Vista Games Cracked to Run on XP 376
Next Generation is reporting that Vista PC games have been cracked to run under XP. Hacking groups who apparently wanted to play new titles like Shadowrun and Halo 2 with driver support have taken it upon themselves to open up the playing field a bit. "The news is sure to irk Microsoft who may now face an increased delay in some consumers adopting Vista at this early stage. However, it shouldn't come as a surprise. Earlier this month Falling Leaf Systems said in a press release that it believed Microsoft was deceiving consumers by stating that the titles would only work on Vista, and announced its intentions to release compatibility software to disprove the claim. 'Microsoft has, in typical Microsoft fashion, decided to launch their forced migration onslaught in full force with the release of two games that will only run on Windows Vista,' said Falling Leaf Systems CEO Brian Thomason in the press release." Relatedly, Mitch Gitelman of the (now closed) FASA Studios has taken exception to negative reviews of Shadowrun.
Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Insightful)
When you have to download a pirated version just to use the software you've legitimately paid for because of artificial limitations like this, it doesn't exactly install a lot of goodwill in the customer. I never purchased anything from Cadence again, and don't intend to.
If enough of us refuse to buy software, music, or movies from companies that deliberately frustrate their paying customers, then they will either change their strategy or they will deservedly go out of business.
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Informative)
This brings up an interesting question of if this hack works with XP x64.
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Insightful)
Why could you not return it for a refund?
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Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Insightful)
IOW, the fact that Microsoft gets away with 'forced upgrades' and the like is all the proof you need that they should have been broken up following the DOJ anti-trust trial, per the orders of Judge Jackson.
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:4, Insightful)
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Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Interesting)
In terms of usability and ease of use from a programmer's perspective, the two libraries are practically identical. It is fairly trivial to create an abstraction layer that provides common functionality between the two libraries.
However, from my experiences and (limited) knowledge of both libraries, DirectX does have more features and does develop at a quicker pace than OpenGL. DirectX is owned and developed by one single proprietary entity with greed as incentive for a quick development pace (negative tone unintentional), whereas OpenGL is an open standard with an organization body to oversee it's development, which tends to be slower (read: more calculating and cautious about what they add/keep out of the library).
That being said, OpenGL doesn't aim specifically at games (which is DirectX's primary intention), but aims to be a general Graphics Library. It's used for other things besides games, such as medical software.
The performance of the libraries depends on a huge number of different variables; OS, graphics card/driver, aptitude of the programmers to utilize the specifics of each libraries' strenghts, etc.
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Interesting)
The highlights of DX10 aren't the shaders. The same shaders are avasilable in 9L. It's about the rebuilt lighter API, multithreading and graphics memory swap file.
OpenGL doesn't have the latter two AFAIK.
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So, all of those things are supported without extensions? Or are they still prefixed with NV or EXT, which doesn't really count as "support?"
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But that's my point: if it's an extension, you don't know how "widely supported" it is, can't count on it to be there, and therefore can't [easily] code against it.
Right: Apache doesn't support PHP. An extension to Apache supports PHP. So in the system requirements for some PHP-based web syste
DirectX 9 uniformity? (Score:4, Insightful)
Hmmm, one of the features I saw touted for DirectX 10 was that it is a single, uniform, all-or-nothing platform. Microsoft's ad copy said that DirectX 9 has something called "capability bits", or "cap bits". Games were supposed to check the cap bits to find out what DX9 features a system supported. That would seem to indicate that DX9 wasn't a uniform platform, no? And so while that might mean DX10 has an advantage, it would seem to make that argument invalid about past DirectX releases, yes?
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BTW, OpenGL 3.0 is the version that is supposed to bring opengl to par with directx10, by adding support for things like geometry shaders and refactoring of the api. If you are interested, you can read more about it
Why not OpenGL? (Score:5, Interesting)
D3D used to have a more high-level layer than OpenGL, I think (right?), but no one used it because it was slow. Was that at least a factor in drawing people in, even if they had to move to more low-level stuff to get performance?
Or is it did hardware manufacturers go with D3D for some reason, and everyone else had to follow? It did seem like Quake was the only thing forcing gaming gfx card manufacturers to implement OpenGL for a while there. That might even be more the case now (I'm not sure; haven't used windows in a LONG time).
Is there something about OpenGL implementation that's harder? Does it make it easier to identify cards with crappy performance, or something?
