Professor Ditches Grades For XP System 311
schliz writes "Like in World of Warcraft, students of Indiana University's game design classes start as Level 1 avatars with 0 XP, and progress by completing quests solo, as guilds, or in 'pick up groups.' Course coordinator Lee Sheldon says students are responding with 'far greater enthusiasm,' and many specifics of game design could also be directly applied to the workforce. These included: clearly defining goals for workers; providing incremental rewards; and balancing effort and reward."
Now I just need to create a bot (Score:4, Funny)
If only I could create some sort of bot to do the work for me so I could then sell those rewards for money...
College Character Classes (Score:5, Funny)
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Hey, in the Real Game, my Level 80 Warlock is rather popular with the Blood Elf hotties....
He should have stuck with the 2000 system (Score:5, Funny)
While there are definite benefits to the XP system, it's a very large departure from the stable and useful 2000 system.
I predict the next step will be a major overhaul of the evaluation system which will be widely hailed as a vast improvement on paper but turn out to be a huge mess and pleasing to no one.
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>>>While there are definite benefits to the XP system, it's a very large departure from the stable and useful 2000 system.
Time to upgrade. While the new "7" system will not run on 128K RAM like XP could, it should fit comfortably inside a 256K computer and still let you run Internet Explorer or Firefox or Opera. Even my ancient AMD Athlon (P3-equivalent) laptop can run it.
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"You're basically taking a stupid joke well beyond the scopes of a joke and flatly addressing it as an operating system rather than a grading system"
Yes I believe that was theaveng's point.
Ever heard of dry humor or dry wit?
"good luck getting XP to run on 128K of RAM."
Well, not 128K, but my brother's laptop has just 128M of RAM. Of course that limits him to only single-tasking Firefox or single-tasking Word, but still XP works.
Quests (Score:2)
I predict the next step will be a major overhaul of the evaluation system which will be widely hailed as a vast improvement on paper but turn out to be a huge mess and pleasing to no one.
Well that and plenty of people complaining it is the same old shit, due the lack of quests. Unless the dungeon masters, uh managers, recognise this will simply cause the people to move on to the next environment where quests are implemented.
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Re:He should have stuck with the 2000 system (Score:4, Funny)
While there are definite benefits to the XP system, it's a very large departure from the stable and useful 2000 system.
And what is "2000 system"?
Don't worry, you can just keep using Millenium edition.
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Re:He should have stuck with the 2000 system (Score:4, Insightful)
I agree that it shouldn't be mandatory - in classes I teach I make it clear that attendance is optional, but woe betide anyone asking for help/an extra point because they're on the cusp/s mske-up exam if they didn't have decent attendance (extremely special circumstances excluded, of course). The extra credit potential for my courses comes in the form of quizzes, given out randomly throughout the term, and also in the form of 2-3 questions per exam that are based on class discussions and not from the text or any outside resource. It seems to be working - compared to my peers, I tend to have significantly higher attendance numbers.
One thing I have noticed over the years is that the students who make a habit of attending class regularly are the ones who tend to actually learn the material as opposed to just being able to puke it back for a test and then promptly forget it. I'm sure much of this is due to those students applying themselves more to their studies, but also I am sure there is a component of the regularity of the experience of class attendance forming stronger memories and associations. I know in my case I can still remember, vividly, graphs, charts and maps for a course on Islamic culture I took nearly 15 years ago, despite having never since paying much attention to it; I also know that there are entire sections of basic chem and biology that have flown right out of my mind, even though I aced those courses without attending any lectures.
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Perhaps if class wasn't so boring. I skipped a lot of classes, or if forced to attend, read the textbook during class because I can cover in 10-15 minutes what it takes a prof 50 minutes. - (Even today when I listen to lectures during my commute, I speed-up the playback to 2X speed. Otherwise it would be dull.)
