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No Dedicated Servers For CoD: Modern Warfare 2 313

An anonymous reader writes "Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling (aka fourzerotwo), in an interview with on October 17th, announced that one of the mainstays of PC multiplayer gaming, dedicated servers, won't be in IW's upcoming sequel to Call of Duty 4. Instead, players will use the unknown 'IW Net' for matchmaking purposes. No dedicated servers means no player mods, no player maps, no organized competitive play, no clan servers, etc., and strips away what makes PC gaming different from console gaming. Many vocal gamers have canceled their pre-orders, and a petition to reverse this decision is already past 86,000 signatures."
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No Dedicated Servers For CoD: Modern Warfare 2

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  • Won't it raise their bandwidth costs and potentially cause bottlenecks ?

    Well, I guess not if players aren't using it. Then, are they shooting themselves in the foot ?

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by santax ( 1541065 )
      Something tells me they want to use 'distributed power'for this. In other words... they want to use the customer bandwidth... And not invest in their own. But look at the bright side. With no possible way to team up with friends and clans on their servers I don't feel very much pressed to buy the game. Now, where is that piratebay-thingie.
      • Most likely, they made this decision so that they can use server-side copy protection (aka, Show me valid cd-key, bitch!), not unlike Starcraft2 removal of LAN gameplay in favor of battlenet, so expect centralized system. Otherwise, there is no point.

        So, you will be out of luck with piratey thing unless piratey people take time to write their own servers.

      • uh, dedicated servers means they don't have to use their bandwidth, so I don't get where you're going about that.

        Meanwhile, yes, this is when a game decision is so asinine that people have a reason to pirate. Again, brought to you by the same people who killed off LAN from Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2.

        "better experience" = we're a bunch of greedy assholes and we want to use the phrase 'better experience' to rationalize our imaginary fight against piracy to shove DRM up your ass and prevent you from playing on t

        • by sopssa ( 1498795 ) *

          After playing Left4Dead, I cant really bitch about its match-making system either tho. There are no server lists and you can easily just jump in to game. But if you like to, you can also invite your friends via steam to same server, or set up your own lobby where they join (and then open it up for others to fill rest of the player slots if you dont have as many)

          Granted, with MW1 there was some servers I liked and I added them to my favourites list - mostly because they were administrated good, they had (usu

    • I couldn't manage to shoot myself in the foot when I last played CoD.
    • Probably they're trying to switch it to a Xbox Live/Left4Dead model, where the game will randomly pick someone (after a brief test of their bandwidth) to be the server, then not tell them they're the server to prevent that person from being a jackass. The problem is that although the game tries not to reveal who the server is, there's usually an obvious "tell", so the guy who happens to be the server can still be a jackass.

  • by MrMista_B ( 891430 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @03:29AM (#29805111)

    Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned.

    • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *
      Let's be honest. Fans of the series are going to bitch and moan about it--threatening boycotts, signing petitions, writing nasty emails. But, at the end of the day, most of them are still going to buy it anyway.
      • by Rashan ( 546637 )
        well, as someone who was on the fence about purchasing the game, this has moved me solidly into the "no" category. One sale lost, anyways... there's probably others like me.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @03:30AM (#29805115)

    As much as I agree with the petition and the sentiment behind it. I doubt it will sway Infinity Ward or Activision to do anything about this. While 86k signatures is alot, and this will surely cost them some sales I doubt it will have any effect on the profits made from the console versions.

    If the sales of the PC version tanked it would also give them a good reason to drop the PC platform all together which is understandable from a business point of view.

    • by V4L3R4 ( 1526175 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @03:42AM (#29805173)
      We're pretty much boned, too late to change anything, guess I'll download it from that piratebay thingie. This is the problem with ActiBlizzard, they know people will pay for WOW many times over, they have all the money they will ever need, now they just like to see how much they can get away with. Sadly, this is one of those times, bend over loyal customers
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        We're pretty much boned, too late to change anything, guess I'll download it from that piratebay thingie.

        which will accomplish... what exactly?

