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Sony Announces 34 PS3 Games At Gamer's Day 120

destinyland writes "Sony just announced a whopping 34 titles that are upcoming for the PlayStation 3. Despite record losses for the game group, their stock shot to a five-year high and they promised to eliminate 80% of their operating loss within one year. Analysts think that Sony's plan for that might include eventually lowering prices for the PS3." The 'Gamers Day' event featured a great deal of new information about Sony products and services, including the new PSP Store. Joystiq had some hands-on time with highly anticipated titles like LittleBigPlanet and Heavenly Sword.
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Sony Announces 34 PS3 Games At Gamer's Day

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  • How many of those are coming in, say, the next quarter? And how many of those are going to be games worth playing, and not a mary-kate and ashley title?
    • by Intellectual Elitist ( 706889 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @10:32AM (#19162735)
      Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Lair, Warhawk, Stranglehold, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, Stuntman: Ignition, Heavenly Sword, and Sega Rally Revo are all due before the end of September.
      • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

        by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @11:35AM (#19164009)
        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by 7Prime ( 871679 )
          Don't forget Eternal Sonata (RPG), which is looking to be, quite possibly, one of the greatest RPGs ever made.
          • What's so good about it? I saw some videos of it and, to tell you the truth, looks just like Fable to me. I am more concerned about the absence of JRPGs (turn based) in both the 360 and the PS3. Looks like Sony wants to take people away from the 360 with action games and shooters, which is not going to happen, and it's neglecting one of their strongest points, one that the Xbox and the 360 barely touch. I know in my case, I won't buy any console until I see which one has a library of RPGs. I could care le
            • by 7Prime ( 871679 )
              Ummm, Fable? WTF? It's nothing like Fabel. It's a cell-shaded, story-driven, jRPG that takes place in a dream world with a battle system about halfway between Grandia and Tales. How could you get any farther from Fabel?

              Are you sure you saw the right video? I don't know how anyone could say it looks anything like Fabel. To me, it looks more like Tales of Symphonia.
              • I saw this video pe=wmv&pl=game [] When I said Fable I meant more like an action RPG, not a traditional RPG. Guess I should have said it's more like Kingdom Hearts.
                • by 7Prime ( 871679 )
                  It's turn based with an action element. As I said, think Grandia (stop-time turn-based, but where the characters run around on the screen, so distance and location plays into the strategy), mixed with Tales (battle screens are button-mashers with combos and special attacks). From what I've heard, it's stop time, but then when every character takes a turn, they have a certain amount of time to perform a series of attacks executed in real-time. This way, you control all characters, and at it's heart, it's a s
            • I know in my case, I won't buy any console until I see which one has a library of RPGs. I could care less about shooters, sports or racing games.

              "Me too"(tm)

              Seriously, I haven't seen one good title on either XB360 or PS3 yet.
              Actually, for the entire 2006/2007, this goes for all other consoles too.
              One problem might be that, after playing World of Warcraft for half a year, I can no longer stand any game that has a "Do task x, get object y. Kill z, get p experience. Get n*p experience, gain 1 level" style of gaming.
              This includes almost all mediocre RPGs or MMRPGs, and also most of the ones I used to like but no longer can stand playing. =(

              Somebody nee

            • Comment removed based on user account deletion
              • Enchanted Arms was a nice turn-based JRPG from From Software on the 360 (it was also released recently on the PS3). Eternal Sonata is turn based too, but there's no release date yet outside Japan, except that it will be released. Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey (once again, turn based) look really cool and are almost here (August for BD, LO in December).

                Enchanted Arms was not a horrible game, but I'm not so sure I'd even call it 'nice'. It looked very last-gen (the environments were horribly bland - compare to Oblivion and you'll see what I mean), the English voice-acting was so bad, I had to switch to the Japanese soundtrack, and the game balance was pretty lacking (they give you all these cool golems, but I pretty much played the entire game with only humans in the party).

