboi writing article: "Woohoo! Blizz said Starcraft! Blizz said new game! This is it, Starcraft 2 next month!"

    It's a shame, because I would really like to see another Starcraft. Unfortunately the fanbois are probably scaring Blizzard away from actually doing it, since they know the first screenshots or videos released from beta will set off a torrent of bad press from people saying "What is this crap? They were saying this was ready for release like two years ago, and this is all they have?"
    • by themildassassin ( 1094497 ) on Saturday April 28, 2007 @12:33AM (#18909507)
      Why paraphrase when you can just copy and post the quote?
      "We do intend to announce a new product at the Worldwide Invitational next month in Korea, and we appreciate the enthusiasm and interest in getting an advance look at what that will be, but players will have to wait until May 19th to find out more. Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present."

      Now let me paraphrase, the first part is saying "We have a secret.", the second part is saying "and we really like Starcraft.", and the last part, "but we can't tell you anything yet."

      I think you are missing something or I am. This is ambiguous PR talk, but nowhere does it state that they are defiantly not going to do Starcraft, in fact they seem to be suggesting that it is in fact a Starcraft game, or they are a bunch of serious teases.

      Also, "fanboi"? Is your disdain of the English language so great that you need to strike out at all of us like that?
      • by Phase Shifter ( 70817 ) on Saturday April 28, 2007 @04:44AM (#18910301) Homepage
        Actually et's take those first two parts basically as you state them:

        "we have a secret we'll be reealing next month."
        "We Really like Starcraft."

        the third part, with no reading between lines required, quite plainly says "But the secret we plan to reveal next month has nothing to do with Starcraft."
        • by toriver ( 11308 )
          How does "We can't tell you anything yet" get turned into "it has nothing to do with Starcraft"? You are interpreting in a very strange way. I't like Nintendo who denied the existence of the DS Lite a month before its semi-surprising launch.
          • Since when does "but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard" mean "we're not telling you what we already know" instead of "there's nothing to say?" If you recall, they mentioned something about Starcraft [] a few months ago, but hinted that it would still be a few years.
          • I know it's confusing because we're reading an announcement about an announcement, but it's still pretty clear.

            "Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present."

            They are announcing that they have something in the works they can't say, and they will announce more on May 19th. Then he says that they have nothing to announce about starc
            • They are announcing that they have something in the works they can't say, and they will announce more on May 19th. Then he says that they have nothing to announce about starcraft. You could think that doesn't rule out the possibility that the May 19th announcement is starcraft, but it rules out the possibility that today's announcement is about starcraft, and todays announcement is about the future one. He's saying that he's announcing something, he can't say what it is, but it isn't startcraft.

              Wow, that's

          • by geekoid ( 135745 )
            "...Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present."

            I bolded the bit you seem to be missing.

            • by toriver ( 11308 )
              "...Also, we have a very strong connection with the characters and settings of StarCraft, and we do plan to revisit that universe at some point in the future, but we don't have anything new to announce in that regard at present."

              I bolded the other bit you seemed to be missing: at present is not the same as in the next month.
        • You need to read what's written. He didn't say "we have nothing to say about Starcraft next month." He said "we have nothing to say about Starcraft *right now*."

          Chris Mattern
    • by lawpoop ( 604919 )

      It's a shame, because I would really like to see another Starcraft. Unfortunately the fanbois are probably scaring Blizzard away from actually doing it, since they know the first screenshots or videos released from beta will set off a torrent of bad press from people saying "What is this crap? They were saying this was ready for release like two years ago, and this is all they have?"

      Fortunately for you and me, I think there's a strong chance that it might be a starcraft title. They put a lot of development into Starcraft:Ghost ( at one point they had some 100 screenshots of *gameplay* on the website), which apparently was shelved by Vivendi, against the wishes of the developers. Ghost was supposed to be an FPS role-play for gaming consoles. There are also indications, specifically the posting for a job opening for the next-gen MMO, that the new title could be an MMO. It may be that t

  • Starcraft 2? Yay!

    I have a big caveat to my first impulse though. Please, please, make sure that the stand alone version is as good, if not better than the original. My game time is limited. I don't play any games online so if there is a new Starcraft, I need there to be an awesome stand alone version.
  • by geek ( 5680 ) []

    They posted a new lead engine developer job opening today for a "next gen mmo" which WoW most definitely is not. Count on a new MMO.