        Will it fix the problem of no dedicated servers? Nope.

        Will it send the message that gamers want dedicated servers? Not really. It more sends the message that PC gamers will take any unrelated excuse to pirate, and by extension, lessen the chances that the developers will bother with the PC platform in the future.

        Will it stand up for our freedoms and help prevent oppr

    • by 4D6963 ( 933028 )

      Well the problem apparently is that they're doing this to curb PC piracy. I wanted to exceptionally buy MW2 (I haven't bought a game in 10 years) because playing only on cracked servers on MW kind of sucked (mostly when the few servers out there have PunkBuster turned off so you know that's where all the aimbot/wallhack noobs go), and to know it'll most likely use Steam (is the Steam app still as annoying and intrusive as a few years ago?) and that there will be no dedicated servers has me reconsidering tha

      • "mostly when the few servers out there have PunkBuster turned off so you know that's where all the aimbot/wallhack noobs go"

        Not to mention those of us who made cod4 go on Linux w/ wine, alas. Cod4's PB doesn't work, since it checks the integrity of various Windows API calls.

      • by nutshell42 ( 557890 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @04:55AM (#29805479) Journal
        So you, a habitual pirate by your own admission, wanted to make an exception for just this one game until, surprise surprise, you found that excuse you needed to steal it instead.

        Cry me a river.

        • by 4D6963 ( 933028 )
          Well, not really, I pretty much have to buy it now.
        • Wow, do you even know how to read? The guy is saying that he is going to play a different game instead, and MAYBE buy MW2 when the price drops significantly. I don't see anything there where he is admitting to piracy or saying that he is going to pirate MW2. You fail.
          • I don't see anything there where he is admitting to piracy or saying that he is going to pirate MW2. You fail.

            Really? He says "I haven't bought a game in 10 years", but played CoD4 even though "playing only on cracked servers on MW kind of sucked". CoD4 came out 2 years ago, during a period where he was not purchasing games, and could not play on official servers. That's an admission of piracy.

            Of course, he doesn't then claim he will be pirating MW2, just that the thing that he would have bought it for (good dedicated servers) might not be there anymore.

            I have a really hard time feeling bad for someone who pira

      • Well the problem apparently is that they're doing this to curb PC piracy.

        And yet, they will encourage it, as people will want cracked versions they can use with private servers.

        Alanis, are you paying attention? *This* is the definition of "ironic".

        • by 4D6963 ( 933028 )

          lol, yeah, not too sure about that, I mean, things can get complicated. Like with GTA IV, last time I checked you needed to get on a VPN to play it online on private servers.

        • by sopssa ( 1498795 ) *

          If there's no dedicated server support originally in the game, it means crackers will need add and code it fully *in to the game* to begin with. That is a *lot* more work than just patch some code so that the pirate server doesn't authenticate with main server.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by poetmatt ( 793785 )

        this is stupid. Punkbuster is such a piece of crap it doesn't even work on most modern gaming systems which require it. XP was about the last thing to support it.

        Piracy is an excuse for "we want to be even lazier and not even put in effort anymore. also, micropayments".

        Nobody likes steam, their DRM is marginally better. You know what'd be the best? No DRM! What an idea!It's just they're the only one with a remotely acceptable solution (and not entirely, at that). Everyone else is even worse dinosaurs of a p

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by sopssa ( 1498795 ) *

          Nobody likes steam, their DRM is marginally better. You know what'd be the best? No DRM! What an idea!It's just they're the only one with a remotely acceptable solution (and not entirely, at that). Everyone else is even worse dinosaurs of a past era.

          I'm not too sure about that. Steam has always worked great, and I actually prefer buying from it because of the easiness of it. On top of that you get the additional community features of steam with every game. And it's a lot easier to just download your games again if you ever delete them or go to other computer / friends place. I now a days actually prefer Steam version over physical versions (and no you dont need to be connected to internet to play them - just a few days my internet was broken for the wh

      • Last I checked, L4D has no dedicated servers. I can play mods all I want.