                I have to admit, Obvlivion disappointed me deeply with its flawed auto-scaling (p

        • by DarkJC ( 810888 )
          Except there's a bunch you forgot. Ratchet and Clank: ToD, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune are both shaping up to be HUGE titles. Of course Halo 3 is going to sell bucketloads, but honestly I don't see how you can say Blue Dragon, Forza 2, and Bioshock are better than all the SCEA exclusives coming this year. There's more in terms of numbers, and at least three (Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted) that are shaping up to be top notch AAA titles. If anything, the hands are about even at this point.
      • by adisakp ( 705706 )
        For John Woo / Chow Yun Fat fans, the special edition Stanglehold on PS3 will also come with the full BluRay version of the movie "Hard Boiled".
    • All EA sports games shouldn't count as new games either. They are just rehashes of last years game, with updated rosters
      • by hal2814 ( 725639 )
        Right. That's why they sell at new game prices and sell quite a few copies at those new game prices. I don't currently buy every year of Madden or NCAA football or FIFA but with very few exceptions, I'd much rather play the most recent year's copy than the previous year with updated rosters. If you want to talk about rehashes, the FPS genre is probably most suspect.
    • by DrXym ( 126579 )
      Why don't you go to GameSpot, 1Up, Neogaf, Kotaku, Destructoid, GameSpy, IGN, Eurogamer or any other game site and find out?
  • Hmm.. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Turn-X Alphonse ( 789240 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @10:25AM (#19162547) Journal
    So, where's the list? If they have 30+ I want a list of names, not figures and 3 names.
  • Lower the price? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by grogdamighty ( 884570 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @10:27AM (#19162589) Homepage
    "Despite record losses for the game group, their stock shot to a five-year high and they promised to eliminate 80% of their operating loss within one year. Analysts think that Sony's plan for that might include eventually lowering prices for the PS3." Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but how do you eliminate operating loss by lowering prices? Is this one of those crazy "make it up in volume" schemes?
    • by hal2814 ( 725639 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @10:31AM (#19162713)
      You see they're going to let you sell them and you'll get a cut of the sales. Now you can get someone to sell them for you and then both you and Sony will get cuts of the sales. That chain can keep on going. Eventually, you'll be able to get enough people under you that you don't even have to sell PS3s anymore. You can just watch the money pour in from your underlings selling PS3s.
    • Imagine if you will, that Sony has produced six million PS3 consoles up to this point. If they have sold roughly half of those for six hundred dollars and lose two hundred on every sale, then they will have lost six hundred million on the consoles they have sold, but will have lost nearly two and a half billion dollars on the consoles that they haven't sold. If they were to drop the price of the console to five hundred dollars and sell the remaining three million, they would cut losses by one and a half bil
      • by Aladrin ( 926209 )
        You've made a bad assumption. Your scenario assumes that Sony will not produce and attempt to sell any more consoles than it has already produced. They can only cut their losses on the currently existing ones if they don't plan to make any in the future. Otherwise, there's future losses at the reduced price that negate any 'cut losses' on the current inventory.

        If Sony really WAS going to stop producing PS3s forever, they would have to cut the current ones to a ridiculous price to sell them.

        Sony's not giv
        • Ok, so let's go back to the GP's example. If Sony has produced 6 million PS3s. They've only managed to sell 3 million at $600. Losing $200 per console they've lost 600 million on the consoles they've sold, but 1.8 billion on the consoles they haven't sold.

          Now if they could sell the remaining 3 million PLUS an additional 3 million consoles by cutting the price to $500, they'll lose the same 1.8 billion but they'll have increased their installed base by 200%. Meaning more games sales, since it's pretty sa
      • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @10:48AM (#19163053)
        Additionally, getting extra PS3's into the wild will increase the number of game sales which also increases profit for Sony. In addition to this, every PS3 out there is also a Blu-Ray player and helps move Sony a few steps closer to winning a format war that they've invested a lot of money in. If Blu-Ray wins out, people are more likely to start buying Blu-Ray players and Blu-Ray movies (both of which Sony sells) which will also generate some extra revenue for Sony.

        There are probably a few more angles I haven't seen, but I think that covers most of it.
        • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward
          You pretty much nailed it.

          The other angles would be that someone who have bought a PS3 might be inclined to buy a big-ass HDTV and a surround sound system (both of which Sony sells at a nice profit) to take advantage of their shiny new PS3.

