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Videogame Driving Skills Don't Apply In Real Life 241

the digital nomad writes "When driving cars in videogames, you're often forced to see everything from a third-person perspective. Now, what would happen if you tried to drive while limited to that odd view in real life? These folks decided to find out."
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Videogame Driving Skills Don't Apply In Real Life

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  • Night Driver FTW (Score:5, Interesting)

    by plover ( 150551 ) * on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:41AM (#31760418) Homepage Journal

    I still credit the training I received for playing long hours of Night Driver [wikipedia.org] with saving my life in 1981. I was cresting a hill late at night on a two-lane country road when I was suddenly faced with an oncoming car in my lane. Using the exact same right-left swerve that I practiced so many times in the video game, I avoided a head-on collision by hitting the shoulder just in time, and got off the shoulder before sliding down the ditch.

    The real question should be "Would I have still missed him had I not played so much Night Driver?" There's no way to answer that, of course, but for now I'll stick with the "my anecdotal evidence runs counter to your theory" attitude.

    • by Adrian Lopez ( 2615 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @09:29AM (#31761048) Homepage

      I used to play a lot of Rad Racer as a kid. While taking my first driving lesson the driving instructor chided me for turning the wheel left and back to center then right and back to center in order to keep the car going the way I wanted it to. She immediately grabbed the wheel and strongly suggested the car would go the way I pointed it, at which point I realized a wheel doesn't behave the way an NES d-pad does.

      True story.

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by imakemusic ( 1164993 )

        I tried parachuting out of a moving car after playing Just Cause 2.

        Didn't work so well...

      • I used to play a lot of Rad Racer as a kid.

        I played way too much Excite Bike. Unfortunately I don't own a motorcycle. Also, the DOT frowns on placing large ramps on the road.

      • Re:Night Driver FTW (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @11:25AM (#31762664)

        I know you've joking about Rad Racer but it reminds me of a game that really did help me once.

        So as for the main title, i.e. @"Videogame Driving Skills Don't Apply In Real Life" ... I totally disagree with this idea. Games really do help.

        When I went to America (for the 1st time), I got a hire car. Problem was I had never driven on what I consider the wrong side of the road! (I'm from the UK). That plus I had never driven an Automatic car and I had been awake for over 24 hours straight, which made my first faltering few miles scarily interesting (to say the least) until I happily found the first hotel, which I jumped at the chance of stopping at.

        The next day I took a cab into the city and during my initial exploring I by luck found an arcade and so I spent over 2 hours solidly playing Crazy Taxi, driving like a psycho around every road. After 2 hours solid my brain was reprogrammed enough so that I automatically took left and right turns correctly for American roads etc... I wanted to get to the point it was totally second nature for me to do the right thing.

        That game helped me so much. After that point it was automatic for me to drive ok on the roads and my 2 week holiday out there, I didn't even attempt to make one mistaken turning after my training on Crazy Taxi.

        So games really can be very helpful.

        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by b4dc0d3r ( 1268512 )

          I had GTA Vice City for PS2, and an icestorm hit. My car was frozen in place, and I had a long weekend. So I just let it melt. Meanwhile with nothing better to do or no place to go, it was 3 days of GTA. I played in the virtual rain a lot and learned a lot about sliding around. I think it was one of the driving course things where you have to make it cross-island and back under a time limit, and I kept having to re-try.

          Thaw came, I got in my car to go to Burger King. Pulled out the driveway, blew thro

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Sir Holo ( 531007 )
        Mod parent Informative.

        I watch LA drivers do this every day. Kids spend 10+ years driving with a d-pad/joypad before touching a real car.

        Watch carefully for drivers changing lanes by bump-bump-bump, and avoid them.
    • by Monkeedude1212 ( 1560403 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @09:55AM (#31761436) Journal

      When I was younger one of my favourite games to play was Road Rash. [wikipedia.org] and it saved MY Life back in 2005. I was riding along one evening when I was suddenly found riding along another motorcyclist. My natural instinct was to whip out my 5 foot chain, beat him with it senselessly until he wiped out into a traffic sign, and continue along at breakneck speeds, only to stop for some hookers and booze.

