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Wii Outsells 360, PS3 Worldwide 491

Wowzer writes "Despite confusing consoles produced, shipped or sold reports, the Nintendo Wii is now the best-selling system worldwide. Its sales exceed that of the Xbox 360 despite Microsoft's console having a year-long head start. And it's way ahead of the PS3. From the article: 'Sales figures from each console's launch date through the end of July (and the end of August in Japan) were added up, with the Wii just barely edging out the 360: 9 million for the Wii, 8.9 million for the 360, and 3.7 million for the PlayStation 3.'"
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Wii Outsells 360, PS3 Worldwide

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  • by Sciros ( 986030 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:03PM (#20592595) Journal
    On the one hand, it's just a continuation of a year-long trend of Wii kicking the other consoles' butts hard. They're still hard to find because they disappear off the shelves as soon as they get put there. Anyway, this was all predicted a while ago and so isn't a surprise in that sense.

    On the other hand, I find it QUITE surprising that the Wii can so handily outsell the 360 when its game library is, all things considered, horribly outmatched. This is a very strong example of the fact that games do NOT sell the system, as many gamers like to think. Advertisements and price tag do a LOT more than the shelves of dvd-size plastic boxes with the console's logo on them, it seems.
    • its game library is, all things considered, horribly outmatched

      I disagree here. The 360 has two games, as far as I'm aware, that are system sellers (Gears of War and Forza 2), with a third (Halo 3) coming out shortly. The 360 is the first game console of this generation, but as far as I'm concerned, ALL the consoles have a lackluster library. The Wii actually has the best library at the moment, with Super Paper Mario, Zelda (sort of, it's available on the Cube too), Metroid Prime 3, and Wii Sports (even if it is only a pack-in).

      • by MBCook ( 132727 )

        I was thinking the same thing. On top of those (and some good but not great games), don't forget there is the virtual console. I know there is XBLA, but it doesn't have Nintendo games (for obvious reasons).

        If you want to play Zelda II, Sim City, or many other games it's your only choice on a console (short of hacked emulators). There is one heck of a library to compete with there.

        • If you want to play Zelda II, Sim City, or many other games
          SimCity is a Maxis (now EA) product; Nintendo only published the Super NES version.

          it's your only choice on a console (short of hacked emulators).
          Keep in mind that there are at least four consoles: Wii, Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, and set-top PCs running Windows OS. SimCity and several other EA titles have been published for Windows.
      • by Pojut ( 1027544 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:20PM (#20592903) Homepage
        I know my opinion isn't really worth any more than the next guy's opinion, but I do own all three 7th-gen consoles so I suppose that gives me a bit more "hands on" experience with them...by far, out of the three my 360 gets the most playtime. To me, it has the most comfortable controller, the best overall "feel", and, again, in my opinion, the best games.

        Many games on the 360 eventually came out or simultaneously came out for the PS3...just for grins, if I bought the game for one console, I would rent it for the other...you know, just to compare the two. In all honesty, I would rather play those multi-system games on the 360. It's not just the controller (although that does have something to do with it) but it's just how it "feels"...I can't really describe it any better than that. Not to mention graphically with multi-system releases, I find the 360 looks SLIGHTLY better than it's PS3 counterpart.

        That said, all three consoles are fantastic fun and I highly recommend people get all three if they can afford it...the Wii60 combo is the best bet if you can't afford all three, but the PS3 is no slouch either. While it does lack a good selection of exclusives for the moment, that will change down the line (and I liked Lair, so there!) Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear, God of War 3, etc.

        That said, the 360 has it's own lineup of exclusives coming for it (some also coming to PC)...Fable 2, GoW 2, Mass Effect, Too Human, etc.

        The Wii has some awesome games coming to it as well...Mario Galaxy, the new Mario Kart and Smash Bros, etc.

        If I HAD to choose a favourite this gen for me, it would definately be the 360...but in all honesty, all three of them are worth your hard earned dollars.

        Play as many games on as many different systems as you can.
        • by badboy_tw2002 ( 524611 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:32PM (#20593173)
          >Play as many games on as many different systems as you can.

