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Social Networks Games

A Brief History of Social Games 33

Tarinth writes "Social games (such as FarmVille, etc.) are hardly new, because games have been part of recorded history for thousands of years. An infographic has integrated many of the key games from history (starting with Egypt's Senet game from 3100 BC), showing major milestones along the way, such as play-by-mail, Dungeons and Dragons, and Magic: the Gathering. Today's cultural phenomenon of social games, which might better be better called 'social network games,' is the confluence of several trends ranging from asynchronous gameplay, social play, and virtual economies — all of which are shown within the infographic."
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A Brief History of Social Games

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  • by Locke2005 ( 849178 ) on Monday May 24, 2010 @04:32PM (#32328312)
    Wouldn't a history of antisocial gaming be more appropriate for slashdot?
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by nschubach ( 922175 )

      Nerds (and/or geeks) all around the world play games like Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering to obtain all sorts of social contact... Just because said social interaction occurs in places with names like "Guard Tower" or within one's basement doesn't make it any less social. ;)

      • by gmhowell ( 26755 )

        Claire Standish: So academic clubs aren't the same as other kinds of clubs.
        John Bender: Ah... but to dorks like him, they are. What do you guys do in your club?
        Brian Johnson: Well, in physics we... we talk about physics, properties of physics.
        John Bender: So it's sorta social, demented and sad, but social. Right?

  • What, no mention of Game! []?

  • VGA Planets (Score:3, Interesting)

    by stoolpigeon ( 454276 ) * <bittercode@gmail> on Monday May 24, 2010 @04:38PM (#32328388) Homepage Journal

    Good times. A privateer gorby, some cloaked ships towing in victims. So much fun. I remember picking up copies of Computer Shopper to get phone numbers for local bbs's that hosted games and even a meet up with other players from one of them. I think it was the first PC game I played with human opponents.

    • You're not alone! Ah, the skills of making alliances with other races (Borg/Crystal -- Colonial/Cylon, etc) and trying to plan three moves ahead at least... and then winning because the other team simply ran out of fuel! Ha!

      Good times for the novice web surfer and gamer!
  • I totally expected it to get a mention. IIRC it was the first popular game with the system of "click to help this person."
    • by dskzero ( 960168 )
      I have no idea which one was, but i'm pretty sure this goes back to the counters that said "Click here to give pikachu another watt to help on his quest for world domination!".
  • by DNS-and-BIND ( 461968 ) on Monday May 24, 2010 @04:46PM (#32328520) Homepage
    Let's see, we have completely unoriginal commentary on a hot topic, "social gaming". I suppose this is separate from that other non-social gaming where you play Monopoly or Clue by yourself. "I like to think of social games as "games you play with other people" (usually-but not always-your friends)." What an amazing insight! We've got a fancy graphic which is actually remarkably information-free, with a full-size poster available. The entire post is 814 words, not long at all. We've got a hot, sexy search term "social network games", OMG I'm getting horny here. I mean, come on people, the title tries to warn you off! "Internet Entrepreneur 2.0"? Who would possibly take what this man says seriously? But the entire post is tailor-made to be linked to and consumed in five minutes by today's internet audience, desperately searching for that next hit of novelty...anything to stave off the crushing boredom that is life without want.
    • Agree, it plays with "fancy, currently fad" words like "social gaming". BS. All games are meant to be social. Even single player games, because you end up talking about it with others that maybe you would have never talked to before, just because of the game. Bleh.
      • I think we're in violent agreement then. What is obvious to you (the social nature of games), however, isn't particularly obvious to most people.
        • by Nukenin ( 646365 )

          What is obvious to you (the social nature of games), however, isn't particularly obvious to most people.

          Do you really think "most people" are that dimwitted?

          • We have a new terms which is "social games," which implies that the intersection of games and social-behavior is a new to many people. The fact that this term is in use, and that it has caught on, is evidence of this. I don't think "most people" are dimwitted, however, although I do think that games are not yet a central part of the lives of most people, which perhaps explains why the term has caught on.
    • by dskzero ( 960168 )
      You mean you actually read it?
      The topic is far too idiotic for me to actually spend those five minutes.
    • Yeah, I read the infographic and the subjective stuff is terrible and hard to ignore. The objective stuff is often just wrong, implying connections that weren't there, and missing other very important ones. The history and chronology was all off, and the examples used frequently not even representative of the trend he's trying to illustrate.

      A historical approach may have needed to be ten times as long, but it also would have been actually worth reading.

      Social RPGS ... Mafia Wars? Really? That's the best

  • Infographic (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    -n. --An "informative" picture composed of words, lines, bubbles, arrows, colors, clouds, or kittens. Used like a chart, graph, timeline, or illustration yet requires none of the forethought. Also useful for creating arbitrary links between random points of data.

    Social -adj. --When added to a noun, such as "media", "networking", or "gaming", implies potential for making money on the Internet.

  • WTF? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by geminidomino ( 614729 ) on Monday May 24, 2010 @05:07PM (#32328838) Journal

    "Infographic?" Really?

    "Diagram" or "Flowchart" or even fucking "Image" weren't pretentious enough, you had to hit us with fucking "Infographic?"

  • ...and lived to tell the tale [] (on Gamasutra)
  • by cosm ( 1072588 ) <> on Monday May 24, 2010 @09:25PM (#32331040)
    After spending approximately 2 seconds of my life analyzing the infographic, only to realize it is just a picture of the ways people have been wasting time for the past millennium, I have concluded that I need to get the fuck off /. and go outside.
  • Won't someone with more free time than I have code an HTML-5 -based association-node-map-thingy that you can interactively browse and edit in wiki-style?

    It would be nice to see how different things relate to each other and how. I'd love to browse around the history of gaming, with games linking each other based on whatever criteria makes sense. HTML-5 would make this doable without flash. :)

    There's some DB project working on this kind of associative mapping too, but the name escapes me.

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