    Probably Starcraft but lets hope for Diablo. What I'd REALLY like is something entirely new. Rehashing old stuff gets wel..... old.
  • Starcraft II (Score:5, Informative)

    by Frozen Void ( 831218 ) on Friday April 27, 2007 @11:49PM (#18909351) Homepage
    Starcraft could be the perfect strategy game if it was more editable and several fixes were applied.
    (applies to itself too)
    The map editor sucks(by capabilities,everyone uses Starforge).
    Games start with delay of 5 seconds.
    Ladder was so prone to abuse blizzard closed it on all gateways.
    When someone's client doesn't respond,game DOES NOT drop him,but instead freezees the game,
    shows a non-modal timeout screen,for 40 seconds and then at 0:00 it could just stop if the player uses
    the very popular lag hack.
    Maphack and other exploits are not fixed.Maphack gives an enormous advantage in Starcraft.
    Dragoon(and several other units) AI dances around when used with obstacles.
    Pairs of units start dancing when they can't decide the right of way(heading towards each other).
    All channels on with exception of 20-30 are not shown in channel list(it probably a crude anti-spam measure blizzard "invented").
    The ability to save games is limited to host(unlike replays).
    The random element of 70% chance firing to higher ground does not belong in this game.
    When connecting to client opens 7-10 extra connections to the same server,and closes them only after several minutes pass.
    Friendlists are limited to 20.
    ignore lists are stored server side and reset each time you login.
    Ums Map preview is disabled for some reason.
    Maps in singleplayer list are limited to 1024 IIRC,beyond that it just doesn't displays them ( list works fine).
    Spam bots which spam each 60 seconds are never banned and players who speak too fast are kicked out from the server.
    Replays must be passworded games only.
    The observer glitch:when observer is exactly on center of missile turret, missile turret stops firing and just freezes.
    You need to place map revealers and disable fog of war,but cannot make the map be visible 100% in UMS without this.
    Unit range,cooldown,AI etc are not modifiable by editor.
    lack of math operations and variables in editor.
    Spells/abilities are not modifiable and cannot be cast by triggers with exception of few.
    Direct coordinates and locations are not supported.

    the list goes on and on.
    • A lot of those issues fall into one of two camps: either the issue was found because the game has been played millions of times and picked apart and hacked to death, that of course bugs are going to crop up; or the issue is with or the online play in general. The first will always be around because when a game is as popular as StarCraft, people are going to dig into it and find these exploits and bugs. The second will undoubtedly be improved upon as Blizzard has got a lot more experience under
  • by Hackie_Chan ( 678203 ) on Saturday April 28, 2007 @12:30AM (#18909497)
    Scenario A) The game will not follow the exact same formula, instead taking the original and building upon it. Substantial changes to game play and design are bound, implementing common features available in modern RTS games.

    People will complain that Starcraft 2 is too different from the original.

    Scenario B) The game is a minimalist upgrade. Basically being the original but in 3D, with the intention of not trying to break a tried and true formula.

    People will complain that Starcraft 2 is too similar to the original (see reception of Command and Conquer 3).
    • by Snaller ( 147050 )
      "People will complain that Starcraft 2 is too different from the original. "

      It mustn't be too different, I liked warcraft2 but hated warcraft 3 which had totally fuked it up with heroes and all that crap.
  • World of Starcraft? Seriously? Why the hell does everyone keep saying World of Starcraft? This naming convention makes sense for Warcraft or Diablo, where all battles are fought on one world, but not for Starcraft!!! There are at the very least three different planets (Worlds) that will have to exist (one for each race), and we know from the original game that there are far more worlds involved in the storyline than just the three homeworlds.

    I can guarantee you 100% that this game will NOT be named Wo

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Dachannien ( 617929 )
      I'm voting for "Sector of Starcraft". It's got alliteration, it doesn't rip off "Galaxy" from SWG, and nerds will dig it.

  • by twigles ( 756194 ) on Saturday April 28, 2007 @02:46AM (#18909955)
    I just kicked the WoW habit a couple months ago!

    I've been Blizzard's bitch since 1994 and it sucks. I feel like Sharon Stone in Casino....
  • Sure Starcraft II (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Ilgaz ( 86384 ) * on Saturday April 28, 2007 @03:42AM (#18910117) Homepage
    "Blizzard has confirmed that they'll announce a new product at their World Wide Invitation in Korea next month."

    The "Korea" is the key, a country known for its massive amount of current Starcraft players.

    It will be at least Starcraft related.

  • In other news, it has finally been confirmed that a company which may be Blizzard will be confirming an announcment regarding a final
    date at which confirmation will be given regarding a game which may be Starcraft, or may not be. Details will be announced after a final confirmation date is
    set -- and an announcement date will be confirmed no later than tuesday during a conference call which may be held at 4 o'clock or may not happen at all.

Kleeneness is next to Godelness.