Re:Why not OpenGL? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Why not OpenGL? (Score:5, Informative)
I think the integration of DirectDraw, DirectSound, the input, etc.. helped. All in one is good when developing games. It allows you to focus on the game, not any technology or compatibility hurdles. Also, it's now much easier to develop in. Very easy actually. Say what you will about Microsoft, but their development tools, particularly those associated with DirectX have been very good.
Also, while Direct3d and OpenGL accomplish the same things, they are very different. OpenGL is a state machine, with a standard API. Direct3D directly bangs the hardware with a minimal driver, maintained by the manufacturer. You could argue that it's faster, in practice, sometimes it is and sometimes it is not.
OpenGL is more abstract, and has a set of functions that can be used through it's API, and it is then up to the hardware manufacturer to create a layer of communication (the driver) between the hardware and the OpenGL state machine. OpenGL drivers are more portable, but harder to make efficient. I think this is overall a little more robust. Functionality wise, they are both very close. I consider this almost irrelevant, because there are so many features in both, that game programmers have a hard time keeping up, and particularly are weary of using the bleeding edge. I've learned to program in DirectX and only a little in OpenGL. I can't say I have a clear favorite though.
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MS, SGi, and HP designed a standard called Fahrenheit [wikipedia.org] for a new low level API that OpenGL and DirectX would plug into, where they would both write to a "Low Level API". And then applications would just right to whatever they wanted, making the OpenGL/DirectX war a moot point.
MS screwed SGI (surprise), and released DX7, were drastically late on releasing the low level API, finely released it as an "unsupported component" and never released
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Re:Why not OpenGL? (Score:5, Insightful)
This issue is why there is a lot of confusion on the part of many people out there. They install DirectX 9 for example, but their video card only handles DirectX 8 in hardware. They don't understand that to get decent performance, you need the video card to be able to handle DirectX 9 in hardware to get the performance and in many cases the features that games have to offer today.
As for why companies went with DirectX, from what I have read, when DirectX first came out, Windows itself was a HORRIBLE platform for games. At that point, you had the option to write DOS apps(and support the video cards yourself, needing different drivers for each one), or you could go for a native Windows application, where DirectX was a HUGE improvement in many ways. As time went on, and Windows native applications became more and more appropriate, programming for Windows performance was more important.
Once a company was working with DirectX, future projects went DirectX as well, just because the API was known. Even when OpenGL started to catch on, for a Windows-only application, why go OpenGL at that point? Linux wasn't really on the radar, and MacOS had more issues than just the graphics API as a reason not to be concerned with the Mac environment.
As a side effect of this, ATI had never come up with a great OpenGL driver for their cards, and there was never much pressure to do so for most of the user base(CAD and a handful of other applications the only exception). So, if your ATI users will encounter lower performance, and there is no serious benefit to making your application multi-platform, then why NOT go DirectX?
To make an application that is multi-platform, aside from the graphics angle, the company needs to consider the following question: Will the number of sales from each additional platform compensate for the additional development costs for that platform?
Linux users, due to the free nature of the operating system, tend to look for other free applications. Paying money for an application would be seen as unusual, and is even frowned on by those who are into the whole "Open Source" movement. This implies that even if there were 10,000,000 Linux users out there(not installed machines worth), there might be only 10,000 of them who might BUY a game. Not everyone enjoys the same types of games, so you now have the problem of how many copies will be sold. This is why the emulators you see for Linux and MacOS have gained the popularity they have, because unless your application is a high end/expensive application, there is very little to be gained from making a multi-platform application. $60/copy just won't cover the cost of development of new ports.
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Informative)
With a geometry shader you can pass the video card one copy of a tree, and have the geometry shader turn it into a forest.
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Informative)
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To use your own analogy the Mustang is already 100lbs, air tight and has fusion reactor, they just decide to not use it.
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Interesting)
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If enough of us refuse to buy software, music, or movies from companies that deliberately frustrate their paying customers, then they will either change their strategy or they will deservedly go out of business.
The problem is if we refuse to buy from them, they will complain to the RIAA/MPAA that we are pirating. More pirates means more DRM.
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Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Insightful)
Saying a piece of software "works" under certain conditions isn't just a statement of technical possibility, it's a statement of confidence in that scenario. As in, how thoroughly was that combination of software tested.
