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Music Media Entertainment Games

Details for Guitar Hero 4 Released 200

GameSpot is reporting that details for Guitar Hero 4 have been released. The biggest news seems to be that the new release will be adding drums and vocals a la Rock Band. The new drums are to offer three pressure-sensitive pads (which can tell if you are just tapping or really wailing), two elevated cymbals, and a pedal. "The details in Game Informer also clear up the mystery surrounding the 'innovation' which Activision promised was coming to the Guitar Hero series in a recent earnings report conference call. The article outlines the game's studio mode, which will give users a variety of ways to create their own songs. Players will be able to jam along with one of the game's existing tracks, record songs as they're played, or meticulously detail note charts."
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Details for Guitar Hero 4 Released

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 15, 2008 @07:15PM (#23426304)
    I must be the only one, but I never understood why people (and gaming society as a whole) goes ape-shit over this game?
    • Because it's an amazing rhythm game that gives a vague impression of playing awesome guitar riffs.

      In turn, playing awesome guitar riffs is one of the most bad-ass feelings in the world. There are just few things that are cooler than pulling off anything on a guitar, really.

      It's basically DDR for people who don't like dancing and don't want to put in as much physical effort to play. And, of course, for people who like to rock.
    • by NotBornYesterday ( 1093817 ) * on Thursday May 15, 2008 @08:12PM (#23426868) Journal
      My two sons and their friends played GH3 a lot (prior to GTA4, that is). When I would mention that there were a couple real guitars and a foundation-shaking amp down in the basement, all I ever got were funny looks. Man, I would have killed to have an electric guitar as a kid. But like others have said, it's easier to play a game than it is to grow some talent. I've tried it, and I've got to admit, it's fun.

      On the other hand, getting semi-competent on a guitar really isn't that hard, either. Power chords are easy. 1-4-5 chord progressions are easy. Spend a little time memorizing a couple riffs, and you can make some remarkably satisfying noise.

      Sounding great is hard. Sounding okay is easier than it looks.
      • by PayPaI ( 733999 )

        When I would mention that there were a couple real guitars and a foundation-shaking amp down in the basement, all I ever got were funny looks.
        Are you this guy [] by any chance?
      • When you're playing guitar hero on hard/expert it's pretty similar to playing a song with power chords. That Queens of the Stone Age song on hard is particularly fun (I think it gets harder than playing real chords when you get to expert, but that's probably just because my hands are used to your basic E/Em/A/Am barre chord shapes, but they're not used to switching between guitar hero 'chords' properly yet). The solos aren't very realistic at times, but they sure can be challenging. It's hard to sound great
        • One of the guitars downstairs belongs to my youngest son. He wanted it desperately one year for Christmas. He actually took lessons for awhile, but rarely practiced, and then eventually got bored.
          • Sounds a bit like myself really, I tend to go through phases of being really interested in something and then it just fades out. With guitar that's happened a few times I think, though not too much recently (mostly because I ended up being the drummer in a band me and my friends had, so one of my friends has actually used my current guitar way more than I have!).

            At least while your son is playing Guitar Hero it will be building up his rhythm, dexterity and finger strength, so next time he tries guitar it wi
      • by Miseph ( 979059 )
        Yeah... but we really don't need any more "talented" guitarists who can only play power chords. Green Day has pretty much milked that cow dry.

        Having tried (unsuccessfully) a couple of times to learn guitar, and having recently picked up a copy of GH for the first time (I've got a Wii now, but my last console was a Playstation... note the lack of a "2"), the big diffrence that I've noticed is that after three hours of trying to actually play, I couldn't operate my fingers anymore and I still sounded like I'd
      • I'd agree with that. The guitar is an instrument at which it is very, very easy to play to a moderate standard so that you can have a little sing-along or whatever. It is, however, very difficult to play to a spectacular standard (search Youtube for Mattrach for a spectacular 17 year old French guy).

        My three guitars will probably cry if I buy Guitar Hero for the DS, but man - it's tempting. It just feels wrong to think of buying a video game as a poor approximation to my actually getting back into playing

  • by Mordok-DestroyerOfWo ( 1000167 ) on Thursday May 15, 2008 @07:19PM (#23426334)
    I thought with the success of Guitar Hero, the world would be ready for the obvious next step. Say hello to Jug Hero. It comes with washtub bass, spoons, jug, and a washboard. You spend your time going around the south playing in various redneck bars. When you start to get behind in a song, just tip your jug for special moonshine power!
  • by electrosoccertux ( 874415 ) on Thursday May 15, 2008 @07:19PM (#23426342)
    He stopped playing GH3 2 weeks ago, and it has been the most peaceful 2 weeks in months.

