World of Warcraft 3.1 Patch Brings Dual-Specs, New Raid 204
On Tuesday Blizzard rolled out the first major content patch for World of Warcraft since the launch of Wrath of the Lich King last November. The 3.1 patch includes the long-awaited dual-specialization feature, which allows players to quickly and easily switch from one set of talent choices to another. Action bars and glyph choices change as well. The patch also includes a new end-game raid dungeon, Ulduar, which expands upon the variable difficulty modes Blizzard has recently experimented with. The instance contains 14 bosses, 10 of which have an optional "hard mode" that players can attempt for better rewards. In addition, the patch contains a host of class balance changes, bug fixes, and UI improvements. You can see the full patch notes at Blizzard's website, and a brief trailer is also available.
1000 gold (Score:2, Informative)
1000 gold for dual spec. Don't need quivers or ammo pouches any more.
Exams (Score:5, Funny)
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I don't know how to put this without almost certainly burning Karma.... but IMO someone who needs this patch, who respecs often enough that 1000 gold for the "right" to have two specs is actually valuable, not to mention having 1000 gold lying around, ... do you think his exam scores will be affected in any way? Can you spend less than zero time learning?
Re:Exams (Score:5, Informative)
To start, you net about 700 gold in the level from 70 to 80. If you're careful, much more.
Fundamentally, MMORPGs that use a DIKU archetype system (classes) find an overabundance of damage dealers and few tanks; even fewer healers. It's easy enough to note that leveling up / grinding for money / pvp rank / whatever (DIKU style) you need damage, making the classes capable of tanking/healing even more sparse as they min/max toward the damage specs. This is a nightmare for developers who have to try to balance that system. I'd say dual speccing is useful for just under half the wow population and really makes the non-damage dealing classes much much more attractive as there is now true flexibility, guaranteeing more $$$. From a player perspective, it's a win. From the developer's perspective, it's a win. From the publisher's perspective, it's a win.
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Re:Exams (Score:4, Informative)
1. Getting from 1-80 without instances is not hard at all.
2. Blizzard made it easier to get from 1-60 (I think), by reducing the exp required per level.
3. Instances are a boring way to level up, compared to questing.
4. There's more quests in the game than it takes to get leveled up. For example, you could easily hit level 70 in Outlands after doing Hellfire, Zangarmarsh, Terrokar Forest, Nagrand, and a little bit of Blades Edge Mountains. That leaves the rest of Blades Edge Mountains, Shadowmoon Valley, and Netherstorm to get quests where you got more gold rewards for quests. In Northrend you could hit 80 easily by the time you've done Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, Dragonblight, Grizzly Hills, Zul'drak, Scholazar Basin, and if you're a bit unlucky a little in Storm Peaks. Either way you'll have most of Storm Peaks and all of Icecrown to get gold from quests.
5. Lv60 and Lv70 raids aren't done frequently. The people that do them frequently either do them with a small elite group of players because they're looking for specific stuff (Elementium Ore from BWL, Bindings from MC), or they do it with high level characters because they don't want to be carrying people.
6. Instances are fine to find, the problem is that some instances are quicker and have better equipment and people generally drift towards those instances. You can almost always find Scarlet Monestary groups horde side, but trying to find a group for Sunken Temple or Blackfathom Depths is near impossible.
7. If you were a low level when BC started there should have been numerous new low level characters, tons of Draenei alliance side and a tons of blood elves horde side. I smell BS there.
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"3. Instances are a boring way to level up, compared to questing."
I totally disagree.
After doing the end-game raid dance, my wife, a few friends and myself made 4 Undead Warlocks and an Undead Priest, calling ourselves The Ungrateful Dead. Other then a few class quests, we spent ALL of our time doing what I had wanted to do since I was playing pencil & paper Dungeons and Dragons as a kid many years ago--Dungeon Crawls.