          Also more units sold, means it gets easier to entice game houses to release more titles for the console.
        • by amuro98 ( 461673 )

          There are already plenty of PS3s "in the wild". If you want one, just go to your local store and get one. No waiting. It's not like Sony is hoarding PS3s or anything, nor are stores facing a shortage (real or artifical) as they are with the Wii. I see plenty of PS3s (and 360s for that matter) in stores, but I've yet to actually see a Wiii on a shelf.

          The problem is, they just aren't selling. It's overpriced, it doesn't have enough exclusive games, and its multiplatform titles don't look any better t
        • by DrXym ( 126579 )
          There are probably a few more angles I haven't seen, but I think that covers most of it.

          Don't forget HDTVs. Sony is selling them by the metric shitload.

      • by amuro98 ( 461673 )
        Sony's math doesn't make sense.

        Sony has built 6 million consoles. Let's say each console costs Sony about $800 to make (probably a low figure). That's an immediate cost of $4.8 billion. Regardless of what they actually sell each console for, they had to spend $4.8 billion first.

        3 million consoles so far have been purchased by consumers for $600 each, so Sony made $1.8 billion, and is now only $3 billion in the hole. (heh..."only -$3bil...")

        If Sony drops the price to $500, and sells the remaining 3 million
    • Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but how do you eliminate operating loss by lowering prices?

      Well, seeing as the PS3 is just sitting on retail shelves at its current price they're not really making any money off of it. So, if you lower the price, and sales pick up, your making more money. A little income, is better than no income. Besides, the units have already been manufactured, and prices have also come down on the components I'm sure. They really have no choice but to lower the price, if they don't they'll never catch up with the others, and they might as well just write the PS3 off as a tota

    • by Rolgar ( 556636 )
      They know how many units they have to sell to reduce costs by more than they're cutting their price. The hard part will be getting enough decent games on the shelves to get people to buy a system and multiple games to make each sell a smaller loss.

      I don't know if Sony has any back inventory PS3s sitting in a warehouse somewhere, but if the number of units available is any indication, Sony has a lot of units to move. People might think that cutting costs will make them lose more money. Sure, lose more c

    • Well as the blue laser diodes are costing them less a price drop may not increase or decrease operating loss per unit but it may increase numbers sold. I know I am sitting on the fence with all the "journalists" speculating on price drops. I would hate to buy one now to have it be $100 less by the end of the year.
      • I would hate to buy one now to have it be $100 less by the end of the year.

        I know you didn't relate your entire financial setup in your post, but waiting six months or more to save $100 doesn't seem like that great of a deal. Especially if you consider all of the time you'll lose to actually play the thing. Plus, you don't even know that the price will drop (although I think it might), or that the drop will be $100 (unlikely, in my opinion).

        I'm not a PS3 supporter, but I am a supporter of people weighing th
        • There's another issue that's hurting PS3 sales... There are still some good PS2 games coming out. I know there's a lot of PS2 owners who won't upgrade to the PS3 ever, but I suspect there's a lot who are waiting for the price drop, but are content to wait a year for that $100 drop because they can spend that time playing the good PS2 games that are still coming out, or the good one's that were previously released but haven't played yet.

          It's not a matter of delaying six months of fun, unless you have no al
    • by DrXym ( 126579 )
      Those record losses undoubtedly include a lot of one off charges. I doubt the market is too bothered by those.
      • Those record losses undoubtedly include a lot of one off charges. I doubt the market is too bothered by those.

        Exactly. Sony took a similar hit on the PS2 during the first year post release.
      • Most of those one time costs are capital expenditures (costs used to acquire durable assets). I don't know that much about corporate finance, but I'm pretty sure that operating losses don't include capital expenditures. Or at least, if they are, then they are probably amortized over the life of the asset. See [].

        The idea is that if a company buys something that's going to last a long time, the cost for it needs to be spread out over the lifetime of the asset to
    • No, but it probably exposes a little bit of the ridiculous claims that Sony is losing massive amounts of money per console. -loot-on-each-ps3/ [] y_losing_money_on_ps3_systems.html [] html []

      And it proves the point that as consoles age, they become much cheaper to produce.
  • Doesn't mean much (Score:5, Insightful)

    by AKAImBatman ( 238306 ) * <> on Thursday May 17, 2007 @10:45AM (#19162973) Homepage Journal

    Sony just announced a whopping 34 titles that are upcoming for the PlayStation 3.

    Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have a single gem like Super Paper Mario than 34 unnamed, generic, run of the mill "games". I'm sorry, but I'm not 14 anymore. I don't have time to play constant mediocrity. So a single really fun game is going to appeal to me more than a gluttony.

    And while I'm on the topic, I'd like to point out that Super Paper Mario literally defines what Nintendo means by "fun over graphics". The graphics are quite pretty vector drawings, but there is no $4,000,000, ultra-realistic, shiny armored characters that look good on an HDTV. Instead, the company put their budget into every aspect of the game. There are nearly a dozen different "pixls" you can pick up, giving you a wide variety of methods of solving puzzles. EVERY character in the game has its own lines. There are no "generic" NPCs. The storyline (while quite lengthy at times) is amazingly well done and lends itself directly to the gameplay. All the towns and areas have rich histories and plenty of text about the characters that populate them. The gameplay itself changes quite often. Besides the usual jumping around, there are amusing street-fighter-type battles, a cute NES-style RPG simulator, passcode protected areas, puzzles requiring special button presses or a specific order of block bashing, switch puzzles, item combinations to make new items, a shoot'em'up boss level, etc, etc, etc.

    I have been making a point of purchasing most of my Wii and Gamecube games at either used or below retail prices. But Super Paper Mario was worth every penny I paid for it. It is truly a fresh game that drives the bar of quality ever higher. If the PS3 had a game like Super Paper Mario, I can tell you that they'd be selling a LOT more boxes right now. Even at $699.
    • Sorry, s/699/599/g
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by toolie ( 22684 )
      Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have a single gem like Super Paper Mario than 34 unnamed, generic, run of the mill "games". I'm sorry, but I'm not 14 anymore.

      Uh oh, now you've done it. Prepare for the onslaught of 'Mario?!?! LOLZ, what r u, 14?' comments.

      • by benzapp ( 464105 )
        It's true though. I'm 29, and I first played Super Mario Brothers when I was 7. I've had enough. Please, let us move forward from these tired characters.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by hansamurai ( 907719 )
      How do we know that within those 34 games, there isn't a "Super Paper Mario"-equivalent for either you or some other older gamer? Everyone has different tastes, some people like specific genres, some people will play something from every genre. I've grown out of the stage where I must own the latest and greatest right now and I really only have time for a couple of new games a year, yet I can still find those games across platforms and appreciate them, even though they're not Mario. Right now I'm playing
      • by 7Prime ( 871679 )
        Oh good god... Just drop the others and play Okami, already. That game is 70 hours+ of pure absolute amazement.
    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @11:17AM (#19163685)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • What's to say there won't be a few amazing gems in there?

        Because if there were, they'd be announcing those rather than "We've got 34 games coming up." Very few people think in terms of how many Wii games are coming. (Most of them are the boring market analyst types.) Nearly everyone thinks in terms of Super Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Party, Strikers, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, etc. i.e. Powerful titles that carry weight in their names. Not "We've

        • Because if there were, they'd be announcing those rather than "We've got 34 games coming up."

          Umm, they did. They didn't just release a press release consisting of one sentence - "We've got 34 games coming up." They had info sessions for each of them. Want coverage? Go here []. At least 30 links for you to dive into for about 25 games/environments (Home isn't really a game and it has 5 links). Plus streaming video.
          • From your link:

            OK, so what actually "was reported"? It looks to me like you were handed a cd full of screenshots by Sony and then ran home and uploaded them. Nearly all of the screen shots have already been posted to this site or other sites weeks if not months ago.

            Is this seriously all that came out of SDG?

            Seeing as the 2.0 firmware notes seem to have been a fake, I was really hoping for something more out of SDG than just a bunch of screen shots. --Travis

            I am bit dissapointed as well for no announcements

        • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

          Because if there were, they'd be announcing those rather than "We've got 34 games coming up."

          I call BS on this statement. There's no reason they can't do both, and indeed, you make it sound like high-profile games aren't coming to the PS3. I guess FF13, GTA4, and MGS4 don't exist to you? Saying the PS3 doesn't have any spotlight games coming up is about as ridiculous as saying the same of the Xbox 360.