          Lalalalala, I can't hear you! I can't hear you! You sir, have commited BLASHPEMY! Video game consoles are a religion, and if you don't pick one and beat people over the head with your brand of Truth (TM), then you're a sicko deviant who deserves to be burned at the stake. Discussions about games aren't for talking about what you like to play, its more about what you _won't_ play on other systems. I don't know whether to label you a frat guy jock, a kiddy gamer, or an drooling I'll-buy-anything-Sony idiot. You confuse and anger me, and I'm going to go on the record saying that I just plain don't like you.

          I'll close with a reading from the book of Nintendo:

          "Lo, and the Lord said 'Let there be Wii'. And the Wii did descend from the Heavens and the people saw that it was good. And they saw that it was great. And lo did they see that no other games were fun, and the controllers turned to ash in their hands. And the Lord did speaketh 'Behold my wisdom, and the gift I have bestowed upon you. Take this Wii and take it out to the world, to show unbelievers my Truth.' And so they did, and so thusly did the Lord's profits grow."

      • by Sciros ( 986030 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:38PM (#20593315) Journal
        "System sellers" is kind of an inappropriate term here, as my whole point is games aren't what sells the system. Anyway, 360 also has Oblivion and Bioshock. Mind you, these games are also like a million times better than anything on Wii except Zelda, which is not even really a current-gen title and makes no sense to me as a "system seller" since it's also on Cube.
        • by seebs ( 15766 )
          Ahh, but if you've played Cube zeldas, and you've played Wii twilight princess... The ability to actually AIM makes a huge difference.
        • Zelda and Metroid. Metroid is *phenomenal*.

          And don't forget Super Paper Mario. Best platformer in *years* for any system.
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          Aha, but Oblivion and Bioshock are on the PC (and the PS3 in Oblivion's case), so they don't count. Mind you, Zelda doesn't count either, properly speaking, although it's true that the aiming is far better on the Wii. And whether Oblivion/Bioshock are a million times better than anything on the Wii is debateable. Bioshock I haven't played yet, but I certainly liked Oblivion less than all the games I listed as points in the Wii's favor.
    • by pembo13 ( 770295 )
      A lot of Nintendo fanboys are complaining that Nintendo _isn't_ advertising enough.
    • by unity100 ( 970058 )
      actually wii advertisement spending was much lower compared to the other consoles from what i know.

      and this IS a games sell a console situation.

      for the first time in around, like, 8-10 years, a major brand (nintendo) came up with the now-forgotten idea of making FUN games instead of ones that has loaded sounds and graphics and repeats old concepts.

      thats why wii is outselling all consoles.
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Sciros ( 986030 )
        You're making no sense with that rhetoric.

        "Fun" is relative, period. A lot of people are having "fun" on their PS2. More than on all the other current-gen consoles combined, by far. So, what's been "long-forgotten" again?

        "Loaded sounds and graphics" makes no sense, either. Gears, Oblivion, FFXII, Bioshock, and other visually appealing games get VERY good reception from both critics and gamers alike. They are NOT the problem.

        "Repeats old concepts"... hmm, yeah how about a Zelda title, Metroid Prime title, Vi
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by PitaBred ( 632671 )
          "Critics" may like Bioshock, but my Mom likes the Wii. So does most everyone who doesn't classify themselves as a "gamer". And that is why the Wii is winning. It's fun for ANYONE to play, not just gamers. Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Party 8, they're all a lot easier to get into and fun to play, and you don't have to dedicate large chunks of time to them. They're fun games, and it fits into more people's lifestyles than the fare on the "mainstream" systems like the PS3 and 360. That's not to say I have
      • by Sciros ( 986030 )
        I also need to add that "advertisement spending" and "advertisement" aren't interchangeable in this context. When I say "advertisement" makes a difference, I mean *good advertisement,* not simply the existence of ads. Plus, I'm not sure what MS has been spending their ad dollars on, but I see Wii commercials on TV (I barely watch TV) and I don't see any 360 ones. Whatever reaches the audience, heh ^_^
      • "for the first time in around, like, 8-10 years, a major brand (nintendo) came up with the now-forgotten idea of making FUN games instead of ones that has loaded sounds and graphics and repeats old concepts."

