The Importance of Portal 222
Team Fortress 2 and Episode Two may have been more anticipated elements of Valve's Orange Box offering, but it's the charmingly small Portal that's been getting a lot of attention in the last few days. MTV's Multiplayer blog thinks the game has the move of the year, and the Gamers with Jobs site offers up a convincing argument why Portal represents a significant step forward for storytelling in games: "Portal is an object lesson in interactive storytelling. We in the media are so fond of shaking our heads, scratching our beards and looking for the "art" in videogames. Well it's time for us all to shut the hell up. This is it. It's in this finely crafted, lovingly rendered piece of short-story literature. Honestly, I'd be surprised if the authors themselves see it as the accomplishment it is. It's a simple set of mechanics, a few pages of sound-booth dialog, a handful of textures and repetitive level designs. But then, a novel is only made up of 26 letters, black ink and white paper. And most artists of lasting brilliance don't recognize the importance of their own work. And how many now-revered musicians and painters died unknown and broke?" If you still haven't heard it, Jonathan Coulton's 'Still Alive' (the ending theme to Portal) has been in my head for over a week now. Just try to get it out of yours.
The best of the Orange Box (Score:5, Informative)
Re:The best of the Orange Box (Score:5, Informative)
The major thing is that the puzzles aren't the generic jumping puzzles, nor can they be solved by blindly rushing in and shooting everything in sight. Portal can require a bunch of strategy (planning out where to shoot portals to accomplish the goal without getting hurt), a bit of trickery and timing (involves shooting a portal in mid-air so you can rocket to the next place and shoot the next portal where you couldn't before you started), etc. Heck, some of the puzzles you can't solve the traditional way.
And yes, the puzzles aren't overly complicated, but they do require some planning, some figuring out, and the best thing - I don't think it's possible to get yourself stuck! (Major no-no in puzzle games is to work yourself into a spot where you can't get out of because you forgot to pick up the whatzit 3 levels back). Valve really did spend a lot of time making sure a mistake won't make the puzzles suddenly unsolvable.
So while I guess it may be a general trend, I hope developers realize that it shouldn't be possible to get stuck if you happen to not notice the whatzit (if item X is needed near the end, you give the player less and less subtle clues they need X to continue later...).
Otherwise, this will be the end of the puzzle genre again.
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I, for one, am hoping to see some really excellent add-on maps for Portal, either community-created or Valve-created (or both). Portal is pretty much open-ended, as far as mechanics. I am sure Valve could continue the storyline in a sequel, but I think the best thing is to just utilize the mechanics and engine for a limitless number of puzzle rooms.
In a non-storyline mode, we could be seeing the birth of a new "casual-game" genre: Casual FPS.
Re:The best of the Orange Box (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't really have a good term for the game, though on the basis of similar discussions we might call it a "first-person-puzzle-suspense-tragicomedy."
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I'm almost camera shy!
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Resell it all you want (well, once, anyway)
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And I agree with a post further down that calls GlaDOS the best computer villian since Shodan
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Did you play through Ep2 yet? I'd say there's a 99% chance Gordon winds up with a portal gun in Ep3.
Re:The best of the Orange Box (Score:5, Insightful)
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I don't know about you, but it seems to me based on various things in Portal, that it's set in the same universe as Half-Life. The mention of black mesa not withstanding, the sentry turrets are awfully close to the ones from Half-Life.
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Yes, it is. Apature Science is explicitly mentioned in Ep2, and should play a bigger role in Ep3.
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Personally I think with the amount of additional levels that no doubt will come from the community, Portal would be worth it @ $50. Heck, I would pay $10 for the soundtrack alone. Unfortunately people exp
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Orange box is a great deal, unless you already bought HL2 and Ep1, if that is the case, it is a ripoff, unless you are a big fan of TF.
