Vanguard Producer Wants Second Chance for First Impression 67
Allakhazam is featuring an interview with Vanguard producer Thom Terrazas where he addresses some of the early issues that made Vanguard so slow out of the gates. "Performance; Optimization; High System Requirements. Everyone may have a different name for it but at the end of the day, optimization challenges were the biggest hurdle faced at launch. We lost too many customers at launch due to the inability to run the game smoothly and we have been making huge improvements in this area in every update since. I can speak to this first hand actually: When I started playing at launch, I experienced some horrible "hitching" while moving from one area to another on what I consider an average gamers' computer. When I began to play more extensively a couple months later, I noticed some considerable improvements to my frame rate. Today, it is night and day superior than it was at launch. Optimizing the game has been one of our top priorities and in the last six months, we have made some considerable strides in improving the player's experience. If you haven't logged in recently or if you gave us a look in the beginning and haven't been back since, check it out now - I'll even flag your account for free for a period of time if you want to go in and prove me wrong."
In other Sony Online Entertainment news... (Score:5, Insightful)
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"This time we have based it on REAL battles that ACTUALLY HAPPENED in a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away." said the spokeman. He then went on to show us some of the realistic features like:
- Real time weapon change
- Giant space crabs
- The ability to "hit the weak point" for what the spokesperson termed: "Massive Damage"
When Sony's executive staff w
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To quote the slashtot tagline I see under the comments right now (omitting the typewriter-markup):
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So a well designed niche game can be a better success than a would-be mass market title
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Opening doors (Score:1)
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Lesson learned (Score:2, Insightful)
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It's just not pa
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At least, that's how we did it for Diablo II / WOW.
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Easier said than done (Score:1)
Techniques exist to simulate load, of course. And there is always open beta testing. However, they still only give you an approximation of where the problems are and what their scope is, and the time you invest in these activities is not billable.
The money for a game has to come from somewhere. It is a huge upfront investment, with little more than crystal-ball-gazing to determine the ROI. Every dollar you invest in pre-release-
Re:Easier said than done (Score:5, Informative)
The game at launch was actually great fun up to the teen levels, but then I pretty much hit a brick wall in terms of power relative to the mobs in the game, and the lack of content in the island I started on made progression difficult, to say the least.
The game should have been developed for at least another six months before release; sure, it would have cost SoE more money, but in the long run they'd have far more players than they do today.
I did actually give it a try in the 'free month' they gave to old players last year, but I didn't see much difference and they'd merged servers and renamed most of my characters, so that left me with little incentive to resubscribe.
Game Update 5 (Score:5, Informative)
Game Update 5 is due soon and I have played around with it on the test server - it delivers a fairly large burst of optimizations and visual improvements. The games original problem is one man essentially: Brad McQuaid doesn't know how to manage his way out of a wet paper bag.
They have been working toward a relaunch since the moment Sony bought out Sigil and thus far have done a good job.
Anyone who liked the game but got driven away by bugs and performance issues should come around once Game Update 5 or Game Update 6 are pushed
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As is the case with so many MMO's these days, people played obsessivel
Open Week (Score:5, Interesting)
Vanguard made lots of promises but never really fulfilled them, and it's sad because on paper it really looked like a great game. Maybe they do now, but if you really want to prove it, have an open week where people can download the client and play for free, like an open beta. Yeah, there's a few logistical issues to work out but I'm sure Sony can take the load if prepared (I'm not being sarcastic...). If you want to bring us in, give us something to chew on. Everquest still gives out free month trials... the Trial of the Isle, which is essentially a month playing with the first three expansions on designated servers. The whole game, uncrippled. Something like that might help you prove your point.
Re:Open Week (Score:4, Interesting)
With other games you can check reviews and get a fairly clear picture of what's going on. MMOs aren't so easy because a) they take a lot more time to fully get into than a reviewer is likely to spend with the game and b) they're constantly changing. You need to let people get their feet wet with the game before expecting them to pay up.