        What they need is a peering system that lets mods be uploaded to game players who don't have the map/mod.

        • Last I checked, L4D has no dedicated servers. I can play mods all I want.

          L4D has plenty of dedicated servers, provided both officially by Valve and by private individuals and groups.

    • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @04:59AM (#29805495)
      If the sales of the PC version tanked it would also give them a good reason to drop the PC platform all together which is understandable from a business point of view.

      It's not understandable if it tanked through their own hamfisted restrictions. PC gamers like dedicated servers. It means clans have somewhere fixed to play, they can make mods, they can moderate who gets on, they can run game matching front ends etc. More importantly, it means the players can run servers beyond a game's commercial life.

      It doesn't stop Infinity Ward running their own official servers, or offering some form of single sign-on, or medals / points / rewards, or even selling DLC, or even preventing piracy. They could provide their own server as a value add, and I'm sure the service would be popular. But I see no technical reason for taking away a feature that many people want, especially since the code already exists.

      • by icebraining ( 1313345 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @05:26AM (#29805587) Homepage

        Mod parent up! His right in the spot:

        More importantly, it means the players can run servers beyond a game's commercial life.

        When MW3 arrives, they'll pull the plug on these servers to force everyone to buy the new game.

        I still play UT99, ten years after release. I won't but games with planned obsolescence. There is no good reason to do this except screwing the costumer.

      • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *
        I suspect the real reasons behind it are that they want you BUYING their official DLC (not getting free mods from other players) and because routing the game through official servers only means that they can control piracy a lot easier (since you can't just route your pirated version into a private server somewhere).
      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        That's exactly right. Battlefield 2 was a perfect example of this. If you wanted a ranked server that would report your stats back to EA, your server company had to pay licensing to EA. If you wanted a clan server that wouldn't report stats, anyone could download the server software. You could choose to run an older version of the game, or mods, or whatever you wanted. So, people can play BF2 on custom servers forever if they'd like, but if they want to take advantage of the official ranking system the
    • It is an odd decision, for sure. At first glance, it seems counter-productive, because leaving aside any potential lost sales (and to be honest, I doubt too many of those will actually materialise), there must surely be more cost in providing some bespoke matchmaking system than in sticking in a server browser and letting people host dedicated servers. However, thinking about it, I can think of a few of the factors that are likely behind this. Note that I'm not saying I endorse them; just that I think these

    • they're going to try to nickel and dime the gamers for every little addon and component. Want to play? $50. Want to play with actual weapons? Another $5 per weapon. Or some other equally idiotic requirement. Somehow they think micropayments are a good thing and there is lots of proof that it's not.

      Thus, these 92 thousand signatures add up to way more over time, you know, like what is probably 1/4 or more of the people that were supposedly going to buy this game (not me, especially not now, not before this e

  • Here's the petition (Score:5, Informative)

    by cjfs ( 1253208 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @03:32AM (#29805133) Homepage Journal

    Here's the petition [].

  • For the sake of the further growth of the battlefield community i surely hope they don't introduce a serverbrowser nor dedicated servers :) That'd give DICE such an advantage on the PC.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by V4L3R4 ( 1526175 )
      "To answer a lot of questions; Will BFBC2 PC have dedicated servers the user will control? YES!" "And console (PS3, Xbox360) also has access to host Dedicated servers through BFBC2 Private Matches, eliminating "host with the most" issues." [] DICE seem to have timed these perfectly, was already a first day buy for me, might pre-order now. Suck it Infinity Ward, you just failed, hard
  • No fun (Score:5, Interesting)

    by 4D6963 ( 933028 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @03:48AM (#29805187)

    It appears that there will be no community mods or maps for MW2.


    Mods/custom maps were half the fun of CoD4 on PC. Paintball mod on the Simpsons map (mp_simpsons) was awesome, and most custom maps I've played were pretty awesome, several of them could even have been official maps.