      The real question should be "Is there any chance Jack Thompson is going to read this post?". There's no way to answer that, but for now I'll stick with the "By God I sure hope not" attitude.

    • You're funny, but the video does not lead to the conclusion that game skills don't apply. An interesting experiment, but real life is not sitting in a dark cabin looking at an overhead monitor. We would have to compare driving skills of gamers and non-gamers, with similar experiences (accounting for country road drivers vs. city drivers), in order to even come close to such a conclusion.

      Flight sims used to be very unrealistic, but they were still used and effective at giving people practice in uncommon si

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      I credit my driving skills to Cruisin' USA in the arcade with the steering wheel. Taking drivers ed for the first time, it was a breeze to drive. They let me take the highway on the first drive because I drove well enough. Asked if I had any previous experience, I said no. But in reality Cruisin' USA trained me.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by ShakaUVM ( 157947 )

      I think video game car skills do apply.

      I can think of two times:
      I was driving home from a ski trip, behind two other cars and one SUV. Car number one goes around a turn, slides on a patch of black ice, and plows into the mountainside. Car #2 brakes, takes it slowly, and slides out into the mountainside. SUV brakes, slides out, hits the mountainside. I hit the patch of black ice and controlled the slide using skills learned (no shit) in Gran Turismo and came out cleanly. Felt pretty bad ass - my friend was c

  • WTF? (Score:5, Informative)

    by TheKidWho ( 705796 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:42AM (#31760436)

    What? When I play my racing games I'm in my seat with a G25 steering wheel playing "games" like iRacing.

    And yes, the skills translate very well into real life. But don't take it from me, take it from the pros.

    Many real life racers, including Justin Wilson, Alex Gurney, Dale Earnhardt, Jr., Marcos Ambrose, Martin Truex Jr., AJ Allmendinger, Scott Speed and Jacques Villeneuve have subscribed to the service and given positive comments especially about the accuracy of the track modeling which makes the simulator useful as a tool for learning tracks.[15]

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRacing.com [wikipedia.org]

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Your quote refers to learning the tracks not learning to operate a vehicle.

    • Re:WTF? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by HopefulIntern ( 1759406 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:59AM (#31760660)
      I would say it depends very much on the game in question. God help us if a bunch of kids learned their driving skills from Need for Speed Underground series....

      Play Gran Turismo, inside cab view, with a steering wheel, pedals and a shifter, then were talking actual training.
      • "God help us if a bunch of kids learned their driving skills from Need for Speed Underground series...."

        Wait - this is a trick post, right? I thought ALL kids learned to drive exactly as you describe!

        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          It seems that way, because they learn a defensive, safe driving technique at first, in order to pass the driving test. After that it degenerates into what you describe, or rather, them attempting to do aforementioned manoeuvres, and then end up crashing after physics gives them a reality-check bitch-slap.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Altus ( 1034 )

        Even without that there are certainly benefits. Tracking multiple objects, extrapolating the path of other cars, watching the road ahead.

        Sure, driving thrid person in the real world is extremely hard. Lots of people find it harder to drive a car in a video game compared to real life, but there certainly are some basic skills that video games can teach.

        If you want to find out if driving games make people better drivers you have to test the real world, first person driving skills of people who play games vs

        • Re:WTF? (Score:5, Insightful)

          by ehrichweiss ( 706417 ) * on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @09:41AM (#31761232)
          What's somewhat worse about this "experiment" is that they didn't have a workable 3rd-person view. They wanted the drivers to navigate between the cones but didn't have enough of an angle to differentiate between them easily. I mean the camera view was mostly the truck, not the road; if it'd been about 10-20 ft higher, their results would have varied massively.
          • I have to admit that was the first thing I thought of. The second thing I thought of was "wait, what racing games were they playing? NFS or GT? The realism differences there are kinda huge."
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by bami ( 1376931 )


      I've noticed my gear changes to be much smoother since I started playing Life for Speed, to the point that a passenger in the back seat commented on the car having a "smooth automatic transmission" while I was driving stick.