          I'll get that "through my head" when you agree to get this through your head: There is a limited budget when developing a game. If you spend it ALL on graphics assets, you can't spend it on the game. There MUST be a balance between the two. Super Paper Mario took the opposite extreme. It used a 3D Vector Drawing engine to produce 2.5D graphics (they're really 3D, but you usually see them from one side) of a drawn nature. The engine isn't going to win any awards on photo-realism, but it does the job very nicely. The money that the Intelligent Systems team didn't spend on graphics was then able to go to story line, scripting, level design, puzzle design, game variations, item variety, character design, etc. The result is a stunning example of a game that is nice to look at, but truly pulls its weight in the gameplay department.

          So you've never, ever played a game which had great graphics and great gameplay to boot? I feel bad for you if that is indeed the case. It doesn't sound like you accepted the GP's point at all: grap

      • I as well as many other people (along with the OP) are aware that Fun and Graphics are not mutually exclusive. However, they both come from the same budget. I'd rather have a game that had it's budget split 70/30 on fun/graphics than a game that was 30/70 fun/graphics. Many games seem to have only 10/90 fun/graphics split which produces some really nice looking games, but they aren't really that fun to play. Some of the games I had for GC that were really fun without extrememly good graphics are Chibi R
        • I as well as many other people (along with the OP) are aware that Fun and Graphics are not mutually exclusive. However, they both come from the same budget. I'd rather have a game that had it's budget split 70/30 on fun/graphics than a game that was 30/70 fun/graphics. Many games seem to have only 10/90 fun/graphics split which produces some really nice looking games, but they aren't really that fun to play. Some of the games I had for GC that were really fun without extrememly good graphics are Chibi Robo,

      • by DrXym ( 126579 )
        "Fun over graphics" is one of those idiotic remarks made by some Wii owners to defend the system. Of course games can be fun on the Wii, no one claims otherwise. After all, games were fun on lesser systems. But as you say there is not some inverse rule where fun decreases as graphics get better. After all by that definition it means the N64 is more fun that the Wii.

        The Wii is simply underpowered compared to the other "next gen" consoles. Games have to work within the limits, but it doesn't mean other syst

      • He's a Nintendiot, according to his way of thinking anything that's not for a Nintendo console is, by definition, garbage. I agree that it's sad to see uninformed rhetoric getting modded up. This is the same garbage we've been seeing promoted on slashdot since the price of the PS3 was announced.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by pl1ght ( 836951 )
      Sorry, while paper mario might be fun. It just doesnt cut it in my book of what I consider fun. Id take Heavenly Sword any day over Paper Mario. Different tastes for different people. Nintendo understands the ADD generation where ridiculous short party games are all that many ppl find fun today. Some of us others still enjoy the epic detailed intricate hard games that come with 360/PS3 territory. Not to mention Multiplayer capabilities.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by AKAImBatman ( 238306 ) *

        Nintendo understands the ADD generation where ridiculous short party games are all that many ppl find fun today. Some of us others still enjoy the epic detailed intricate hard games that come with 360/PS3 territory

        Not epic and detailed? You obviously haven't played Super Paper Mario.
      • Re:Doesn't mean much (Score:4, Informative)

        by toolie ( 22684 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @11:44AM (#19164165)
        Nintendo understands the ADD generation where ridiculous short party games are all that many ppl find fun today. Some of us others still enjoy the epic detailed intricate hard games that come with 360/PS3 territory.

        I'm over 5 hours into Paper Mario: Lost in Time and doubt that I'm 1/3 of the way through the game yet. I hardly doubt that qualifies as an ADD game. Some of the fights are a major pain in the ass. Its possible I just suck at it, but I doubt it.
    • I completely agree with you about SPM. I just finished the game yesterday and the culmination of gameplay elements into the last boss was astoundingly well done. Not only that, but I "beat" the game and there is still lots of stuff for me to go back and play around with. It's one of the best platformers I've played since Super Mario World, and it's got just the right amount of RPG in it.
    • by Reapman ( 740286 )
      Has it ever occured to you that perhaps there are good games in there? Not all will be triple A quality, probably not even half, but I know that games like the new Ninja Gaiden are looking VERY promising. I've never played any of the earlier ones, but after playing the demo all I gotta say is WOW. Oh and here's a news flash, did you know you can get good graphics AND good game play in one package? Yes I know, it's hard to believe but the two can exist together.