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The sticker on AoC reads $50 around here. That's $100 if I pick up one for the wife. If either of us isn't satisfied with the experience, that's $100 wasted...
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Besides that, there are a couple of reasons why you're not likely to see downloadable demos for live MMOs:
First off, they want to move as many boxes as they can. That initial $50 outlay, when you take into account the tens of thousands of fanboys hoping to grab prime virtual land, loot or names, goes a long, long way to payi
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Something like $20 for the game including first month of play (I'm too lazy to find out the exact price now). That means you pay only a few dollars on top of the subscription price for that month.
Of course EVE has the advantage of lower distribution costs. You download the client, you don't buy a box that has to be shipped and takes up space in a shop.
Vanguard Trial (Score:2)
Re:Open Week (Score:4, Interesting)
Age of Conan! Its actually GOOD and has delivered on many of the promises Vanguard was making. I'm not saying there aren't problems (only a few of which are major) but I've not had this much fun in an MMO since EQ.
Vanguard Expansion (Score:2)
and it's not nearly dead - there are more than 94 people in the crafters channel alone at 4pm central and more than 200 (it won't let you see passed that) in regionsay on my server - this is at a non-peak time
Re:Open Week (Score:4, Interesting)
The issue with segregated trials is that you will experience a vastly different community than on real live servers. For example, when I was still playing DAoC, a magazine for the mentally less endowed (no other way to say it more politely) had a trial offer. You could pretty much see the average intelligence drop to negative in the starting areas in the weeks after that. If I had started during that time, I'd have paid to make it stop.
Giving trial players too much influence on the live environment without paying for it on the other hand will make a lot of Chinese extremely happy.
All in all, it's a no-win situation. My idea would be something like a 2 or 3-week trial for a small amount of money, say, 5-7$, which is pretty affordable. People throw away a lot more money on trash food and bad movies on a daily basis. SOE also seems to be working on a new/alternative starting area, which could also be (ab)used as a trial area.
From the view of a returned player who played shortly after release, and then stopped for 10 months, I can say that the game has really improved a lot performance-wise, and has a rather mature and friendly community. Apart from that it's a perfectly normal MMO, with long-standing bugs that still need to be fixed since beta, class rebalancing with each update, surprise features, etc.
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(I did this once to try and get my wife into the game... and other random friends)
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A little tangent here: Why is it that cutt
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EQ2 is an interesting MMO. If you do the strategy like in WoW and just grind levels to level cap, your character will be a lot weaker (although at level cap, you can get AAs by killing stuff, but it will be quite slow) than someone who quest
Re:Open Week (Score:5, Informative)
It's been months since it was more efficient to grind than quest, and while each class has its nemesis and victim there isn't a single class that gets a free ride in PvP, or has it overly difficult. If you're referencing Arenas, it's certain class combinations that are overpowered rather than specific classes.
Just a friendly update.
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Good point, because if the game finally takes off this is exactly what you are going to get: more load.
If the servers cannot handle the extra players of the open week, they won't be able to handle more regular subscribers either.
what specs (Score:1, Interesting)
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QQ (Score:2)
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Being forced into groups can make the 'grindfest' tolerable, even fun. Because you aren't sitting their watching your xp bar, you are hanging out with other people. The key is finding groups of competent social people. (and being one yourself.)
The -best- way for a 'group-centric' game to work, is to brutally force players together into groups. Give no quarter to solers, and stick to your guns no matter how much
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My problem with "Being forced into groups" is the inability to solo, or do small group quests.
To start, just because you solo, does not mean you are anti-social. Sometimes you don't have the time to get a group together. IT always take 10-30 min (sometime smuch much longer) to get people together, and sometimes that is all you have to play. So if you jsut wanted to log in, do a quick quest or work on a little xp and
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Soloing and small groups are completely different.