  • by carterhawk001 ( 681941 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @03:51AM (#29805197) Journal
    If everyone who signed the petition canceled their pre-order and/or boycotts the game, that's already over $5mil in lost sales. I'm guessing that through word of mouth that number will certainly go up.
    • by Forthac4 ( 836529 ) <> on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @04:06AM (#29805253)

      If everyone who signed the petition canceled their pre-order and/or boycotts the game, that's already over $5mil in lost sales. I'm guessing that through word of mouth that number will certainly go up.

      Assuming people have the balls to actually cancel their pre-order and not buy the game. There are a lot of people who bitch and moan about game companies decision's concerning their games, but very rarely do these people seem to do the most effective thing to tell the game company that they don't like it, which is to NOT BUY THE GAME. Its like the people who complain about securROM yet who still buy the game and just send a letter(or so they claim) to the company. They don't give a shit about any of that letter crap, once they have your money they could care less, and if you continue to buy their games you're just perpetuating the problem. Vote with your wallets people.

      • by GF678 ( 1453005 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @06:21AM (#29805849)

        Assuming people have the balls to actually cancel their pre-order and not buy the game. There are a lot of people who bitch and moan about game companies decision's concerning their games, but very rarely do these people seem to do the most effective thing to tell the game company that they don't like it, which is to NOT BUY THE GAME. Its like the people who complain about securROM yet who still buy the game and just send a letter(or so they claim) to the company. They don't give a shit about any of that letter crap, once they have your money they could care less, and if you continue to buy their games you're just perpetuating the problem. Vote with your wallets people.

        It's actually worse than that. A lot of people will end up pirating the game and make it clear on forums or whatever that they pirated the game as their way of "protesting". But all that does is two things:

        * It shows that those complaining can't really be that serious as they aren't prepared to do without, which makes one's position much less credible, and
        * It gives publishers another data point when talking about game piracy numbers.

        If you really truly have an issue with a particular software company, and you feel that the only way to make an impact is to not give them any money, then you also have to accept the fact that making a credible stance HAS to also include not using their software, even for free. Otherwise, you're part of the problem.

        Having said all that, sticking to these principles can be rather difficult. Particularly when one is young and was brought up on having tons of pirated content on their hard drives. :)

    • by 4D6963 ( 933028 )
      It's over eighty-nine thousand!!!
    • Oh please, PC gamers bitch and moan about everything. Bitch, moan, bitch, moan. At the end of the day, they'll buy the game anyway, and nothing will change. Canceled pre-orders doesn't hurt anybody but GameStop and Amazon, and they'll make the money back in a month with the gamers buy the thing anyway.

      And has an online petition ever gotten any company to change their policy on anything? I don't have the imagination to think of a *less* effective way to protest.

  • This will end well (Score:2, Insightful)

    by r6_jason ( 893331 )
    Look at the difference between L4D and TF2, if you are going to do stuff like that match maker in L4D, don't even bother with dedicated servers, I do not wish to provide welfare servers, as such was the case w/ L4D, w/ no way to see return players who may have an interest in seeing the server grow and donating to keep it going. PC FPS gamers are a different bunch then console FPS gamers. I do suspect that this has more to do w/ the game being modded then anything else, not too sure why that would do that,
    • by icsx ( 1107185 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @06:08AM (#29805773)
      L4D's lobby system fails in so many ways, even today after multiple updates.

      1. You get assigned to a lobby where someone (lobby host) is from Australia and you from Finland. ERR, thats a 370ms latency right there

      2. You join into a game that is already going. ERR, that's a 150ms latency there between you and the server which hardly is playable as you cannot predict the zombies hits properly.

      3. Lobby assigns you to a modded server where there are some shitty mods going on, the option "back to lobby vote" is disabled. Shit outta luck there. Too bad that the modded servers and 3rd party servers are in same pile (which SUCKS).

