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PC Games (Games)

Orange Box Turns Gold 73

Dr. Eggman writes "GameDaily.com announces that at long last, Half-Life: The Orange Box has gone gold. The release date has been set for October 10th. Although Valve recently announced that the company shall reevaluate episodic content, Newell has spoken to CVG, reassuringly stating that there is lots of Half-Life left at Valve. Expect more interesting stories like Portal to come out of Valve as they trickle out what they refer internally to as 'The [Half-Life] Bible.'"
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Orange Box Turns Gold

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  • Damn (Score:2, Funny)

    I thought this was announcing that it was released today. I was about to call in sick.
  • Good to hear (Score:2, Informative)

    by Nos. ( 179609 )
    For those of us that pre-ordered, at least we've had the pleasure of Team Fortress 2. Its not perfect, but I'm quite happy with it. Of course I haven't had the crashes that a lot of people have been having. That being said, I can't wait to try Portal. Episode 2 I'm sure will be interesting, but for me, won't be more than a passing bit of entertainment when I grow bored of TF2 and Portal.
  • by Guspaz ( 556486 ) on Thursday September 27, 2007 @01:04PM (#20771489)
    The Orange Box launches on October 5th in Europe.

    It launches in North America on October 9th, and October 10th on Steam.

    It looks like digital distribution hasn't changed a thing when it comes to arbitrary launch dates that have nothing to do with a products readiness.
    • by Bobfrankly1 ( 1043848 ) on Thursday September 27, 2007 @01:26PM (#20771805)
      Hey, you're forgetting localization. It takes a few days to re-record all voice track references to the "torch" as the North American language "flashlight". They also have to remove all the crumpets!
      Monkey Doodles!
      • by Guspaz ( 556486 )
        What does Vivendi have to do with anything? They're not Valve's publisher anymore, EA is.
    • It looks like digital distribution hasn't changed a thing when it comes to arbitrary launch dates that have nothing to do with a products readiness.

      Not entirely true. It is true that Valves hands are tied by EA (rather than Vivendi this time) regarding the brick and mortar sale date. But this time the presale crowd gets to play with the TF2 "beta" (beta after a game has gone gold, eh?). It's true that you don't get the whole thing when you easily could, but some people genuinely prefer to get a pretty bo
  • Cheaper (Score:2, Insightful)

    by AlphaDrake ( 1104357 )
    This really only works for Canadians, but you can purchase it online for the American price (~$45?) instead of buying it in store for ~$70
    • Hell I managed to get it for what.. 35? euro over steam :)
      Its great buying stuff for cheep :D
      • by kv9 ( 697238 )

        Hell I managed to get it for what.. 35? euro over steam :) Its great buying stuff for cheep :D
        which is about 49 bucks at the current rates (steam sells it for 45). great deal there, sparky.
        • by BarneyL ( 578636 )

          which is about 49 bucks at the current rates (steam sells it for 45). great deal there, sparky.
          Steam adds sales tax automatically to all purchases in Europe (unlike most other pay & download services).
          Here in the UK it adds the full 17.5% VAT on top. You can get the Orange box cheaper through Amazon but beta access and Peggle make the Steam version better value in my eyes.
  • by MrYotsuya ( 27522 ) on Thursday September 27, 2007 @01:26PM (#20771803)
    Oh no! I already pre-ordered the Orange box, will I still get it? Will a Gold Box cost more?
  • While there are some problems with Steam (I'm bothered by the fact that it's impossible to call and talk to a person about either technical support issues or sales support issues) their release pattern for the Orange Box has been great.

    As soon as I purchased it I was able to download the TF2 beta and begin playing. Every day or two there have been little updates that increase performance and decrease crashing. What's not to love? It'd be a pain if my statistics didn't transfer over from the beta to the f
    • "I might have to break down and buy some new hardware."

      what are you running? Runs fine for me but i have seen some servers that give me ~50 ping but incredible lag...

  • I almost died laughing watching the TF2 previews [youtube.com]. I'm hoping I can put Halo down long enough to play it though.
  • I was once one of you, pissed off at Valve for making me buy games I already owned. Then I came across the individual prices for the games.

    HL2:EP2 $29.95
    Portal $19.95
    TF2 $29.95
    Total: $79.95
    OB: $44.95
    Savings: $35.00

    Plus you get HL1 & ep2 free to give to a friend (effectively free marketing for Valve as they have probably recouped dev. costs on HL1 & ep1). So quit yer complaining about "buying a game you already have". They are just using you to give it to a

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      The individual prices are highly inflated in order to make the Orange Box look like a good deal to the easily mislead.
      • You wouldn't pay 30 dollars for Half Life 2 Episode 2? What do you want them to do, give it to you for free...why...oh wait...hey...they are. LOL!
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      The black box was going to retail for $39.99, so as far as I'm concerned, I'm paying valve $10 for the privilege of giving the older games away to a friend, and thats some straight up bullshit right there. As soon as the courts make it firm and clear that valve's policy against selling the "gift games" is not legal, thats what I'm doing.
  • I'm far more interested in Portal, on the other hand.
  • I'm loving playing that at the moment...

    Good times!

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