As soon as we met the level requirements of a dungeon (I think level 6 for Ragefire Ch
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You have to keep in mind, I was writing that response specifically to the author's point of view. Of course this wouldn't be /. if people paid attention to context.
When he says "I started getting bored of having to go days waiting for a decent group for an instance." that means he wasn't playing with friends, or he didn't have high level friends to help him out. With the changes Bliz made to xp to level and the amount of xp rewarded by low level quests, the only way running instances is faster experience is
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I dunno what GP was talking about on the "tons of low level Draenei and Blood Elves running around". I think he though you meant you started just after BC was released, not WotLK. Having said that, it seem like you were on the wrong server. if you decide to give it another shot, try Thorium Brotherhood. We're a fairly old server, but with only a moderate population. On the disadvantage side, our economy kind of sucks on the low end, and gear for low to mid levels is expensive, and we're not great raider
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What about for a new player? Someone that would probably get a lot of use out of this. I know that it was hard for me when I joined WoW just as the 2nd expansion was released. Starting as a Priest at level 1 when there is hardly anyone around your level forcing you to solo most of the time and making it almost impossible to find a group for low level raids is not easy.
Starting out new at level 1, right after an expansion is released, is difficult no matter what. Everyone's playing in the new content, nobody wants to go do any of the old stuff.
Having this dual-spec system would make it a lot easier for a low level first time player to solo, especially for the low damage classes. It would mean they could easily switch between for example a healer priest for the rare chances they did get in a group/raid and shadow priest for solo.
No it wouldn't.
The first several re-specs are dirt cheap compared to this. There's absolutely no reason you'd want to save up the 1,000 gold for dual-specs on a character before you got to the endgame content. And even then I'd argue that it doesn't make sense unless you are actually re-specing fairly often.
I quit WoW when I got to level 65, I started getting bored of having to go days waiting for a decent group for an instance. It very much felt like to me, that Blizzard didn't care about new players, they already have enough regular subscribers to keep them going.
They've dramatically d
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1000g is nothing. I made that and more without even trying on the way from 60-70. And I again made that and more without even trying on the way from 70-80. Throw in some heroic dungeons, a raid or two, some daily quests... You could have 1000g in less than a week.
When I played I could make 1000g in a couple of hours, buying greens, and selling the materials from disenchanting. It's not hard if you have the right professions and a server with a good economy.
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On the other hand "spec" is of almost negligible importance until level 45 or so and only becomes really critical as you approach end game. I have personally healed instances as far as the Scarlet Monastery with a DPS spec Shaman, and I've run with non-spec healers in even early Outland instances. Being the proper spec helps of course, but it's not nearly as big a deal as gear is until later. I remember running Ragefire Chasm (The mini-instance in Orgrimmar for 13-15th levels) once and someone asked me i
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1) 1000g isn't exactly a lot of money any more.
2) The dual spec addition isn't for respec freaks. It's for people that don't like sitting around waiting on a healer or tank for a group, or that want to take their healer or tank out solo to do some dailies and not have it take all damn day to kill something.
3) Some of us aren't total losers, ya know. My GPA for the last two years of grad school is 3.7. I'm not the only person in my classes that plays WoW, either.
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I just dual specced my enhancement (melee dps) shaman for restroration (healer). Melee dps is my preferred way to solo and quest and is how I play most of the time. I do very well in instances also. However, the need for healers is constant and is always a handicap for groups (pug or guild) trying to get a run going. With dual specs I can now offer myself as a healer and make setting up groups MUCH easier. I've even been saving a full healer gear set for this eventuality which I will always carry.
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Umm... do Blood Elves count?
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Umm... do Blood Elves count?
Were they... naked Blood Elves?
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Why yes, quite frequently, in my bed. And yes, she's a real person, and no, I'm not paying for it.
Do I have to turn in my geek card now? ;)
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Why yes, quite frequently, in my bed. And yes, she's a real person, and no, I'm not paying for it.
your sister?
