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PlayStation (Games)

First User-Created UTIII Mod Created for PS3 28

For the time being, mod creators have to jump through an official 'hoop' with Epic games to see their content made available to Unreal Tournament III PS3 players (something Tycho lambasts Epic for at Penny Arcade). Just the same, content is beginning to trickle out, and Eurogamer has the word that DM-Shrine is now available for download for holiday-bored PS3 owners. "Epic didn't make this map. Thomas did and he already released it for PC users of UT3. We didn't do any editing or changes to it. All we did was bring it into the editor and "cook" it into the proper format for the PlayStation 3 and tested it to make sure it ran properly and was good fun. We're waiting on some paperwork from Sony that will allow us to release an editor update so mod creators can do this cook process for themselves. We expect to have that very soon."
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First User-Created UTIII Mod Created for PS3

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