    Thank you, Activision, now I will have to listen to his voice too.
  • Good Move. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by morari ( 1080535 ) on Thursday May 15, 2008 @07:21PM (#23426370) Journal
    All good news. I just wish that developers would stop giving the PS2 any thought and instead focus on making the Wii version the best it can be. I'd hate to see another enhanced PS2 port on the Wii. I suppose though that even if it does come down to that, at least it won't be as butchered as the Wii version of Rock Band. Activision has already shown that they're willing to at least tailor a majority of the game to the Wii's strengths. It does have the best guitar, after all.
    • Re:Good Move. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Blahbooboo3 ( 874492 ) on Thursday May 15, 2008 @07:56PM (#23426738)

      All good news. I just wish that developers would stop giving the PS2 any thought and instead focus on making the Wii version the best it can be. I'd hate to see another enhanced PS2 port on the Wii. I suppose though that even if it does come down to that, at least it won't be as butchered as the Wii version of Rock Band. Activision has already shown that they're willing to at least tailor a majority of the game to the Wii's strengths. It does have the best guitar, after all.
      Sure, why not just ignore the 103 million PS2s out there?
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by josteos ( 455905 )
        Many of the 103M ps2 owners probably own another console and would buy that version instead.

        But quite a few wouldn't, so it would be kinda lame to ignore them.

        I have a PC & a PS2, but I'd rather buy it for my Wii.
      • by morari ( 1080535 )
        I'm not denying the sheer number of consoles out there. The install base is very solid. However, the console is old news. I bet that there are still plenty of people out there with an SNES hooked up, or maybe an original Xbox. You don't see multiplatform games being ported down for those though. If the PS2 version was completely separate, I wouldn't mind. The problem arises when they use the PS2 port for the Wii, ultimately killing much of the potential inherent in Nintendo's platform. The PS2 was never a v
        • Or it's a good candidate in that if the mechanics all work on a PS2, there should be no loss of game function when translating it over to any of the newer-gen consoles.

          Personally, I hate playing Guitar Hero on a Wii. I swear that the difference in the wireless response between the PS2 controller and the Wii's built in wireless actually changes the timing on songs. I can't play on more than medium, partway through for Guitar Hero 3 on the Wii- but I can play through expert on the PS2. Might be my own lack
    • I don't own a Wii, a 360, or a PS3.

      Therefore, fuck you.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 15, 2008 @07:31PM (#23426460)
    ...Guitar Villain?

    Sounds like a much more fun game.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny) []

      You mean like this?
    • by curunir ( 98273 ) *
      Would that be GTAr Hero?

      It would be kinda cool if GTA licensed the Guitar Hero engine and added optional missions that involved playing songs on the guitar. Something like having to infiltrate a rock band as a back-up guitarist in order to find out which dealer they buy from so you could go rob him (lame, I know, but they've had dumber plots than that before...).

      Plus, then your character could also use the in-game guitar as a blunt object for beating people over the head.
  • Bass? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    No one ever wants to be on bass :-(
  • like what tracks it's going to have.

    There's a copy of Guitar Hero III at home and apart from maybe half a dozen tracks it's just noisy crap that blocks up the TV.

    Here's hoping that Guitar Hero IV has some proper stuff, like most of The Shadows back catalogue, in it.
  • Keytar Hero (Score:5, Interesting)

    by prockcore ( 543967 ) on Thursday May 15, 2008 @08:06PM (#23426814)
    It's a shame they don't add synths so you could do keytar hero.

    Hell, I have a usb synth, they should add the ability.
  • "meticulously detail note charts."

    Oh, so they're copying Frets on fire, I see.
  • by DrGamez ( 1134281 ) on Thursday May 15, 2008 @08:44PM (#23427194)
    When Rock Band and Guitar Hero 3 both came out I was excited. On one hand Rock Band was really pushing the "genre" forward, by making one of the most fun party games I've ever played. On the other hand, Guitar Hero 3 was pandering to the score-heads, those hoping to full combo a song with perfect bonus star power paths and everything. The only downside to this was Rock Band hasn't been selling as well because of the name. Harmonix did a great job of getting Guitar Hero popular, and now that they had to drop the name it hurt them.