And finally a lot of professors waste most of the class deriving equations. That's fine for someone who is a doctoral candidate, but I'm not. I'm an engineer. I don't care that Newton went t
Re:He should have stuck with the 2000 system (Score:5, Insightful)
Actually, I disagree with you there... I think it's VERY important to understand WHERE those equations come from and how to derive them (Especially for an engineer). If you don't know the roots of it, how can you ever know its limitations? I'll give you an example... You know that F=ma. But why should you need to know how it's derived? Well, it's derived from F= d(mv)/dt... So F=ma is only true if mass is constant with respect to time (So it doesn't work in cases of a rocket, airplane, top fuel dragster, etc)... That's easily seen from the derivation, but not trivial to see from dimensional analysis or the F=ma question itself. Without understanding the derivation, how can you ever hope to UNDERSTAND the equation? Sure, you can use it, but then how can you possibly KNOW if you pick the right one? And especially in the case of engineering, where people's lives can literally be at stake when choosing an equation, I sure as hell hope you understand the equation and not just know how to use it...
Re:He should have stuck with the 2000 system (Score:5, Funny)
We cannot have intelligent discussion occurring here and I'm afraid your post is way too insightful for this place. Just think of the children! Before long they will get these funny ideas in their heads and then it's off to school or heaven forbid it, a career! Of all the shameful things! Then look what you've done!
Remember this is a silly place for silly comments, such as "In Soviet Russia, equations calculate you", or "it's equations, all the way down". If you have a pro- or anti- Linux stance now is the time to make it known. Kindly do us a favor and think before you post, but not too much.
All right, now get on with it!
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Get on with it!
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So F=ma is only true if mass is constant with respect to time (So it doesn't work in cases of a rocket, airplane, top fuel dragster, etc)... That's easily seen from the derivation, but not trivial to see from dimensional analysis or the F=ma question itself.
Dimensional analysis? Seems pretty obvious to me from just looking at the equation that if 'm' changes, either 'F' or 'a' have to change as well. What's so hard to understand?
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Well, I agree, sort of. There's a reason that "core requirements" exist. I sure as hell hope that every educated person knows the basic foundations of physics. When I say the basic foundations
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I sure as hell hope that every educated person knows the basic foundations of physics.
I hate to break the news to you, but your hopes are unfulfilled.
Re:He should have stuck with the 2000 system (Score:5, Insightful)
A previous poster complained about derivations. (The rest of this post is directed at him/her, not to the immediate parent before me with whom I agree - for the most part). Well, without understanding where equations come from, haven't you just walked away with a cargo cult understanding of physics? Plug this into that equation and voila, you have a bridge that is probably as shaky as your concepts. A course like Physics for Poets is nothing but a compromise course, because there will always exist a class of people who will refuse to be bothered with "useless" things like mathematics and will demand that the workings of the universe be made comprehensible to them in simple terms that require only a modicum of thought. The very idea that the math and the physical concepts exist separately from each other in meaningful ways is ludicrous. In fact, without the math to derive the real world consequences of a physical idea in a logical way, a book on physics would have no more authority than a religious text. It is the math that makes it different. And the fact that students don't get this is responsible for the scientific illiteracy that plagues our nation today. A scientific explanation of a complex question (such as say, why the sky is blue) without recourse to mathematical analysis (like simply blubbering something about Rayleigh scattering) is only MARGINALLY superior to an answer such as "because God made it so". Because in the end, without the math, you're relying on your faith (in god or the scientist) to pacify (rather than satisfy) your curiosity about the world. The long road from a simple concept like light being an electromagnetic wave (as a first approximation) to the scattering of different colors of light that goes as the fourth power of the frequency can be traveled only in the vehicle that is mathematics. No amount of hand-waving arguments will let you bridge that gap in an intellectually honest way. Sure, you can resign yourself to the fact that some people cannot or will not (or do not wish to) travel that road and simply show them a picture of the final destination. Is that understanding? Or is it a low level faith masquerading as understanding?
The worst delusion is the one where people who "learn" through pop-sci books feel they "understand" something. To name something is not to understand. It's a delusion borrowed from the humanities and it has no place in the physical sciences. It's a start, but 99% of the work still remains to be done on your part.
Without deriving an equation yourself (or at the very least seeing it derived), you will NEVER understand (1) the assumptions that went into it and (2) consequently, the domain of its validity. So, the next time you try to use it in a practical situation to say, build something, I can only hope that the thing you build is safer than your general attitude.