    • Re:WTF? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by MartinSchou ( 1360093 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @10:14AM (#31761686)

      The other way around doesn't necessarily hold true. And even the best of the best can have problems against the hardcore gamers:

      Video [youtube.com]

      This is a Danish language video, but it pitches Tom Kristensen, Mr. Le Mans, eight time winner (a record) in the 24 hour Le Mans, including six times in a row against a Danish hardcore gamer and national champion in GT for the PS2. Game is GT for PS2 on the Le Mans circuit. [wikipedia.org]

      Granted, not exactly a fair match-up, as Tom doesn't have much (if any) experience in that game, but he manages to do a 3:23 lap, which is pretty much what he expected to do before they played. By comparison the qualifying times for the 2009 Le Mans was 3:22.888 for pole position.

      The gamer ended up at 3:15, which is an insane lap of Le Mans. Obviously not doable in real life, and I suspect most gamers would be scared shitless the first time they ended up in a situation where they feel the back-end sliding a bit, but the point remains - gamers can beat the pros at the games.

  • Easy. (Score:5, Informative)

    by fractalus ( 322043 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:42AM (#31760440) Homepage

    Stop playing your driving games in third-person view.

    • Amen, the first thing I do is toggle out of 3rd person view. And besides, these guys were pretty dorky about it. Too bad, because it looks like they had the exact right setup to test the theory, but they didn't allow any time to adjust to the perspective, which is NOT exactly like a video game. Let them drive the course a few times, and even these dorks could have done it as well as they would have in the game.

      • Re:Easy. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by pushing-robot ( 1037830 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @09:39AM (#31761194)

        Not only that, the position of the camera is wrong. Notice that in the shots of GTA4, the camera is high enough that you can see the ground a few meters in front of the car. With the rig they set up, there's a massive blind spot that stretches 20-30 meters in front of the vehicle.

        If they wanted to really duplicate the average video game, they would have had to make the camera boom a couple meters longer... and turn the boom into a hydraulic actuated arm than can be raised, lowered, and swung around the vehicle.

        But the whole thing is rather silly, as the reason third person perspective is used in driving games is to get back some of the field of view that's lost when you're limited to a small computer screen. The video is cute, but all it proves is that a poor implementation of a poor substitute for real-world perspective isn't a good way to drive through an obstacle course.

      • Imagine how funny it would have been if their truck modifications included removing the steering wheel, gas, shifter, and brake and wiring an xbox 360 controller in their place.

        In other news, car analogies are 100% on-topic here.
        • Grant and Jamie (mythbusters) have done something similar but more difficult, using an RC controller, while in a completely different vehicle. The only problems they have had is losing transmission with the controller, or trying to control a bus with bad steering linkage to begin with. It isn't easy, but they have done just fine, without the benefit of being in the vehicle and having a direct view of what they are controlling.

      • They also had a horrifyingly bad angle, usually the third person camera is much further up then that.

    • yup, MS wireless force feedback wheel, forza 3, bonnet view (i find that in cab view restricts what you see much more then real life), and away i am

      I have a fair feeling that my race-gaming does indeed translate to real-life driving-skills, such as spotting ideal-lines and such

    • by camg188 ( 932324 )
      But then you wouldn't be able to admire the bad ass virtual vehicle that you're virtually driving.
    • I can't play a serious driving game in third person. Burnout Paradise on the other hand is all about watching your car get wrecked :)

    • Stop playing your driving games in third-person view.

      Well, this is the limitation of having one fixed view, in a real car you can turn your head slightly to get a 160-180 view. In games you do not have this freedom, so looking over the car gives "sortof" the same viewing freedom.

      I find if I play racing-games from the cockpit view (games like Need for Speed, when it still was good), I'm limited in the game as I can't estimate how deep or far to take the corner as I would be IRL.

