Star Wars: the Force Unleashed Demo Sets Xbox Download Record 175
The demo version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was released a few weeks ago for download through Xbox Live and the Playstation Network. Now, LucasArts has announced that the game shattered records for the number of downloads on Xbox Live, taking only eight days to reach 1 million. The full version is due out next Tuesday, and LucasArts will be holding a launch party in San Fransisco on Monday night to celebrate. The game is part of a multimedia project which includes a best-selling book, a comic, action figures, and other tie-ins. According to Eurogamer's interview with producer Cameron Suey, previous Star Wars games suffered from a "lack of ambition." Suey also shows off some of the gameplay in a video. A video walkthrough of the PS2 and PSP versions is available at Kotaku. The game will not be available for PC. Early reviews for the game are good, but not great, and developers recently mentioned that George Lucas himself provided input on the project.
Moderate gameplay (Score:4, Insightful)
Some are being left disappointed with gameplay. I'm picking up the game for the story, and if that is good, I won't mind the gameplay so much. People forget that KOTOR's gameplay was pretty bad.
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Maybe it was bad if you expected an action game, but as a turn-based d20 system presented in realtime, I found it excellent. My only complaint with kotor is they managed to squeeze framerate problems (xbox version) into a game that certainly didn't seem to be pushing any graphical limits.
That said, the story overshadowed all.
Re:Moderate gameplay (Score:4, Interesting)
Hell yeah.
Forcing Bastila to accept that you are, in fact, the rightful Dark Lord of the Sith is probably the most satisfying moment in gaming history.
Re:Moderate gameplay (Score:4, Interesting)
I prefer turn-based RPGs to action games actually. Each character was largely going to focus on a set path of feats (Critical Strike, Flurry, etc), so you just spammed your feat attack, or an over-powering Force power like Force Wave. Combat was never difficult, nor was strategy ever a factor.
Final Fantasy games get blasted for encouraging button-mashing, when in reality each character plays different enough to warrant some attention when selecting items.
In KOTOR, I can have every character just focus on Flurry and basically spam the same button for everyone.
Even on replays when I intentionally don't level my character until I become a Jedi, I find all the early areas frightfully easy, even with a level 2 character.
You are part of the problem (Score:5, Insightful)
While I can see your point to some extent (I like the Star Wars universe too), I can't help thinking that you're part of "the problem" when it comes to LucasArts, and the whole movie-tie-in market in general. What publisher is going to put any effort in making a good game if they know people like you will line up to buy it even if it sucks?
LucasArts used to make top-notch games: Full-Throttle, Grim Fandango, Monkey Island, X-Wing, and dozens more in every genre. But then Lucasarts executives (and Lucas himself, I imagine) realized that the most profitable thing to do was to churn out countless Star Wars games irrespective of quality. Yeah, there's been a couple good ones, but for every "Knights of the Old Republic" there's at least ten "Star Wars: Galaxies - Episode III Rage of the Wookiees"
I'm sorry but... (Score:4, Funny)
LucasArts used to make top-notch games: Full-Throttle, Grim Fandango, Monkey Island, X-Wing, and dozens more in every genre. But then Lucasarts executives (and Lucas himself, I imagine) realized that the most profitable thing to do was to churn out countless Star Wars games irrespective of quality. Yeah, there's been a couple good ones, but for every "Knights of the Old Republic" there's at least ten "Star Wars: Galaxies - Episode III Rage of the Wookiees"
Star Wars: Rage of the Wookiees sounds awesome! But I can't seem to find it on ebay?
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He means "Rage of the Ewoks" and that's why you can't find it. It was so bad we dumped all of the copies in some trash compactor on the death star before shooting torpedoes into it's exhaust port.
Re:You are part of the problem (Score:4, Insightful)
Many people don't realize that LucasArts went bankrupt and folded, and that the new company is exactly that. ILM is making technology that will help ILM as much as LucasArts, and then finding a means to build a game around that. Look at the physics and dynamic rendering of the the new Indy game they are developing for instance.
