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First Person Shooters (Games) Entertainment Games

Command & Conquer FPS Canceled 83

Kotaku reports that Tiberium, EA's Command & Conquer flavored first-person shooter, has been canceled. An internal memo cited quality issues as a reason for the termination of the project, and an EA spokesperson confirmed it. "It is with a heavy heart that I announce an end to all work on Tiberium effective immediately. I've consulted with Nick Earl and Frank Gibeau at the EA Games Label and together we have reached the conclusion that given the time and resources remaining, we will not be able to deliver this product to an appropriate level of quality. The game had fundamental design challenges from the start. We fought to correct the issues, but we were not successful; the game just isn't coming together well enough to meet our own quality expectations as well as those of our consumers."
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Command & Conquer FPS Canceled

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  • by NoobixCube ( 1133473 ) on Tuesday September 30, 2008 @11:39PM (#25213933) Journal

    Looks like EA have finally decided to cancel their crap games instead of shipping them. I guess they'll go bankrupt soon if they keep this up.

  • Sad, but glad. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by iPodUser ( 879598 )
    It's unfortunate that it won't happen, but I'm glad they're not just pushing a crappy game to market.
  • and nothing of value was lost.
    • by jaxtherat ( 1165473 ) on Tuesday September 30, 2008 @11:52PM (#25214049) Homepage

      I dunno, Renegade was awesome multiplayer :(

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by dunezone ( 899268 )
        Trying to sneak behind someone in a mammoth tank was fun.
        • Even single-player wasn't a bad FPS as compared to some of the crap we've been subjected to these days.
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Unending ( 1164935 )

        Try out [] it's a Half Life 2 mod that is an FPS/RTS hybrid.

      • But horrible horrible single-player campaign.
        It's one of the only games I stopped playing due to the fact is was a pain to play rather than only boring.

        I'm glad they stopped the production of the new one, no need to again disgrace the franchise.

        • by neumayr ( 819083 )
          The franchise has been disgraced beyond any hope for recovery quite a while ago, it can't really be disgraced again.
          Tiberium Sun just sucked, Renegade was weird, Generals was not Command and Conquer and Tiberium Wars was boring.
      • the renegade demo was promising. the main game was pretty buggy. absurd load times, crashes to desktop, lagging with the same settings I used in the demo, buggy, lots of clipping... no surprise this one got canned. even the MP was kind of boring, mainly since no one was ever playing. I reinstalled the demo after getting rid of the game and found way more players and more fun, even though not everything was available in the demo.
  • Aww. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Aniyn ( 1268450 ) on Tuesday September 30, 2008 @11:40PM (#25213945)
    Too bad. Renegade, for all it's bad hype, was actually pretty fun....well, the multiplay was anyway...
    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      Yep, multiplayer was sort of fun but I was expecting base could be built, destroyed, expanded, etc. like the RTS game. Basically, one commander does that part while everyone does their jobs to fight, repair, etc. It's like other games. It could had been awesome back then!

      • by Warll ( 1211492 )
        Empires mod implemented something very much like that: [] Fun game, haven't played it in a while though.
        • by antdude ( 79039 )

          Yeah, but it would had been cooler with old school Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn) theme. ;)

        • I just left a very similar comment in response to someone else, guess I should have looked around the comments a bit more. -_-

        • Love that mod, I play it quite a bit now, really fun game play.
    • by jonwil ( 467024 )

      This cancellation could be a GOOD thing if you like Renegade.
      It means that instead of Tiberium (which is a FPS that, based on the released info, was NOTHING like renegade), people will play (and support) mods such as Renegade X, Reborn, RA:APB and RA2:AR that DO play like Renegade.

  • Another Renegade? Oh, wait, that got released, and... it shouldn't have...

    • Renegade definitely had that "unfinished" feel to it (when you killed someone, you heard a "boink" sound....ehhhh?), there were all sorts of game modes left out and promised features that never seen the light of day. Hell, they had to patch in flying vehicles later on (which needed you to redesign the levels so they'd work right, so only a certain few actually got them), but the real sad thing was that even in it's unfinished state, the multiplayer was pretty damn fun.
      I'd even go so far as to say it's the m

      • Really now? I found the 'boink' was one of the most amusing parts about making kills. In fact, it was so amusing, I'd venture to say that it kept me playing long after it should've started to collect dust.

        But as for the unfinished feel, I agree wholeheartedly. The game was far too rushed, especially considering it was Westwood's first venture into the genre. As frustrated as I am at the news, I'd hate to see another disappointment at the hands of EA's cutthroat deadlines (Renegade was, afterall, Westwood'
        • "I'd hate to see another disappointment at the hands of EA's cutthroat deadlines (Renegade was, afterall, Westwood's second lowest grossing title, after Sole Survivor)."

          Maybe I'm wrong, but I've come to the painful conclusion that a game's number of sales has very little to do with the quality of the game.

