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Bioshock Previews Abound 34

The much-anticipated spiritual successor to System Shock 2, Irrational Games' Bioshock, is finally starting to emerge from the depths of secrecy. The 360/PC title is due on store shelves at the start of August, and a bunch of sites now have previews available for perusal. Eurogamer, CVG, IGN, Team Xbox, and Gamespot all had hands-on experience with the title recently and now can report back. From Gamespot's writeup: "As you investigate Rapture's sprawling, doomed infrastructure, its crumbling art deco facades, and leaky corridors, you'll uncover the secrets of what went wrong. Stepping out of the diving bell, you'll see signs of a struggle ... We'd barely set foot onto the first platform of the city proper before running into a splicer, which is one of BioShock's common enemies and one of Rapture's former residents. As Atlas will quickly fill you in, it seems that overuse of Adam turns the subject into a crazed monster that fiends for--what else--more Adam. Imagine a crazed junkie dying to get his hands on a fix; only this junkie can throw fireballs out of thin air and move large objects with his mind. And those are just the basic enemies." For a more visceral experience, 1up has a video preview of the game, which looks as creepy as it sounds.
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Bioshock Previews Abound

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  • If this is anything like SS2, I will love it (although its sad I will never see a conclusion to the SS series). From the preview video's I've watched, it seems like there is no crosshair or anything. Which can be cool, but also a pain in the ass. Could be just the 360 version though, where auto-aim will most likely be enabled.
    • by dryueh ( 531302 )
      BioShock was the original reason I ended up purchasing a X360. I was a huge fan of both the original System Shock and it's sequel. I remember being super-freaked out by the original ---- it was probably my first (or at least one of my first) CDROM games. Creepy!!

      I definitely mirror your sentiments about no SS3 though ----- maybe someone will come up with a way to retrieve the license from the copyrighted aether. In any case, I've been watching the title for some time now, and am pretty excited to be read

      • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

        System Shock was absolutely my favorite game from my childhood (ish).

        Believe it or not, my sister and I used to play coop multiplayer on easy difficulty.

        If you're thinking "but wait, SS1 didnt have that feature" you'd be right, she controlled the guns and torso, and I handled movement, navigation and some non-weapon equipment. We were pretty young, and playing it solo seemed too daunting (also this was a lot of fun).

        SS2 was pretty awesome too, if you snuck up behind me in the dark and moaned "Killl meee" a
    • by HexRei ( 515117 )
      Perhaps they toggled it off for the media footage? it seems odd not to have one available.
      • by Wicko ( 977078 )
        I hope this is the case, but there have been some games like that PS2 game, the Getaway I think it was called, where there was no HUD at all, or so I recall.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 08, 2007 @04:27PM (#19443639)
    "But ammo is incredibly scarce, and faced with hordes of rampaging Splicers, we frequently found ourself reduced to smacking the freaks across the skull with a wrench.

    You'll also have your genetic powers, of course, but again, these are strictly rationed and it's vital that you make every strike, every last bullet count, as you never know where the next ammo or Eve pick is going to be."

    great. so yet another game where i run around not using stuff thinking 'im REALLY gonna need it in a minute so i wont use it right now' and replaying sections over and over to get the ammo usage down. THAT IS NOT FUN, NOR IS IT A GOOD FIRST RUN THROUGH A GAME.

    on the 2nd run through you know where there will be some more stuff, but that kind of makes the 1st play a bit crud. Can't we have an intelligent replishment system, so that it gives you *enough* when needed, not just slotted in as fixed items on a map?

    I played through one FPS (cant remember which) and used 1 grenade the whole game, thinking "gonna need all of these in a minute" and didnt. got the end and felt cheated.

    sytuggling for ammo is a boring as running around a black room with a torch. walloping things with large metal objects is soo Half-Life 1.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by skobar ( 890726 )
      It would not be fidel to system shock 2 if you had almost unlimited ammo.
      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward
        funny, its not a sequel.

        so you need to resort to spannering them in the head. when should i do that? just conserve ammo all the time and run around with a spanner? Sounds as boring at gravity gun based levels in HL.

        If i use too much ammo/special sauce, will i have enough power to kill a particular enemy? if not, how many savegames do i have to go back to fix this? or do i try and use spanner all the time and finish the game with 1,000,000 bullets?

        dunno just bores me, want some kind of common ground between
        • Absolutely fucking mind boggling that even this got modded flamebait. What the fuck is wrong with Slashdot?
        • This is supposed to be a first person RPG, not a first person shooter. You build yourself up to be a terrifying, inhuman superman. In this way it's a descendant more from games like Shadowrun for the Sega Genesis or Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines than Doom.

          I preferred melee weapons to firearms in System Shock 2. My main use for a pistol was shooting out security cameras, and I spent most of the game looking for upgrades to my pipe wrench. They had some pretty cool melee weapons as you got through

    • by Eideewt ( 603267 )
      Perhaps you're just being too cautious. If you can't figure out the rate at which you can expect to find new ammo then you're setting yourself up for tedious gameplay.
    • I have to agree, you can minimise issues by making it clear that the ammo and such are helpful but not essential. There should always be a way around every problem regardless of how equipped you are.

      Though ultimately things like that are difficult to balance and lead to similar effects to the one you mention. I prefer it when a situation calls for thought despite being well armed and equipped. Big Daddies being hard enough that they can take you down even if you are pumping non stop shots in to it. Only by
  • Shodan wuz here (Score:1, Interesting)

    Shodan was one of the greatest game villians ever. (HAL9000 anyone?)

    I can't imagine a System Shock spiritual successor without a Shodan spiritual successor to be in it.
    • I do believe Bioshock has one. I think the founder of Rapture is present in some form (whether he's alive or not, I not know), and that he fulfills a similar role.
      • SIMILAR ROLE!?

        SIMILAR ROLE!?!?

        A mad scientist type can't compare to the semi-erotic, M-M-M-Max Headroom-like, deranged AI that we all know and love.
        • Acknowledged. However, this isn't really Irrational's fault. Shodan is owned by EA, and they've buried the IP in the lands where great characters go to die when they don't meet sales expectations.

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