The software companies aren't obligated to broaden their testing platform, or to allow people to run their software on platforms they didn't test for. (Regardless of disclaimers, doing things like that would cost them money, in the form of tech support calls asking how to get it working. The situation sucks from a user standpoint but it's not totally unreasonable...)
Age of Empires III's false XP requirement (Score:5, Interesting)
Being a fan of the earlier Age of Empires games, I acquired a copy of the newly released AoE III which turned out to list Windows XP as the only supported operating system. To my extreme (albeit momentary) dismay, running the setup.exe on the first game disc produced an error requiring an upgrade to Windows XP before installing the game. I simply refused to believe it, seeing as how 2000 and XP are extremely similar operating systems and that there's no technical reason this game would require one and not work on the other.
Five minutes of Googling later, I ran the setup.exe from the command prompt, passing the "/n" command line switch to the executable. This switch runs the game setup in network install mode: the setup program believes it is installing the game over a network, so it doesn't check the operating system version! Needless to say I just pointed the installer to a local directory and it installed without a hitch.
Even better is that the main game executable didn't require any patching. Directly after installation, the game ran perfectly under Windows 2000! Only the setup.exe on the game disc had the farse "XP-only" restriction, and a simple trick, built-in to the executable no less, proved that the operating system requirement was merely a shallow marketing decision by Microsoft to force people on to Windows XP.
This anecdote might be interesting for those who haven't played AoE III (or haven't tried getting it to run on another OS besides XP). It has taught me to never trust a game published by Microsoft, and because of my experience, as soon as I heard that Halo 2 PC was going to be Vista-only many months ago I instantly knew that it would be a superficial hack akin to the OS check on the AoE III setup.exe.
Of course there are going to be people who relish in being able to break this superficial and shallow marketing decision, but I'd like to send a big THANK YOU out to those who actually put the time and effort into doing so.
Re:No Online Play (Score:5, Insightful)
If we were talking Windows 2000 or 98 I would see your point, but we ain't, so I don't.
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Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Nothing new under the sun (Score:5, Insightful)
So no, I wouldn't say that it's clearly piracy to download a modded version of software for which you have a valid license, particularly if you did so for compatibility purposes only, were only using the exact version of the software for which you're licensed, and could document trying to get the vendor to help out & their failure to make a good-faith effort to fix your problem. Would such a defense hold up in court? Dunno, probably not, but no sane vendor would go after you in such a situation, it's not a guaranteed win for them & would be a PR disaster. Wink wink nudge nudge say no more, right?
Where's The Justice Department? (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Where's The Justice Department? (Score:5, Interesting)
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Oh, I had another system that could run it, but I needed more internal disk storage t
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What a wonderful response. I guess you completely missed the fact that about 85-90% of computers that ship have Windows pre-installed; you can't choose NOT to buy it, and you can't get a refund for it without jumping through a million hoops (or in the case of Toshiba laptops, there's a sticker on the outside that says "You will not receive a rebate for Windows, period."
So yeah, when the day comes that computer companies decouple Windows from their machines, I'd personally c
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Why can't you choose not to buy the game?
Your point is stupid. (and if you wanted to choose not to buy the OS, there's a company called Apple...)
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"you can't choose NOT to buy it"
Why can't you choose not to buy the game?
Your point is stupid. (and if you wanted to choose not to buy the OS, there's a company called Apple...)
I always laugh when people say "Just boycott them, don't buy it, then when enough people do it they'll have to change and all will be ok." As if that's going to make it any better.
So basically you're giving them a free chance to run the show how they like, see if it works (most likely will), but if it doesn't they'll change, then you'll buy it? Simply not buying isn't enough, you have to remove the incentive to exploit in the first place. "Not buying" is passive; you have to do something that actively make
Re:Where's The Justice Department? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Where's The Justice Department? (Score:5, Informative)
I have a hard time believing that using these games to leverage Vista was illegal. Stupid and annoying maybe, but not illegal. Believe me, us devs who actually *cared* about the game argued against this sort of product hobbling on a regular basis. Requirements like this get thrown at you constantly. If it was actually illegal we would have played that card for sure.
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The were in fact convicted, but it takes a lawyer to prove it, not cops to make an arrest.
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Honestly this keep popping several times in each article about Microsoft, and each time I see this, I want to twist the neck of a little sweet kitty or shoot a baby seal.