LA did realize they flooded the market with crap games (Super BomBad Racing, Clone Wars, Bounty Hunter, Episode 1, etc) so now we're only going to get maybe 1 or 2 Star Wars titles a year.
I prefer the smaller, more polished titles, but I also would prefer to move back to titles like X-Wing.
Aren't we due for a new X-Wing title that features ships from all 6 movies, and the EU? Wouldn't that just sell like mad?
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In an age where joysticks didn't cost 90 bucks, X-Wing sold like crazy.
It's a little weird. Genres often live or die based on what the dominant interface is.
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If it seems that joysticks cost 90 bucks, that's because the main focus in the joystick industry for the last five years has been on realistic flight sims; there just haven't been any high-profile, high-budget Mech or space com
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I played the X-Wing series with mouse and keyboard actually, as did most of the people who were playing the series.
Joysticks are seldom if ever used in games these days (aside from Flight Simulators)
Gamepads seem to be replacing the niche once held by joysticks, and they cost about the same.
Re:You are part of the problem (Score:4, Interesting)
Citation needed. I certaintly don't remember hearing this, and I can't find it on LA website, wikipedia, google, etc. There were rumors of this following a series of layoffs, but it turned out that LucasArts had abandoned much of its internal development and would farm everything out to 3rd parties from then on. At least that's what I heard, I admit that my memory is fuzzy on that point.
That said, I agree that it's a crime we get crap like Adventures of Obi-wan but no continuation of the X-Wing/Tie-Fighter franchise.
Re:You are part of the problem (Score:4, Informative)
Wow. Google is failing me at the moment, but rest assured it happened. It was what moved the KOTOR 2 release up. LucasArts completely closed shop, and laid off their employees. There was an internal development team doing pre-production on KOTOR 3, among other products that were laid off. The facility closed, and LucasArts reopened internally within ILM.
http://www.lockergnome.com/game/2004/11/02/lucasarts-layoffs/ [lockergnome.com]
Amazingly enough, Google isn't finding much on it now.
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That's the nice thing about the star wars universe though. I mean, it fits RPG, first person, pilot, even maybe educational/fitness orientated (like on the Wii, and you have to hold the dohicky out at arm's length for 5 minutes without moving to raise the ship). I mean, it's like life itself. What's gone is the youth interest. I mean, there are rare kids who like it. But really, the generation of young people we see today is really obsessed with Japan and less so with Lucas' repackaging of Kaballah adv
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X-Wing Alliance featured most every Star Wars ship from the original trilogy, capital ships, and some EU ships. There is even a fan community that adds new ships, and releases upgraded textures and models for existing ships.
It is an old game, but apparently it can still be bought for $10-$15.
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Regardless, the best capital ships in any space combat sim I've played are in Freespace 2.
Re:You are part of the problem (Score:5, Funny)
Aren't we due for a new X-Wing title that features ships from all 6 movies, and the EU?
I don't know man. Somehow I doubt the eurofighter [wikipedia.org] stands up against an A-Wing.
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Heh. Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Light Speed had all six. :)
And More.
It's just that the gameplay wasn't as good as x-wing.
I should know, I was a starship manufacturer. :P
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Seriously. When do I get my next item/puzzle-based single player game?
Day of the Tentacle is still one of my favorite games of all time. Did anyone else have that LA variety pack? Had Sam and Max, DOTT, Fate of Atlantis. Several others as well.
Maybe I'm just nostalgic, but I remember having a lot of fun with these titles. Not to mention Dark Forces. That was the FPS yeah?
Mostly I think new technology is becoming a burden to games. So much is focused on being visually and operationally stunning that much is
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Seriously. When do I get my next item/puzzle-based single player game?