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I have spent over well over 3000 gold on each of my two lvl 80 chars respeccing from PvE to PvP and vice versa. 1000 gold is nothing in game now. The reason dual spec is nice is this:
PvE - 2 different specs in raid without having to hearth and get summoned back (Sunwell anyone?)
PvE & PvP - People who play both do not need to respec every day now.
This current patch not only addresses the need for new content but is also providing some much needed class balance in abilities.
The reason that we are only ge
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I play casually, I am swimming in gold. Gold at 80 is like air. It's hard *not* to make a fortune really quickly.
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There are many classes and characters that benefit from this in raids. This patch allows the player to switch specs without having to go to a major city. There are certain bosses that need X tanks and Y healers to defeat. Many times you don't have that personnel available. Smaller guilds especially can't just swap out personnel on the fly or have people waiting on standby. Also player skill is important. You might need another tank and have one not doing anything but his gear/skill is less than adequ
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I don't know how to put this without almost certainly burning Karma.... but IMO someone who needs this patch, who respecs often enough that 1000 gold for the "right" to have two specs is actually valuable, not to mention having 1000 gold lying around, ... do you think his exam scores will be affected in any way? Can you spend less than zero time learning?
As a retired warrior, I can assure you that you don't have to be a hardcore player for this to be worth it. Arena is a really fun aspect of the game, battlegrounds are great drunken guild activities, and tanks are always in demand.
That might sound like hardcore playing, but it's just the option to do different things. My guild had PVP premades on the weekends, and if I signed on then, I'd want a PVP spec. I only played Arena casually, but still got in the minimum games every week (again a PVP spec). Pretty
nerf (Score:2)
lots of nerfage, including people not being able to download the patch (look at the forum spam lol) and things like the new instance being totally hung, trade chat completely not working etc etc...
Looks like it's pretty bad. I'm not even complaining about the mana regen nerf for priests which effectively cuts off a big part of their potential.
time to play something else for a bit.
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As soon as the severity of the nerfs sets in, I'm predicting that millions are going to quit, and Ghostcrawler is FINALLY going to get canned!
Yes, because GC alone decides what happens to the game balance. Methinks you're yet another one of the players who insists on acting like just because he's visible to you, he must be the source of all your problems.
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Stop BSing, Ret palladins aren't the kings of pvp, DKs/Hunters/Holy Paladins are.
And what the hell do you expect when a Paladin wielding a giant 2 hander comes to attack your cloth covered ass? You expect it to not hurt?
P.S. Mages/Locks/Hunters Hurt.
Real News vs. Advernews (Score:5, Insightful)
This isn't news. Real news goes like this:
"World of Warcraft introduces variable difficulties to their in game dungeons."
Advernews goes like this:
"WoW patch 3.1 released with 14 new bosses, dual spec, new GUI choices, and game balancing!"
One key difference, Advernews doesn't make sense to anyone outside of the game's target market.
Sorry for the made-up word.
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I don't think anyone who doesn't already play Warcraft (or tried it and doesn't like it) know what dual-specs or what raids are. This is just so us WoWheads can discuss the patch. "Variable dungeon difficulty" seems more likely to be a line to try to bring new players to the game.
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Now, now, don't think the lingo was invented in WoW. It existed long, long before many WoWers learned to read. Or walk.
Not news either way (Score:5, Insightful)
News about patches to a game belong on the game's RSS feed, not a tech news site.
If the latest version comes with new AI so that NPCs happen to tell you about their dreams last night, and how they plan to put them into action today by building putting wheels on a board, adding an engine, and calling this new invention of theirs a "car", then it's worth seeing here.
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With the enormous amount of players of this game and the overlap with Slashdot readers, this is a good way to keep those readers here for the news and the discussion, also for the ad views.
So yes, this does belong here.
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If the overlap was 70%+, then perhaps. If it was 90%+, then definitely. But I doubt it's approaching either of those.
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Sure. You first.