        That's what Nintendo has *always* done, since before the NES.

        Nintendo has always, always said that their primary goal is to make fun games.
    • by GWBasic ( 900357 )

      On the other hand, I find it QUITE surprising that the Wii can so handily outsell the 360 when its game library is, all things considered, horribly outmatched. This is a very strong example of the fact that games do NOT sell the system, as many gamers like to think. Advertisements and price tag do a LOT more than the shelves of dvd-size plastic boxes with the console's logo on them, it seems.

      Given two similarly-capable systems, the one with better games is the one that I would choose. In this case, however, the Wii's novelty factor is what got me to buy it. Besdies, I really don't care how large a console's game library is, as long as there are a 2-3 exellent games when I buy the console, and a reasonable garuntee that there will be at least 2-3 excellent games developed per year.

    • by Tom ( 822 )

      I find it QUITE surprising that the Wii can so handily outsell the 360 when its game library is, all things considered, horribly outmatched.

      Or maybe your assumption is false? I don't think the 360 library is impressive. If you look at it with non-nerdy-eyes, it's essentially the same 5 or 6 games with different graphics under different names. The Wii doesn't need 25 different FPS titles to succeed, because it has everygreens like Wii Sports and quite a few people play mostly that and are happy.

      • by Sciros ( 986030 )
        How an I looking at the 360 library with "nerdy eyes" :-) the games I enjoy on it include Oblivion, Gears of War, Bioshock, Forza 2, and DOA 4. I don't really see how those are "25 different FPS titles," and 3 of the 5 are quite original and 4 of them set new standards in their respective genres. (DOA 4 is mindless fun, that's about all.)
    • Price is undoubtedly a big issue, but games are still important. While the Wii library isn't mind-blowing right now, when I bought my Wii close to a year ago, I did so very much in anticipation of the future game library. I couldn't walk out of the store that day with a new Mario game, or Metroid Prime 3, or Mario Kart, or WarioWare, or Smash Bros. (although I did have zelda!), but I knew that they were coming, and was nearly certain that when they do arrive, that I'd have a great time with them. Nintendo h
      • by Sciros ( 986030 )
        Xbox's future library is a monster as well:
        Halo 3
        Mass Effect
        Ninja Gaiden 2
        Resident Evil 5
        Gears of War sequels
        Banjo 3

        And a year ago, you would have added Forza 2 and Bioshock to that list.
    • On the other hand, I find it QUITE surprising that the Wii can so handily outsell the 360

      The summary says it's 8.9 million xboxes to 9 million wiis, I don't see how that counts as "handily" outselling.

      And if you'd went just by the comments you read on slashdot video game stories, you'd think the wii was outselling the xbox 360 a hundred to one.
      • by Sciros ( 986030 )
        Oh, but it IS "handily" outselling it. In HALF the time, it sold more units! At this rate, in another year it will have sold twice as many units overall. So, yeah it's just plain kicking the 360's butt.

        Though I reckon Japan has much to do with it, seeing as 360 has NO presence there whatsoever.
    • by Fozzyuw ( 950608 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @04:04PM (#20594925)

      On the other hand, I find it QUITE surprising that the Wii can so handily outsell the 360 when its game library is, all things considered, horribly outmatched. This is a very strong example of the fact that games do NOT sell the system, as many gamers like to think.

      I see what you're trying to say, but I respectfully disagree. My reason is that "Wii Sports" is the "killer ap" that is selling the system. A close second is the Virtual Console.

      It's always been people's enjoyment of Wii Sports that they see the 'potential' of the system and the motion sense. When my old man picked up the controller and held it like a baseball bat, he thought it was the coolest thing. Like virtual reality. When my mom played bowling, she thought it was as real as you could get. Everyone enjoyed playing Tennis as a family activity.

      For the dedicated gamers, Zelda helped sell the system at the start, before others had a share of the fun. Also the promise of Smash Bros., Mario Cart, Mario Galaxies, and the recent release of Metroid, had a lot of fans picking up the system in simple anticipation.