Seriously, you can't have been looking very hard? There are oodles of current and upcoming classic adventure, puzzle, action/adventure/rpg games, even if they don't get much attention on mainstream sites:
Two whole Sam and Max seasons by Telltale games, their upcoming Wallace and Gromit game, Deus Ex 3 hopefully, Braid for PS3 or PC, DeathSpank [deathspank.com] by Ron Gilbert [grumpygamer.com] (Monkey Island, Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle), Machinarium, World of Goo by
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I loved Dark Forces! The settings and levels just screamed Star Wars, they were frickin' perfect. Imperial City? Awesome. The weapons were interesting, too. I liked that you weren't playing a Jedi. One of the disappointments of the later Star Wars FPS games was how Jedi-focused they were. I mean, the Jedi are cool and all, but I like Han Solo better.
Re:You are part of the problem (Score:4, Insightful)
I think you may be misreading the parent post.
Buying the game for the story doesn't mean you're buying because of the tie-in.
I'd also buy adventure / rpg games for the story - but what I'm looking for is primarily a GOOD story. Which is sorely lacking in franchise games (or games in general).
Most of the LucasArts games you describe were top-notch because they had great stories - not really great or innovative "gameplay" (except for X-Wing / Tie Fighter - that was gameplay).
Storytelling was the strength of LucasArts, for obvious reasons. There's no "problem" with that, since stories ARE a vital part of entertainment for some of us.
E.g.: Deus Ex is still one of my favorite games - it was an 'ok' FPS, but it has a great story and narrative quality. KOTOR had similar virtues / flaws mix in its genre, and more recently and to a lesser degree, so did Mass Effect.
The "problem" you describe is with crappy games with no redeeming quality - no gameplay, no story, no primary entertainment factor.
But even these days I'd have more faith in LucasArts' storytelling prowess than their game design skills. That just means I'm more likely to buy their game, since I care mostly about the story, than an FPS / action game fan, who's more concerned about the gameplay.
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The X-Wing games were awesome. It's been almost 10 years since the last one came out. If there's any winning formula to revive, it would be that series. I can't even imagine what they could do with that game on today's hardware...
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Ahh Grim Fandango! Wasn't that the game with an excellent plot and setting, but a broken and annoying control scheme?
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I'm not so sure. It takes a very proactive stance in order to make a great game. That means not releasing the product until you're sure it measures up to your own standards. That requires two things: A developer who can actually pull this off in the first place. It's not smart to wait and wait and wait for some developers (see: Daikatana, Duke Nukem Forever). And it requires a publisher with the financial backing and the patience to wait for the developer to iterate and polish, even though the game may
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People forget that KOTOR's gameplay was pretty bad.
If you're talking about the combat system, you might be able to say it was bad out of the box but you could configure it in such a way (at least on the PC version) so that the combat didn't feel so turn-based and was more fluid. I personally think KOTOR and KOTOR 2 are great games. My only complaint is that KOTOR 2 was cut short due to budget and time constraints. Both games looked great and had awesome storylines with very memorable characters. The game mechanics, especially with regard to the dialog t
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I really would have loved to see a properly finished KOTOR 2 with the dark ending that Chris Avellone intended.
http://www.team-gizka.org/ [team-gizka.org] is working somewhat towards that goal.
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I really would have loved to see a properly finished KOTOR 2 with the dark ending that Chris Avellone intended.
http://www.team-gizka.org/ [team-gizka.org] is working somewhat towards that goal.
I support that goal as much as anyone (I think KOTOR2 was a great game), but at this point I think it's safe to say that Team Gizka has abandoned the project. Their last update was almost a year ago.
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On the main website that is. On the forums, they have updated their status even more.
One of the latest beta releases of theirs was apparently leaked. If you really looked, I'm sure you can find it.
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One of the latest beta releases of theirs was apparently leaked. If you really looked, I'm sure you can find it.
I own the xbox version, so it wouldn't do me any good anyway.
Though I would assume they'd be interested in showing their progress on their site, rather than leaking beta versions of it.
If they showed any obvious progress towards a 1.0 release I'd try to buy a windows version of the game to try it out, but if I can't use their mod and they don't make any effort to show they're making progress for a year then I don't see why I should go out of my way to steal their leaked beta.