    • Yeah, that was my first thought when I read that article. I can't play driving games in 3rd person view, I always jump to either first person or the hood camera. The entire article is just bogus. Real life drivers play iRacing and comment on how it helps, there's that Grand Turismo kid that got to go do the real thing, and even for me personally, before I ever got behind the wheel I already had the basic concept down for driving. Slowing down in turns, proper brake management, etc.

      Too bad the article
  • What?! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Chameleon Man ( 1304729 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:43AM (#31760454)
    You mean banana peels DON'T make cars spin out?!
  • by corbettw ( 214229 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:45AM (#31760468) Journal

    On the ride into work this morning, I drove over several pedestrians, flipped my car twice after hitting guardrails at the wrong angle, and took 5 minutes to get unstuck when I drove through the plate-glass window of a coffee shop. I'd say I've learned everything I need to know about driving from video games.

    • I would play GTA4 and do head on collisions with motorcycles with a car...suffice to say in the first few days I would have the urge everytime I saw a motorcycle on oncoming traffic lane.
      • by Vectormatic ( 1759674 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @09:10AM (#31760802)

        i played a fair bit of PGR4 on the xbox, this game also have motorbikes as adversaries, but if you drive a car you can easily bash them into the guard rail, setting them back an easy 10 seconds.

        Then one day i sat at the lights, and a motorbike stopped next to my, and "if i bash him as soon as the lights go green, at least i wont have to worry about him" flashed through my head....

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by karnal ( 22275 )

        You accidentally that sentence.

  • by mayko ( 1630637 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:45AM (#31760470)
    http://games.slashdot.org/story/09/12/04/1516204/Gran-Turismo-Gamer-Becomes-Pro-Race-Driver [slashdot.org]

    Granted in his case the main thing that helped him was practicing consistency in hitting braking points and adherence to a proper racing line. I doubt the game actually improved his physical ability behind the wheel.
    • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <drink@hyperlogos.org> on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:54AM (#31760590) Homepage Journal

      Speaking only for myself, I can say that Gran Turismo greatly improved my real-life driving skills. I learned about following a line, about preloading suspension, and just about how to generally handle a car. When I first got my Subaru Impreza I was already able to go fast because I knew how an AWD car behaved from playing that game. Some of the skills are clearly not applicable to street driving, but some equally clearly are.

      As there's already been an article about how some well-ranked race drivers went to a track and posted better-than-average times, probably as a result of their experience, this article is -1, Troll. It's possible not to learn from playing driving games, but since pro race drivers use off-the-shelf video games to prepare for races, it's all a lot of shit.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by eth1 ( 94901 )

        Speaking only for myself, I can say that Gran Turismo greatly improved my real-life driving skills. I learned about following a line, about preloading suspension, and just about how to generally handle a car. When I first got my Subaru Impreza I was already able to go fast because I knew how an AWD car behaved from playing that game. Some of the skills are clearly not applicable to street driving, but some equally clearly are.

        Some skills like following a good line that you might not think applicable to street driving actually are. Just because you're following a racing line doesn't mean you have to be going at racing speeds. Those same lines (or slight modifications), when driven at a lower speed can reduce tire & break wear, and give you a bigger margin of safety if you happen to hit a road hazard that reduces grip (bump, pile of leaves, sand from last week's snow, etc.).

      • As there's already been an article about how some well-ranked race drivers went to a track and posted better-than-average times, probably as a result of their experience, this article is -1, Troll. It's possible not to learn from playing driving games, but since pro race drivers use off-the-shelf video games to prepare for races, it's all a lot of shit.