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I thought they had copied it from WoW, guess it's the other way around.
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It's called a slashvertisment around here.
But given that this directly affects - often the majority of - the lives of 11.5 million people, it is actually pretty newsworthy.
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One key difference, Advernews doesn't make sense to anyone outside of the game's target market.
Because advertising is so useful to an audience that already buys your product. Quit your nonsensical whining.
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I already quit! (Score:2)
/tar WoW /cast ResistMMORPG
You have a life turned to you.
Seriously while this cleans up some of my old bugbears why I quit I'm still not coming back.
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Resisted! :(
Need more hit rating... it's a skull monster!
(edit: screwed up and posted as a reply to base, when it should have been a reply to this. Gah.)
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*REturned to you
sigh typo
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Resisted. (Score:2)
Resisted. :(
Need more hit rating... it's a skull monster!
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lolwut. :( I fail at posting.
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I'm sad. :(
Ulduar (Score:4, Interesting)
I suspect there's quite a lot riding for Blizzard on the quality (and challenge level) of this new raid instance. A lot of people are starting to notice that Blizzard seems to have stripped WoW of development resource to focus on other projects. While the Wrath of the Lich King expansion got a lot of positive press for the "oooh, pretty" factor, the simple fact is that it is desperately short on level 80 content (and with WoW levelling being as fast as it is, most players are level 80).
When the previous expansion, The Burning Crusade, came out, it contained quite a few raid instances. These were, Karazhan (11 bosses), Gruul's Lair (2 bosses), Magtheridon's Lair (1 boss), Serpentshrine Cavern (6 bosses), The Eye (4 bosses) and Mount Hyjal (5 bosses). A few months after release, Black Temple (9 bosses) was added. All of these were brand new encounters. By contrast, with WotLK, we got a recylced instance from before the first expansion and just 3 new bosses in other mini instances. Only now, months after release, are we actually getting a sizeable new instance with a reasonable number of bosses. Instead of developing significant amounts of new content, Blizzard have just had the office temps think up some new Achievements - basically requirements to kill bosses in really silly ways - to act as timesinks.
If these new bosses in Ulduar are the kind of thing that can be breezed through in a week or two, even on easy mode, then I suspect that a lot of players, like me, will be leaving the game. The thought of spending the next 5 months farming Ulduar, as we've just spent 5 months farming the pitiful content that was in the game at release and redoing it in an attempt to get some dumb achievements is not pleasant.
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Having said that, I stopped playing about 2 months prior to WOTLK. I had about a week of hard playing since then (4 days to level from 70-80) and have sort of been adhoc'ing since then. If I was indeed raiding with my guild still, I would be rather pissed about once again going through Naxx all over again and again. Last time we ran it we had 15 more peeps in there at a time but that aside, nothing much has changed. Sur
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honestly, the moment I get bored with Ulduar, I'm calling it a day for WoW.
We won't see Icecrown Citadel until Winter and we'll have Ulduar farmed by June, and if Ulduar turns out to be crap, then I'm holding no hope out for Icecrown.
If I want to find out the storyline developments I'll go watch the boss kill on Youtube
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I'd just like to point out that the original Naxxramas was released a few months before the BC expansion, hence most players never had the chance to try it out. I was in a semi-hardcore guild at the time but we were busy wiping in Ahn'Quiraj and didn't have the time to try out Nax. There were only a few guilds on my server that made any progress at all in Naxxramas.
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The Burning Crusade did not ship with SSC, The Eye, or Hyjal. These were all added in later content patches.
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The huge reduction in difficulty level in WotLK has indeed been pretty annoying. Now, I understand that these tier 7 instances are designed to be accessible to new players who've never touched the level 60 or 70 content, and that's fine. Their difficulty as an introductory tier would have been spot on, IF there had been harder tier 8 content in WotLK on the day it shipped. I was never expecting (nor wanting) the retuned Naxxramas to be pitched at Sunwell Plateau level difficulty.
