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Mega Man 9 Released, DLC announced 87

Today Capcom released Mega Man 9, the franchise's return to the 8-bit styles of the '90s. It's currently available for the Wii, and will be coming to the Playstation Network and Xbox Live soon. Capcom also announced some upcoming downloadable content, which will include extra difficulty modes and a stage that never ends, in which you are endlessly attacked. It will also give you the option of playing as Proto Man. Unfortunately, since the game is available through downloads only, the awesome box art will not be available to the public. Gamesradar has some screenshots and boss pictures.
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Mega Man 9 Released, DLC announced

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  • DLC ready at launch? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Winckle ( 870180 ) <<ku.oc.elkcniw> <ta> <kram>> on Monday September 22, 2008 @06:00PM (#25112011) Homepage

    Talk about nickel and diming your customers, announcing DLC for a downloadable title, before it is even launched.

  • by nawcom ( 941663 )
    Read through the DailyRadar comments and it's full of people who have never played a Megaman/Rockmangame in their lives due to age. Christ on a stick, I'm 23 and I'm already telling geeks to get off my lawn! The shitlet geeks are either growing too fast or are getting dumber by the year. *shakes cane*
    • by nawcom ( 941663 )
      bahh! GamesRadar.
    • by Pazy ( 1169639 )
      Its because the medium moves to fast, at like 12 years old (2002) I was trying to tell people there was a game before Soul Caliber (Soul Blade incidently) and in my mind it was better. Or when they died in a game and assumed it was a pile of crud that the gaming standard was to rape you silly to make a 30 minute game last months/years and they have it easy. Ill take my cane any day so I can twat anyone who says Golden Axe dosent rock or that it dosent exist :)
  • 3drealms needs to come out with the Duke nukem forever side stroller and was due after duke3d

  • by Zombie Ryushu ( 803103 ) on Monday September 22, 2008 @06:32PM (#25112377)

    You have to BUY the privilige of playing as ProtoMan, sliding and Mega Buster with real money. The game only costs $10, but I've heard that playing as ProtoMan will cost you $4, and sliding will cost you $2.

    No, just Hell no. I will not pay for something I can do for free since Mega Man 3

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by philspear ( 1142299 )

      Let's be more specific here: the content delivery is defective. It's not the game itself.

      • Yes - I bought the game (though $10 for a slightly-crippled megaman, ouch) and I have to say it is quite fun. It is a bummer that DLC will be so pricey (why not an extremely high amount of bolts as an alternative a la Gunbound?), but still worth it so far - and damn hard, for now - Dr. Light was right when he said that its been awhile.
    • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Proto Man is actually $2, with shield and sliding and all.
      • What I am against is the fact I have to pay extra for it.

        I'm not saying they should go through all the trouble of releasing a NES Cart. But this could have been done as a PSX or PSX2 CD/DVD Complete with box art and everything. But no. Its a money grab. No box art. No manual. Just a DRMed up the as download with limitless little extras to keep you paying more and more.

        • You get, for $10 a game. A perfectly playable, fun game.

          For a few dollars here and there, you can, if you choose, get add-ons to the game. But if you do not do any of this, you get a game.

          Personally, I bought the game, and I am going to play the game. I probably won't get any of the DLC, though I might snatch up extra levels if the price is right. I have no concept of why this is a problem for people. Do you regularly complain when you buy a season of television on DVD that the subsequent episodes aren't in

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by BTWR ( 540147 )
          What I am against is the fact I have to pay extra for it.

          I'm not saying they should go through all the trouble of releasing a NES Cart. But this could have been done as a PSX or PSX2 CD/DVD Complete with box art and everything. But no. Its a money grab. No box art. No manual. Just a DRMed up the as download with limitless little extras to keep you paying more and more.

          Um, this is a video game. It's not rice. I love Mega Man, but they have every right to sell it for $500 if they want to.

          They made M
          • In all fairness, you can buy a new game for $12 and less today. The downloadable content channels (XBLA, WiiWare, etc.) have allowed the game developers to cut out the brick-and-mortar distribution channel and pass the cost savings on to the consumer. That's what makes downloadable content so great.

            But if people think that they're "nickel-and-dimed" by $6 content, maybe it becomes more economically sensible to jack the cost up to $50 again? That's why I can't fathom what people are thinking when they compl

        • by w32jon ( 1317789 )

          Well, even if you do pay $2 extra for Protoman, it's still only $12. You'd probably spend more for a meal at a restaurant, or more by going to the movies.

          I played through it yesterday, and for $10, you get a pretty complete and fun Megaman game.

          Would you feel any different if they released the game for $12, but included Protoman with sliding?

    • You've been able to play new levels of Mega Man for free since Mega Man 3?

