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PlayStation (Games)

PS3 Rumble Controller Confirmed 177

IGN was playing a build of the upcoming title Burnout: Paradise when they noticed something new about the controller in their hands: it was shaking. The rumble-equipped PlayStation 3 controller is almost certainly a reality at this point, with Kaz Harai's keynote tomorrow expected to officially announce the product. "The controller we were using to play the demo looked exactly like a standard Sixaxis, except that it had a sticker on the bottom that said 'RUMBLE.' It also felt notably heavier than the standard Sixaxis."
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PS3 Rumble Controller Confirmed

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  • I'm going to miss how light the sixaxis is right now. It was the first thing I noticed when I picked one up and I'm a fan. For certain games, I would even go so far as to say that I would prefer the lighter version over the rumble ability (except for those games where the rumble gives feedback that I can't get better elsewhere).
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by brkello ( 642429 )
      Why would you miss it? If you have it, just keep using and don't use rumble unless there is some game that really requires it.
    • by donaldm ( 919619 )
      When I picked up the 6 axis for the first time I was surprised how light it was and for games such as adventure and RPG's I found the controller excellent to the point I don't miss the relatively heavy DualShock. I won't deny that for some games rumble can be atmospheric and for some people it is a must. Still if you play for long periods of time a heavy controller with rumble can lead to sore hands.

      What is annoying is the fact that a company like Immersion (backed behind the scenes by Microsoft when they
  • That's funny (Score:2, Interesting)

    by wamerocity ( 1106155 )
    I remember when the PS3 first came out, the PR guy tried to spin the lack of Rumble as a good thing because it was "last generation." However, it turned out the company that they licensed the technology from would license it any longer and they finally came to terms a few months ago. PR is a funny thing. If anything, this will be good cause it will allow me to at least get rumble back in my ps2 games, a feature that I really missed. Now just to see how long before it hits the shelves and how much it wi
    • by donaldm ( 919619 )
      You do realise that if you play PS1 and PS2 games on your PS3 that you can use a Dualshock controller with a PS2 to USB adaptor and if the the game supports rumble the controller will vibrate accordingly. Of course you should have firmware 1.8 or greater.

      As far as battery life goes I have a Logitech 2 wireless PS2 controller that supports rumble and I can get well over 50 hours out of 2 AA batteries so I would not be surprised if the new "sixaxis-shock controller" has a battery life of 24 or more hours wi
  • last gen? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by spazard1 ( 943876 )
    i thought sony said that rumble was last gen?
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Kohath ( 38547 )
      Way to go. What a zinger! You really zinged them.

      That will teach them to try to promote their choices as the best ones. They won't try that again.

      I look forward to the future of marketing slogans you've created. "It's only as good as it is", "We like it, but you should make up your own mind", "Adequate. At least for us.", and so on.

      No more hype ever. Not for us. Someone on the net might have a counterpoint, after all.

      (This post makes me feel British.)
      • "Way to go. What a zinger! You really zinged them."

        That's funny if.. like.. you don't know the whole history of the SIXAXIS/Rumble story. To everybody else, it's yet another example of how Sony's been tripping over its arrogance over the last two years. Instead of just saying "We don't want to pay the licensing for it, and we don't think our customers will mind..." they spouted several different stories from technical problems with the unit to claiming it's not a big deal anyway. So yes, you're right, th
        • by Khaed ( 544779 )
          There actually are several reasons why Sony's been hard to take seriously lately. A bunch of people didn't spontaneously wake up with a craving to hate them.

          and man, if I did wake up with an unusual urge to hate Sony with no actual reason, I might start wearing a tinfoil hat to keep Bill Gates's mind control rays out.
        • Or because the whole patent was a sham, that Microsoft bought into to prevent Sony from using it - ala SCO.

          Microsoft and Immersion are the real villains here. Of course if you're a Microsoft/XBox 360 fanboy, you won't care.
          • "Or because the whole patent was a sham, that Microsoft bought into to prevent Sony from using it - ala SCO."

            Yeah, that makes sense. That's why Sony'll never rumble in their controllers. Oh wait...

            "Of course if you're a Microsoft/XBox 360 fanboy, you won't care."

            I'm not an XBOX fan, yet, I do not care. You'd look less like an overzealous Sony fan if you didn't jump to silly conclusions like that. :)
          • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

            MS is a villain in a lot of areas, but not in this case. Immersion sued both MS and Sony for using rumble technology in their consoles without licencing it.

            MS bought a share of Immersion as a settlement, while Sony decided to keep fighting and eventually lost. I think it was obvious to both companies at the start that Immersion had a good case - MS quickly decided to settle while Sony decided not to. The 10% share of Immersion that MS bought as a settlement has nothing to do with Sony refusing to settle.
        • by Kohath ( 38547 )
          you don't know the whole history of the SIXAXIS/Rumble story

          Sure I do.

          it's yet another example of how Sony's been tripping over its arrogance over the last two years

          That's a fine opinion. I guess I don't care about "arrogance", whether it be imagined or real, lasting two years or more or less. It's a game console. The arrogance is just a bonus. You can have the arrogance I got with mine, BTW, I'm not using it.

          You may want to be in love with the company that makes your game console. I don't have that re
          • "You may want to be in love with the company that makes your game console. I don't have that requirement."

            Right. If you have a PS3 right now, you purchased it as an investment. That means the stuff they do down the road is important to you. You care whether you're part of a flame war or not.

            "Why should anyone care why? If you knew why, would your games would be more fun? What's the specific benefit to knowing why"

            You'd care if the company selling you stuff was lying to you, right? No? Okay, you're a goo
            • by Kohath ( 38547 )
              you purchased it as an investment.