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KOTOR's gameplay was pretty bad? Speak for yourself.
If you went in expecting an action game, I suppose you might be disappointed, but I loved it. And apparently, quite a few others did. Not all of us are enthralled with twitch games.
Bonus for me: After a full day at work of programming (ironically, I'm working on a fairly fast-action game these last few years), I prefer not to strain my already sore wrists with too much fast action. As such, turn-based games are ideal for me anyhow.
Re:Moderate gameplay (Score:5, Interesting)
KotOR's gameplay was bad because:
a) It was massively imbalanced. Pick up the right combination of feats (Master Flurry, Master Speed, Master Two Weapon Fighting) and you could drop even Malak in one round. Pick up the wrong set of feats (a caster build without Force Breach, for example) and you could breeze through the entire game and then get completely fucked on the boss fights at the end.
b) Half of the mechanics in the game were useless. There was no reason to be a techie or a stealth class because while both had gimmicky moments where they could do something cool, the game was chock full of full-on frontal assaults you couldn't avoid. The gimmicks never paid off as well as going head on anyway. Besides, you could never be as good at those things as the droid, because in the end you had to make your character combat able as well.
c) Ranged combat was horrible. You could abuse the hell out of force powers and plink away at mobs that were permanently stunned with your pistols, but in and of themselves blasters weren't a decent weapon choice.
d) Levelling was fucked up. By allowing you to bank levels until you switched to your jedi class, you could completely break the difficulty of the game. Staying level 2 until the first planet was completely made the first planet way too hard, but having an extra 4-5 jedi levels made the rest of the game way too easy.
e) You could cheese half the fights in the game with grenades and shields. That's how you get to being a jedi at level 2, but it works just as well for the rest of the game. There are very few fights that shield spam and grenades can't win.
KotOR is one of my favorite games of all time. The story is great, there's tons of stuff you can do off the beaten path, and it has a ton of replay value. The actual gameplay is subpar, though. KotOR 2 is one of my biggest disappointments of all time because it fixed the gameplay of KotOR but was so buggy and had so much cut content you couldn't actually enjoy it. A bastard child hybrid of the two might be the best game never made.
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KotOR is one of my favorite games of all time. The story is great, there's tons of stuff you can do off the beaten path, and it has a ton of replay value. The actual gameplay is subpar, though. KotOR 2 is one of my biggest disappointments of all time because it fixed the gameplay of KotOR but was so buggy and had so much cut content you couldn't actually enjoy it. A bastard child hybrid of the two might be the best game never made.
You know about the Sith Lords restoration project [team-gizka.org] I hope? They are still acti
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Hmm, I agree with many of your points, but I guess I was thinking of a slightly different definition of "gameplay".
What you're describing I'd tend to call game balance, not gameplay (not trying to be pedantic - I was just thinking of something different than you). Generally speaking, I consider gameplay to be the basic mechanics of how the game feels and plays, which I thought was very good. How the numbers are assigned, and the formulas used - I'd call that game balance, and yeah, it had a lot of problem
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Your point (a), however, is very valid -- but is common to many rpgs with feats. The wizard in Baldur's Gate, for example -- lightning was a ridiculous spell that made almost the entire game a cinch. I tend to purposely not choose the 'l33t' feat combinations... because I enjoy difficult gameplay. The problem is as you point out, when the bosses are pretty much impossible without choosing the right
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I prefer turn-based RPGs, but I prefer turn-based RPGs like Fallout actually. I want to heartily agree with everything that lewp said.
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After a full day at work of programming, I prefer not to strain my already sore wrists with too much fast action.
Funny, I'm the complete opposite. Oh, wait... you were talking about computer games, weren't you?
It's like you're from opposite town or something (Score:2)
Somehow I missed this upon first reading. Now I think you're just plain nuts! I thought the gameplay was solid and the graphics (driven by a souped-up NWN engine) were great. Yeah, the "action" mini-games were a tad weak, but that literally amounted to less than %1 of the total gameplay.