Besides, we're talking about an introductory course on physics. 20 pages of derivations is something you'll see in an advanced course on quantum field theory (if that). If every equation in an intro physics course were rigorously derived, it wouldn't add more than 2 weeks to the course (and perhaps 20 pages TOTAL to your notebook if you scrupulously wrote it all down). But what it would do, in exchange for that minor inconvenience, is give you a level of understanding of the subject that (given the consolidation and refinement of the intervening years) would rival that of Newton himself. Ditto for relativity and Einstein, or quantum theory and Schroedinger.
Re:He should have stuck with the 2000 system (Score:5, Insightful)
In elementary school, we should be learning our tools. In highschool, we should be learning how everything fits together. A highschool graduate should know how to write a research paper, how to give a simple speech, how to do basic algebra, and how a bill becomes a law. A highschool graduate should be able to tell you Newton's Laws, balance a chemical equation, and name the primary organs in the body.
People keep insisting that college is the point at which you specialize, but the typical four-year degree has less than half of its courses actually in your major. My university actually had a mandatory requirement in the first two years for gym class! C'mon, people, we're adults! We should be able to choose whether or not we want to get slammed around the basketball court One More Time!
Basically, I am not arguing against the idea of core classes. I am arguing against the notion that we must continue to emphasize them through college. A classic core education shouldn't take 14-16 years and you should be able to spend more than 6 months learning how to do what you plan to spend the rest of your life doing.
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In other words, the education system should ensure that everyone has the basics in all important areas before they are qualified to start an undergraduate course. I think eighteen is a bit late for a Physics major to be learning basic English composition, or an English major to be memorising Newton's laws of motion.
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That truly differentiates the purpose of a University and a Community College.
Community colleges are basically trade schools with frills. Become a mechanic. Become a nurse. Become a beautician. Teach enough english classes so the mechanics and nurses and beauticians can be literate and communicate with th
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The reason we go to college is not to become a 'well rounded' person, we go to college so we can get better paying jobs. A
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I think that depends on why you know the material without going to class. Is it because you're a good book learner (and are able to memorize the material for the test), or is it because you get a significant amount of practice outside that particular course. I swit
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A university is not a student's employer! They work for you, you don't work for them. When you pay someone a large sum of money to teach you, they should show you a little respect.
This is still no remedy... (Score:4, Insightful)
...against boredom of grinding.
Re:This is still no remedy... (Score:5, Funny)
Can I pay for a Chinese man to power-level me through school?
Re:This is still no remedy... (Score:5, Funny)
Can I pay for a Chinese man to power-level me through school?
Dude, he's already doing it.
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Sorry to burst your bubble, but in the real world those who do nothing just get promoted and manage people with real skills. After all, it makes no business sense to promote programmers to become managers, that's just a waste of talent.
Re:This is still no remedy... (Score:5, Insightful)
XP grinding their degree will thoroughly prepare them for the tedium of working on software design, though.
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They'll learn just how expendable they are, and how easy it is to outsource their skills from a nation of cheaper labour.
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hey, lots of kids grind their way through college. It pays better than the tips they get from spinning around the pole.
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Nope, but I bet the betas are more interesting than regular classes.
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"Buddy whispers you, 'Why are we whispering?'"
Just make courses more fun. (Score:3, Funny)
This approach would be great in other courses.
Anatomy class, for example.
Play doctor and get credit.
Re:Just make courses more fun. (Score:5, Funny)
Anatomy class, for example. Play doctor and get credit.
Oh, I was thinking "bring me three frog livers for a reward".
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Balance? Yeah, right... (Score:5, Informative)
Balancing effort and reward doesn't interest most employers. They're interested in getting the most effort out of their employees for the least possible reward.
If they were to balance effort and reward, they might actually have to (for instance) pay overtime to the programmers who put in 80-hour weeks to meet the deadline...
(Score: -1, Overly Cynical) ;-)
Dan Aris
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Least possible *cost*, not *reward* (Score:2)
They're interested in getting the most effort out of their employees for the least possible reward.
I would say they're interested in getting as much output as possible, for as little expenditure as possible.
