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PlayStation (Games) Sony

LittleBigInterview 25

The Guardian Gamesblog has up an interview with Leo Cubbin, a Sony point man on the LittleBigPlanet project. They discuss the aim of the game, some of the challenges of balancing game fun and community participation, ways of ensuring that players contribute, and the future of the Game 3.0 economy. "The idea of creativity can be quite daunting to a lot of people. You give a blank piece of paper and a pen and say, "Be creative!" What do I do? People are looking for inspiration. With LBP we want to create a fuzzy felt experience, where we give the component parts to trigger the creativity. I don't think any of us as kids had a problem with cracking on and creating something when we were given a Lego set; it didn't really matter how it ended up. We're trying to give people the bare bones, and then we'll let them go." For more on the felt-and-imagination fueled title, Stephen Totilo shares impressions from Sony Gamer's day of the game. Complete with virtual puppet-slapping.
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  • Game 3.0? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Sparr0 ( 451780 ) <> on Tuesday May 22, 2007 @02:37PM (#19225063) Homepage Journal
    WTF is the "Game 3.0 Economy"? Did someone hear "Web 2.0" and think it was a cool buzzword to hijack?
  • I want to make a comment about Sony being on the "Vanguard" of the Game 3.0 economy. But I know that would be wrong. Not enough to stop me, though.
    • It's kind of sad that this is coming out for PS3. At least from the developer's standpoint. It seems like they want to get a lot of people using it, including more than just "traditional" gamers. But the PS3 install base is just too small. In fact, I don't see many of the people who would really get into a game like this even considering dropping $600 on a game console to play it.
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by cthellis ( 733202 )
        How come so many people are of the "if this one game isn't enough to make you want to pay for the system..." ?

        Single games rarely make someone buy a system. Is $650 too much to pay for LBP? Yes. Is $450 too much to pay for Gears of War? Yes. Is $300 too much to pay for Super Paper Mario? Yes. It's hardly ever one game that sells you on a platform, but is often one game that tips you over the "price-to-enjoyment" line, or sells you on the fun now, and promise of similar content later.

        You have a B
        • by LKM ( 227954 )
          I think you're wrong. It's often a single game that acts as a catalyst to get people to buy a console. For me, Wii Sports sold the Wii, and I bought a PS3 after I saw the first Little Big Planet demonstration.

          The fact that I can also play Excite Truck and Zelda and Motorstorm helped sell the consoles, but in each case, a single game convinced me to get the console.
  • unfortunate! (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I thought this was going to have something to do with Twinsen's Little Big Adventure!

    doesn't look like it does.
  • by AceJohnny ( 253840 ) <jlargentaye@g m a> on Tuesday May 22, 2007 @02:52PM (#19225329) Journal
    I wonder if the name has anything to do with the old game Little Big Adventure [] (1994! I'm old!).

    That was a great, cute, fun adventure game, and Activision had the bright idea of renaming it "Relentless" for the USA.

    Hm. Burn, burn, Activision!
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      As an Little Big Adventure and operator of the Magicball Network [] I can tell you that Little Big Planet has nothing to do with Little Big Adventure.
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      I too thought it would be about Little Big Adventure. I've been let down completely. This story does not deliver!
    • Damn, I thought of Twinsen too.

      By the way, any ideas about how to contact the current owners of the property? I'd love to port the engine to modern architectures. I did search a while ago but found nobody.
  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Tuesday May 22, 2007 @02:56PM (#19225395)
    First of all, note it's not the Sony guy who used the Game 3.0 term...

    I'm pretty excited to see Little Big Planet, I would love to see a lot more games embrace user generated content this heavily. It's fun to play with a really good physics engine with a good UI around it. The ability to import your own images or video for use in level creation sounds like it has interesting possibilities, and it sounds like they are thinking through the social aspect of the game very heavily.

    The brief description of Home linked to also sounds interesting, but if there's no way to script it I'm not sure how interesting it can ever really be even when fully expanded and polished.
    • by JordanL ( 886154 )
      No kidding... Slashdot is turning into Digg... a bunch of teenagers jerking to the idea of Gates in cellophane wrap and Sony being the most utterly pathetic thing ever that does things right even less than Microsoft. Even when they get it right.

      If Slashdot and Digg both go the way of MySpace, where am I going to get REAL news discussion?
      • If Slashdot and Digg both go the way of MySpace, where am I going to get REAL news discussion?

        If you're worried about a tide of braindead new users turning up here just write a GreaseMonkey script to strip out all comments from users with seven digit SlashDot user numbers!

        Of course, the resulting threads might not make a lot of sense... but that won't be anything new.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