      My fiancee (who doesn't like video games) is adamantly playing Zelda, Zelda 2, Donkey Kong Country, Mario Bros., etc. on the Virtual Console. Explaining to me she never got the chance to play them as a kid as her father dominated the system. She's reliving a lot of nostalgia (and showing me up that she knows more about the original Zelda games than I do).

      The 360 has a lot of great games and a lot more of them, but the Wii definitely has the exclusive 'killer ap' game, Wii Sports. Even if it gets old real quick. It only takes once to get addicted and when people leave to buy the system on impulse and they find they're all sold out (still) they are overcome by the "must have" bug as the Wii is more than just a video game system now, it's pop culture.

      If Andy Warhol was around, he's probably paint a picture of it.


  • More games please (Score:3, Insightful)

    by pembo13 ( 770295 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:04PM (#20592609) Homepage

    I got myself a Wii. Just need a proper LAN multiplayer FPS and a Summer Smash Brothers, and maybe even a hardcore Mario kart.

    I've actually spent hours playing Super Mario Brothers on the Virtual Console

  • I wonder... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Pojut ( 1027544 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:05PM (#20592619) Homepage
    ...I know this term is sloshed around alot around here, but I wonder if Nintendo has shills trolling the /. boards? It seems to me most of the ones around here take the form of either Microsoft or Sony...yet you never really see any that sound like they are coming from Nintendo...curious, that.
  • by AbsoluteXyro ( 1048620 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:05PM (#20592623)
    Who saw this coming? Be honest!
    • Re:Rewind 2 years (Score:5, Interesting)

      by meringuoid ( 568297 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:31PM (#20593145)
      Who saw this coming? Be honest!

      When I heard the idea - an overclocked Gamecube with a novelty control system involving waving one's hands around - I thought Nintendo were doomed. One U-Force was bad enough.
      When I heard details of the novelty control system, I thought it ridiculous for about two minutes, then began thinking it through a little. Several words came through my mind... 'bat, racket, gunsight... fucking lightsaber...' - I thought Nintendo might have something big on their hands, especially given what the DS was doing by then.
      When I heard about the name, I though Nintendo were doomed.
      When I was queueing outside the store on a damn cold night playing wireless Mario Kart with the other fanboys (all of us there to get our hands on Twilight Princess) and we saw the demo installation through the big window, and we saw how many passers-by were stopping to see what all the fuss was about and seeing the guys inside bowling... I thought Nintendo might have something very big.
      When I saw how many of my utterly non-gamer relatives simply would not put down Wii Tennis... wow.

    • by seebs ( 15766 )
      TWO years? No.

      I've been saying it since E3 2006.
    • by tuffy ( 10202 )

      Given the success of the DS, I felt the Wii's dominance was assured for many of the same reasons. Both are aimed at broad demographics, both are differentiated from the competition (in terms of possible control schemes, especially), both are cheaper than the competition and both feature real backwards compatibility.

      My biggest surprise is that so many analysts and 3rd parties were caught off guard by the Wii.

  • by jandrese ( 485 ) <kensama@vt.edu> on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:06PM (#20592637) Homepage Journal
    One thing that has shocked me about the Wii is how it can still be perpetually out of stock 10 months after being released. At this point Nintendo doesn't have any excuse, they need to ramp production up and they need to do it 6 months ago. I have a co-worker who is looking to get one and he's actually being told to stand in line outside of the store on shipment day still, and this was after calling just about every retailer in the area looking for one. Even weirder is when you look online and all of the available consoles are marked up over the retail price. That is crazy for a console that has been out on the market for as long as the Wii has.
    • This is also a suprise for me, considering that down here in Colombia (South America) you can get a wii quite easily. I got mine the first week of January and have always seen available wiis on stores.
    • Here is some info on that shortage [nintendo.co.jp] taken from a March07 Investors Q&A with the Nintendo CEO
      Basically to quote the relevant answer on the bottom of page two [nintendo.co.jp].

      Of course, now that Wii is facing product shortages in the markets, we are working on increasing production, and the effect is starting to show up little by little in this month already. As this month's production will be sold in the worldwide markets by the end of the next month, a small increase is expected at the retail outlets from next month

    • One thing that has shocked me about the Wii is how it can still be perpetually out of stock 10 months after being released.