They don't mind how rewarding you find whatever they give you---in fact, they want you to be happy (because hiring a replacement if you're unhappy enough to leave is expensive).
And they also don't mind how much effort it requires on your part to make the output, they just want the 500 new widgets every day.
Re:Least possible *cost*, not *reward* (Score:5, Interesting)
On business taking pages from science (Score:3, Interesting)
Business took a page from science and said, "If I can't measure it, it doesn't exist."
I think of science saying something much closer to "If I can't measure it yet, I defer judgment until I can, and try to enable that. If it's inherently unmeasurable, I defer judgment forever."
Business people tend to not measure, and also not try harder at measuring, because they don't know the payoff of measuring harder, because they never measured that either, because [...].
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That's how accountants are. They are strictly process based, difficult to deal with, and stick with numbers. The reason why they seem to be good as managers is because they can play number games with metrics easily.
I am sure they all understand long term forecast keep employees happy is cost efficient. However it doesn't concern them as it doesn't affect their budgeting in any way shape or form. They are in a medium to large size company taking salaries, saving the company money that is difficult to quantif
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They don't mind how rewarding you find whatever they give you---in fact, they want you to be happy
No, what they want is for you to get your tasks finished and to not quit.
Fortunately, particularly in the US, job mobility is drastically limited by a number of factors: the current poor job market, high levels of household debt and low levels of savings (making long periods without steady income untenable), fear of losing healthcare coverage, etc. As such, employees don't want to quit in the face of mistreat
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It's hardly cynical - it's plain truth. Unless an organization is actively seeking exceptional candidates they need to min/max reward vs. productivity to ensure profitability.
A company with a mature, stable product that doesn't innovate much - say, manufacturing boxes - has absolutely no need to attract anyone exceptional in any way, and thus is pulling from the largest labor pool possible.
A company with new, innovative products that wants to completely redefine (or, even better, create) a market space - sa
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"If they were to balance effort and reward, they might actually have to (for instance) pay overtime to the programmers who put in 80-hour weeks to meet the deadline..."
supply and demand sucks, huh?
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Asshole employers don’t interest most employees. The’re interested in getting the most reward out of their employers with the least possible reward.
You act as if “employers” were some dominant class, ruling over who gets thee “right” to become their slaves.
They need us. But we don’t need them. We can always start our own business. But they can’t become their own employees.
And if they don’t get us, all they get is incompetent interns or temporaries who do
First job internew (Score:5, Funny)
Kid: "Well, I'm a level 8 Human designer. I'm mostly int and charisma."
Interviewer: "Err, okay... here, roll this 20 sided die. 10 or higher gets you a second interview"
"Sorry, I hope you are able to find better opportunities elsewhere."
*long pause*
"Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Fireball!"
"Please leave my office."
Re:First job internew (Score:5, Funny)
Well, we don't need employees who have bad luck...
Obligatory bash.org reference (Score:5, Funny)
As long as nobody puts on their robe and wizard hat during the interview, I'm happy :)
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Yes, I do realise where I am. I also realise that some here may be mechanical engineers, physicists, or work in medicine etc. and may not be aware of Bash.
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For the uninitiated... [ambrosiasw.com] Yes, I do realise where I am. I also realise that some here may be mechanical engineers, physicists, or work in medicine etc. and may not be aware of Bash.
Do you also realize that it predates Bash?
It's the hunter-gatherer syndrome... (Score:2, Interesting)
Change is motivational (Score:5, Insightful)
Course coordinator Lee Sheldon says students are responding with 'far greater enthusiasm,'
It's a documented fact that any change brings about a temporary boost in motivation. One should be careful with making generic assumptions based on this change.
Let me make an analogy we all understand. When you meet a girl and she wears these big unsexy undies, you don't really care because she'll look great to you anyway. When she becomes your wife, you'll suggest sexy, minimalistic underwear. And sooner or later, even that won't help.
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When she becomes your wife, you'll suggest sexy, minimalistic underwear. And sooner or later, even that won't help.
Maybe you should be spending more time with your wife, and less time posting on Slashdot...
