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AO-Rated Manhunt 2 Leaked To Warez Sites 84

Ars Technica's Opposable Thumbs blog is reporting that an apparently 'AO' rated version of Rockstar's Manhunt 2 has made its way to warez sites across the internet. "There have been a few videos posted on YouTube that seem to come from this version of the game, which the release notes warn may be a beta version, 'so no crying if it ***** up on you.' That inspires confidence. While this scene-release is being talked about in multiple places, fansite Project Manhunt has a warning: '...remember downloading this game is only going to slimming [sic] the already slim chance of Manhunt 3 ever happening,' they tell fans."
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AO-Rated Manhunt 2 Leaked To Warez Sites

Comments Filter:
  • So... (Score:5, Funny)

    by EveryNickIsTaken ( 1054794 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:41PM (#20542533)

    Project Manhunt has a warning: '...remember downloading this game is only going to slimming [sic] the already slim chance of Manhunt 3 ever happening,' they tell fans."
    Does this mean if we all get pirated copies of Windows, MS will stop making it?
  • by siyavash ( 677724 )
    damn it, at first I thought it meant "Anarchy Online" ( [] ) ... Used to play it years ago before it became a heaven for carebears. :(
    • damn it, at first I thought it meant "Anarchy Online"

      Then what would AO-rated mean?

      "This game is rated AO by the ESRB for being a buggy piece of shit that may become mostly playable after several months of heavy patching, and actually enjoyable after many more patches, but we wouldn't hold our breath."

  • Que Jack Thompson raving like a lunatic...again.
    • I don't know about that... (shameless plug) []
      • by nuzak ( 959558 )
        I wondered why I didn't see this on the front page of GP. Then I looked at the URL: []

        So it's a story from july, and even the slug says it was his claim, not an order (the suspension, in fact, has not yet happened).

        I guess I'm overqualified to be a slashdot editor.
      • Last I heard he passed the psych exam...somehow. Though he is still being investigated in Florida, apparently he called Bush as a witness. No idea if hes just doing something crazy or delaying for time. (Bush cannot testify while acting as President)
        • by xoff00 ( 594043 )
          (Bush cannot testify while acting as President)

          Oh, so he'll be free to testify, since he's certainly not acting like a President now.

          What you actually meant is that he cannot be compelled to testify while in office. Once he's out, he's like any other citizen, and can be compelled by a which he'd then invoke Executive Privilege (I wonder if its called something else once you are out of office?).
    • by XenoPhage ( 242134 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @03:03PM (#20542927) Homepage

      Que Jack Thompson raving like a lunatic...again.
      Absolutely. And he'll definitely have a valid point this time. How dare Take Two release this onto the public after they were slapped down by the ESRB. Wait.. What? Oh, it's a warez release? Hrm...

      How dare this get released into the warez scene where innocent young children can access it. ... What? Illegal? Not innocent? ... Umm..

      How dare Take Two make something that could potentially be stolen and released into the warez scene where possibly innocent children may or may not come into contact with it. ....

      Your honor, I call President Bush to the stand...
      • Personally, I'm just waiting for the Chewbacca Defense.
      • Absolutely. And he'll definitely have a valid point this time. How dare Take Two release this onto the public after they were slapped down by the ESRB. Wait.. What? Oh, it's a warez release? Hrm...

        The warez release of a program that never saw commercial distribution --- a release that couldn't possibly be traced back to Rockstar itself? This is precisely the sort of run-around that made "Hot Coffee" so toxic.

        Consider this scenario:

        The news site fill with stories about a new game with deeply disturbing AO

        • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )
          Pft. As if creating a DRMed anti-modding system would do anything to stop people who routinely break the copyprotection on games. If companies wanted to get rid of modding they'd just not release mod tools but since modding is good for them they just let it happen. The average idiot trying to pass legislation won't know what a "mod tool" is, anyway.
  • If it IS true (Score:4, Insightful)

    by JamesRose ( 1062530 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:59PM (#20542841)
    It should put to rest all the suspicions about whetehr Take Two was tricking the ESRB, or bribing them etc. in order to get their game out. Unfortunately it's illegal to download, so in order to find out if they are doing that, you must break the law. Why don't I think that'll be a problem for the people in the anti-gaming organisations
    • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

      by JimDaGeek ( 983925 )

      Unfortunately it's illegal to download...

      What law (in the US at least) says it is illegal to download? Copyright infringement does not happen when you download, it happens via distribution. So, if you download without uploading, I would suspect you would be a gray area of the law. While P2P may cause a user to upload as they download, switch to Usenet to get away from that issue.

      Note, I am not condoning obtaining copyrighted works that you do not have permission to obtain. Just trying to point out

      • What law (in the US at least) says it is illegal to download? Copyright infringement does not happen when you download, it happens via distribution. So, if you download without uploading, I would suspect you would be a gray area of the law. While P2P may cause a user to upload as they download, switch to Usenet to get away from that issue.



        (a) Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of the copyright owner as provided by sections 106 through 122 or of the author as provided in section

    • Unfortunately it's illegal to download.
      In the US, sure. But some countries are a bit more lax when it comes to such things (read: haven't had their legislatures targeted by big media lobbyists... yet).
    • Right... just like all the journalists who covered Hot Coffee downloaded and inst.. ah that's right, they didn't. They just interviewed people who had. Sticky moral dilemma solved.
    • It's weak anyway, looks like just the PS2 version. Sawing some guy in half through the crotch just won't be the same without the motion control mini-game.
    • It may be illegal to download, but if I were to download it, I'd still buy the M-rated version when it comes out, if for no other reason than to support the developers. It may still be illegal, but it wouldn't be unethical, since I'm still buying it when it comes out. I would like to see the original version, is all.

