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XBox (Games) Games Idle

Gamers Pay To Play With Girls 408

taucross writes "A new site allows lonely Xbox 360 gamers to pay a prescribed fee for a few minutes of game time with one of the 'PlayDates', a girl who is paid to play video games. Gamers can choose to have a 'flirty' or 'dirty' experience with one of the PlayDates. Is this what we meant when we said we wanted 'adult gaming'?"
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Gamers Pay To Play With Girls

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  • by jawtheshark ( 198669 ) * <slashdot&jawtheshark,com> on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:01PM (#31585800) Homepage Journal

    May I be the first to say... WTF?!?

    No seriously? WTF?!?

    What's the point? It just exploits the hope of those guys to get a real date, without the actual hope of getting a real one.. Wait, scratch that... It will probably be hugely popular... *sigh*.

    Do the girls get paid to do it, just like camgirls? Ah, yes, it's right there in the article... Well, guess there is more dignity in doing that than undressing yourself before a cam. Perhaps they can combine it and make even more money: for each time you frag her, she has to remove one piece of clothing.... /ME runs to patent the idea ;-)

    • by SpeedyDX ( 1014595 ) <> on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:11PM (#31585958)

      Actually this is the perfect market segment for such a "dating" service, if you can call it that. Other dating services target those who don't have time to indulge in the social/leisure scene (business people, etc.), and this one targets those who don't WANT to indulge in the social scene. Instead of looking up profiles for common interests, you already know that the PlayDate you're matched up with will have at least one major common interest (gaming).

      I think it's an interesting (although ridiculously expensive) idea. I have no idea if a guy in that position would pay over $7 a pop just to game with a girl, but it does have some potential. Then again, dating sites like eHarmony charge anywhere from $20-$60/month. Love is a lucrative business.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Helios1182 ( 629010 )

        I think the online dating sites now cater not just to those that are "too busy" for a social scene. They are filled with people who are sick of the regular social scene (e.g., bars) for meeting people. There are people from all professions, faiths, and interests on them at this point.

        This new service seems like it will be less rewarding and more expensive than regular dating sites.

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        This isn't a "dating" service. These girls are paid to play. They may have an interest in gaming, but they don't have any interest in the people who call. They're just there for the money.
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by c++0xFF ( 1758032 )

        I have no idea if a guy in that position would pay over $7 a pop just to game with a girl, but it does have some potential.

        Yeah -- playing with girls is too expensive. I play with myself instead.

        [/me blushes]

        Wait, wait! I mean I play solo games! Get your mind out of the gutter!

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Dan541 ( 1032000 )

        Desperate people are easily to part from their cash. Just ask any alternative "Healer".

    • I know there're some sort of parental controls, but does an Xbox know how old you are? Wouldn't this just be filled with 14 year old adolescents who try to act way over their age as they do during actual gaming?

    • by Moraelin ( 679338 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:13PM (#31585986) Journal

      You know, it kinda reminds me of the joke about the programmer who finds a talking frog. The frog says, "Please, if you kiss me I'll turn back into a beautiful princess and I'll be your girlfriend and do whatever you wish." The programmer thinks for a bit, puts the frog in the pocket and says, "You know, I don't think I have the time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog is way cool."

      Kinda the same reaction I'm getting here. I can't say I much care about the "date" part, or even if it's a girl or a guy, but if they're even marginally good at Star Trek Online, I could have some use fir someone to watch my back and have a chat with. Especially if they have a Science Ship, but I'm not fussy. A Cruiser is good too. Some of those battleships can hurt a lot if you're in a lone Escort, lemme tell ya ;)

      • by UnknowingFool ( 672806 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:34PM (#31586308)
        Sorta like that other joke:

        A nerd comes running up to his friend and says:
        "You'll never believe what happened to me yesterday. I was walking around when all the sudden this beautiful girl comes up to me riding this wicked bike. She throws down the bike, takes off all her clothes, and says 'Take whatever you want.'"
        "So I took the bike."
        His friend responds "Good choice. The clothes would have never fit you."

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Kamokazi ( 1080091 )

        Three Words:

        Jam Targeting Sensors.

        At 11km buff yourself to high heaven (tac team, atk alpha, hi yield torp, rapid fire), set throttle to max, and fire off your initial volley right as you get in weapons range. Then use Jam targetting sensors right away. NPCs usually seem to not move when you do that (even though it just prevents them from firing..must be an AI bug) so they will keep the same shield facing you, and you can often have them destroyed or at least on the brink of death by the time you get next

    • You could just frag her IRL and then take off all her clothing in one go.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Exploits who?