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Re:Change is motivational (Score:5, Funny)
I think the more important aspect of this is the quick gratification this system provides. With todays attention span you need to reward people quicker and more often, but smaller.
Anyway I can't wait for the first guy who goes "LEEROY JENKINS!" on his group assignment.
Re:Change is motivational (Score:5, Informative)
That's the Hawthorne effect [wikipedia.org].
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Let me make an analogy we all understand. When you meet a girl and she wears these big unsexy undies, you don't really care because she'll look great to you anyway. When she becomes your wife, you'll suggest sexy, minimalistic underwear. And sooner or later, even that won't help.
Most women wear the sexy panties when they are starting to date and switch to the "unsexy" panties after they've already bagged the person they were trying to win over. If you wait until you're already married to suggest the "sexy
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My wife is ALWAYS the most beautiful woman in the world, and I never tire of looking at her. No matter what she is wearing. And she is almost 50.
Of course, she is also the only woman I'm allowed to have sex with. So I guess as long as my wife is having sex with me on a regular basis, she will continue to be the m
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Let me make an analogy we all understand. When you meet a girl [...]
Lonely Geek (Score:2)
Let me make an analogy we all understand. When you meet a girl and she wears these big unsexy undies, you don't really care because she'll look great to you anyway. When she becomes your wife, you'll suggest sexy, minimalistic underwear. And sooner or later, even that won't help.
I still don't understand. =(
Malware issue (Score:2, Funny)
heh (Score:2)
When my (then future) fiancee and I were about 6 months into our relationship, I would give or take away XP points to her based on things she said, and she did the same for me. XP could be awarded based on comedy (adding to CH), how thought provoking it was (adding to INT), or how much of a "OH DAMN" reaction you got (adding to ST). It was an arbitrary system not really based on anything, but XP could be turned in for "favors" of different varieties depending on the XP used, if you know what I mean.
idiocracy (Score:2)
Experience is not what you take college classes to obtain. Experience happens after graduation, or outside of the classroom. The intellectual frameworks of subjects and mechanisms for reasoning within those frameworks are what tertiary education provides.
In college, it does not matter so much that you have or have not done something, but how well you did that thing. Grades are a vital, and important part of that evaluation. Just saying that something was achieved or some act performed does not indicate
So you have to work to level up? (Score:2)
Better than the current system of pushing people up the ranks regardless of their ability and then being shocked when grade 9 students can't tell you what 4 * 9 is.
Re:So you have to work to level up? (Score:5, Funny)
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4*9 = 36
It's 6 * 9 that equals 42.
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You obviously don't use base 13.
Obligatory XKCD (Score:2, Informative)
http://www.xkcd.com/189// [xkcd.com]
cuz we're all just sims in some grander game.
They'll love World of Workforce (Score:5, Funny)
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If I had a guarantee of a 2 person Winnebago instance on the Florida server, life would be a lot easier to bear, even if I'd prefer 48 other states and a condo. Instead, I worry about actually making it to level 80 and suffering so many wipes and ganks that I'm stuck in the 70s before my subscription runs out.
We tried this at my company (Score:2)
It worked great until they brought in the George Clooney avatar to fire us.
Roleplaying (Score:2)
Student: "Stand down black knight, for I am Monty, a paladin of great power, pure of spirit, righteous to my core and I will strike you from your stead this day. What say you?"
Teacher: For God's sake student, sit down, I told you there is no XP for roleplaying in this class.
MBO, by any other name... (Score:3, Insightful)
This is almost identical to management by objective, where every quarter you're given some tasks to complete, and your quarterly bonus depends upon how many you get done. Where I work, the tasks include getting certified in something new, writing white papers, or performing "health checks" for our customers' data centers.
Achievement Unlocked (Score:2)
Achievement Unlocked: Class passed.
Achievements! (Score:2)
many specifics of game design could also be directly applied to the workforce
Achievement unlocked! Slept with intern.
MetaGame ... (Score:2)
There is an excellent, IMO, book called MetaGame, by Sam Landstrom which (as part of its plot) deals with a future society where economic rewards in work and play are based on a system of points based on a sophisticated economic game design.
Its an interesting read, and very entertaining. There's a thesis presented in there that is very similar to this -- that a game-based reward system drives both workers and society to higher levels of productivity *and* happiness.