      BTW - although I sold my GameCube, I have s
    • by DrXym ( 126579 )
      Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have a single gem like Super Paper Mario than 34 unnamed, generic, run of the mill "games". I'm sorry, but I'm not 14 anymore. I don't have time to play constant mediocrity. So a single really fun game is going to appeal to me more than a gluttony.

      And how do you know that none of these games are gems? To blanket dismiss all of them is sheer idiocy especially since you seem to know nothing about any of them.

      I don't think it would be any exaggeration to say that if Littl

    • by badboy_tw2002 ( 524611 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @01:00PM (#19165589)
      Oh Lordy Lords...can we please just be done with that old "Gameplay vs. Graphics" chestnut? I love playing the Wii and all, but I really hate the spineless doublethink that gets brought up as soon as someone mentions something from another platform. "Ugh, probably just some pretty pictures on some $10,000 HDTV no one owns - I for one prefer GAMEPLAY in my GAMES over GRAPHICS, but maybe that's just ME and not some beer-guzzlin sheeple - sniff sniff"

      I've worked in game development for a while now, and have done programming and project management. Let me assure you, we do not have a column with dollar signs that says "Graphics" and one that says "Gameplay" and add money to one and subtract it from another. You know what makes great games? Great ideas, great designers, great execution. You really can't polish a turd, but you can take a great idea and make it a steaming pile by not executing on it. Execution means polish, and polish a lot of the time means a high graphic standard (not photorealistic - Okami anyone?) Here's another fun fact: Artists are cheap. The real cost in HD game devlopment is still what it always was - engine development, tuning, optimization, getting that 60 fps so you don't look like a chump (well, that's a programmers point of view :). So all those "skyrocketing prices of next gen game development!" FUD pieces you read, well, no one around here suddenly went "oh shit, HD, we need twice as many artists, and we need to shudder our windows with $100 bills so the HD looks really good!" Game development hasn't changed because suddenly the resolution doubled. Hell, HD was passed a while back on the PC, and you never saw any "oh shit, now we're totally screwed" pieces in the PC world.

      The fact of the matter is, a good game is a good game. Graphics can and do make a game more enjoyable. The two aren't mutually exclusive, no matter what the Nintendo PR (is it even them saying that?) machine would have you believe. After all, where was that talk when the Gamecube was putting out equal or better quality graphics as the Xbox/PS2?
    • I bought Paper Mario a week ago. I love platformers, so I was pretty psyched about this game. I was lead to believe this game would be much less RPG and more straight up action than its earlier outings, which I welcomed. Wrong! God it takes like 20 minutes to actually get into the game and I was mashing buttons ignoring as much inane character text as I could. I dread the thought of ever starting over again, just like that damn Twilight Princess game. I was also lead to believe it was a good old 2D platform
    • Its not just you that feels that way but that would be a really sad situation. Consoles should not have only one or two good games. I agree Sony's lineup is not good and their strategy has been the worste of the 3 but I'm not ready to jump out and buy a Wii either. I play the Wii with friends but its not something I spend hours playing by myself. I think its innovative but equally overhyped. If I get one in the future it will not be because of Wii Sports or Mario Paper, it will be because one of the Gundam
  • by Churla ( 936633 ) on Thursday May 17, 2007 @10:51AM (#19163121)
    There's more of an actual list, although still only showing about half of the games, over at <a href= -games-sony-strikes-back/></a> But even then of those (which I assume are the best ones in order to get mentioned) only about 3 are exclusives. The others are either going to be available on many platforms, or just sequels to franchises... A good summary was over on Fark somewhere..