      4. You cannot select a server where to go, unless you revert to console commands and are a lobby host or use direct connect to particular server through console.

      5. Custom maps are a joke. You have to pre-download them and it takes too long time due to maps (campaigns) being over 100 megs, even 300. Once you download them, imagine 30 KB's a second. Thats 1 hour right there. At the point where you get it downloaded, no one is even playint it anymore. Next time you play, same thing but you get to download whole new campaign. At the moment i have 5 Gigs of custom campaigns downloaded from which i have played 3 out of over 20 campaigns.

      On the good old CSS/TF2 system, you could just connect to a server and download the campaign from there directly and fast, if the server used a fastdownload host. I guess there was a reason for this, so the slow downloaders would not reserve a spot but Valve should have had the custom maps available over Steam.

      6. You end up on a gameserver that is running within a server that is overcrowded aka overloaded aka running too many goddamn gameservers. Even Valve does this with L4D. The official L4D servers were running only 10-20 ticks per second while the optimal is 30. This is caused by the overhead CPU usage in panic events, such as finales and small fight scenes. At that point the CPU usage peaks up 100-300% compared to regular usage. Imagine 30 servers running fine and then all having panic event at the same time. Sheesh!

      7. There is no community in L4D. I have one server in top 150 played L4D servers in the world (valve rank, which you see when entering the gameserver). It has served over 26531 players at that time from which 99,99% are people who see:
      - Good server running
      - Wonder how they could go there through lobby again

      Valve builds a system where players keep in touch through Steam so they get together through random system and them meet up on some server ,add eachothers to friendslist and so on. This is perfectly fine but what Valve now forgets is the communities that actually run the servers. There should be a way to pick a server from the list and if its free, lobby assign to it. How hard can it be?

      8. No one is actually looking after the players at the servers. There are stats about ragequits, teamkills, and such but not for the server owners. All they can do is look at the logs if someone killed the whole group in some random game and left the server. That sucks, really. And who reads those logs, there are tons of text for crying out loud!

      9. The lobby search fails with filtering. If i put difficulty level to Any, i get multiple servers. If i go back, select filter to Expert, i see none or only 1, 2 campaigns with expert on, even though previously with setting any, i saw over 10. If i go back and set it to any again, i see them again, all of them.

      10. A lot more stuff that i just can't now remember.

      Lobby works to a certain point, perhaps for games like this but needs work - a lot.
      • On the good old CSS/TF2 system, you could just connect to a server and download the campaign from there directly and fast, if the server used a fastdownload host. I guess there was a reason for this, so the slow downloaders would not reserve a spot but Valve should have had the custom maps available over Steam.

        The "sv_downloadurl" cvar was put in place long before CSS came out. I ran a 1.6 server in late 2003 to 2005 and once I talked my host into giving me some webspace and bandwidth I immediately saw a massive increase on people joining my server and more donations to pay for the server bill. Sometimes I didn't even pay for it because of the amount of cash coming in.

        This was all before any idiot could run a server and you had to hack away at configuration files and manually install mods, maps, etc -- much like

  • by John Pfeiffer ( 454131 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @04:09AM (#29805273) Homepage

    My comment on this on Kotaku about sums it up.

    YAY! Now I can't escape horrible lag and the unwashed masses by playing on a reliable, closely-moderated server full of people who aren't mentally-defective monkeys! Fucking awesome.

    Seriously, what the hell? I've always loved clan servers. You find a good one with the gametype and map(s) you want, get in there, play well, and you start developing rivalries and camaraderie with the regulars and even gang up on the occasional asshat griefer/defective who joins. They even tend to have several servers running different maps/gametypes that the same subset of people play on. For the uninitiated, this is called A COMMUNITY. Look it up.

    I don't want to be thrown into an endless stream of random assclowns with the exceptions of the 2-3 people on my buddy list, and I don't want to 'friend' every goddamn person I wouldn't mind playing with again. Not to mention the fact that this kind of hosting setup is going to mean the game plays like shit 80% of the time, with no guarantee of stability or performance.