Re:Moderate gameplay (Score:5, Funny)
Some are being left disappointed with gameplay. I'm picking up the game for the story, and if that is good, I won't mind the gameplay so much. People forget that KOTOR's gameplay was pretty bad.
Have you considered just getting a DVD? Then you don't have to deal with the gameplay at all.
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Have you considered just getting a DVD? Then you don't have to deal with the gameplay at all.
Dude, have you tried navigating some of the "creative" DVD menus? Some levels are so tough I can't even get to the final cinematic!
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Really, Mr. Coward?
You mean burying interesting and insightful stuff like:
But it does illustrate what a gigantic clusterfuck Microsoft has with the 360.
Referring to a game that's being released on PS3, 360 and Wii?
Or were you referring to the objective and replete with citations:
A healthy console shouldn't have some crossplatform third party game be its most popular download.
Can your explain, in your in your great anonymity, why exactly a highly anticipated game based on an established franchise that's been part of popular culture for a generation shouldn't be the most popular downloaded DEMO on a particular console?
No, Mr. Coward. I don't seek to bury posts I disagree with, I
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You are being watched now.
Yeah, you'd better keep an eye on me. You never know where I'll turn up.
PC version planned... (Score:2, Informative)
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Edit - direct from LucasArts - "I can tell you definitively that there is no PC version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed planned."
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Check the link again [rockpapershotgun.com]...a PC version IS planned.
Mod AC up. I saw this from another source this week, too. It's coming to PC.
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Check the link again [rockpapershotgun.com]...a PC version IS planned.
Mod AC up. I saw this from another source this week, too. It's coming to PC.
Nevermind, LucasArts saw that and said it was a misunderstanding.
The Force is too powerful. (Score:4, Interesting)
Bringing down a whole star destroyer?
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Re:The Force is too powerful. (Score:5, Funny)
That's what she said...
She was just being polite, man.
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1) The force powers in the "Jedi Knight" games gave them an edge over many other FPS's, especially in multi-player. Being able to force-choke an opponent, lift him in the air, and drop him off a ledge while he struggles has to be my all-time favorite way to kill someone in an FPS.
2) While it may not be true to the story, it looks awesome (not the Star Destroyer part, but the force powers in general). I'd love to be able to pick up a Tie Fighter with the force and smash it into an opponent.
3) They did say th
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If you watch the 'making of' documentaries that have been available on Xbox Live for a while, you see the project leaders drilling into the teams the 'vision' statement of the game; 'kicking somebody's ass with the Force'.
Yes, the offical one-line pitch of the game is 'kicking somebody's ass with the Force.'
Depends on the Universe (Score:2)
Bringing down a whole star destroyer?
Depends on the Universe. If it's the Kasdan/Brackett Universe of ESB, it's not a problem - that Force is infinite, only the degree to which the Jedi is one with the Force is a factor. If it's the Lucas Universe of the prequels, then, yeah, those Jedi are just a bunch of parlor magicians with viruses in them.
n.b. the relative age of Ben Kenobi is further proof of different universes between the trilogies.
George Lucas himself provided input on the project (Score:1)
of course its good but not great. (Score:1, Flamebait)
kotor 1, 2 had been stellar successes by doing exactly otherwise - providing the player with choices starting from their first minute in the game.
but then again, what do you expect from a game that was mainly made for xbox,
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who paid for it ? surely not at&t, paying for it in a microsoft game. it was made for microsoft after all. i cant find any other culprit here, excuse me.
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wow (Score:2)
game was made for microsoft. what can you link it to ? al kaeda ?
play the game yourself and see. i didnt know that it was made for xbox with microsoft's request until i got 75% into the game.
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This is only my opinion, but.. (Score:1)
Isn't there a slight exaggeration as to how "fun" having the force in a video game is? Seems to me all the best star wars games have had very little to do with the force and constantly disappoint due to peoples expectations of taking on these highly lauded powers.
No, that part is fun (Score:2)
Isn't there a slight exaggeration as to how "fun" having the force in a video game is?