      Seriously. The game is clearly designed to be playable without sliding and charged shots. Yeah, there are spots where I miss charged shots, and I've encountered so far one bolt that clearly needs sliding to get to it, but you know what? The best game in the series had neither charged shots nor sliding.

      You get a fully playable game for $10. It's fun. If you liked MM 1-6, you'll like it. I advise against cutting off your nose to spite y

    • by Christopher Rogers ( 873720 ) on Monday September 22, 2008 @07:28PM (#25113019)

      Perhaps you would rather pay $40 for the entire package like a regular game?

      • Thats what I just said isn't it?

      • by brkello ( 642429 )
        It isn't a regular game though. It doesn't require near the resources to create that a modern game would. Charging extra for stuff that was already finished right out of the box is a way of screwing over the consumer. It sounds like a lot of people are buying it anyways which is too bad. Stuff like this shouldn't be acceptable.

        It seems like you have no problem with this. Think about it you really want to buy everything this way? Is the future going to be that you have a "choice" of buying
        • It doesn't matter how much time/energy/resources went into the game. It's all about demand. It shattered WiiWare download records, which means it's heavily in demand, therefore their price is perfectly justified.
    • Yeah, Capcom is taking the "downloadable add-ons" idea to an extreme that is unacceptably wrong.

      The sad thing is, I suspect many Japanese will buy the game anyway. Some will refuse the add-ons out of frugality or pride in their skills. What I hope that they will not do is design the game to require some of those add-ons at certain points in the game. That would be even more wrong.

    • You have to BUY the privilige of getting a cone, chocolate, or nuts top with real money. The ice cream only costs $5, but I've heard that getting cones will cost you $4, and chocolate will cost you $3.

      No, just Hell no. I will not pay for something that I could do for free with a Drumstick

    • What you heard is false. Proto Man only costs $2, and you can't buy sliding and charging. The fact is that Proto Man can slide and charge.

    • All you're saying is that you aren't willing to spend $16 on a new Megaman game that features the sliding and Mega Buster game mechanics, and the option to play as Protoman.

      That's up to you, but if I recall correctly I spent more than $16 on Megaman 3, back in the day.

    • You have to BUY the privilige of playing as ProtoMan, sliding and Mega Buster with real money. The game only costs $10, but I've heard that playing as ProtoMan will cost you $4, and sliding will cost you $2.

      No, just Hell no. I will not pay for something I can do for free since Mega Man 3

      You can't slide in the game while playing as Rock because the new game is a throwback to the classic format - no sliding, no charge-shot, just jumping and blasting the living shit out of enemies with lots of regular shots. To me this is a good thing - going back to the basics, the real strength of the series.

      You can probably think of Blues as "easy mode" - if you want a big shield to hide behind, and a charge shot feature and the ability to move more quickly, play Blues.

  • rule 34 (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Incidentally, there's already porn of Splash Woman...

    NSFW (obviously)

  • The "awesome" aspect of that box art could be strongly contested, especially since Megaman keeps winning the "Worst Box Art Ever" contests on every gaming site.

    • That MM9 box art is obviously some kind of tribute to the infamous US cover for the first Mega Man on NES. Mind you, I don't think any other MM game actually gets that "worst box art ever".

      The artist put a gun in his hand like in the two first US covers and drew him an adult man. He also used a design with a grid on a bluish background like early Capcom titles for the American NES (Mega Man but also Trojan, Gunsmoke, Ghosts'N Goblins, etc).

      The idea is pretty good but I'm divided on the design choice. It loo

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      That was the point, smart guy. This whole thing is a love letter to retrogamers and the Mega Man faithful. The box art is supposed to remind you of the terrible box art of the earlier NES titles. It's all about nostalgia here.
  • As a kid I played a bunch of other NES games but never much of Mega Man. I downloaded MM9 yesterday and I see a screen when I press + with a two regions where things are listed. In the top for example I can choose an item where a robot dog appears but what does that do?

    On the bottom list there are MANY items, can someone tell me what those things do? The instructions are very much lacking in details. Maybe someone knows of a good web site to read that explains this stuff for someone that did not grow-up wit

    • by yanos ( 633109 )
      The top box is where all your weapon will be. When you defeat a boss, you will gain the weapon of that boss. As for the items, just go to the shop, where you can buy them. You'll find descriptions there.
      • by mzs ( 595629 )

        Yes I see that when I beat a boss then I get a new weapon much like the boss used. But I have this dog 'weapon' in the top list even at the very start of the game. When I use him he appears uses some of my weapon power bar and then disappears. I have NO idea how to actually use this robot dog for anything useful.

        Thanks for telling me about how to learn what those items at the bottom do. Do I need to select them after finding them to use them or are they automatic?

    • by Krakhan ( 784021 )
      Also, the other item RC is for the Rush Coil, where "Rush" is the name of the dog. When he comes down, jump on him, and he'll give you a boost so that you jump higher.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
