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The Ultimate "Doll House" For WoW Players 44

BoyIHateMicrosoft! writes "A friend of mine sent me this link today about a group of MIT students who have created something called a WoWPod. It's like a playhouse for WoW players. It has everything from Refreshing Spring Water, to food (Like Crunchy Spider Surprise of course!) to a toilet and of course the appropriate gaming gear."


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The Ultimate "Doll House" For WoW Players

Comments Filter:
  • Oblig. (Score:5, Funny)

    by SatanicPuppy ( 611928 ) <> on Friday May 08, 2009 @01:05PM (#27879233) Journal

    "How can you kill...That which has no life?"

    • They are just preparing for post-Singularity life.

    • "How can you kill...That which has no life?"

      It doesn't have "no life". No instead of living in their parent's basement, millions of WoW users can live in a WoWPod!

      Just think if we make it a little bigger and include a bed, they would never have to leave?

      I hear Singapore just ordered several thousand of them.

    • I was about to suggest he make sure it fulfills all the requirements of a coffin as well.

      Like, maybe, a bell on a string to yank so you can let people know your still alive.

  • by StCredZero ( 169093 ) on Friday May 08, 2009 @01:05PM (#27879247)

    No Eliza Dushku in this one! []

  • The virtual character then jubilantly announces the status of the meal to both the gamer and the other individuals playing online: "Vorcon's meal is about to be done!" "Better eat the ribs while they're hot!" etc

    Well, let's just hope the announcements are limited to the food being eaten and not other "facilities". Not that some 'tard announcing every little thing isn't annoying enough, actually.

    And a crapper built in to the chair you sit in to for gaming? I sincerely hope who ever uses this mutes their mi

    • Next on the Violence Channel, it's Ow, My Balls! With Hormel Chavez!

    • Some computer gaming mag I use to read back in the early 90's had an advertisement for a gaming chair with a toilet build into it right next to a fridge. It was a joke more or less but this was about the time Active X was just becoming popular and featured Active Splash with forcefeedback for the commode, an acne cream dispenser that doubled as a jolt cola and Doritos holder, and a host more of moronic statements/devices that had you rolling for days.

      I'm not sure why I had to tell you that outside to ensure

  • It's definitely earned the name in one way: if you go into one, you won't have a life of your own for at least 5 years. And it may destroy your brain.

  • great, more places where they can go to... not get laid!
  • While this is a good idea, it is missing a critical component: privacy.

    Without real privacy, this "dollhouse" is nothing more than a well-equipped cubicle. (How am I gonna pleasure myself to naked goat-chix and elf-babes without secrecy and security from prying eyes?)

    PS: Must credit Homer Simpson for prior art.

  • All I can say is... wow...
  • Wait... (Score:4, Funny)

    by Locke2005 ( 849178 ) on Friday May 08, 2009 @01:12PM (#27879345)
    I've seen this before... didn't these used to be called "outhouses"?
  • I can't tell if the hut itself is virtual or not.

  • by bi_boy ( 630968 ) on Friday May 08, 2009 @01:34PM (#27879733)

    Me thinks these MIT students have been chugging too much Mountain Dew while cramming for final exams. Unless this is actually for a class...

    Subtext being that this WowPod is basically a diorama of slightly higher quality than that of a 5th grader but is deemed newsworthy by being contexted with World of Warcraft and having been done by MIT students.

    • So, I think you have underestimated the quality of MIT PhDs. From the designer's website: []

      Overall, this work ties into my research at the MIT Media Laboratory, Tangible Media Group, specializing in the design of hybrid physical/digital objects for play, performance and psycho-physiotherapy. I create tactile interfaces to shift the body boundaries, exploring technology mediated "holding" (from grabbing, to hugging, to being secured) as a lever to personal growth.

      • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Your lips are moving, but all I hear is buzzword, buzzword, buzzword...
    • by IorDMUX ( 870522 )

      Subtext being that this WowPod is basically a diorama of slightly higher quality than that of a 5th grader but is deemed newsworthy by being contexted with World of Warcraft and having been done by MIT students.

      ... and having an integrated data reader, intelligent cooking system, servo-controlled cooking apparatus, software tie-ins, and even simulated avatar interaction. (See the original blog [] for details, rather than the blog-about-a-blog in the summary)

      True, it's no PhD thesis, but it is inventive and amusing, and a nice brief distraction during the workday. Whether it belongs in Idle or not is up to the editors, but I was entertained.

    • Where you're from, do 5th Graders normally build structures big enough to fit a person inside of, equipped with electricity, plumbing and virtual crack? Can I move there as well?
  • I've always been afraid that if Blizzard can ever figure out how to get some labor out of WoW players, like 40 man raids simulate protein folding or something, they'd be unstoppable.

    And the outhouse in the article is basically a very early alpha version of what you'll see of humanity at some point in the future... probably distant future. And then it'll basically be the matrix. And they'll prolly still have a monthly charge, and we'll pay it. =/


  • you insensitive clod!

  • That thing appears to be themed off something from what I'd see in the Barrens that belongs to the Horde. This won't work because it has furniture inside and no simple mats.

  • No one living in their parents' basement should be without one.

    . . . and a brilliant new gibberish metric: How big is your basement, in WoW Dollhouses?

  • bring poopsocking to a whole new level.


  • What the hell happened to Crunchy Frog?
    Praline: Next we have number four, 'crunchy frog'.
    Milton: Ah, yes.
    Praline: Am I right in thinking there's a real frog in here?
    Milton: Yes. A little one.
    Praline: What sort of frog?
    Milton: A dead frog.
    Praline: Is it cooked?
    Milton: No.
    Praline: What, a raw frog?
    Praline: Next we have number four, 'crunchy frog'.
    Milton: Ah, yes.
    Praline: Am I right in thinking there's a real frog in here?
    Milton: Yes. A little one.
    Praline: What sort of frog?
    Milton: A dead frog.
    Praline: Is it c

  • I won't call it complete until they place a tombstone in honor of Mankrik's wife, dead all these years and still not buried.
  • You know, the really lame stuff that has nothing to do with trade?

    By the way, I just had Kehrbehr drop some glyphs for sale at the Horde AH in Mok'Nathal ... enjoy!

Them as has, gets.