          Many of the most revolutionary games around achieved very little sales despite defining genres which later spawned high selling games which have essentially just been copies of the original, low-selling ga

          • I hate to be so cynical, but I meant that in the context of how EA execs tend to view their products.
            I completely agree regarding game quality; I, and a number of my friends, thoroughly enjoyed Renegade. Heck, it was the game that introduced me to the whole FPS genre. But there'll always be that little bit of fanboy in me that wants to see C&C branch out into FPS as successfully as it had established itself in RTS, hence why I and plenty of other fans were as disappointed as we were when we discovered
  • I read through the entire article and didn't see anything that was funny. Is there some context I'm missing?

  • So... (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    FPS canceled

    I mean, C&C is an a C&C FPS is just another FPS.

    In other news, Rockstar announced, with a heavy heart, that GTA Pinball has been canceled.

  • Meaning the quality control they were looking for was basically a straight up copy of Renegade with 2008 armies. When that didn't happen, it's cancel country.

  • They only decided to cut the crap that was not guaranteeing revenue. The crap that IS guaranteeing revenue is still on schedule.
  • by Centurix ( 249778 ) <> on Wednesday October 01, 2008 @12:04AM (#25214161) Homepage

    Where you first go out into the woods, cut down a tree my violently moving your mouse back and forth several times, walking back, the going back to the woods, cutting down another tree until you build your house. Then rather than someone else doing the research for you, you actually have to do all the research necessary to advance to the next age. Going to the library, reading up on weapons and methods of smelting, then applying them to the FPS. Teach yourself to handle horses, lead great armies of men, train archers and swordsmen, maybe even join the army yourself just so you can return to the AoE FPS and apply the techniques you've been taught.

    It would take years to get to the first fight, but the wait would be worth it, I'm sure.

    • by Fluffeh ( 1273756 ) on Wednesday October 01, 2008 @12:14AM (#25214235)
      Someone mod the above post up, that's gold right there that is.

      That sort of game would only be possibly topped by a Tetris MMO, where everyone gets to play a single block, has some control over where they are falling and you can do realm based combat as the blue blocks slug it out with those annoying perky red blocks. All the kiddies will pick the red blocks cause they have skimpier outfits and the red blocks will outnumber the blue ones by about a one to two ration, but all the good players will pick blue blocks because they don't want to be mixed in with the "red noobs". It's classic game 5 Star ratings material this!
      • and slap a $14.99 monthly subscription.
      • by neokushan ( 932374 ) on Wednesday October 01, 2008 @02:30AM (#25214919)

        Slightly on-topic:

        There was actually a C&C MMO in development at one point. I don't think it even had a name, but this was back in the day when Westwood were still around (albeit overshadowed by Evil Arts). Details were always a bit sketchy, but it was purported to play like the N64 Zelda games, only in the nitty-gritty tiberium universe. Apparently, it would have been pretty revolutionary at the time, but EA was skeptical of the idea. A few years later, World of Warcraft was released, earning Blizzard millions in monthly revenue, while being only half as innovative.
        Or so the legend goes.

    • Sounds like everquest to me
  • by Myria ( 562655 ) on Wednesday October 01, 2008 @12:20AM (#25214261)

    ...if even EA thought that it would not meet their quality standards. That's hard to do.

  • by Mprx ( 82435 ) on Wednesday October 01, 2008 @12:24AM (#25214285)
    This marketing speak really annoys me. You're not allowed to say "design flaws" we get this meaningless sentence. All games worth playing are a challenge to design - if your design process is easy then you're making a boring or derivative game.
    • Tiberium had a really interesting concept - a FPS that involved a lot of allied units that your character directed to a limited extent. It would have been more like an RTS that had a camera fixed on a specific unit - which is certainly something new.

      The reason that's more a challenge than a flaw is the degree of AI that both your enemies and your allies would require - it's not impossible to do, but it might cost more than EA is willing to pay for a C&C quasi-sequel.

    • if your design process is easy then you're making a boring or derivative game.

      Shhh, that's an EA trade secret! You could get sued!

  • Ever read the book, The Giver? That's what I think of when I see "this action will result in several individuals on the team being released".

    Go look up the book if you haven't.
    • by WDot ( 1286728 )
      Chilling scene from an excellent book. But I imagine this release will be much worse--the victims will be forced to dust off their resumes and have to slog through another job hunt. ;)
    • by neumayr ( 819083 )
      I agree it is a pretty good book. But then I've read it in eighth grade, so maybe the slashdot demographic might be a little too old to really enjoy it.
      But then, I also think about LotR as a children's book.
  • EA stopped churning out rubbish some time ago.

    • by neumayr ( 819083 )
      So what?
      Nobody's under the obligation to give any company that used to be so insistent on destroying their brand the benefit of the doubt and just forget about the past.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      EA stopped churning out rubbish some time ago.

      Last week?

  • ...a little late to be cancelling Renegade? I mean, yeah, it pretty much deserves it, but still...

    • by neumayr ( 819083 )
      Better late than never.
      I'd still give them credit for distancing themselves from that game.
  • For those with Steam/HL2, check out EmpiresMod, [].

    Very much like C&C, but with many FPS aspects. You can run around on foot as a grenadier/rifleman/engineer/scout, or drive a tank/jeep/apc, or even be the commander of the operation (overhead view, place buildings, give attack commands).

    The game is like mixing C&C with Team Fortress Classic, very fun, addicting, and best of all, free! Game is surprisingly well polished, with several active servers. Different game

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