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E3 Media Movies Star Wars Prequels

E3 Previews — Lego Star Wars Complete Saga and LittleBigPlanet 37

Nintendo's success has marked a refocus on games for the sake of fun, and nothing exemplifies this trend better than the Lego Star Wars series. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga will be the first game to offer the functionality gamers have wanted since they first saw a wiimote: motion-controlled lightsaber battles. It's not dueling, but it is a lot of fun. In the same vein, with even more creativity added in, is Sony's imaginative LittleBigPlanet . With Media Molecule finally opening up a bit of the user based content-creation process to journalists, 1up offers one of the first hands-on with the game's core mechanic: "Fusing various pieces together can forge entirely new objects. Place hinges and wheels on a pile of wooden blocks and suddenly you have a makeshift jalopy rolling through the stage. With a tad more work, you can transform that car into a massive (yet ridiculous) rolling wooden dragon. We didn't have quite enough time (or experience) to bust out a run-and-jump rally to put Super Mario Bros. World 8-2 to shame, but we can't wait to get our hands on the open beta due out later this year."
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E3 Previews — Lego Star Wars Complete Saga and LittleBigPlanet

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  • Dueling (Score:3, Insightful)

    by EMeta ( 860558 ) on Thursday July 12, 2007 @04:20PM (#19842215)
    I think you misunderstand us, gamemakers. We would like to fence, to parry, to thrust, to judge the distance and openings in our opponents. There's that little flaw of being able to move your controller through the space it would have been blocked, but that's not too hard to deal with. Make the screen flash when you're out of sync with your actual sword & it'll just penalize you (by not letting you move it anywhere else) until you bring your sword back in line. It'll be similar enough to real fencing in that you can't overestimate where your sword will end up or you'll be a few movements behind. It will take some time for players to get used to, but hey, we're smart, we can.

    The same kind of adjustment/penalty will have to apply for inertia effects of weapons for how strong your character is, & then you can use all kinds of weapons.

    Get on this developers! Millions of people have the hardware, you just have to code it now!

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by g4pengts ( 1050568 )
      What you propose sounds like a reasonable way to solve the blocking problem. But there is another problem I see with sword fighting. If our movement makes a 1:1 translation into a game, doesn't that means in order for me to be good at the game, I actually needs to be good with a sword?
      • You also have to be the same size as the character on screen. Sales of huge-screen TVs will go through the roof!
      • by EMeta ( 860558 )
        It's still a model, but far more related than performing a dragon punch. I learned to move my fingers in some strange ways for Guitar Hero, so I bet I could learn the basic mechanisms of two-handed sword fighting as well. The trick would be to have a lot of different skill levels to let all different levels of players have fun gameplay. But to be able to improve, even marginally in swordfighting by playing a game? That's the ticket.
        • by k_187 ( 61692 )
          Yeah, give Jack Thompson more ammo. You'll have kids taking swords to school and impaling themselves. Think of the children!
    • One problem: The Wiimote can't determine its absolute position. It only knows direction of motion, acceleration, and orientation (whether it's upside down, vertical, etc). The only way the Wiimote can be accurate in determining where in space you're holding it is if you a) point the IR sensor at the bar on top of your TV, which means always holding it facing your TV (you can't swing around), or b) constantly requiring you to calibrate it. Option B is ridiculous in a realtime sword fighting game.
  • My 5 year old daughter loves the GC version of the Lego Star Wars games. Actually, we bought these games, she became obsessed with them, and because of them decided to watch the movies. Unfortunately, she watched Episode I over and over again because she loved Jar Jar Binks (I guess she's his target demographic), but eventually graduated to the original trilogy. Now, she'll tend to watch Episode IV more than the others, but she's seen them all several times. Strangely, she was not impressed with the Ewo
    • My 6 year son is the same way. He has already completed Ep. 1,2,3 & 6. He also likes Empire Strikes Back the most of the original trilogy. Luckily, the only exposure he has had of Ep 1-3 is through the game. I won't let him watch the movies (why ruin a good thing).
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Keep getting free advertisement here.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by fractoid ( 1076465 )
      Oh noes! We'd better stop talking about all commercial products, companies, and for-profit organisations!

      This thread is now about fluffy bunnies and kittens. Discuss as you wish, just don't kill the kittens.

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