      Is that still the situation there? In the UK there have been plenty around. One weekend, all of a sudden everywhere had Wii in stock, and it's stayed that way ever since.

      Now, if only Nintendo were as efficient at getting games to Europe...

    • I got sick of calling stores so I used http://wiitracker.com/ [wiitracker.com] (not a plug, there are probably other similar sites). After 2 weeks of using this site I got one from Toys R' Us. It was not a bundle or anything, but the downside is that you have to pay shipping.
    • by seebs ( 15766 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:49PM (#20593517) Homepage
      They've already ramped production up quite a bit. I think they're leery of spending a lot of money ramping up production only to finally saturate demand, and then have nothing to show for that money... Or, worse (from their perspective), ramp up production and end up with quality control issues.

      I think at this point it's fairly clear that 1.5M/month is not enough.
    • Nintendo still has issues with keeping the DS-Lite in stock in Japan. Nintendo has near domination of the industry going for themselves. All the while shitting themselves at the money they are raking in.
    • by AK Marc ( 707885 )
      Our Gamestop has 5 or so in stock, and the Best Buy in the same mall has a line of 20+ people every Sunday trying to buy them. They are able to sit on the shelves in some places. The shortage isn't over, but it is shrinking. The Gamestop has had them in stock continually for about 6 months now. I don't know why, I guess people consider them for the games and not the consoles.
    • by thefirelane ( 586885 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @03:20PM (#20594159)
      The year is 2078, somewhere in Heartland America Son: Dad, what's that valley over there Dad: Son, that's the valley of Nintendo Wii Factories Son: Why did they build so many, didn't they realize one day they wouldn't need so many Dad: Yes son, but some guy on the Internet thought it was a good idea. Son: But dad, that's stupid, what did this anonymous idiot on the internet know about supply chains? Dad: Nothing son, that's why we now have 84 idle crumbling Wii factories now that market saturation is long past Son: That sucks.... Son: Hey dad? Dad: Yes Son? Son: Can I get a PS27? Dad: Do you know how many Euros that is?!
  • ....never! The fact is, I thought that the Wii was going to flop the moment it released. But because of its world wide spread of ease to pick up and go. It had succeeded to be one of the dominent systems.
  • The funny thing is that Microsoft was using 'first to 10 million wins!' as their mantra, and reason for launching the 360 a year early.
  • by LordZardoz ( 155141 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:22PM (#20592929)
    Specifically, the Xbox made its over all numbers largely without doing much in Japan. If you factored out Japan, I think that the Xbox still has a substantial lead.

    In other words, I do not expect the Xbox 360 to become a non factor any time soon. It may be in a #2 position, but holding its current position without the benefit of Japan is a pretty strong feat. If they ever crack the Japanese market, they will likely give Nintendo some strong competition. Conversely, if the PS3 can build some decent momentum as its prices drop, it could overtake Microsoft overall with core gamers. If this does happen, it will happen very late in this console cycle (no earlier than say, 2010). And if it does do so, it will not overtake the 360 in the US.

    I had been saying for some time, before the Wii's launch, that it probably had at worst, the #2 slot locked up in the console war, and a real threat to be #1.

    I would say that right now, Nintendo is #1 over all, but only #2 with respect to hard core gamers. While a broad market strategy may be a good one, the core segment has proven consistently strong, and not one you want to cede to a rival.

    If the Wii is ever going to get a grip on the core segment of the console market, they have to do it within the next year. Developers of titles that appeal to core gamers jumped on the Wii band wagon late, so the games that could push Wii into an untouchable #1 standing simply do not exist yet. On top of that, Nintendo did have a pretty bad game drought between February and July on the Wii. With the 3rd party developers coming on stream, that may change.

    So to sum up:
    - Right now, Wii has the #1 spot over all, but is only #2 with core gamers.
    - I expect that the Xbox 360 will stay #1 with core gamers unless the Wii starts to get alot of games that will appeal to core gamers. Given the Wii's market positioning, I do not think this will happen.
    - I expect the Xbox 360 to be guaranteed #2 unless Sony starts to build alot of momentum. I would be very surprised if this happens.

    • by CorSci81 ( 1007499 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:38PM (#20593301) Journal

      Your post nicely sums up much of what I originally wanted to say, except for one nitpick.