I have no idea if its available in print,
Economist Article (Score:2, Insightful)
I remember reading an article in the Economist about how young people coming through the education system (in the UK) are becoming increasingly difficult to integrate into the workforce.
That article pointed out that the problems with such integration are precisely the "benefits" espoused by the summary above. Namely that new graduates expect ridiculously elaborate and well-defined goals, don't work very hard without specific incentives, have poor social skills and in general lack initiative.
The article (wh
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It's a two way street, though. A lot of managers are promoted up or hired in and have no idea how to effectively lead. As a manager, I found Individual Development Plans (IDPs) to be more effective and productive than other incentives. By working with your employee to define clear goals other than "Show up, work 8 hours, be better than the worst person on your team and then go home" you may find they aren't all just cogs with no ambition.
Some of them actually want to work toward something better and by help
Make sense, since Games ARE education. (Score:2)
Games are nature’s way of learning. Like dogs play, to train for the real world, so do we.
And their greatest aspect, is that they are fun. Because success and learning is supposed to be fun. After all it’s the basis of survival and winning the game of natural selection.
Only schools fucked that one up. Because as they are today, they were originally invented by Bismarck, because he wanted something like military drill, but for kids. (Yeah, how fucked up is that?)
So getting back to games, to a sol
Preselection (Score:2)
Wouldn't game design students be kind of self-selecting to be open to such an idea?
Not saying it's bad, but it's not exactly a surprise, either.
Similarly (Score:2)
Is that so bad? (Score:5, Insightful)
This kid leaves the fourth grade, and he pretty much forgets the little that he did learn in my class. He spends most of the next year playing catch-up.
Let me suggest the curriculum for a fourth grader's math assignments. I'm going to give this kid a test on the multiplication tables, but I'm going to give it a week earlier than the other teacher did. If this kid gets a quarter of the problems wrong, then he has to respawn and go fight the boss aga-- er, he has to take another multiplication tables test a week later. He keeps taking one of those tests once a week until he gets at least a 90% on it, even if the other kids have moved on to start taking other tests.
If this kid can't get ever get a 90% on these tables, he gets an F in math for the semester. If he passes the tables test, his grade levels up to a D.
Then I give this kid a test on double-digit multiplication. He has to take it again and again until he gets a 90% on the test. When he does, he levels up to a C in math for the semester. This might take him so long that he doesn't ever really get to the long division test, although I'll still give him some assignments to pick up on the basics of it.
The kid in the first example never really got a strong handle on any of the subjects I taught. The second kid knows his expletive'ing multiplication tables and has a good handle on multiplying numbers, even if he never got a good shot at the later stuff. The first kid got a D in math, the second kid got a C. Which kid do you think knows more about math?
Alternatively, I give one student that tables test, and he gets an A on the first try, a week earlier than the others. I tell this kid, okay, you can beta test the new dungeon that the devs are working on-- er, you can start looking ahead at some of the new material. Or maybe you can actually only get to a B in this class by doing the three main quests, so if you want to get to an A, you'll have to do at least a few side quests. Here, why don't you solve the puzzles in this beginner's programming book, since it's tangentially related to math? Or you could grind the goblins in this basic accounting sheet, teaching you to balance a checkbook?
I'm sure the actual logistics of this method would require a bit of work, but I'd like to see it tried out in practice once.
Re:Is that so bad? (Score:5, Interesting)
I did this, kind of, as a TA for a remedial (er, the PC term was "developmental") math pre-college summer program. The kids were older (17-18) than elementary school but here's how it worked in a nutshell.
Math is divided into topic categories or "units." There are about 20 of them from intermediate arithmetic (fractions, negative numbers, that sort of thing) through algebra up to integral calculus. Everyone takes a placement test right off the bat. Student's curriculum starts on the first unit he/she flunked on the placement test. You have to pass each unit with 90%.
The term was six weeks. If you pass six units you get an A. Five units gets a B, four gets a C, and if I remember right a D only required two. The point is that students got graded on how far they came, not where they started. Oh, and if you managed to pass the calculus unit then we (the instructors) had to make up new units for you to try next.
