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PlayStation (Games) Games

LittleBigPlanet Goes Gold, Trophies Leaked 51

Upcoming world creation game LittleBigPlanet has gone gold, and will be officially released on Oct. 21st in the US. The game will come out exclusively for the PS3, in part due to the fact that it fills up a Blu-ray disc. The list of trophies was leaked alongside the announcement. Groups of students at Parsons will be using a 24-hour period this weekend to create levels for the game. Gamespy has a collection of videos and previews for LittleBigPlanet. To protect users' creations, it will feature an in-game copyright system.
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LittleBigPlanet Goes Gold, Trophies Leaked

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  • Twinsen? (Score:3, Informative)

    by Hatta ( 162192 ) on Saturday September 20, 2008 @01:59PM (#25086255) Journal

    I was hoping this would be another game in the Little Big Adventure series, but no luck. They should try picking a name that doesn't collide with a classic adventure series.

    • by 0xygen ( 595606 )

      I too was confused by this - and would LOVE to see a sequel to the series of Little Big Adventure games.

      The combination of an interesting world, a wide variety of puzzles, amusing diversions and some pretty amusing jokes works so well in LBA.

      I replayed LBA2 last year - many games you get back out do not live up to the fond memories, however LBA2 was definitely worth getting back out.

      If anyone who enjoys puzzle adventure action games has not played it (!) you really should do so!

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This game sounds absolutely perfect for the Wii. You've got an editor, which the Wii excels at with Wiimote pointing, and a platformer, which the Wii excels at with the Wiimote held sideways. This game is obviously catering to the Wii crowd.

    And yet they're releasing it on the PS3?! WTF?!!

    Yeah, sure, "it uses all the space on the Blu-ray" but if you check the story you'll discover that it's all HD video and not, like, game assets. Reduce it to SD and it'd easily fit on a DVD and therefore be perfect for the

    • by Simon (S2) ( 600188 ) on Saturday September 20, 2008 @02:11PM (#25086317) Homepage

      This game sounds absolutely perfect for the Wii. You've got an editor, which the Wii excels at with Wiimote pointing, and a platformer, which the Wii excels at with the Wiimote held sideways. This game is obviously catering to the Wii crowd.

      That's true, but I bet they will use the Sixaxis capabilities for the level creation part. I agree with you, the Wiimote would be better, but I didn't see the game yet, maybe it's just as slick witth the DualShock as it would be with the Wiimote.

      But the main purpose of the game is content creation, right? So obviously you'd want a console with great online community support, which the Wii doesn't quite have. So that aspect is perfect for the Xbox 360 then!

      What is wrong with the PS3 online support? I am playing resistance online quite a lot, and there is absolutely no lag or other annoyances. The only thing that works better on Xbox live is the voice chat, but I can live without that, and I am sure sony will fix it soner or later.

      It really looks like you are angry because you would enjoy this game but can't/won't afford a PS3.

    • by Secret Rabbit ( 914973 ) on Saturday September 20, 2008 @10:48PM (#25089837) Journal

      It'd hate to burst your bubble there buddy, but:

      1) The Wii does NOT have exclusivity over casual games

      2) You have no clue as to whether a reduction to SD would allow for it to fit on a DVD

      3) Downloading levels, etc requires space on the console which the Wii is tragically low on

      4) You've never played it, so don't comment on the controls

      5) Don't bitch about it because YOU are part of the Wii community and feel like you got cheated because you don't own a PS3 as well

      Sure, the game MIGHT (probably?) fit the Wii as well depending on controls. But, just because that MAY be so, doesn't mean that another type of control won't fit just as good. I mean, how many games have been on both the PS3 AND the Wii again? Get your head out of your ass. The Wii is NOT the end all be all of the consoles (even with regard to casual games).

      DISCLAIMER: I own both a PS3 and a Wii.

      • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

        1) The Wii does NOT have exclusivity over casual games

        LBP isn't exactly a "casual" game. It's a regular game, maybe it has less GRIMDARK than most other current gen games but if that was all it took for appeal to the wide new markets then the Wii wouldn't have charged ahead this gen as all systems have that. Some people (especially developers) are way too eager to label things as "casual".

