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Early Look At the New Bionic Commando 63

G4 had a chance to try out the upcoming Bionic Commando title due out in May. The game is a sequel to the NES version from 1988. Their impression is mostly positive: "The gameplay is fast and exciting, but a little light on combat, at least during the first level. There are also challenges that unlock upgrades for Nathan. These could be as simple as doing five zip kicks or as complex as killing a specific enemy with a specific move. It's a great way to add depth to the game and encourage the player to use all of the moves available to them." However, they do criticize the game's linearity, where movement is often restricted by arbitrarily placed radiation clouds. Capcom recently announced that a demo for the game will be available in the coming weeks.
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Early Look At the New Bionic Commando

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  • 360 and PS3? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by AuMatar ( 183847 ) on Thursday April 16, 2009 @03:04AM (#27595067)

    Come on, this game is begging to be Wii only. Use the wiimote to control the bionic arm. Their lack of vision here disappoints me.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      But that pretty much sums up the Wii.

      Lots of great potential, but it's all used for crappy party games and such for the most part. I'm not sure if it's lack of innovation on the studios part or if it's to do with Nintendo not fostering an environment where these sorts of games can thrive.

      Perhaps it's just because the Wii really can't deal with decent sized and decently detailed game worlds that people have come to expect, who knows.

      One of the games I liked on the Wii was ghost squad, which I picked up for l

      • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

        Perhaps it's just because the Wii really can't deal with decent sized and decently detailed game worlds that people have come to expect, who knows.

        You mean the kind that people got on the PS2 which is weaker than the Wii?

        • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

          Nintendo want a family-friendly toy. Hell, they won't even allow beer pong [] on their sissy system without substantial changes.

          Wiis are all fine and dandy for infantiles and 3 year old kids, but men with hair on their nuts deserve better. More realism. Like curse words [] and heads asploding [].

          Bonus: if you can name the console and game the above linked pictures were taken from, then you win smug self-satisfaction.
          • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

            They allowed beer pong uncensored on the European WiiWare service, noone bought it... (the game was a big seller in the US)

            I think a drinking game is a different case for censorship than a game that just contains objectionable stuff since a drinking game actively encourages the player in front of the screen to drink alcohol according to the on-screen events and it's likely that people would get drunk playing the game, do something stupid and the headlines would read "Wii makes man fall out of window". That'

          • Re:360 and PS3? (Score:4, Informative)

            by El Gigante de Justic ( 994299 ) on Thursday April 16, 2009 @10:29AM (#27598305)

            So exactly how do you explain the following Wii titles:

            Resident Evil 4
            No More Heroes
            Madworld (one of the violent and profane games I've played in a while)
            House of the Dead: Overkill - which just got the Guinness World Record for most swearing in a video game.

            The problem isn't that Nintendo is unwilling to approve mature content, it's that many publishers aren't willing to try putting mature content on the system, and because they've been stalling on doing so, many of the gamers who would have bought those games have started to bail on the system. Just because the system has family friendly titles doesn't mean there aren't some dads out here who also want to play more mature games after the kids go to bed. At least Sega and Capcom are keeping that category alive.

    • But why only Wii? It's not an either-or proposition.
      • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

        Considering the tech differences you practically have to redo everything from scratch if you're going to make a port so cross HD-Wii games tend to have at least two versions developed more or less independently of each other with the Wii version usually handed to some incompetent outsourcing house that then produces a huge pile of garbage. It's not a new phenomenon on the Wii, the handhelds always got the crappy versions of cross platform games too and I recall many copmplaints about the botched PS2/Gamecub

      • I'd like to ask this same question myself to many, many developers. It seems they either go for PS3/360 or Wii, rarely both.
    • by bryansj ( 89051 )
      But you are forgetting that the PS3 has Six-Axis controllers! You'll get to play the game holding the controller level and then get to flick it around. I'm sure it will be used with great results if any of the previous PS3 games are any measure.
    • I can't remember the last time I used the wii to play a wii game.

      Typically I play downloaded classic games or gamecube stuff.

    • I have to agree... like Resident Evil 5, I wish the target platform was Wii. These games were meant to be played with that controller.
    • Yes please. What I need now more than anything is a thumbstick to move and a brick to shake to do every other action. Because it would be fresh and exciting.

      I'm bitter about my Wii purchase. Does it show?

  • A remake...of a 21-year-old game? Come on. Get some new ideas, for chrissake. The current crop of game-playing kids wasn't even born then, how could there be any demand for a remake? Oh, but I know - there are no new ideas, and instead it's all rewarmed crap from an earlier era. What's next, Bionic Commando: Electric Boogaloo?
    • by aliquis ( 678370 )

      At least they got an idea "let's remake this", probably because it delivered something special, instead of not getting an idea and deliver more of the same old / what everyone else release.