      Conversely, if the PS3 can build some decent momentum as its prices drop, it could overtake Microsoft overall with core gamers. If this does happen, it will happen very late in this console cycle (no earlier than say, 2010). And if it does do so, it will not overtake the 360 in the US.

      As much as Sony and its supporters want to say the console race is a marathon, it isn't. Currently Sony has a console priced out of the range of the mass market and their sales numbers just aren't improving. At their current installed base and the cost of developing for the PS3 no sane developer is going to touch it. Most of what's coming out seems to be games already in progress where the developer has decided to write it off as a loss and/or port it to 360 as well to recoup some of the development costs. That or Sony has given them enough money to basically pay for the game to be developed for them. Unless sales figures change quickly the PS3 will be living off of ports of 360 games or what they can pay to have developed. I honestly don't see the PS3 beating the 360 outside of Japan where it's already in the lead.

      From what I recall, the 360 is possibly still ahead of the Wii in North America (given the Japanese sales numbers it pretty much has to be). It may be a few more months to a year before Nintendo completely captures all of the markets not accounting their supply limitations during the holiday season and the release of Halo 3, which makes it possibly even longer. I really can imagine at least the 360 and Wii both being viable platforms for nearly the entire lifetime of this generation of consoles. The only real competition between these two is game sales where their market shares intersect. The PS3 and 360 however are in a much more direct competition, and currently the 360 is outselling the PS3 worldwide.

    • Too bad what a large chunk of the core gamers want to play come from Japan. If the system doesn't sell there, you don't get a large outpouring of support from the Japanese dev base. If you lose Japan, you just lose at the end of the day. They have 1/3 the people, but a whole lot larger population there spends their bucks on videogames, and such.
    • by scot4875 ( 542869 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @03:04PM (#20593837) Homepage
      Giving up a mod point to post, but...

      I would say that right now, Nintendo is #1 over all, but only #2 with respect to hard core gamers. ... If the Wii is ever going to get a grip on the core segment of the console market, they have to do it within the next year.

      I've said this before. I'll say it again. Fuck the 'hardcore' gamers. Let them have their 'superior' games on other platforms. I've been playing video games since Pong, I've finished more games than most of these 'hardcore' gamers have played. I've beaten the original Super Mario Brothers on a single life without warping. I've finished Battletoads. I've finished Einhander. I've finished Perfect Dark on Perfect Agent difficulty. I'm as experienced as they come in terms of video games.

      You know what? Increasingly, I think that 'hardcore' gamer just means "a gamer who wants better graphics, more channels of audio, and the same old gameplay." What games are so damn hardcore on the XBox 360? Halo 3? Gears of War? What makes them so damn hardcore? I've played first person shooters, I've played 3rd person shooters. I want something *new*. I'm perfectly happy with my Wii Sports and Wii Play as far as providing something new to try. I've enjoyed Metroid Prime 3, but that's primarily because Super Metroid is my all-time favorite game -- it doesn't bring anything *that* new to the table over MP or Echoes, just some extra polish and enhanced controls.

      You know what the nicest thing about the Wii is? I can actually play games like Wii Sports or Raving Rabbids with non-gamer friends when they come over, and they can do well at them. In FPS, RTS, or fighting games, it's not even entertaining to play against my friends, because I just wipe the floor with them. While that might appeal to some people, I'm not in it for bragging rights, I'm in it for a challenge. It's also not entertaining to play against asshat 14-year-olds online.

      So fuck the hardcore demographic. They're going to have to accept the fact that they have become a niche audience, and accept what games come their way. Who knows? Maybe hardcore gamers will one day be like movie buffs, known for being familiar with lots of obscure but great games. As it is now, a movie fan analogous to what we think of as a hardcore gamer would watch nothing but Michael Bay films and gush about how awesome they are, and how everyone else sucks for enjoying The Life Aquatic.

      • by LordZardoz ( 155141 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @04:05PM (#20594947)
        Nintendo is doing a great job of proving that appealing to a broader audience is a good way to go. But the fact remains that many of the games that core gamers enjoy simply do not appeal to a broader audience. And the core audience is not insignificant.