Writing it in bold makes it that much worse.
We know they are "convicted monopolist". We're not ignoring it, we're not "forgetting it", we just realize it doesn't automatically apply to everything Microsoft ever does.
By locking games to Vista they aren't using their OS
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To be fair, the major missing item is Coreimage. The port of Safari to windows implies that there is some portability to the majority of what you need to run OSX programs. If they made a portable coreimage toolkit (they may have already for all I know) then it might not be impossible to port the whole suite.
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Yet oddly WinXP can run programs designed for Win98."
Well, if you want to get technical - OS X can run OS 9 software - to a degree. Moreso if OS X is running on a PowerPC chip rather than Intel.
Console Emulators (Score:5, Insightful)
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As for "why wouldn't I be able to play a game that runs on the same hardware", take a look at Wine. At best, playing Windows games in Linux is slower and glitchy. At worst, impossible. They're still making great strides at it, but they aren't there yet.
Re:Console Emulators (Score:4, Interesting)
1) BF1942 and World of Warcraft are two examples. Linux' superior underlying architecture (disk access, memory management, filesystem stuff, etc) more than offsets the few percent performance loss in API call translation. Myself and many others get 5-10% higher framerates and lower load times in a number of Windows games when running them in Linux.
2) I love seeing in my debug log "The game would have crashed here in Windows.", and the game keeps running just fine in wine or cedega.
Plenty of Win95 and Win98 games don't run on anything newer than Win2000. Plenty of WinXP games don't work on Vista. Every week MORE Windows games work in Linux. Continue that trend long enough and Linux is going to have better Windows compatibility than Windows does.
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this is trivial (Score:5, Insightful)
(And as I understand it, you can't just port DX10 to XP - its functionality requires the new display driver model in Vista.)
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Much like trying to add DX9 support to wine for linux.
Randomly slower (Score:2, Informative)
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Bah (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Bah (Score:5, Insightful)
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I think you're still missing the point. MS's argument about requiring a new driver model for DX10 is FUD. It may be the case that a redesigned driver model makes it easier to implement the DX10 API, but it isn't plausible that it would actually be necessary.
Wine are talking about writing an implementation of DX10 that works on top of OpenGL. This won't require DX10 drivers, it will only require OpenGL drivers. And they already exist. So, in not too long it might be possible to download a DX10 emula
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Direct3D 10 (the most important part of DirectX 10, XInput being the other significant change) is still built upon much of the technology used in Direct3D 9. So, a port of Direct3D 10 is within the grasp of the Wine project and would not require special drivers since it uses OpenGL for rendering.
WWN Issue #325 [winehq.org]
What about legal issues? (Score:2)
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1. Buy vista and play game.
2. Don't play game.
If option 2 causes such grief and anxiety that it may become life threatening and therefore is not a choice, then don't buy Vista and let natural selection run it's course.
DirectX 9 Only (Score:4, Insightful)
Admittedly, it will be a while before we see games that are DirectX10-only, but I doubt Microsoft will be getting too worried yet.
What about Linux? (Score:2)
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EA even recently stated they would be releasing a bunch of games for the Mac ( http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/06/11
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Test case done (Score:4, Insightful)
Good for the hackers. There is no compelling reason to move to vista from an existing set-up, and neither of these games would compel anyone either. Stupid that you have to go to these lengths to run software. Stupid that MS would not catch on to the notion that it takes more than gloss like aero to get people to upgrade.
Why do we put up with this? (Score:4, Insightful)
If there was a carmaker that wired a lock on the gas cap that would only open when it read a coded pulse from gas pumps at Exxon stations, the carmaker would go out of business quickly.
Yet, when it comes to software, instead of people refusing to do business with a company like Microsoft they just buy the software anyway if they can get around the restrictions.
Consumers need to grow a pair if they want things to change.
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Ahh, but if the biggest car-maker had signed an agreement with the biggest gasoline distributor(s) to do this, they'd end up putting everyone ELSE out of business. Get it?