    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

      Well, swinging around on a grappling hook is always a good idea (but also easy to botch, especially in 3d where many games go with a lock-on system which completely undermines the whole make-your-own-stunt appeal of the rope) and I don't think they're actually keeping more ideas from BC than that, just using the name to get some extra hype because many game reviewers did play games on the NES.

      Of course I'd rather see Ninja Five-O (GBA) get a follow up because ninjas > commandos but then again a 3d game w

    • by Rurik ( 113882 )

      And what is YOUR idea? It's easy to tell someone to come up with something original, but you give it a shot. What is a brand new idea that no one has ever done, that would be good as a video game and sell a million copies?

    • Of COURSE a remake, the more ancient the game the better. Hell, you can even remake all the crappy games of the time. Nobody is going to remember it and will laud you for your fresh and new idea.

      'scuse me while I write a remake of Pong.

      • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

        'scuse me while I write a remake of Pong.

        That's been done so often... I'd point at Bit.Trip Beat but taking that as the latest example would run the risk of there being about 100 other remakes being released between BTB's release and now.

        Anyway, some games could really use remakes to remove the bad designs stemming from a period where people simply didn't know better. Take Zelda 2: Link's Adventure. The game is loved by some, considered terrible by others. It could be greatly improved by altering some key d

    • by Kell Bengal ( 711123 ) on Thursday April 16, 2009 @06:46AM (#27595771)
      Actually Bionic Commando wasn't crap - it was a tour-de force of its day. If anything, because so few kids today got to play it, it's a perfect opportunity to bring that fun to new gamers. BC: Rearmed was exactly that, leveraged well.

      I was an original BC player and Rearmed rocked my world, even after having played through it again on Rocknes merely a month beforehand. If you didn't enjoy BC the original maybe it's not for you, but give it a chance and perhaps you'll find something that rocks your world too?

      Games are like dames. Some are cheap and you get what you pay for; some look pretty but it's just cosmetics; and some are classy and only get better with age and experience.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      The current crop of game-playing kids wasn't even born then, imagine the demand for a remake with this fresh audience.

      There, fixed that for ya.

    • A remake...of a 21-year-old game? Come on. Get some new ideas, for chrissake. The current crop of game-playing kids wasn't even born then, how could there be any demand for a remake?

      You may not be aware of it, but video games are no longer solely the domain of unpopular 12-year-old boys. A lot of those boys have grown up, are in their 20s and 30s now, and still play. And they have a good amount of disposable income available for the hobby, which both Sony and Microsoft have used to their advantage. You w

      • by Jaysyn ( 203771 )

        No, they waited 10 more years to release the NeoGeo, which was God knows how much in today's inflation-money.

    • What's next, Bionic Commando: Electric Boogaloo?

      Son of Bionic Commando.
      Bride of Bionic Commando.
      I Was a Teenage Bionic Commando.

      (You can do it too, kids!)

  • I'm sorry. (Score:3, Funny)

    by ( 1195047 ) <philip.paradis@p ... t ['egr' in gap]> on Thursday April 16, 2009 @04:47AM (#27595385) Homepage Journal
    When I hear the phrase "Bionic Commando" I get a weird mental image of a half-robot person without any underwear.
  • by Conch ( 52381 )

    Judging from the comments there seems to be a little confusion. This is NOT the remake of Bionic Commando, the remake was released last year: [] and was great IMHO.

    This article is about an sequel to Bionic_Commando; []

  • ...the arbitrarily placed borders blocking you from exploring further places combined with the targeting system looks a lot like Enter the Matrix.

  • I've played both the NES version and the C64 port of the coin-op and I have to say the NES version, while being good enough fun, has too much back-and-forth in that very 80s console platform adventure way. The coin-op was a classic platform run-and-gun with a quite simple but very flexible control system. If you want retro, go back to the source!
    • You think the arcade version of Bionic Commando was better than the NES version? I've played through both and I have to tell you, you're not only wrong, you're fucking crazy. Do you think the NES version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was better?

  • I assume that since Capcom's responsible for this game key features which are included on the game disk will only be unlocked after I pay them extra for it.
  • > There are also challenges that unlock upgrades for Nathan. These could be as simple as
    > doing five zip kicks or as complex as killing a specific enemy with a specific move.
    > It's a great way to add depth to the game and encourage the player to use all of
    > the moves available to them.

    No it isn't. Good game design is a great way to get people to use all the available movies: Because they are fun and spectacular to do, and don't feel gimped.

    "Rewards" is a piss-poor way to encourage the player t

  • Some of the best unintended video game translation comedy this side of All You Base came from this game. Also the fact that Nintendo censored the Nazi element of the game, yet forgot to eliminate the image of Hitler from it.

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