I understand that back in Bu
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Who said that you have to be able to raid just because you hit levelcap? Hell, I remember games like DAoC where it was anything but a given that someone you signed up could perform. But at least these people didn't even get to levelcap. You found out usually around level 30ish whether someone is an asset or a tool. By then, rep was still affordable. Someone level 40+ must've been doing something right. Else he wouldn't have reached this level.
I played WoW 'til shortly after BC came out, when I was just fed
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I don't really care how so-and-so got their gear or mount, etc. I've played enough pugs to start to recognize a core of good players who also pug regularly. I know their names. I've frequently been messaged by players asking me to join who turn out to have been very good players I've run instances with before and they know me. If you are frustrated by poor skills in pugs I suggest keeping your friends list up to date with the good ones and keeping an eye out for them.
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I don't really have an issue with instances being hard - the thing I find annoying is that they make lots of encounters based on your gear rather than your skill. "Hardcore" raiders aren't better than many casual raiders, they just had more time to grind that gear up.
I realize gear is the whole philosophy behind WoW so I don't see a real problem with it - but I get tired of people acting like they're so much better at the game when they might actually be worse players when put in equivalent gear.
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The one thing that made BC challenging was that some of the bosses were gear checks and some actually required group coordination. For example, in SSC Hydross and Lurker required some coordination but could be done by PUGs. Lady Vashj was dam
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I have an issue with the time required for many raids. They just start to take too long and some players such as myself only have a few hours a night at best to play. I know you can pick up with a saved instance but then you get the usual scheduling misery. I'm not looking forward to Uld. being a marathon run. I don't want to only see the first few bosses all the time because I can't stay around for a full or even half clear.
As for gear it is pretty hard to get high-end gear without having put in a sign
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I just finished reading the patch notes, and i must say it appears that they are making this game easyier and easyier to play, Part of the fun in vanilla wow was how hard it was to level as some characters but was paid off once you got to level 60. Not its just a mass race to 80.
This is *exactly* why I stopped playing. So many people were QQ'ing about things being too hard or too easy or they didn't have enough choices or etc etc etc.
And Blizzard did everything they could to make the game so stinkin' easy that it became boring. I never had to worry that I couldn't complete a quest. I never had to worry that I wouldn't EVENTUALLY get some piece of gear because I just needed to run an instance enough times.
Easy = Boring. Too hard is bad too, but I'd prefer too hard over being so
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Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute I played from 0-60, and then my time raiding at 60 was awesome as well, but the game has turned into complete shite.
You've changed, maybe. The game has not. It's still the same damn game it was then, just with new content.
This whole "the game has gone downhill since the old days" rant is so laughable, yet I see it all over. The game hasn't changed one damn bit. If you don't like it now, but did before, it's you that has changed.
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The difficulty of the end game has come down by a lot.
This really isn't true. You have to remember, pre-3.1 content is equivalent to MC in the old days. MC was easy as fuck, even easier than Naxx. If we compare Naxx (the current one) to
Thanks but no thanks (Score:5, Insightful)
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Free time (Score:2)
The explanation that I've heard for this phenomenon goes like this:
For all the years that you're in school, you're always waiting for something to happen. Waiting for the next exam, waiting to finish the school year, waiting to get a driver's license, waiting to graduate. In that situation it makes sense to have an activity to consume time and get to the next goal sooner.
Once you're out in the real world, time gets much more valuable. You're not waiting for the clock to turn, you're fighting against the clo
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All of those are worthy enough activities, but they're all just as optional as video games, when you get right down to it (except your job). It's not like you have less free time, it's that you're choosing to fill your free time with different things.
Really, there's nothing special about getting older that means you have more commitments. You may have things to do, but you chose to take them on. It's not like they're necessary. You basically replace "school" with "job", and you have the same amount of free
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And amusingly enough I take far less sick days from work than I did from school, probably has something to do with getting a more immediate reward in the form of a paycheck.