This worked great. The students who came in struggling with arithmetic and made it up to basic algebra walked out with A's and B's in math -- for the first time in their lives, in many cases. The students who came in knowing trigonometry walked out with a working knowledge of calculus. That was the goal: get everyone as far ahead as possible in six weeks.
For the instructors, it was hard work. Every student needed lots of help to get through a unit every week. What I found in fact was that the best students started teaching their classmates just to help their friends get an A. Grading took forever because practically every student was working on something different. And, of course, the instructors had to be ready to teach anything from adding and subtracting negative integers, through multivariable calculus, off the top of their heads. But man, was it worth the effort. :)
are incremental rewards good? (Score:2)
Just met him this morning .. (Score:3, Interesting)
What a conincidence. I just heard a talk with him today. He's visiting our company to help with the development of a star trek game and he also introduced the very same concept. Neat idea and - as he says - it works with those who play games and then is a better alternative to grades. His explainations seemed plausible to me.
This won't teach anyone how to think, only grind. (Score:3, Insightful)
I think the problem with universities is that education has already become a grind, and this takes the mind-numbing up a notch. The reason why our students are demanding "clear, well-defined goals" in courses is exactly because they want everything in college to have handrails, explicit structure and a transparent input-output conditionals. And it's true that it's easier to get good grades in such a system. But I think it's completely irresponsible to take someone who has made it through such a system as "college-educated". An educated person has learned to operate flexibly in a system where the input-output structures are opaque, and the quality of their product is what matters. (The real world doesn't care if you took "all the right steps" in the process of making something shoddy, so I don't see why college courses should reward it either.)
While my background is in physics, I now teach courses in philosophy. Now try to imagine applying this XP system to my field! It's not useless; I mean, I do stuff like this already (though I feel dirty about it). I occasionally give quick multiple-choice reading quizzes which make up a tiny portion of the course grade. Students can see "collecting" reading quiz points as XP's. But what really matters to me is that my students reveal an understanding of the issues and are able to have coherent and insightful reactions to these. Maybe a more straightforward way of looking it is this: My students need to be able to horribly embarrass anyone who defends certain dumb ideas, in a wide range of contexts. For example, if my ethics students aren't able to embarrass a smart moral relativist in a conversation, they don't deserve a passing grade for that (small) unit of the course. This objective cannot be divided up into sub-objectives to which you could assign XP's, because there are incredibly many paths for getting to that goal, and for the purpose of grading, I don't care which path they take. It depends on their temperament and talent. I'm not about to impose a structure on how to achieve this goal, and anyone who does is being a terrible educator. Their students will learn to grind out good grades, but... what else? Is it hoped that "incidentally" they will also acquire an understanding of the subject along the way? It seems to me much better to just test their understanding directly, and let them learn how to best match their skills to the available resources so that they achieve that understanding. That's exactly what students should learn in college, and it's also exactly what this XP system circumvents.
Re:sheer leveling? (Score:5, Funny)
As they're getting near level 80 all the girls will get interested and want to have sex with the top-of-the-class guys, just like with World of Warcraft.
Re:sheer leveling? (Score:5, Funny)
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I don't think those are really girls. They are just guys hoping to get gifts.
So do you think this will lead to failing CS students showing up in drag?
Level 3 Elfen Hottie WTJ Linked List Group
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You wouldn’t believe how many high-level girls I know who play as male characters so the other guys don’t constantly hit on them. If you ever played as a female character, you might know this.
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I could see that working. You start by master basics such as simple programming from scratch, when you level you gain access to a new library or new hardware that gives you more advance tools for building an application. I think it'd be quite an incentive to work hard on mastering basics.
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Any decent manager could tell you that.
Tell me where you find these "decent managers". I'm a little intrigued, but mostly skeptical of this unfounded claim.[/sarcasm off]
I most of the cases I've seen, the managers are generally good at their non-managerial role (and therefore got promoted) and not very good at managing, or they are exclusively managers with no understanding of the work their group does. Neither of these lead to a good environment for workers. You can't set clearly defined goals and reward people according to their successes wh
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Communication works both ways.....