I don't agree with it, but it's sort of the whole point of the publishers and Microsoft's DRM (and other little
Shadowrun blows on PC (Score:2, Offtopic)
But it's a raw deal on the PC. The control system is setup for a controller, not kb/m, so instead the kb/m controls are dumbed down. This is not that PC players are used to. The balance is there, the two platforms play on pretty equal footing, but only be
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What does this have to do with anything? Crappy marketing. They used the name to attract players, but didn't bother to make it clear that it wasn't the kind of
Sure to irk Microsoft? (Score:3, Funny)
And if it runs on XP (Score:2)
I stopped working on Direct3D 9 for wine about 18 months ago and we were getting there then. Since then Stephan and the chaps have done a great job and Wine is giving Cedega a run for it's money. and the best bit is you get the source code to wine so you have to opotunity to get games that don't work, working.
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Does this hold true for macromedia freehand mx?
Vista = Apple ///? (Score:2)
(a) too much like an existing product. Ran a 6500-series chip like the Apple
(b) not enough like an existing product. Was incompatible with Apple
Vista, as originally designed, was a technical marvel. I would like Microsoft to keep pushing toward that, which is what Microsoft engineers want. The MBAs and marketing team think differe
It's a question of intent. (Score:5, Insightful)
IIRC, NT4 maxed out at DX3 and "could not go any higher" according to the wisdom at the time, but it
was possible to graft DX5 onto it and it worked quite well as I recall.
Look at games such as "Slave Zero" (picture Carmageddon, only giant robot instead of a car) that were
so tied to Win98's directX calls that it usually did not function under other WinOS's.
Some enterprising hacker replaced the 98 DX calls with more generic functions and it worked great.
Vista exclusive games (DX10 Only) will be out sooner or later, and I'm sure that eventually it will overcome
the 5+ year's momentum that XP has, but I think it'll be very slow going.
The intent of game makers is to sell games, and locking out 90% of thier target markets is suicide.
(DX8/9 compatability at the very least will be around for a while, I'd think.)
Same with Microsoft, its intent is to sell Vista anyway it can, but unlike games you want/don't have, you
are likely running a WinOS of some stripe (gaming requirement, almost). The lack of want/need of a new
os, lack of games that won't run on XP (yet), resistance to change and XP "just working" (for the most part)
and/or just the way you like it setup makes for some heavy resistance.
The realy trick/story will be DX10 working under XP, or, DX10 game that have been changed like Slave Zero
to work under DX9 with few, if any problems.
Just Goes to Show (Score:5, Insightful)
.Huh? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Way to go Falling Leaf... (Score:5, Informative)
Falling Leaf hasn't released anything.
Re:Way to go Falling Leaf... (Score:5, Informative)
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I might take a crack at making a win2k patch for shadowrun; I know a few people in my "Win2k infinite" group have been messing with fixing the version checking.
I'm hoping someone will get it quick, I love Shadowrun, but don't like multiplayer online games very much. Having t
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Re:Way to go Falling Leaf... (Score:4, Interesting)
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The text in them is, via copyright law.
The music on them is, via copyright law.
The design of them is, via copyright law.
And the physical media you buy software on isn't licensed, but the software itself is, via copyright law.
You do not have the right to other people's creations on your own terms.
Almost a good arguement (Score:3, Insightful)
There is a course of action that sometimes does work though. Shareware, Trials, and Expiring Full Versions. I agree that software is difficult to produce, and thus costs $ to create requiring protection. It's just unfortuna
Re:Way to go Falling Leaf... (Score:5, Interesting)
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If you don't want to respect their license, that's fine, but then you shouldn't expect them to respect the GPL either.
No where did anyone mention patents in this discussion either. Again, argue the topic at hand, and stop setting up stupid, inacurate strawman arguments.
Re:Way to go Falling Leaf... (Score:5, Insightful)
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Now, I'm a programmer. I've recently been working on releasing a couple of my programs as open source, so I've had to take a good look at the various licenses, and se
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Copyright largely governs what you can and cannot do with software; clickwrap extensions trying to enforce post-sale contractual obligations are much less certain.
"but then you shouldn't expect them to respect the GPL either."
The GPL doesnt extend beyond copyright law, the GPL grants rights the user does not _have_ under copyright law. It's a copyright license, falling back on copyright law. Without the GPL the distributor has no rights to distribute at all
Re:Way to go Falling Leaf... (Score:4, Informative)
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They could have done this with a legitimately purchased version.
I know a lot of people who buy legitimate games but run them all with nocd cracks.
Re:Vista is dying (Score:4, Insightful)
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For Supreme Commander you can use my handy-dandy patch [gaspowered.com].