      Just like downloading a cracked version of a game you bought that you can't play because of screwy copy protection isn't unethical. They still get the money for the game and you get to play w
  • "fansite Project Manhunt has a warning: '...remember downloading this game is only going to slimming [sic] the already slim chance of Manhunt 3 ever happening,' "

    All this because some random customer bought the Ao version and ripped it and... wait, what?

    Oh, that's right, this game never got published! The only way this could make its way onto the internet is if one of the raters from the ESRB uploaded the copy they were given to rate, or (more likely) it was one of Rockstar's own employees that did this.
  • Oh yea (Score:5, Funny)

    by suv4x4 ( 956391 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @03:08PM (#20543005)
    remember downloading this game is only going to slimming [sic] the already slim chance of Manhunt 3 ever happening

    They have a counter at the company, for illegal downloads, and when it hits 999 999, they cancel the project.
    • haha, yah because having people interested in your product is a clear sign to any company to not make more of that product. its simple logic.... people are interested ergo stop making what they want to bolster your success.... makes perfect sense... in bizzaro world.
      • by Minwee ( 522556 )

        Of course, here in the real world it's having people _pay money_ that supports a product.

        "Good news, everybody! Interest in "Bizarro Manhunt 2" is really really high!"

        "Great! How many copies have we sold?"

        "None at all! Everyone who is interested just downloaded it for free. As a company we haven't seen a single penny of income to counter the millions of dollars that we borrowed to finance it. The last round of paycheques to our developers just bounced, our office space is being reposessed, and th

        • by suv4x4 ( 956391 )
          Of course, here in the real world it's having people _pay money_ that supports a product.

          The relation of "one download = one less game sold" is unproved and hypothetical. Much more complex game is at play. The game would find its way on the Internet ANYWAY. All games that matter, do.

          Incidentally all games that matter, sell well. One would think if the above unproved and hypothetical correlation was true, only less popular and banal games would sell, since you can't find them anywhere for download (no one ca
        • Since this is a different uncensored version, it could very well be people who have bought the game also want to see the AO version. I think it would have been better for the guy to say, "if you do download this, at least buy our game so we can get paid. Otherwise we might not be able to produce another."

          Then again, maybe that is what he said or wanted to say. In our soundbyte society, that message probably wouldn't have survived the press anyway.

          The "copy = lost sale" argument is just bullshit idiot co

  • People still operate "Warez sites?" as in, a web server that the software can be downloaded from?
    I was under the impression that something like this would be posted to Bittorrent sites, not someone's Apache server. Aren't Warez sites like... so 1996? They would disappear instantly either from getting overloaded, or a cease and desist letter.
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Site is not synonymous with web server, but topsite would be more specific. []
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Tweekster ( 949766 )
      Warez sites != web

      Most of the half way decent releases that are trackers originated from an FTP, a scene FTP.
      • by fistfullast33l ( 819270 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @03:45PM (#20543583) Homepage Journal
        Yes - usually FTP to IRC and BitTorrent/P2P sites, although I think IRC typically gets it first since the top channels have the distribution networks in place through their own dumps - FTP of group to FTP of chan to Voiced servers in the chan itself. BitTorrent sites probably have their own networks, but I'm not as familiar with them.
        • It typically trickles down.
          IRC and FTP are closely linked.

          Then a bittorrent uploader snags it from the scene ftp and uploads it to a torrent site. typically within 20 minutes or less of it being pre-ed
    • There aren't warez hosts, but there are file hosts who refuse to breach their user's privacy, and don't let you browse the files on their server. Then there are the forums where direct links to these files are posted.
  • '...remember downloading this game is only going to slimming [sic] the already slim chance of Manhunt 3 ever happening,' they tell fans."

    Quick, download it! Download it as much as you can! The more we can slimming the chance of Manhunt 3 being developed the better.
    These aren't exactly Legend of Zelda quality games we're talking about here...
  • if Jack Thompson tried to prevent Manhunt 3 by downloading the AO game as much as possible. Then, he got busted for it!
  • Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Say no more.
  • I wish the game would come out, be mediocre, and we can all move on with our lives.

    I'm tired of watching the ESRB fumble around and ironically try to keep what changes were made to the game secret. Way to instill confidence in the process...

    I'm also tired of watching Take 2 and Rockstar hang themselves out to be innocent victims of oppression and milk it for all the PR they can.

    It is crap everywhere you look. Just be over ready.
  • Any word on whether the leaked copy is for the PS2 or the Wii?
  • The censorship (in the UK at any rate) must be resisted and disobeyed!

    I will, of course be buying the retail version when it hits the stores, but I might just have to check out some of these "warez" things. They sound interesting.
  • First it gets crazy free publicity for being banned in the UK. Then it gets crazy free publicity for getting an AO rating in the US. Then they say it'll be delayed because they're working on saving their 'artistic vision' or whatever. Then they say oh wait we'll edit it and release it with a M rating. Now that the hype has died oh look the AO version for PS2 magically leaked out. Someone get me my tinfoil hat but it seems like whenever the controversy dies down something else magically happens to get it bac

When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves.