No - it's fun in the same way many physics based games are fun - like Portal, or even the gravity gun in HL2. It's pretty fun to fling around stormtroopers, or fling things into stormtroopers, or just to wave a stormtrooper around and gently set him down. Or to open a door slightly, then pick up a box and ram it around the room inside into things you can't see. Or to bend a girder into the path of a tie fighter. It's u
Good, but not great... (Score:2)
Early reviews for the game are good, but not great, and developers recently mentioned that George Lucas himself provided input on the project...
Well, there you go...
"Good, but not great" was my reaction to the demo. I might try it again tonight. I'm not sure what it was exactly that threw me off. Maybe the camera was set reverse to what I normally do. For some reason, I kept trying to push the camera the wrong way. And after getting mauled by a "boss", I lost interest. Maybe I'm getting too old for hack-and-slash action games.
Still, it seems like an ambitious game, and I think a lot of people are likely to have fun with it for what it is.
Gravity Gun is better! (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm not much of a console gamer (I tried it on my brother's XBox). The Gravity gun in Half-Life 2 is so much easier and more gratifying to use than the Force move powers. The third person perspective in SW:FU makes it hard to select an object quickly. Both control sticks are used to move objects, making it feel mechanical. When throwing an object, it moves from the character's point of view, so it is hard to aim. Maybe I just suck at using gamepads.
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JKII... (Score:5, Interesting)
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Yeah, I wonder why they haven't announced another JK-style FPS.
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I don't think it was that long ago.
Either way my fav star wars game had to be jedi outcast...jedi academy was cool with what it added, but by then the multiplayer community sucked the big one, and there just weren't enough people playing it that you could find a "regular" game of it, not loaded down with a bunch of people thinking they are playing an rpg. Imagine walking around playing q3 with your gun lowered then complaining to people when you get fragged...yeah that was the jedi outcast online community
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Lucas Provided Input? Oh... (Score:5, Funny)
Meesah sorry to hear that.
Army of clone buyers (Score:1)
When millions of clone-army customers are out to quash the rebellion on the internets, things like this are bound to happen.
Lack of ambition? (Score:3, Insightful)
Knights of the Old Republic and Tie Fighter suffered from a "lack of ambition"?
Fuck you, guy I've never heard of before. Guess what, physics games have been done. Played Half-Life 2? No... really? Try it, it's great.
Re:Lack of ambition? (Score:4, Funny)
Guess what, physics games have been done. Played Half-Life 2? No... really? Try it, it's great.
Yeah, Half Life 2's pretty good, but for the ultimate physics game, you gotta try this new game from France called Large Hadron Collider.
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Lack of ambition? (Score:4, Funny)
Force Unleased sets record boredom (Score:4, Insightful)
The demo was kind of cool at first, but it quickly became boring. It was too repetitive and dull. It started off good, but then i realized its just about running around a large map running into the same badguys over and over.... pick a box up throw it.
Graphically, its pretty nice but the gameplay didnt have that special something.
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Graphically, its pretty nice but the gameplay didnt have that special something.
You mean like a lack of ambition?
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I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. I think I'm like wrestling with some inner conflict like "IT HAS TO BE FUN" because I played the demo and was like, omfg this is sweet as hell!! But then realized that I liked seeing all the tech in action that I had read about, the way they have the doors bust open, the way soldiers will grab on to things as you drag them around with the force powers, all that.
But then I realized they were just trying to copy god of war with their gameplay. Quick time events are cool,
Early reviews are fair to bad, not great. (Score:2)
EG, the mediacritic places it down with the Incredible Hulk, and Penny Arcade harshed it.
First stage (Score:2)
The first stage alone is worth the 60$ for the game. For those who don't know (its kind of a spoiler...but its the FIRST stage, so whatever!), the first stage is a prequel to the actual game, and you play as Darth Vader himself with basically all of the skills maxed out, except with Force Lightning swapped out for Force Choke (since I beleive story-wise Darth Vader cannot use Force Lightning).