        If you watched the video, the tone of it isn't trollish at all, nor is it a scientific experiment. They're using a fake Houston Oilers football helmet and

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        As an avid Impreza driver, I would love to agree w/ you on all of these points but the limiting factor in learning how a car actually handles from a game is feedback, particularly steering. Don't get me wrong, braking, lines, and shift points are all things you can learn from a game but I would disagree that you can learn exactly how your car will handle. As a great example, I was making a right turn into traffic and floored it. The car over steered and required a steering correction which was much more dif

      • by Krneki ( 1192201 )
        Maybe someone should tell to the F1 teams to stop developing racing simulators, since video-games can't improve your driving skills.
    • http://games.slashdot.org/story/09/12/04/1516204/Gran-Turismo-Gamer-Becomes-Pro-Race-Driver [slashdot.org] Granted in his case the main thing that helped him was practicing consistency in hitting braking points and adherence to a proper racing line. I doubt the game actually improved his physical ability behind the wheel.

      Okay, that's one guy. How many copies of the game have been sold?

      • I'm going to assume you're an unintentional troll. Read the story.

        Now read it again. Which part of "it was a contest -- and he was the winner" don't you understand? Not every person who gets into Gran Turismo is going to be a race car driver, not even a significant fraction of them. However, the contest proved a point -- that being good at a simulator does in fact help you win real races in a real car.

        PS this whole subject is stupid -- of course simulators work. Driving simulators are no different from

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by stupid_is ( 716292 )
        Possibly a better ratio than considering the number of real cars in the world vs number of highly skilled racing drivers :-)
  • Rather than.... (Score:3, Informative)

    by Seakip18 ( 1106315 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:45AM (#31760476) Journal

    Jump through two articles to get to the source....here ya go [roosterteeth.com] C/O Rooster teeth, enjoying the riches gained from RvB I'm sure.

    I enjoyed it, but this is idle/humor material.

  • Mythbusters! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by RagManX ( 258563 )

    Can't RTFA since work blocks Gizmodo (seriously? WTF?). However, my first thought after seeing the article summary was "You know, Grant drives this way in real life all the time on Mythbusters."

    • by Pojut ( 1027544 )


      It's because many of the pictures are cached on Gawker's central servers. For a VERY long time, it was blocked here at my office as well. I repeatedly submitted requests to have it unblocked, but to no avail. We finally got a new (much friendlier) head of IT about three months ago, and based on what he told me, it wasn't Gizmodo that was blocked but Gawker's main servers (likely because of Fleshbot utilizing the same server to host its images). He blocked the Fleshbot domain, but opened up the

  • Myth confirmed (Score:3, Informative)

    by DerekLyons ( 302214 ) <fairwater@NOSPAM.gmail.com> on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:47AM (#31760494) Homepage

    Haven't the Mythbusters proven again and again that operating a vehicle from 'non standard' driving perspectives is quite difficult?

    • Haven't the Mythbusters proven again and again that operating a vehicle from 'non standard' driving perspectives is quite difficult?

      Pretty much. If you've paid attention, you'll note that when they remotely control a vehicle they do it on closed tracks/areas and don't do any complicated maneuvering - normally they only travel in a straight line with them. Despite having steering control.

      • Well and more importantly, they spend a lot of effort just trying to travel in a straight line. Remember Grant trying to jump that bus? He took like 30 tries.

        Though it's quite possible that the bigger difficulty was driving-by-joystick. When they set up that rig for full-size steering, they did alright. (does anybody know the name of that? it's driving me crazy).

        Which interestingly goes right back to this 'story'. Perhaps the problem is people driving with joystick, instead of the point of view.

    • by vlm ( 69642 )

      If you're not a R/C car driver. It takes a few hours to make a good R/C car driver.

      Some never figure out the steering reversal when going toward vs away from you.

      Same deal with R/C aircraft, R/C boats. R/C robots are just unusual looking R/C cars, so same deal there.

      But once you learn how to drive R/C, its not "difficult"

    • Haven't the Mythbusters proven again and again that operating a vehicle from 'non standard' driving perspectives is quite difficult?

      Everything is difficult if you haven't practiced it. Once you do practice, I'd imagine it would be almost as easy as driving normally - almost, because you aren't getting inner ear feedback from the exact movement of the car.

      People use remotely controlled vehicles all the time.

  • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )
    Well, FPS's turn everyone into real-life Delta force operators, and makes them all experts on weapons and combat tactics. Certainly playing racing games will make you an excellent driver in real life too, right? Right?
  • Forced? No. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by GPLDAN ( 732269 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:48AM (#31760508)
    You were very rarely forced into 3rd person, it just gave you an advantage of situational awareness, wrt other cars and seeing into corners. And it was better, because the perspective of 1st person was so shit because of tech (640x480 and even 1024x768 does NOT cut it), and so now - take EA Need for Speed SHIFT or GT or Forza, those games give you working cockpits that still have enough resolution out the windscreen to see into corners and feel speed properly, and dirve in a more realistic manner.

    The death of 3rd person is coming, the tech is now here to simulate proper driving - so we are doing something in real life that was anachronistic to begin with....
  • by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:48AM (#31760520) Homepage Journal

    In real simulation games you are forced to view the game through driver's view, which is LOWER than the field of view you would have in a real car, because 2d screen cannot accommodate a human's fov from a first person perspective.

    so, argument is formulated wrong. its not 'videogame driving skills dont apply in real life', but, 'videogame driving skills in games that allow 3rd person view do not apply in real life'.

    otherwise, all the simulators the military is using to train tank drivers, pilots, captains etc would mean bullshit.

    • Compare the angle and field of view of GTA shots (27 seconds into the video [youtube.com]) and the angle and field of view they've used for the test.

      Over half of the screen is missing and the driver is trying to navigate the car from a "frog's-eye view" as if sitting on a chair being dragged behind the car.
      Ergo - he can't see anything directly in front of him in the radius of about 50 meters.

      What's next?
      "Proving" that you can't drive a tank through a wall by trying to do the same with a van?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    While the participant's driving skills were impeded, their ability to hit prostitutes with bats remained sharp even in third person.

  • by millisa ( 151093 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @08:52AM (#31760568)

    Rooster Teeth Shorts, Immersion (Pilot) [roosterteeth.com]

    Not cool that Gizmodo didn't give them credit. These are the same guys that do the Red Vs Blue machinima.

    • As well as the Drunk Tank podcast, and some online comics. All in all the RoosterTeeth guys are pretty close to the funniest of the little internet entertainment companies that seem to have popped up.

  • I find that the Simpsons Road Rage point system for pedestrians is very accurate.

    It's what I base my vehicular homicide priorities on.

  • Don't tell me that all the years I spent with military training in Operation: Flashpoint were just as pointless....
  • Beaten to the punch again! [hackaday.com]

    That said. I think the lack of a decent field of view has much more to do with the difficulties. In a car, I can see just over 180. Most of that is motion sensitive. However, it's more sensitive than nothing at all!

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • also GTA DWU (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Drakkenmensch ( 1255800 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @09:18AM (#31760888)
    There's a video on youtube of a guy who tested real vs virtual drunk driving by playing GTA 4 sober while Nico was virtually drunk, then driving with Nico sober while himself being totally smashed. Unsurprisingly, the drunk Nico-sober player combo was much more accurate, while the opposite resulted in much more destruction and mayhem.
  • I don't know about the view, but the handling of the car in the old Daytona arcade game is freakishly similar to that of a Miata at about half the speed. This led to an interesting drive home; bad enough that I started driving the Miata like the Daytona car, worse that it actually worked.

  • I never liked it. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MaWeiTao ( 908546 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @09:26AM (#31760996)

    Outside of Mario Kart type games I never liked that view and I've never used it. I never saw it's appeal given that it's difficult to position the car properly on the track or get a proper sense of distance. And that's not to mention you can't even see what's immediately in front of your car. About the only benefit I see is that you could spot another car hiding in your blind spot. It does allow for more of a spectacle when racing. Undoubtedly someone could get good with this view, but that doesn't make for the ideal camera position. Then again, I also never liked the dashboard crowding my view in games. In real life the dashboard isn't as intrusive in my field of vision as it is on the screen.