L2 paid sick time! ;)
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So where do you spend that time now? (Score:2)
I guess I'm living my life in reverse. In high school/college I spent my nights out pretty much without exception, you couldn't have paid me to stay home and play video games then. Now that I'm married with kids old enough to think hangin out with dad is lame I game, as does my wife.
Dual-Specs and new RAID? (Score:5, Funny)
So now WoW supports dual core specs, but what RAID modes, 0, 1, or 5? Can I buy this new WoW mobo at newegg.com?
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I'm still wondering when my microwave can handle SLI....
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What happened to my cat? (Score:2, Funny)
I logged in after the update to find that me pet had wandered outside (I was at an inn). I whistled and it came back saying that it had lost a bunch of skills.
Is that a bug, or do I just need to get a life?
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Is that a bug, or do I just need to get a life?
You definitely need to get a life; in the real world, if you don't secure your pet it might wander away and get run over by a bus, never mind forgetting how to roll over or play dead, it will be dead. You got off easy (although it's kind of hard to scratch your epic mount behind the ears.)
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They may so many changes to the talent trees that all of your character and pet talents have been undone and the points returned to you. Any abilities you or your pet had been granted by talents are thus gone until you go back in and select a new talen spec again.
How I longed to dual-spec.... (Score:2)
My holy priest was just painful to play outside of a dungeon. Respeccing cost too much time and the fun quotient diminished. I remember posting long rants on the boards back in the day and getting some BS from the Blizzard reps about how "choices have consequences." I also remember having one point in some worthless first tier disc talent for over a year
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Druids and paladins had the same disadvantage. In PVE they were both expected to be healbots but that build was useless while grinding or PVP.
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I was a druid and many of the things I complained about made it to the game after I quit (reduction of aggro in feral cat, strength to healing ability conversion, etc...).
The one thing I cannot ask from the game is that it takes so damn fucking long to do the things I wanted to do and *most* end-game guilds are full of dysfunctional sociopaths I care not to associate with.
Now I play volleyball, go out with real friends and do contract work on my free time. Life is so much better!
Way to catch up! (Score:2, Insightful)
So, you can have a second build for your character now? Way to catch up with City of Heroes, Blizzard!
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I think you're just getting a bit old. You and me both, actually, I know exactly what you mean, there are some days when I can't even be bothered to log on and do stuff. But saying that, when I look at the game, intellectually I can't deny that actually pretty much everything has become less and less of a chore, quite significantly so, in fact. And they keep making things even easier. I agree with everything else you said though. MMORPGs these days have precious little actual RP of any kind. They've started
Re:Eh, I already quit (Score:4, Insightful)
There's a simple reason why "refurbishing" the old dungeons would be a really bad idea from the perspective of Blizzard: The fastpass for new players would go away, increasing the time to the top.
Most MMOs fail after a while for a simple reason: Starting anew is pointless. A game that has been around for 2+ years makes a new player uneasy. Should I start? Everyone has 2 years on me, so I'd have to play 2 years to be where they are today. And they'll yet again be 2 years ahead (or only one, if it takes another year to the expansion). Why the heck should I start?
WoW (and some others) solved this by upping the levelcap every so often. The point is that first you have, say, 60 levels. After you reach 60, you can't "level" anymore. You go grind equipment.
Then, a year later, levelcap increase. And along with it you get new equipment, common items (of level 60something) that make the ultrasuperspecialawesomerarestoftherarest raid superoverthetoppowersword you pulled out after months of grinding like your mom's cooking spoon.
Now, no new player will go into that level 60 dungeon. Why should he? The weapon he could get out of there will drop, more likely and maybe even as a better one, from any random trashmob he kicks while heading for a quest.
But it served its mission. The players that were there from the start had something to do 'til levelcap up, they grinded that superawesome...youknowit for months. And new players don't have to do that. They basically get the fastpass past this grinding, thus starting on roughly equal footing.