    I knew MW2 was too good to be true. I worried they'd find some way to completely fuck it up. Oh well, at least we'll have the singleplayer... Unless they suddenly require us to play with a fucking 360 controller.

    Infinity Ward: If I wanted a game console, I'd buy a fucking game console. kthx

    • Right on. That's my thought exactly. Dedicated servers provide a place for regulars to hang out. And it's much more fun playing with regulars than random people every time.
    • Well said good sir. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising just recently made this exact same retarded decision and payed for it with tons of canceled preorders and crap sales. At least the torrent speed for it was really good thanks to everyone not wanting to actually pay money for a game with gutted multiplayer.

      The real joke to all of this is that I never play multiplayer games on the consoles for the sole reason that the multiplayer is always, without fail, completely terrible. Now they want to bring
  • The beauty of this whole thing is that they will then use the low sales on the PC to justify cutting the platform for their next game, as obviously all PC gamers are pirates, who refuse to buy their awesome game.. It isn't PC gaming that is dying, it is PC games, but I guess the few companies that understand this stand to make quite a bit of money as the competition shoot themselves in the foot one by one..

    • by 4D6963 ( 933028 )

      And here's why the PC market won't die : because pretending like there's no demand doesn't make the actual demand go away. Therefore even if some decide to cut the PC platform off you'll still have some left to provide PC games and reaping larger fruits. Which means inevitably those who want to cut it off by principle and to make a point (instead of cutting it off for profit-maximisation purposes, when making a PC port costs them less than the money PC sales make them) will come back to it. That's basic fre

  • I read this over the weekend and went mental. This seriously upset me. I'm off to a massive LAN in the UK in 3 weeks and there's talk of Activision being there to sponsor/promote an MW2 tournament to be held there. (the LAN runs from 13th-16th November, just a few days after the game launches). If they are, they are getting 1500 gamers in their faces telling then to take their shitty console game and FUCK OFF. I'm seriously tempted to run around with people spotting people playing it and removing it from
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      I'm seriously tempted to run around with people spotting people playing it and removing it from their PCs

      Oh, so you're one of THOSE people. Nice. Not suprised Activision has little or no regard for the opinions of your type.

      • If you're blaming the net effect, maybe you should look at the cause.

        This is like saying that music "piracy" is bad, yet the real reason is because consumers aren't getting the crap that they want. Oh wait, lets blame piracy.

      • I'm seriously tempted to run around with people spotting people playing it and removing it from their PCs

        Oh, so you're one of THOSE people. Nice. Not suprised Activision has little or no regard for the opinions of your type.

        It's called "raising customer awareness". People buy these games on the assumption that they can be modded. (I bought Half-Life 2 on the assumption that there would be cool mods for it, which is different, but equally disappointing — there are mods, but all of them are pretty weak.) People deserve to know that a major feature is being removed. Activision makes ads which essentially lie to you, why shouldn't gamers tell each other the truth? I didn't see anything about forced uninstalls on people's per

    • Re: (Score:2, Flamebait)

      If this seriously upset you to the point where you're visualising screaming "FUCK OFF" at Activision people and vandalising their customers computers to err, teach Activision a lesson: Get Counselling. You need it.
    • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *
      Dude, seriously, you need a vacation away from games for a while.
    • Maybe you should take your medication?

      You could just simply not buy the product, if you don't like it. Instead of vandalizing random people's computers, or pointlessly swearing at somebody.

  • This makes me sad (Score:2, Insightful)

    by frakt ( 1660429 )
    I was looking forward to buying and playing MW2, but not so much anymore. Now how will we be able to find a match that isn't ruined by idiots? I really liked having a couple of favorite stable servers with good admins and no idiots. I liked coming back to the same server every day, to compete with the same players I played with last time. I hope, but guess it's too late for them to realise their mistake and change this :\
  • Damnit Activision (Score:3, Insightful)

    by GF678 ( 1453005 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @05:06AM (#29805523)

    There's no technical reason for the lack of dedicated server support. It has to have bene a purely business decision, so fuck you Activision. Why are you doing this?