    SingStar Another franchise entry
    Heavenly Sword
    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Movie tie-in
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Movie tie-in
    Madden NFL 08 Another franchise entry
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Another franchise entry
    Grand Theft Auto IV Another franchise entry
    Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway Another franchise entry
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma Another franchise entry
    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent Another franchise entry
    The Bigs Not exclusive, seems like a lame faux sports title.
    NCAA Football 2008 Another franchise entry
    Timeshift PS3 Not exclusive
    Assassin's Creed Not exclusive
    The Darkness Not exclusive
    All Pro Football 2K8 Another franchise entry (Used to be the ESPN NFL line)

    You have basically 3 exclusives.. yay.
    • by Churla ( 936633 )
      Curses, I thought choosing Extens would put that URL in there right.. s-sony-strikes-back/ []>
    • Twilight Princess is "Another franchise entry." Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros Brawl, Metroid Prime: Corruption, etc. -- the games that make the Nintendo Wii's holiday season (hopefully) worth waiting for through the current drought are all "franchise entries." Mind you they are also technically "exclusives."

      Cross-platform franchise entries such as NBA 2K8, that's a different story. Those I agree aren't worth getting excited about, at least not over a particular console.

      Also, I'd call Ninja Gaiden Sigma a "PS3 ex
      • by Osty ( 16825 )

        Also, I'd call Ninja Gaiden Sigma a "PS3 exclusive." It's not Ninja Gaiden or Ninja Gaiden Black, really, and it's also not being released for the 360 (sadly, as I am a NG whore).

        It's not Ninja Gaiden 2, either. Sigma is to Black as Black was to the original -- a slight addition to gameplay (or graphics, in Sigma's case), minor control tweaks (like Black's new camera control), a little bit of extra new content, but otherwise it's still the same game with the same story. If you've played the original o

        • by Sciros ( 986030 )
          Of course I am well aware of all that. If it *were* Ninja Gaiden 2, the Ninja Gaiden whore that I am, I'd be making the argument that PS3 *does* have a system seller, hahah. Sadly I'm still waiting for Itagaki to get cranking on that. I suppose in the meantime I can play the DS game, but I'm not sure how great that will be. I like my DS, but I hate the touch screen with a passion. An analog joystick makes me far happier...
    • You are missing actually the most important of them all: LittleBigPlanet. That one is a paradigm shifting game, and will actually sell PS3s by the buckloads

      The other 3 you mention, are actually the most important games in the list.
      Heavenly Sword, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Lair. Each of them are the only ones worth having, with the possible exceptions of GTA4. See their previews in 1up!
    • Although they may be franchise titles, that by no means indicates that they will be bad. I for one know that all they have to do is hint that GTA IV will be anywhere near as good as any of the others, and I'll be on it in a flash. It may be a franchise game, but it has LOTS of replayability, a relatively open environment to fool around in, and lots of other good things going for it. You can't just dismiss every franchise game as being crap, there are lots of people who love the sports games (they might n
    • Isn't "Super Paper Mario" a "franchise" Mario entry and a sequel to "Paper Mario"? Doesn't that mean it's a franchise of franchise? Does that make it bad, or maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't judge a game to be bad simply because it's a sequel?
    • by ivan256 ( 17499 )

      (which I assume are the best ones in order to get mentioned)

      You assume incorrectly. They are they ones that are most recognizable. Pirates, and Harry Potter, Madden, etc... The games on the list were mentioned for name recognition, not in reference to the relative quality compared to the others.
  • This is just a summary of the best ones * Heavenly Sword * LittleBigPlanet * SOCOM Confrontation * Folklore * Uncharted: Drake's Fortune * Lair * Ratchet & Clank A good summary with screenshots, comments and videos can be found on 1up: [] LittleBigPlanet, Folklore, Lair, Drake's Fortune and Heavenly Sword are all of them very bad news for the Xbox360 and even the Wii. Yes, even the Wii. Oh and take a laugh with the Pain simulator!
  • Duh (Score:2, Flamebait)

    Maybe if they cared enough to fix some of the HUGE issues with the PS3, consumer adoption would be higher. Like the 720p problem. I have a Panasonic 27" 1080i CRT HDTV in my bedroom. It does NOT suppose 720p and goes black when a 720p source is fed to it over component. Therefore, I can only get 480p out of my console for games designed to run at 720p. The games that do run at 1080p take a huge hit in framerate and are downscaled to 1080i. Sony has put out many updates to the PS3 and is even now working on
    • Everything you said was right on the money... right until the end. I think in 2 years you will really start to feel the limited space of DVD. To support my claim look at the features in Splinter Cell Double Agent across all consoles. Sure, there may be a million reasons why the 360 version isn't the most feature packed one, but it seems to me that a good candidate was the space, as when you take a game HD you need the space for graphics. Lets all wait for GTA IV and see what happens. If the PS3 version has
      • To be fair, the difference isn't only the size of the optical media.