      Ok... this kind of a phenomena might not be hard to understand for many in the west. Yet if you look at e.g. Japan, you'll find plenty of examples of similar services where the main goal isn't dipping your dick in a hole or jacking off.

    • by fritz1968 ( 569074 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:25PM (#31586176)
      ...for each time you frag her...

      Uhh, if you are fragging a girl, I doubt you would be using this "service".
    • by LtGordon ( 1421725 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:36PM (#31586346)

      What's the point? It just exploits the hope of those guys to get a real date, without the actual hope of getting a real one..

      Somebody should go tell strip clubs that their business model is flawed.

    • What's the point? It just exploits the hope of those guys to get a real date, without the actual hope of getting a real one.. Wait, scratch that... It will probably be hugely popular... *sigh*.

      It's basically a short circuiting of the evolutionary drive to reproduce. Same thing with pron, there's no chance of anything happening but it's insanely popular because the emotional drive is both strong and non-selective.

    • Dirty or Flirty (Score:5, Insightful)

      by happy_place ( 632005 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @02:15PM (#31587032) Homepage
      And we all know that girls really only come in two varieties. Dirty or Flirty... sigh... as a father of many daughters, this just pisses me off... then again, videogame females have always been little more than balloon animals...
      • by Moraelin ( 679338 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @02:22PM (#31587162) Journal

        And we all know that girls really only come in two varieties. Dirty or Flirty... sigh... as a father of many daughters, this just pisses me off... then again, videogame females have always been little more than balloon animals...

        Yeah, no kidding, plus it leaves out more important aspects. I mean, who cares if she's dirty or flirty, the question is: can she keep aggro and what tier of epic gear does she have? :P

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Macgrrl ( 762836 )

        This pisses you off as a father of daughters... how do you think us women gamers feel?

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      I don't get the idea that there is a lack of dignity for being paid (reasonably well) for doing something just because it's possibly sexual in nature.

      Were I 20 years old again and nearly broke as I was back then, I don't think that stripping on a cam for 5x what I could make at any other job would be something I'd turn my nose up at. I think people who look at the "adult" entertainment industry and see something shameful need a reality check; there's absolutely nothing wrong with selling sex (or sexuality)

      • by TheRaven64 ( 641858 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @04:10PM (#31588600) Journal

        I'm a girl, I game, and if I needed the money, sure - why wouldn't I make a few bucks flirting with some random yahoo while playing an FPS?

        Because you live in a society where people who sell their soul for money get to look down on people who sell their bodies for money. I'm not entirely sure how we ended up like this either...

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          Well, I can say that some of it comes from the fact that a group traditionally out of power (women) have been the ones who've been able to sell their bodies. But, speaking to your larger point, I agree - it's amazing to me that people will not even question (much) selling out their very selves, but cry "Ick! Unclean!" at something trivial like a sexualized encounter, in the US.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:03PM (#31585828)
    Wait, so these girls get paid to play video games??? Curse these male genitals!!!
  • o.O (Score:4, Insightful)

    by whisper_jeff ( 680366 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:03PM (#31585838)
    The mind boggles.

    Seriously, how do you walk into a bank to ask for a business loan for this sort of thing?

    • With a straight face, a ton a market research. They know their target demographic well. I'll bet these people laugh all the way to and from the bank.
  • Sounds Similiar. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Icegryphon ( 715550 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:04PM (#31585848)
    Sounds like an Idea they have taken from some Maid Cafes in Japan,
    You can pay to play games with one of them.
    Sure we are ronrey nerds, but it helps to get them out of the house.
    Hopefully they wont end up being Hikikomoris []
    I am also a strong supporter of Arcades, They should not be dead,
    They are great play to hang out with friends and practice moves.
    • Hopefully they wont end up being Hikikomoris

      I was thinking the same thing, as an extension of the "rental sisters" [] that are sometimes used for hikki therapy as well. Perhaps this might not be such a bad idea.
      The game serves as a focus for parallel play, allowing a poorly socialized male to be distracted long enough to become acclimated to the female's companionship before they realize it. I've seen the same sort of gradual opening up at anime clubs and D&D sessions, but this might work in situations where someone's too far withdrawn even for th

    • by Uberbah ( 647458 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @03:16PM (#31587958)

      Sure we are ronrey nerds, but it helps to get them out of the house.

      So ronrey and sadly arone.....