I agree you shouldn't be forced into a 6 man group. And I agree games should have piles of content for small groups of 2-4. You shouldn't always need a full group. I never argued otherwise.
To start, just because you solo, does not mean you are anti-social.
True enough. But if the game is solo-friendly, it does mean a boatload of other people are. So when you DO want
Atari 2600 (Score:2)
Yeah (Score:4, Funny)
About a week or two too late (Score:4, Insightful)
This offer would have been a lot more attractive before Age of Conan released this weekend/yesterday. A little bit too late now, since anyone in the MMO scene who was looking for a new game is now busy running around AoC.
yeah right (Score:2)
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the rest of the performance problems have all been client side due to unoptimized or poorly optimized art and code - there have been large performance improvements since launch and the next large Game Update (GU5) has a very large batch of optimizations
The game is droll, doll wise. (Score:3, Informative)
So what.
I've been playing Vanguard for the past 2 months or so after a long away
period following that horrid launch.
I have had fun, and am with healthy sized guild too.
Bottom line is though , for style whores like me, the games armor / clothing
is dull and vapid beyond belief.
Example: Roll a caster. Get used to wearing the same smock for levels 10 thru cap level and
learn to love it. Sure, they change the textures on the smocks but that is all the caster gets
to pick from.
Nothing remotely 'sexy' or different in the least to choose from. God forbid any cleavage ever show.
People love to bash WoW but Blizzard did get one thing right. There is a fair variety of armor styles
one can choose and if you dont' mind 'gimping' the character you can diverge from the set look.
Yeah, true enough for the hardcore it is no option and everyone looks the same but for those that just
enjoy the game without worrying about capping their leet char to the max there are options with the 'look'.
LOTRO, Lord of the Rings Online, recently added a great patch that introduced 'appearance armor'. Grand idea
but they foolishly limited the amount of armor/dress up outfits one can pick from or find.
Both of which are leaps and bounds above the mind frakingly dull armor in Vanguard.
Sony also forces every user to use ADMIN mode to launch the damn game.
SOny can shove it up their ass. I'm tired of that 'feature' and it is inexcusable practice.
It was fun but I'm glad to cancel the account there and Age of Conan has them beat all to hell in the
artwork department in the landscape. As for the appearance of the toons themselves... yeah they are all
human characters and there are no cat or dog people,etc. Oh well, can't have everything now can we?
AOC armor appearance? Only time will tell. I will give them the time, unlike with Vanguard I expect
people will stay and the money will roll in to Funcom.
If in six months time they have not filled in the missing holes like armor style variety, and other dits
and dots then we can shelve it.
Age of Conan has everything going for it that Vanguard won't ever have .
Not because it was impossible to do,
but because SOny is running the game and has zero clue.
Interesting inverse relationship (Score:2, Insightful)
I'd ask what games with short or nonexistent trials have to hide, but I think the answer is obvious. If Vanguard's producers really believe in their product, they should have no problem with letting folks play for free for a coupl
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Re:Infinite free trial? -- Puzzle Pirates (Score:1)
It has good game play, very few technical issues, but it doesn't have the popularity of WoW.
(Personally, I love the economy game over there, despite the issues involved.)
It's a decent game (Score:1)
Yes But At What Cost (Score:1)
The performance is greatly improved, and appears to be ready to take another leap forward with the next update, but some of the things which made the game more interesting have been scaled back, pushed aside, or neglected. A lot of the mechanics of the game have changed, not all for the better (imo).
Travel has been simplified to essentially EQ Plane of Knowledge levels, with a minor c
Join a guild!!? (Score:2)
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Fine on an Atari (Score:1)
Ahh The Classic (Score:1)
Man I rocked Vanguard [mobygames.com] on my Atari 2600 way back in 1982.
I haven't really played it much since, so I'm not sure know why he's spending all this time optimizing it?
Maybe they're working on Zond's AI, he was quite a wuss