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You ever been to a really nice restaurant? Say, a French place with a 50-100 dollar per plate menu. All the ones I've been to have one thing in common: fairly small portions. I'm not talking about those luxury joints that models go to to get a slice of carrot and a wheat cracker, of course, just places with actual great food. The idea is that if you get an appetizer, wine, and share a dessert, you will be pleasantly full by the end of the meal, as opposed to sick or in need of a takeout box. A lot of people
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And that is the challenge of a reviewer, how to balance volume and quality for your audience and boil it down to some arbitrary number. Most gaming reviews are written for average gamers; just like I would expect a newspaper food review catering to an average audience to dock a few points for a fine restaurant that serves very small
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That there were two sequels and people are calling for sequels to portal is a problematic aspect of the length of the games. Clearly neither game needs a sequel, people don't really need a sequel they need more content from very creative developers and one wonders whether their next games will be as successful.
It's a product of the franchise mentality and really bothers me
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Game reviews (or any review) are so subjective anyway, I feel the 1 to 5 system they use over on X-Play is probably the best. Has anyone ever seen a movie get a score of 8.375 starts out of 10? Can someone explain to me the fine difference between a game that scores a 29 out of 100 and one that
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I get the impression by "too short" most people really mean "not much replay value." At least, that's what I'd say about it. Portal is amazingly fun - but once it's over, it's over. I still plan to complete the Advanced maps, and then take a look at the Challenge maps, but really there's nothing else to do, other than hope that people will make new and interesting maps for it. (And as most people are pointing out, a lot of the fun of Portal comes from GlaDOS, who's completely missing from the Advanced maps
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After that, you can play it just fine without an internet connection.
All Steam games work this way.
For all you Quake trick jumpers (Score:3, Interesting)
For any fellow Quake players who enjoy trick maps: get Portal now! This has to be the most fun I've had since beating maps like rjartvf1 for the first time. Okay, so the maps don't involve a super large amount of it, but the potential is endless for map makers - it doesn't have Quake's physics but this is the Next Big Thing we've all been looking for.
Portal is stocked full of humor and puzzles. I'd recommend it to anyone.
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Just a note here the Portal universe is part of the main Half-life universe. They mention Aperture Science in passing in ep2. And with the way ep2 ended Aperture Science might be important in the next Half-life game.
Oh and just as a little added info http://www.aperturescience.com/ [aperturescience.com]. Type 'login'. The name is cjohnson and password tier3. You can find that login in a "ratman" room in Portal (level 17 I think).
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I got the Orange Box mostly for Team Fortress 2, but also for Portal. I wasn't terribly interested in Half Life. I really liked Portal though, but I was a bit surprised at how short it was. What I thought was the first mini-boss fight turned out to be the end of the game. The tutorial levels were literally half of the game. I also didn't find the plot at all surprising, things were pretty much what I expected right from the beginning, but they were pretty well fleshed out. The extra challenges after
Portal was awsome (Score:2)
I picked up the orange box primarily because of Portal. I've been looking forward to this game since it was announced. I'm really impressed with it. It was shorter than I thought it would be, but it had a lot more depth than I was expecting as well. I figured it would just be a puzzle game, but it has a genuinely compelling story. The ending credits blew me away, and I had to save the game right before the credits rolled just so I could come back and watch them whenever I want to. I really hope they release
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Portal 2D (Score:5, Interesting)
Obligatory mention of the freeware predecessor (Score:5, Informative)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narbacular_Drop [wikipedia.org]
http://www.nuclearmonkeysoftware.com/ [nuclearmon...ftware.com]
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Great game (Score:2)
If you listen to the commentary tracks they put an impressive a
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The 'crouch' key is your friend. I mean, it's no weighted companion cube, but it's a good friend nonetheless.
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The Importance of (Insert Random Game Here) (Score:3, Insightful)
Storytelling, depth, intrigue, and good writing are important, and have been forever.
Portal has succeeded to meet these age-old criteria. It is a quality piece of work. This has always been 'important' with respect to any product. So.. yea.
You should really PLAY the game before commenting (Score:2)
Then you say: Huh?