              It's a game and Blu-Ray player. I play games and Blu-Rays on it.

              You'd care if the company selling you stuff was lying to you, right? No?

              I focus on what matters to me. Then I check whether it meets my requirements. I didn't buy it thinking it had feature X and then later find out it didn't. I checked before I bought it.

              If any company is guilty of that kind of thing, it's Microsoft, BTW. I don't think people bought their 360 thinking it would crap-out on them. (Nothing
              • "It's a game and Blu-Ray player. I play games and Blu-Rays on it."

                Exactly. That includes games and movies that are coming in the future. In an extreme case, if Sony suddenly folded up shop on the whole PS3 thing, I seriously seriously doubt you'd be anything but pissed off about it.

                "I didn't buy it thinking it had feature X and then later find out it didn't. I checked before I bought it."

                That's great. But you still didn't buy a system without some form of trust with them. In the case of a game console,
                • In an extreme case, if Sony suddenly folded up shop on the whole PS3 thing, I seriously seriously doubt you'd be anything but pissed off about it.

                  No- I would continue to play my old PS2 games, Blue Ray movies, and my ripped dvd collection sitting on its hard drive like I do now.

                  Amazingly enough, for some people what the Playstation 3 offers other than games designed for it (blue ray, upconverts DVDs and PS2 games so they don't look like crap on my TV, play ripped movies and music, etc.) make it worth the m

  • Remember this? (Score:2, Informative)

    by igotmybfg ( 525391 )
    "We have no plans to do so in the standard controller that ships with PlayStation 3. I believe that the Sixaxis controller offers game designers and developers far more opportunity for future innovation than rumble ever did. Now, rumble I think was the last generation feature; it's not the next-generation feature. I think motion sensitivity is. And we don't see the need to do that." - Phil Harrison, President, Sony Worldwide, 26 Feb 2007

  • by trdrstv ( 986999 ) on Wednesday September 19, 2007 @01:00PM (#20670485)
    Ok, I missed Rumble (at least in MotorStorm), but please can you fix a few other things while you're at it?

    1) Sixaxis Tilt is Not nearly sensitive enough to be useful. Please figure out a Fix or Hire someone who worked on ExciteTruck to do it for you.

    2) The R2 & L2 Buttonie-trigger thing. Either make them proper buttons (like L1, R1), or triggers (like the 360), don't care which but this inbetween solution you have now is bad.

    3) Swap the left Analog and Dpad. MS, Nintendo and Sega all did so because it is more comfortable to play 3D games that way. Bolting the Dual analogs at the bottom made sense in the PS1 era, but not 2 gens later.

    4) User replaceable Battery. Make it AAA, AA, or Proprietary; I don't care which so long as I can swap it with another in a few seconds without disassembly.

    • by British ( 51765 )
      3) Swap the left Analog and Dpad. MS, Nintendo and Sega all did so because it is more comfortable to play 3D games that way. Bolting the Dual analogs at the bottom made sense in the PS1 era, but not 2 gens later.

      How come no 3rd party(Mad Catz, etc) has done this yet? You would think they would sell d-pad/left analog swapped game pads for PS2 or PS3 by the truck load to Xbox converts.

      As for the analog triggers, they should have made them concave-shaped so your fingers don't slip off in all the action. I gues
    • by MS-06FZ ( 832329 )

      3) Swap the left Analog and Dpad. MS, Nintendo and Sega all did so because it is more comfortable to play 3D games that way. Bolting the Dual analogs at the bottom made sense in the PS1 era, but not 2 gens later.
      Oh, yuck. No way in hell do I want that. Analog sticks are fine where they are. Beautiful symmetry.

      Those L2/R2 triggers are a mess, though, as you say. I shudder to think what it'd be like trying to play "Amplitude" on a controller like that...
  • Battery life? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by neumayr ( 819083 ) on Wednesday September 19, 2007 @01:09PM (#20670615)
    I'd imagine that rumble feature to be quite power hungry, so what will that do to sixaxis' battery life? Get it down to wiimote level or even worse?
    • by Xtravar ( 725372 )
      What? I have wireless rumbling controllers for last gen's consoles. Logitech has made them for some time, and the battery life is decent.
      • by G Fab ( 1142219 )
        keep in mind that the PS3 controller can last for several days without recharging... hell I've gone weeks in some cases.

        Now that we're accustomed to that, most folks are going to be surprised and annoyed at the understandably (to me) shorter battery life that might still be decent, but not days.
        • My only battery life annoyance with the PS3 controller is that it doesn't charge if the system is shut off. And no, its not off, its on "standby" of course, and could easily send power to the USB ports for charging purposes. It doesn't matter much as I usually leave it on F@H overnight with the controller plugged in.

          And technology considered, its quite possible they've improved battery lifetime over the year as well, either with a better battery pack or lower power internal electronics, so we may not noti
          • by G Fab ( 1142219 )
            motors use a ton of electricity, so I imagine either the controller uses some extremely expensive batteries or the battery life will be greatly lower.

            And yeah, the fact that the PS3 doesn't charge controlelrs when off is crap crap crap. I just use the USB off my computer (which is never off), but still, what a stupid thing to lack.
    • by samdu ( 114873 )
      Logitech Cordless Action Controller for PS2:

      "Play longer--at least 50 hours of gameplay with vibration on."

      50 hours seems a decent amount of time to me. I can't imagine that the DS3 would be significantly worse than that.

Your code should be more efficient!