        Games like God of War, Metal Gear Solid, Assassins Creed, Zelda, Metroid Prime, Gears of War, Dead Rising, Battlefield 1942, Counterstrike, Grand Theft Auto, Fable, System Shock 2, Ninja Gaiden, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest are all great games. I want to see more games of that sort continue to come out. And I would love to play them on my Wii. But I really do not think those types of games will come out on the Wii any time soon. At least, now with the Wii as the primary platform.

        Manhunt 2, ratings controversy aside, apparantly makes use of the motion controls quite impressively. Swing the remote, and you get to smash someones head in. But outside of that game, I have not heard much coming out for the Wii that appeals to my particular tastes of a gamer.

        At the moment, I do own a Wii. But I have not played very much on it lately. That will change when I get my hands on a copy of Metroid Prime. Being able to play Wii games with non gamer friends is nice. But quite frankly, I also want some good single player games with some real endurance to them. Most casual geared games do not do that.

        The Core Audience sustained this industry for a long time. It may be niche, but it is a lucrative one, and one worth trying to hold on to.

      • by seebs ( 15766 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @04:53PM (#20595655) Homepage
        I think I share your view.

        I maintained my own patches to Wine to let me have more function keys in WoW. I maintain addons for WoW, too. I still have my Sega CD. I stil have my 3DO, too. I regularly beat RPGs under a strict "no characters die ever" policy because I think it's more challenging. I play Angband, and have submitted patches to it (which were accepted!). I've learned new programming languages to work on games, and I've written games for competitions.

        People who play FPS games, and nothing else, dismiss my gaming tastes as "casual". WTF?

        Imagine if you had someone who reads nothing but romance novels. Dismisses sci-fi as geeky, literature as dull, mysteries as pointless and irritating, technology books as uninteresting, humor books as too silly, biographies as pointless, newspapers as too short, and so on. Just reads romance novels.

        According to the PS360 marketing engine, he's a hardcore reader. No, that's softcore.
    • I find remarkable parallels to the success of the Wii and the game WoW.

      WoW is successfull largely in part to much of the content being available to those who only have 1-2 hours per day to play (ie non-hardcore gamers). There is still stuff for the hardcore players to enjoy too.

      The Wii is successful (I believe at least) b/c of Wii Sports, and whatever follows this game. It is a fun game that you can play for 10 mins to 5 hours if you want. My father who hates video games loves Wii sports. He hasn't play
    • by LWATCDR ( 28044 )
      It could be that "core" gamers are just not that important. There are probably a lot more casual gamers out there. Think of all the Nintendo DSs that have been sold. The Wii targets that same demographic. I honestly think that the low cost of the Wii gives Nintendo a big chance to jump a generation. If they produce an HDWii in two or three years and sell it for the same price people will buy it. They will have a few years of Moore's law on there side and all they have to do to keep people happy is make it
  • Same thing we have been hearing for months, and already knew, the Wii is kicking butt, Sony is struggling to keep afloat.

    While its not selling as well the other two consoles, though, I should like to point out that 4 million consoles in under a year is nothing to sneeze at.
  • FUN counts! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by nweaver ( 113078 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @02:41PM (#20593345) Homepage
    I think the lesson of both the Wii and the DS is that for a lot of people, notably the non-gamers, FUN is what counts.

    Technology, the PSP trashes the DS. The XBox360 makes the Wii look like a joke graphically and computationally.

    But the new interfaces (touch screen, WiiMote) have lead to entirely new classes of games, and new ways of doing traditional games.

    EG, after playing Metroid for a few hours, I can't see how anyone could go back to the classic FPS controls, especially on a console. On a DS, the touchscreen allows very rich UIs, which are not possible with just the D-pad and buttons.

    That is the lesson from Nintendo: Fun Must Come First .
  • by Nom du Keyboard ( 633989 ) on Thursday September 13, 2007 @04:06PM (#20594955)

    3.7 million for the PlayStation 3.

    The PS3 is so much faster than the other consoles that I only need 3.7 million of them to do more work than all the XBox 360 and Wiis combined, so there!

Human resources are human first, and resources second. -- J. Garbers