There was a video of the early game made by GameSpot... the demo really doesn't do the game justice. And screw the r
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Yay, another game where I get to immediately experience every great weapon and skill only to have it ripped away. I'm a bit tired of being neutered.
I have started my boycott of lucas properties (Score:2, Interesting)
I, for over 20 years, have supported LucasArts and Lucasfilm.
no more.
Their decision not to build a PC version has crossed a line.
the producer in charge of TFU Cameron Suey stated [videogamer.com] that the game would be a "watered down experience" on anything less than a $4,000 PC. couldn't be more watered down than ps2 or psp or DS! a $699 pc [tigerdirect.com] can play crysis warhead on high @30fps, so it ought to be able to smoke the pants off an xbox360 or ps3 running in low resolution.
so I have chosen not to consume lucas made goods or
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I already own an xbox 360, but I'm not buying this game.
and don't give me that "real fan" crap.
Lucas owes me and all their other fans who have financially supported the company.
I have been buying LucasArts games for over 20 years. So, yes, they do owe me and every other paying customer something, their success.
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wow are you just completely ignorant. That warhead PC has been crytek's test platform for Crysis Warhead since early development. So, yes, it really can. That's the whole point. And you are just another ignorant AC.
SF "Launch party" is at Best Buy (Score:3, Informative)
Where's the launch party? One of the big nightclubs, like Ruby Skye or the DNA Lounge? No. Lucasfilm's facility in the Presidio? No. The Metreon, where Sony still has the Playstation store? No.
It's at the Best Buy on Harrison at 101. That's not a launch party. It's not even a good retail outlet.
I tried the demo, not for me. (Score:2)
The gameplay was so 'arcadey' - it felt like a Wii game.
I mean cmon - the guys force powers at the START of the game were strong as the emperor, the light saber is taking 5 hits to kill a trooper (huh?)
I mean it LOOKS cool and would play cool for kids but I always preffered the more serious stuff.
I always preferred X-Wing or Tie Fighter compared to X-Wing vs Tie Fighter (the 'arcadey' one) :/
Not fun, if the demo was the LAST level of the game, well - maybe awesome but the start, nope.
No kidding. (Score:2)
According to Eurogamer's interview with producer Cameron Suey, previous Star Wars games suffered from a "lack of ambition."
Bingo. LucasArts - while famous for their groundbreaking games back in the early days (80s/90s) - has been screwing around with their StarWars franchise for quite some time now. Watch the latest CloneWars movie to see what I mean. That a SW Game get press for not being that bad shows how far LA has sunk. I personally consider this [invision-games.com] the most promising game in the SW universe right now (a
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A nonbiased minireview (Score:2)
I will preface this by stating I do like star wars, but I'm not a fanatic.
I have to say that I downloaded this game kind of worried it was going to be a let down. It wasn't.
The pacing is good, the graphics are amazing, the controls feel natural, and the story is pretty interesting.
There are a lot of people bashing the gameplay but I haven't heard a real good description for those of you that maybe don't have a 360 or ps3 or haven't had a chance to try the demo.
So here is the gameplay in a nutshell:
Take God
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Please don't unleash the force.
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I would like to see him combine lightning with his "lightsaber" though.
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So glad they are going to put out a Wii version. Sure the graphics and the physics won't be as impressive on Wii but the gameplay is going to r0x0r your b0x0rz.
This also means I can get my lighsabre combat fix without dealing with the crapulous CGI style of the Clone Wars movie/TV series. Besides, being Sithy for a change might be spiffy.
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Awfully linear (Score:2)
As for me, I downloaded the PS3 demo last week, found it incredibly dull, deleted it. Disclaimer: I've always been more of a Star Trek fan, anyway.
Well being able to toss junk around and make the bad guys fall down is fun. Too bad you can't move while doing it, that takes a lot of the fun back. Otherwise, this is a really linear romp. Exactly one path through the maze, a stupid reaction puzzle disguised as a chicken walker at the end of the hall. Such high production values, so little game.
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