  • On the internet, men are men, women are men, and children are law-enforcement agents.

    Don't believe the pictures, boys. And even Eve Online has a feature on their in-game chat to disguise male voices as female (and vice-versa).

  • It might be more memorable and fun to visit Nevada (in the counties it is legal). This is just sad to pay money to play games with "girls" that you don't even know if they are.
  • by MindlessAutomata ( 1282944 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:08PM (#31585896)

    Might as well just hit on that female night elf instead. World of Warcraft is a better way to get chicks, so long as you got the gold and the purpz to impress the ladies.

    Back when I played WoW, we had one female member that kept dating and then dumping the dudes that got legendary items (like the Hand of Ragnaros).


  • Wow. (Score:5, Funny)

    by G2GAlone ( 1600001 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:08PM (#31585902)
    I'm definitely bringing my own controller over to my friend's houses from now on. You feel me?
  • by mandark1967 ( 630856 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:08PM (#31585904) Homepage Journal

    MS will change the name from "X Box Live" to the "XXX Box Live CAM Shows!"?

  • History Repeats... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by cosm ( 1072588 ) <> on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:08PM (#31585912)
    Age old product, sold via a new channel. Interesting, but not unexpected.
  • by Intron ( 870560 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:11PM (#31585948)

    To find its girls, GameCrush posted a Craigslist ad looking for ladies who want to get paid to play video games.

    Most "playdates" on Craigslist cost a lot more than $8.99.

    • I'd imagine you get what you pay for. The ones on Craigslist might be even more familiar with a joystick.

    • by jandrese ( 485 )
      To be fair, I bet most of those Craigslist entries last more than 10 minutes.
      • by Geeky ( 90998 )

        To be fair, I bet most of those Craigslist entries last more than 10 minutes.

        Bragging, eh? I reckon your average geek would be lucky to last 10 seconds...

  • I tried it (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:11PM (#31585950)

    Met up with a gal named Eliza. She asked me a lot of questions though.

  • by Sponge Bath ( 413667 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:11PM (#31585952)
    ...OK guys, put on your robe and wizard hat!
  • Capitalism (Score:4, Interesting)

    by ktappe ( 747125 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:11PM (#31585954)
    Sad as it might be, this is capitalism at its purest. A customer desire is met with supply. Admit it--many of you wish you'd thought of this.
    • Re:Capitalism (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MindlessAutomata ( 1282944 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:12PM (#31585968)

      No, actually, I'm quite proud of myself for not thinking about this. At all.

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by LokiMorgan ( 1757026 )
      I'm thinking about signing up! (= I don't mind kicking some tekken arse while getting paid.
      • I wonder if the women will be ordered to lose - I can imagine if they were playing a lot they'd get pretty good at the games and if some guy with low self esteem keeps getting his butt handed to him by a girl he's paying for the privilege, he's not going to be too pleased... well, not unless getting his butt handed to him by a girl is "his thing" of course!
      • by copponex ( 13876 )

        Yeah, until you realize you have to listen to the rustling of fat, phlegm, and asthmatic breathing while you're doing it. And then the unfortunate incident when you hear, "Son! What on earth are you doing to that controller with your pants down?"

      • Eh, kiss arse (Score:5, Insightful)

        by SmallFurryCreature ( 593017 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @02:05PM (#31586866) Journal

        I doubt you will be getting 8.99 per sessions if it lasts for 10 seconds and leave the paying customer humiliated. You will have to loose and complement him on his excellent skills.

        Really, if being a whore was about getting great sex while being paid, more women would do it.

  • ...just got safer.
  • by imag0 ( 605684 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:19PM (#31586068) Homepage

    ... How do they get it into the kitchen?

  • Seriously? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by sonicmerlin ( 1505111 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:31PM (#31586272)
    This just makes me sad. As a society we should be encouraging real human interaction and development. The creators of the internet (strange twist on founders of the Constitution, eh?) certainly didn't intend for it to make socially inept nerds even more pathetic.
  • Seriously!? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Aladrin ( 926209 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:36PM (#31586334)

    I'd love to find a girl that likes to play video games, and would enjoy playing them with me. Hell, I'm even inclined to give up my bachelor lifestyle for such a rare gem... But pay $9 for 10 minutes of playing a game with her over the net? I really, really don't think so.

    Now, if that was the prelude to getting an actual date with her, I could see it. (In other words, you have to prove you aren't a complete asshole while playing games.)

  • ...but it's not.