  • It's not just the view angle, which can be changed and enhanced with multiple screens. But you can't replicate the feel of accelerating. It would take essentially anti-gravity technology.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by DragonTHC ( 208439 )

      have you never been on a gimballed ride? your mind can be tricked into feeling acceleration with simple motion.

  • Carmageddon (Score:3, Funny)

    by Yvanhoe ( 564877 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @09:52AM (#31761384) Journal
    I was playing Carmaggedon when I first got my license. I am pretty sure that skills do not transpose.
  • that is a horrible angle, you cannot see anything unless it is like 20 feet or more in front of the car.

  • I practiced driving in Carmageddon. Now, no old ladies with a walker or any cow is safe.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmageddon [wikipedia.org]
    http://www.edge-online.com/magazine/the-making-of%E2%80%A6-carmageddon [edge-online.com]

    Now, get off my road!

  • If I paid attention to driving in the movies, you need to constantly sway the steering left and right in order to stay in a straight line, and every time you declutch and shift a gear you need to do an elaborate jump-cut to a close up of your foot on the pedal, and then your hand on the gearstick. Neither of those seem like particularly safe practices to me.

    Still, at least I've taken their advice about caravans to heart - those things are death traps! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaiA9ksZGS0 [youtube.com] (5:30)

  • That blond chick is kinda hot... Hey! What the Hell is that in her nose? Oh, gross!
  • ... a real study would be to take say a real racing wheel device, hook it up to a decent game with semi-real driving characteristics and see if it improves one's driving ability.

    What about people using logitech's G25?

    http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/gaming/wheels/devices/131&cl=gb,en [logitech.com]

  • by DNS-and-BIND ( 461968 ) on Wednesday April 07, 2010 @10:13AM (#31761670) Homepage
    I have often said that driving is the world's most boring video game. Get to your destination, while avoiding a multitude of hazards. Think about it: there is nothing positive that can happen during a drive, and the media keeps us relentlessly up-to-date on the negatives. Driving: "stay between the lines, stay between the lines, stay between the lines...*sigh*..." And if you don't pay attention for just one moment: tragedy. The famous video game Desert Bus [desertbus.org] is actually a more accurate simulation of driving than any Gran Turismo.
  • Over a decade ago, I found that playing a demo of Midtown Madness set to simulate traffic on the 'other side' of the road helped me to drive in urban areas in other countries IRL where they do that. It's a different driving skillset, but if you're going to a country where the steering wheel is in (what you would call) the passenger seat, it helps you build confidence so you have a head start.
  • I've driven a real vehicle through a remote link. We could run our DARPA Grand Challenge vehicle through a WiFi link. Originally, we tried using a joystick, which worked very badly. Everybody overcontrolled. We had to get a Logitech USB steering wheel and pedals. With that, the vehicle could be driven remotely.

    Driving through a game pad is hopeless. Most video game cars on consoles have their CG below ground level (which is physically impossible in the real world) to make them stable when overcontr

  • Studies prove that playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare does not increase a soldier's ability to survive an actual firefight or roadside bombing.

  • Yah, I'm sure that flight simulators don't help pilots any either...
  • These folks decided to find out.


  • As soon as the first driver begins you can see that this test is flawed. The camera is positioned way too low and does not have a view of obstacles directly in front of the vehicle. The camera should be twice as high as it is in this demonstration. I'll bet the drivers would fare much better in that case.
  • I find the 1st person view in Gran Turismo 4 to be a decent driving simulation. I've driven a couple of cars similar to real ones I've driven, and they seem about right. You can easily tell the difference between front/mid/rear-engine cars. My favourite is the Honda Beat, a car I could never drive in real life, because I'm far too tall.

    I also have X Plane 9 on my Mac, and find it limited compared to the real thing. The cockpit visibility is inferior, you can't feel the plane or (easily) determine its atti

"I shall expect a chemical cure for psychopathic behavior by 10 A.M. tomorrow, or I'll have your guts for spaghetti." -- a comic panel by Cotham