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Author is off... (Score:5, Interesting)
I agree with a lot of the commentary on portal, and at the end of the game I was wondering "did anyone actually stop when they got burned to death?".
But this author is too impressed with himself. Portal shows what kind of game can be produced when the production team isn't trying to make an "epic" game... have you ever compared the list of credits for half-life and hl:ep2? See how many more people are involved? Is the game that much better because of it? Valve is producing episodes instead of new games because people want more of the story, and it's not a bad thing, but the company seems to be adding more and more people to produce what is effectively a shorter version of HL2 each time... and they don't need to develop the engine or tools!
The new weapon added is nice, but it's not revolutionary. Other than the weapon, this game was just more of the same... story telling, driving a vehicle, shutting off force fields, crawling in tunnels. Can't valve do that more, and more quickly, than two years per episode?
However, portal made the orange box worth it.
One other thing about valve not making a lot of progress... Counter-Strike: Source has been unaltered for a long time. Not to say it's not still fun, but why haven't there been at least some new things added to keep it fresh? Maybe change out some weapons, or add a few new ones? Remove or balance the overpowered weapons?
Last time I checked CS:S had over 20,000 active game servers on the net. That's got to be close to or THE most popular team based shooter around.
What are all those people doing?
As to the end of portal, I think it fits in the half-life continuity before the events at Black Mesa in HL1, and probably prior to the incident with Borealis. I base this on the outdoor view of the building at the end of the game. I would actually have been pleased to end up on board a ship instead of outside a building
GlaDOS is the best computer villain since Shodan.
I think if Valve is smart they'll release a Portal 2, as well as increase the crossover between Portal and Half-life. Maybe Gordon will discover a portal gun onboard the Borealis, or maybe he'll meet the female heroine of Portal. Wondering where Portal and Half-life 2 meet will add a lot of freshness to the HL2 story and game.
I can't wait to see what games people develop with the portal generation code in the half-life SDK.
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Maybe change out some weapons, or add a few new ones? Remove or balance the overpowered weapons?
They're trying to, but The System [steampowered.com] was only launched on the 11th. Admittedly, The Orange Box has some-what hosed this system's formal introduction so most non-fanatical CS players don't know about it yet. Since it's only updated every monday, you wouldn't have seen much change yet.
GlaDOS is the best computer villain since Shodan.
It's been quite a while since I've been able to say QTF!
I think if Valve is smart they'll release a Portal 2, as well as increase the crossover between Portal and Half-life. Maybe Gordon will discover a portal gun onboard the Borealis, or maybe he'll meet the female heroine of Portal.
Unfortunatly, I think these are each, in turn, the worse things Valve could possibly do with Portal. Gordon meeting the heroine or getting the portal gun would feel lik
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Borealis is probably the result of a portal experiment gone awry. The events taking place in Portal are definitely going on after HL1 since the computer makes several references to how bad it is outside and that its safer in here. The computer could have been lying, but then again there's no real counter point to staying in there and dieing.
The 'Borealis' incident could've happened any time, HL1 up to the start of HL2. My conjecture is that the protagonist in Portal could very well have caused t
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There is a line spoken by GLaDOS, something to the effect, "I'm the only thing between you and them". Where 'them' is likely to be the Combine. There seem to be many theories floating around, but one of them is that GLaDOS wanted the player to destroy her (or at least appear to have).
Just One Thing... (Score:2)
I'm pretty sure that the end credits to every Valve game contain the names of every person in the company, not just the people that directly worked on/with the game. The fact that there are more people listed in Episode 2's credits just shows how much the company has grown
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http://addons.eventscripts.com/ [eventscripts.com]
CS:S will also be moving to Orange Box source engine, so it should see a little love then.
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Storytelling (Score:2)
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Features I'd like to see... (Score:2)
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Actually, I've been able to do this several times already and it is quite useful (though really only easy to do when the portals are on the wall as opposed to ceiling/floor).