    To describe Rock Band most people will go with the, "It's like Guitar Hero but..." route - which leads some to believe Guitar Hero might be the better and Rock Band is a cheap knock-off novelty. But now that Activision has seen the light they are doing their own full Rock Band ensemble game. This means to describe Guitar Hero 4, everyone is using the, "It's like Rock Band but..." line.

    Hopefully this leads to many more people seeing that Harmonix knows how to make rhythm games, and perhaps Activision should stick with what the do "best".

    (Also if Tony Hawk or Bam Margera is unlockable in Guitar Hero 4 I'm going to lose it)
    • Well, I know Bam sings/sang in CKY at least, so why not? ;p
    • by xero314 ( 722674 )

      The only downside to this was Rock Band hasn't been selling as well because of the name.
      You might want to look at the actual sales numbers. Rock Band has been Out Selling Guitar Hero, on the two systems that are fully functional, for months. It didn't get the same initial sales as GH because of the limited supply and price, but has been doing very well since. RB has been doing so well it is noted as single handedly improving Viacom's bottom line enough to be news worthy.
  • I got Rock Band and all the instruments that come with it. Harmonix was gracious enough to let you use the GH guitar in Rock Band. I don't see why the hell Activision can't let us plug in Rock Band instruments into their game. Particularly lame to change the drumkit in one tiny little way (add one extra pad) to "improve" it. It is stupid to buy new hardware with every music game out there. It wastes money and living room space.
    • by xero314 ( 722674 ) on Friday May 16, 2008 @02:42AM (#23429704)

      Harmonix was gracious enough to let you use the GH guitar in Rock Band.
      What? You can use your GH guitars with Rock Band? I guess you don't have a PS3 and had to watch Activision actively block the release of a patch that would have solved the issue. It was big news, but not big enough to get on slashdot, no matter how high it was voted in the fire hose.
      • by frog51 ( 51816 )
        Yes - yes you can use your GH1 and 2 guitars with GH3 and RB. Look for the adapter from the ant commandos web site
    • by geekoid ( 135745 )
      Sadly the guitars wont be cross compatible on the Wii...stupid activision.
  • Big deal... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by jonwil ( 467024 ) on Thursday May 15, 2008 @09:18PM (#23427478)
    Let me know if they actually decide to get some DECENT music...
    How can they make 7 games in the series (6 if you dont count the Aerosmith one) and not have a single AC/DC song (for those who dont know, AC/DC are the best ever Australian band when it comes to playing guitars, drums and rock music fast and loud)
    • Let me know if they actually decide to get some DECENT music...
      Subjective judgements aside, that's a good point; Harmonix did an excellent job of licensing a-list music for Rock Band. It may be hard for Guitar Hero to compete, as I imagine Harmonix has exclusive rights deals for most of it.
      • by jonwil ( 467024 )
        Its not like Rock Band has any AC/DC either.

        In fact, there is currently no authorized way for me to play AC/DC songs on any kind of guitar game.
    • Saying they're the best ever Australian band is like saying they're the smartest European or the fastest cripple.

      • by Macgrrl ( 762836 )

        While I'm not sure that I agree that AC/DC are the best ever Australian band (for what that's worth), but they are the only band I'm aware of with a HillBilly Tribute Band - Hayseed Dixie []

      • by rat7307 ( 218353 ) like saying they're the smartest European..
        Hawking...Einstein.... oh, wait, what part of the world........hmmm douche. (not european, actually an Aussie....who likes GH for what it is, a game (and hopes too to see some AC/DC))
    • How can they make 7 games in the series (6 if you dont count the Aerosmith one) and not have a single AC/DC song
      Because it's not 2069 yet. Wikipedia says AC/DC formed in 1973 [], and copyrights in Slashdot's jurisdiction last for 95 years [].
  • Oh lovely, (Score:2, Funny)

    by Amy Grace ( 1205236 )
    as if life in a basement suite isn't bad enough with Rock Band. Now there's going to be a whole new selection of shitty radio rock for my upstairs neighbors to sing to.

    PS To my upstairs neighbor: You have a voice that only a mother could love. Please stop trying to sing "Say it Ain't So", it hurts everyone involved.
  • That's it, I'm officially not getting this.

    Rather, I'm not cluttering my house with one more redundant plastic add-on.


    I don't need my house looking any more like the set of Jack's Big Music Show []

    Get off your high horse and support the rock band drumset, or get the fuck out.

"There are some good people in it, but the orchestra as a whole is equivalent to a gang bent on destruction." -- John Cage, composer