        Devs for the XB360 also can't rely on a hard drive being available, which might limit things also. Of course MS may decide to be more lenient on this and just "suggest" that core owners purchase the proprietary (and expensive) hard-drive upgrade in order to get new content.

        I'm sure the masses would love that. :)
      • Rockstar has gone on record saying they've been having difficulty with the DVD9 limitation of the 360, and as a PS3 owner, it sucks thinking about what the game could've been had both systems used a higher capacity format. Honestly, the storage space is needed, and that's one of only two things I think are wrong about the 360 (the other is a non-standard hard drive...they pioneered standard HDs last gen, why step backwards?)
    • How about the $50 you pay anually for XBox Live - it's deferred payment, but it's still there. And you won't be getting something like Home either.

      Consumer choice is what it's all about - as a Linux user I find $600 to be a steal for the console, as well as the wireless and the remote play capability between my PSP and PS3 - which at some point will allow play over the internet. Even being able to play my PS3 not on my TV in my own house is great for those situations when girlfriend wants to watch Sex in
      • by amuro98 ( 461673 )
        Based on what I've seen of "Home", I'm not interested.

        Does Sony honestly expect people to spend time (and money?!?) decorating their virtual "apartment" and arranging their gaming trophies so they can invite other virtual friends over to look at them?

        I'm sorry, but that's insane.

        Furthermore, does Sony honestly expect me to log into Home, walk my virtual person out the door, and down the street to the virtual store so I can see what new games or demos are for sale? Again, that's insane. I don't want the ha
    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      by grommit ( 97148 )
      Sucks to be an early adopter doesn't it? No, you just had to get the HDTV as soon as it came out and now you've got one that doesn't support the better HDTV formats. You also had to get the PS3 before it's glaring problems were fixed.
      • No, it doesn't suck. The TV supports 1080i just fine, which is what my cable box outputs. Even most upscaling DVD Players output at 1080i. The only problems I've had is with the PS3. Two more points: I said it was the TV in my bedroom for a reason. I bought the damn TV for $500 dollars when I was a freshman 3 years ago, when HDTV's were MUCH more expensive. It was a deal then and I've enjoyed it immensely. The reason it's in the bedroom is because I have a 61" 1080p Samsung in the living room with the 360 h
    • by benzapp ( 464105 )
      Maybe if they cared enough to fix some of the HUGE issues with the PS3, consumer adoption would be higher. Like the 720p problem. I have a Panasonic 27" 1080i CRT HDTV in my bedroom. It does NOT suppose 720p and goes black when a 720p source is fed to it over component. Therefore, I can only get 480p out of my console for games designed to run at 720p. The games that do run at 1080p take a huge hit in framerate and are downscaled to 1080i.

      Umm, this is total bullshit. I have a 42" 1080i/720p Toshiba LCD, an
  • This is just what the gaming world needs, 34 games that play exactly like games from 5 years ago but with pretty graphics.

    Damn, still can't find an unbundled Wii...
    • Got to love them graphics. Too bad two-thirds of people with HDTV sets capable of 720i or 1080p can't even figure out how to get a higher res than 480p, which is what the Wii cranks out ...
      • by DarkJC ( 810888 )
        What? The Wii cranks out 480p with component cables. If they know enough to buy component cables, guess what, they know how to get up to 1080i. Troll somewhere else.
  • One game to Rule Them All
    One game to Bind Them
    One game for PS3, and not for Wii or xBox360

    In the Shadows where the PS3 moans

    Three games for the Elven Kings in their Halls of Shrubberies
    Full of graphics but with POV that makes them unusable

    Five games for the Dwarven Kings in their dank cold basement flats
    Hack and slash with no plot

    Seven games for Mortal Man, Doomed to Die
    FPS is all you get

    One game to Rule Them All
    Still cannot be found
    It, alas, is ported to the Wii
    And to Nintendo is Bound!