    Shame on you, CmdrTaco, for posting this. Shame on the organisation behind it for creating it. And every one of you assholes who immediately started joking about it, you disgust me.

    • by Geeky ( 90998 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:44PM (#31586468)

      ...but it's not.

      Shame on you, CmdrTaco, for posting this. Shame on the organisation behind it for creating it. And every one of you assholes who immediately started joking about it, you disgust me.

      Why? Seriously.

      I'm genuinely ambivalent about even the world's oldest profession, of which this is arguably a very mild version. It doesn't disgust me, it's been around forever and seems to be a part of human nature.

      As long as noone's being forced into it, I don't have a problem with it. There are plenty of dysfunctional relationships out there, and it sometimes seems like a straightforward paid transaction is more honest.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by jargonCCNA ( 531779 )

        It bothers me because it tacitly encourages the continued objectification and marginalisation of women within gaming circles. I don't doubt for a minute that people will people will pay for the privilege of going onto the system and berating the women on the other end of the line for being women, because now they know who they're talking to. If there was a way to police the behaviour of the users of the system, that would be one thing. There can't be, though, so all this is is a perfect avenue for misogynis

        • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @02:27PM (#31587254)
          fake all the outrage you want, that feminist still isn't going to fuck you
        • by brkello ( 642429 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @02:40PM (#31587484)
          So, in other words, it doesn't matter what women do, there are still going to be jerks that objectify them. So women might as well do whatever they want. If they choose to make money off of these people or people who legitimately want this service, that is their choice.

          You on the other hand want to take away their right to choose to this. Quite frankly, your post is more offensive than the majority of the posts on here. Women can take care of themselves. They aren't being forced to do this. Most people are saying things in jest, you are speaking (unless I am way off base) in seriousness. Your post strikes me as more misogynistic than the others. Would you object if a bunch of attractive, muscled men offered the same thing to women? Of course not. It's ok to objectify men as sexual object, but not women? You are the one with the problem.
        • by Geeky ( 90998 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @02:47PM (#31587572)

          I was kind of missing the fact that you keep getting modded as funny and taking you at face value. I'm bored, I'll carry on doing so for a while.

          If women aren't being coerced into it, and there are guys that abuse them, they have a very simple option...

          If you're serious, I kind of suspect you live in the PC world of academe (as your sig suggests). Have you ever met, and spoken to, any strippers or prostitutes? Quite a few of them would be rather patronised by your disgust.

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          Interesting that you choose to make the actions of deranged individuals a gender issue, yet imply you are for gender equality.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Bearhouse ( 1034238 )

      Shame on the organisation behind it for creating it.

      Well, OK, it's kinda pathetic and tacky, I grant you that. But at least the poor people performing the service can be warm and safe at home, not risking their health, or worse, on the street. Most will be guys, anyway...

      Shame on you, CmdrTaco, for posting this.

      You've lost me there...this is supposed to be 'news for nerds', after all...

      And every one of you assholes who immediately started joking about it, you disgust me.

      Well, like I said, this is /. What do you expect them to do - climb out of the basement and spend the money on a real hooker instead?

      Oh, and while we're on the topic of sanctimonious posts, many people would be up

    • Huh? Wha...? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Moraelin ( 679338 )

      Huh? What's wrong with joking about it anyway?

      And if you're offended by us joking about this, you may want to completely avoid the likes of George Carlin (joking about rape for example) or Jimmy Carr (joking about such topics as kids with leukemia) and really most comedians out there.

  • Dressed as zombies, of course. That will help gamers' reputations with the ladies.

  • Where do I sign up? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by tompaulco ( 629533 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:42PM (#31586432) Homepage Journal
    Wow, what a job! I get paid to play games and all I have to do is pretend to be a girl to some guys that I will never have to meet in real life.
  • by Conchobair ( 1648793 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @01:57PM (#31586704)
    Guys In Real Life.
  • New idea (Score:4, Funny)

    by CptPicard ( 680154 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @02:18PM (#31587102)

    Let's pay verified girls to post in Slashdot discussions. Then, for a fee, you'll get either dirty or flirty responses to your posts about programming languages or whatnot.

  • by kungfugleek ( 1314949 ) on Tuesday March 23, 2010 @02:31PM (#31587328)
    in all seriousness, the girls could give the guys tips on how to pick up women. The game thing helps because these are (presumably) shy guy types that would find it awkward to talk to girls in any other situation. But put them in a virtual world with zombies to fight and they're right at home, like it's tea-time. Just saying, the venue makes the difference for shy types.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