Basically, you shoot a blue portal at your target (T) from just outside your blue portal, then back through immediately after firing. Then, you can go through your orange portal to the new blue portal at your target point. You can even do this if your blue portal is on a sheer wall with no platform under the portal.
T ------ B || O
Similarities with the work of Shigeru Miyamoto (Score:4, Informative)
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The bronzes are going to be pretty easy for anyone who can clear the story mode but silvers are quite a lot harder and some of the golds I can't even conceive solutions for.
The challenges definitely force you to think differently with each type. For instance, you play through on story mode or even the advances versions of the maps and the goal is simple and your options limitless. Now play least steps. You are forced to relearn what you know about using portals in order to complete the challenge. All of a sudden that one part of that one level that you could barely get through normally seems insurmountable. It does a marvelous job at recycling the old content into someth
This was a triumph. (Score:3, Informative)
Best end credits ever.
Portal GotY? (Score:3, Interesting)
Not Art - Just a Great Game (Score:2)
Portal does a lot with very little. It creates a complex, thoughtful puzzle game with it's "one trick pony" gameplay; it creates a memorable Douglas Adams-esque type villain using only disembodied speech. And one of the most memorable characters in Portal is inanimate (Please forgive me my Weighted Companion Cube!)
That said, there was no deep artistic commentary about anything beyond the game. Art transcends its medium and
The story-telling (Score:2)
Only complaint... (Score:2)
I would gladly welcome additional challenges available for download. Or they need to get Hammer support for this to the community ASAP
Wanted a slightly different ending... (Score:2)
Now imagine that you're falling from a huge height, and you have the Portal gun, and you need to survive the fall. What would you do? Shoot two portals on the ground as you're falling, one to fall into and the other
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until the air friction has slowed your fall/ascent enough that you can land on the ground safely
Yeah, good luck with that. Familiar with the phrase 'terminal velocity'..?
But of course:
Imagine that you're falling from a huge height, and you have the Portal gun, and you need to survive the fall. What would you do?
Did you pay attention at all during the game?
Hint from the 'curious' eye:
"Hey, what's wrong with your legs?"
Does it run on Linux? (Score:5, Interesting)
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It'll work under the latest Wine (Score:3, Informative)
I've been playing through it using the latest Wine on Ubuntu, using the Ubuntu Feisty package from Wine's website.
I can confirm that it works just fine and is playable. I've not actually seen what it looks like in Windows, but I suspect the graphics have suffered a little bit. It's completely playable, though.
Sometimes when you put the two portals too close together they glitch a bit and Wine winges in the console about how it doesn't support more than one rendertarget, but I didn't find that this impacte
play more than once (Score:3, Insightful)
the story that is presented to you at the begining is as simple as it should be, since you are actually in a test enviroment. the truth is never fully revealed. you have to break the walls and try to discover the truth behind this perfect, clean enviroment. and as always in distopian sci-fi, the truth is much more crude and evil. and perhaps that isn't even the whole truth.
the simple fact that at the end you can beat the test masters is a 180 shift in storytelling. it's another level of freedom to turn the test around and defeat the testers.
very very few games can capture your imagination as this...
the answer to the question "is this art?" is a simple one. How Portal made you feel ? If you felt something, it's art.
I played the beta UT3 demo, and despite the awsome graphics, I didn't felt anything.
the team behind half life 2, ep 1 and 2 and portal are true artist. you really feel something when you play those games.
and also, the cake is a lie. (this is another example that Portal is art. this phrase will be in our minds forever.)
play it (Score:2, Informative)
This is a triumph (Score:2)
Coulton's blog has the lyrics and some backstory (Score:3, Informative)
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No, we are talking about Half-Life 2's Portal (Score:2, Redundant)
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Re:I've played Portal... (Score:5, Insightful)
If you can't see how a small team creating a fun, unique, and interesting game relying on mechanics instead of thousands of man-hours worth of art might be important to an industry currently weighted down by a thousand similar "next gen" "HD" games that play like bad renditions of the same things we played ten years ago, you need to rethink your hobbies.