        • LBP seems to be the kind of game that is no fuss, simple to play, and doesn't need an investment of large amounts of continuous time. That seems to match my definition for casual gaming.

          You could probably pick it up and start playing from any level. Also, all level can likely be finished in less than 20 mins. The level creation aspect could suck up the time, I have no doubt. Otherwise, she looks to be pure casual goodness.

      • by aliquis ( 678370 )

        Like this: [] (BMP!!) [] (overly compressed JPEG)

        would look good or remotely close like this in 640x480 anyway?

        The graphics quality is a huuuuuuge deal for little big planet. It looks fucking awesome and life like, the Wii would destroy that.

    • I know, I know!! Sony (you know, the one funding the game) should TOTALLY publish this for the Wii; it's a match made in heaven!
    • by xero314 ( 722674 )

      This game sounds absolutely perfect for the Wii.

      I'm guessing you actually know very little about this game. This "game" is actually the most complex physics engine ever released for a video game console. Between the complexity of the highly parallel processing physics engine, and the in depth intelligent level creation (not just through pre designed fixed size tiles on the screen) you end up with a game that the Wii couldn't handle even if the resolution of the graphics was drop to that of the 8 bit era.

      You are correct that the game premiss is suita

    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

      But the main purpose of the game is content creation, right? So obviously you'd want a console with great online community support, which the Wii doesn't quite have. []

    • One objection: The Wii does not, in fact, excel at platformers. With the Wiimote held sideways, you have a single not-particularly-comfortable D-pad, two right thumb buttons, a badly-placed uncomfortable trigger under the left side of the controller, and several largely inaccessible buttons in the center. This is barely more control options than the original Nintendo had, and less than any console Nintendo has released since then.

      With the Wiimote only, it is capable of platformers, if said platformers are r

    • This game sounds absolutely perfect for the Wii. You've got an editor, which the Wii excels at with Wiimote pointing, and a platformer, which the Wii excels at with the Wiimote held sideways. This game is obviously catering to the Wii crowd.

      And yet they're releasing it on the PS3?! WTF?!!

      Have you seen the HD screenshots for the game? It looks fantastic! I'd certainly prefer to play this game in HD, which the Wii cannot do.

      Do you know what the game is about? It's basically a platformer with a real-time ph

    • by aliquis ( 678370 )

      (No, I'm not a troll or try to start a war, I thought the Wii seemed like the most interesting console before release and wishes Nintendo all luck. So don't moderate me in a retarded way like people always do when you say people they don't want to hear.)

      Except Little Big Planet have always looked awesome (and is innovative) and there is no chance in hell it would look as good in SD on a Wii. And you know, other consoles can have innovative games as well. And I can't see how it would be hard to play with a n

      • by aliquis ( 678370 )

        .. and if I remember things right they use a lot of customization for the characters, which also looks better in HD, and "Miis" is just an absurb idea, how good do they look? Not much. I'd rather have a small rag doll designed in the way I want thank you.

  • Finally (Score:3, Interesting)

    by FSWKU ( 551325 ) on Saturday September 20, 2008 @04:13PM (#25087131)
    I've been a pretty hardline PS3 basher since before the system was even released, but I still found myself looking forward to this game. Great gameplay concept, being able to design your own levels is good for replay value, and the game itself looks absolutely beautiful. The only downside is that it's on PS3, which I swore up and down I would never buy just for one game.

    Fast forward to this past March, and I'm in need of a TV and some entertainment equipment for my new place. I snag an HDTV and reluctantly get a PS3 since the format war was finally done with. I still have maybe 3 games for the thing, but it excels as a BR player and a network media center, so I'm quite happy (albiet, surprisingly so) with my purchase. The main point of all this? Now that LBP is FINALLY about to be released, I can eagerly await the release date even more since I'll actually be able to have my own copy to play. This seems to be one of the titles that, if they had released it at launch, would have sold systems like crazy. Hopefully it lives up to my lofty expectations.

    Now if only the people working on White Knight Chronicles would finish the damned game already, I would be even happier.

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