    I've heard some developers/publishers say that PC gamers complain a lot. When they pull shit like this, can you really blame 'em?

    • I can think of one very good reason why they're doing this: planned obsolescence. They're under no obligation to provide matchmaking support in perpetuity, and the presence of mods and custom maps unnaturally extends the lifespan of something they'd much prefer you replace after a year.
  • Good news ... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by whpsh ( 1014835 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @05:13AM (#29805555)
    ... I'll save $60. I'll have more MMO time. I'll be able to examine other FPS options, hopefully from IW competitors. Bad news: The dedicated servers (2xDell 2950s) I was prepping to serve this game + mods + maps in our data center just got flushed. Infinity Ward (like SOE) gets a big ban stamp from the gaming community. And apparently they've disabled forum registration on their site just to keep the mad folks off of it. But maybe I'm a singular case. If I was the IW CEO, everybody between me and the person that came up with this idea would be fired. Business should have zero tolerance for stupidity, and apparently they've got it in spades.
  • Seriously, even the former COD World at War, had sucky dedicated support, as they officially only made a windows version, the linux server was community created.., and i never got it to work. I mean, why can they not learn from the most success full games out there (half-life!) that had a half-life on about 10 years be course they made really good linux server support, created a really nice open mod system and generally was some jolly nice lads.

    Somehow I have a feeling the pc gaming industry is trying to
  • by IHC Navistar ( 967161 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @05:32AM (#29805615)

    Why do game companies follow software companies and do stupid stuff like this?

    It all seems to follow one general timeline of events:

    1) Make top-selling product.
    2) Reap millions.
    3) Follow up top-selling game with sequel, with plenty of fanfare.
    4) Reap more millions.
    5) Follow up sequel with yet another sequel.
    6) Make horrible, blatant mistake that customers tell you NOT to do.
    7) Defy customers and release product anyways.
    8) Lose millions.
    9) Keep product franchise on life support with mediocre sequels.
    10) Franchise dies.
    11) Lose millions more.
    12) Blame customers, second-hand sales, piracy.
    13) Be replaced by other company's products.

    Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

    • by LongNosePete ( 837934 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @06:48AM (#29806009)
      This isn't a problem with the console vs. pc gamer market. As much as I hate to say it, this is a misguided response to piracy.

      The Call of Duty Devs know exactly how many stolen / cracked copies are around for COD:MW, []. So their thinking (behind closed doors) is if you lock down the servers so people can't pirate / mod / customize servers you make more money.

      Reality piracy != sale. All of those people who crack / share cd keys are not going to go ahead a buy a copy of the game. Especially if it is crippled so only pirates can mod / play on outside servers.

      So Lather, Rinse, Repeat 6-13.
    • Maybe your point number 8 isn't exactly so. Maybe customers keep buying it, regardless of a minority of hard-core fanatics that complain, yet most of them also probably still buy it. I call it the StarWars eps I-III effect

  • by The Nipponese ( 875458 ) on Tuesday October 20, 2009 @06:12AM (#29805803)
    On-line "petitions" probably carry 1/100th (if not 1/1000th) the effect of a hand-typed, printed, and signed letter. This applied doubly so to letters to politicians. If you really give a damn, put in the effort. It will make a difference to your cause.
  • No coop?
    No dedicated server support?

    I guess I'm buying Borderlands and will continue playing MW1 for my hardcore FPS.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Just went to voice my opinion on the Infinity Ward Forums. The link to the registration page is dead. Points to "/register" instead of the real registration page..

    Simple mistake or way of avoiding new folks from voicing their concerns??

    Go here to make a new comment in the petition thread.

    Click Register.. End up here:

    Anyway, I think this is the right page:

If you want to put yourself on the map, publish your own map.