Starting a new character, or starting the game as a new player altogether, actually makes sense this way!
Grinding and raiding is, essentially, busywork. To keep you playing and paying.
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I don't agree at all, if someone goes through a dungeon a second or third time, it could change the overall experience, as a counter is kept (achievements) as to what was done....going into naxxaramas a 20th time, might mean the challenge grows to make it a little tougher each time you go, with better and better drops....or more guaranteed drops?
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Then the initial drops would have to be pretty poor to start with, or else the power inflation would soon reach even more ridiculous levels than it already does. In general, you will end up at the same level that you were before the expansion (i.e. at the end of that dungeon geared for lv 60 characters you'll get the superduperawesome stuff that dropped), yet any trashloot "post expansion" would be better. Else you'd have a quite decisive "gap" between level 60 and level 61.
Another thing to take into consid
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I imagine you speak of the PvP?
I was really more suggesting for raiding scenarios, but lets go through PvP then.
Actually you could have in place a sub system for lvl 80
that allows for lvl 80.1 to not quite go up against lvl 80.9...so to speak...
yes lvl 79 vs lvl 80 is not fair at all, but a lvl 80.5 vs a lvl 80.7
would make for a close battle.
Anyhow, there is always a way to make things more interesting, and for the most part if veterans are already with too many lvl 80 alts, and have no reason to stick arou
One puff was enough for me (Score:2, Insightful)
Finally, I got sick of wondering that World of Warcraft was all about. I downloaded the free trial. It actually ran in Linux under Wine. I was impressed.
That was about all I was impressed with.
The updates took about 10 hours to fully complete, with each new patch leading to yet another. When the game finally started, I was required to "roll" my character. Having absolutely no idea what I was doing, I selected a Bull, and made it a druid, to get in tune with nature.
The game began. My first mission was to fet
Re:One puff was enough for me (Score:5, Interesting)
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The quests don't really get any more interesting. It's still mostly something that makes you wonder whether the NPCs didn't discover the post boxes yet that fill the various towns. A lot of the quests make you feel like you're in some sort of recruitment program for FedEx.
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The quests don't really get any more interesting.
WHAT? What about the daily Hodir quests, Thrusting the Spear, Polishing the Helm and Blowing the Horn? I dont know what they are hinting at, but the quests are super.
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On the contrary. I noticed and used all the abilities and spells in my arsenal. But this did not change the fact that the game is essentially a single character RTS, with "click once and wait" comprimising 90% of your time in combat.
Re:One puff was enough for me (Score:5, Insightful)
Not to defend the game's legitimate drawbacks (I gave it up a while back as well), but the fact that you wrote that lengthy and smug criticism without even progressing past auto-attack says less about the game's limitations than it does about your predisposition. It's akin to someone judging and dismissing a windowed interface, happily saying they will never understand how someone can use it when there are single-frame CLIs available, when that person never realized that you can click the mouse, not just wiggle the pointer around on the screen for show and use tab to switch fields.
Warcaft has major shortcomings, but you not only didn't approach them, you didn't even step onto the threshold.
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Rather than fighting other players for spawns you could have teamed-up with them to complete the goal cooperatively, an essential part of what makes the game appealing.
You also make it sound like combat never changes, which suggests you didn't train new abilities as you gained levels. Combat is quite simplistic at lower levels because, as you say, the game is training you. When you progress you get stronger and more diverse abilities that lead to more subtle combinations of attacks.
But, really, don't look
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Well, isn't the point of an MMORPG to go online and play with other people? If you made everything in the game able to be done solo you might as well be playing Oblivion with a tacked on chat room. From my own personal expe
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You'll need to install one of the old versions: Town of Warcraft, State of Warcraft, or Country of Warcraft. If your hardware specs are too low, however, you'll probably need to use the first version: World of Disagreementcraft, or World of Skirmishpractice.