For the last ten years or so the gaming industry has seemed to be all about franchises, once-a-year iterations of games with little content and less innovation.
Portal isn't about the plot--the plot helps it be endearing, but as you say it's "not-so-indepth." That doesn't mean it's bad (as you seem to imply), it just means that it's light. It's a humorous game. Nobody is claiming it's Faulkner. What it is is a capably done small-team game with mechanics which can lead to a thousand iterations of interesting puzzles (there are already a few custom maps with interesting puzzles involved). There are already several custom maps.
There is no video game written as well as East of Eden or Blood Meridian. That's not the point of video games; the point of video games is gameplay, and Portal is an absolute masterpiece of gameplay in an industry where that virtue has been forgotten. It's challenging (try the advanced levels and extra challenges if you don't think so) and unique. In addition to that, it's got a well-presented, witty storyline with more funny-per-minute than any game I've played--without resorting to the asinine juvenile humor most "funny" games rely on.
Hiding in your last statement, of course, there's a lesson about preconceptions. I leave that for you to find.
Re:For the what!? (Score:4, Insightful)
The importance of Tetris is the the ART!? Are you kidding?
It has less story than most games. The pieces are all just squares. There is only 1 way to interact with the environment.
The only thing that might qualify it as art is the AMAZING music in the game. I didn't realize that was taken from 19th century Russian composers [wikipedia.org].
Now, whether you consider Tetris art, and whether you think the situation is comparable isn't really the point. The point is that simple is not bad, and simple certainly does not indicate a lack of art. If anything, it's the reverse--"trying to cram in too much content" often indicates lack of art.
Re:For the what!? (Score:5, Insightful)
The way the madness of the computer slowly becomes apparent and the way that she relentlessly screws with your mind -- from telling you that the Weighted Companion Cube will not stab you and cannot talk, but if it does you should just ignore it to the whole cake obsession to the callous way in which she highlights unnecessarily deadly parts of the test and so on -- are both masterful examples of storytelling.
It's good because it doesn't slap you in the face with what's going on. It's also a great example of good dark comedy writing.
"Have I lied to you? I mean, in this room? Trust me."
"That thing you broke isn't important to me. Not any more. It's the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit; it makes shoes for orphans. Nice job breaking it, hero."
"Cake, and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!"
"Although the euthanizing process is remarkably painful, 8 out of 10 Aperture Science engineers believe that the companion cube is most likely incapable of feeling much pain."
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Well, duh, it's a ~3-hour game. Portal isn't going to quantitatively equal that of a 60-hour RPG, or even a ~10-hour modern FPS, especially since it doesn't have cutscenes for outright exposition. But the devil is in the details: have you paid attention to the AI's dialog, or found all the graffiti scrawled in the non-test chamber areas? If you pay close attention to what the AI says, [SPOILER] it's implicated that your player character is a clone, that all the graffi
Length vs. Art (Score:2, Insightful)
"For sale: baby shoes, never worn."
-Ernest Hemingway
That's art, my friend, and its lack of length only adds to its status as such. You don't have to craft an entire galaxy to strike a chord with your audience.
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The importance of Portal is the the ART!? Are you kidding?
It has less story than most games. The areas are all virtually identical. There is only 1 way to interact with the environment.
I think it was Erik Satie who said that he considered a piece of his music to be complete not when he could think of no more notes to add, but when he could not think of any more notes to remove.
Think on.
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Yes, for about the first 5 'levels'. After that, no, but then, it wasn't long enough for that. (That's different than saying it was too short, though I think it could have stood to be a bit longer.)
I didn't need the slides to know that 'GLaDoS' was 'alive'. It was pretty obvious anyhow, almost from the start. In fact, as far as 'hints' go, it was more like a getting whacked on the head with a 2x4 than a 'hints'.
Yes, no stupid end speech dumbing it down further. Thank God. T
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