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World of Warcraft: Cataclysm To Launch Dec. 7th 431

Blizzard announced today that the third expansion to World of Warcraft, dubbed Cataclysm, is set for launch on December 7th. In addition to upping the level cap to 85 and including several new high level zones, the expansion will revamp the parts of Azeroth that have been around since WoW's initial launch, bringing the 1-60 leveling experience more in line with the improvements Blizzard has made in the expansions. Cataclysm will also give players two new races to play, Goblins and Worgen, who have joined the Horde and the Alliance, respectively.
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World of Warcraft: Cataclysm To Launch Dec. 7th

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  • Really? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Pojut ( 1027544 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @01:05PM (#33786234) Homepage

    I started with MUDs, moved on to Meridian 59, Ultima Online, Everquest, etc...I absolutely LOVED my time spent with MMOs, especially WoW (closed and open betas, continued until about 1.5 years after launch), but the genre got boring for me. Not even The Old Republic can get me excited about an MMO.

    I still find it surprising when I hear so many people are still playing WoW. Anyone on here still playing since launch? What's kept you with it all this time? Gameplay, community, what?

    • Re:Really? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by MBGMorden ( 803437 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @01:13PM (#33786318)

      I've been playing since just a few months after launch, but "playing" is used loosely for the last 6 months or so(I've been logging at most an hour per week during that time).

      The community aspect - guildies to log on and talk to for a bit, is a big part of staying, but aside from that sometimes I just wanna kill some time. WoW feels like a decent way to spend that time. Repetitive? A bit, sure, but life itself is repetitive. Nobody asks the sports fans why they watch the same sport every Sunday, or why the fisherman goes out catching the same kinds of fish every Saturday, or why people go down to the same bars with the same group of people each weekend. People do the things they like because they enjoy doing them, and just because you can reduce it to "doing the same thing over and over" doesn't necessarily mean that it loses all appeal.

      • Pretty much this for me too. I've made loads of friends in WoW that I'd begrudge just upping and leaving. I have stopped playing a number of times, ie, stopped paying (not just "log on once a week or so") for various reasons throughout the years, always hanging around the guild forums, but eventually, it keeps bringing me back.

      • Guild Wars gives all those benefits, with no monthly fees.

        And Guild Wars 2 is just around the corner, and promises to be superior to WoW in basically every respect.

        Check it out. []

      • Re:Really? (Score:5, Funny)

        by Skadet ( 528657 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @04:06PM (#33788298) Homepage

        just because you can reduce it to "doing the same thing over and over" doesn't necessarily mean that it loses all appeal.

        Tell that to my wife.

    • OCD? :P (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Moraelin ( 679338 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @01:14PM (#33786322) Journal

      OCD? ;)

      Well, now seriously, I don't know anyone who actually played non-interrupted since start. The longest I know someone playing in a row is like 3 years, which admittedly is still a lot, but still not quite since start.

      What most of us do is really play one game, play and eventually get bored, move to another game, played and eventually get bored, and so on. Not even all MMOs. There'll be lots of falling back to single player games in between MMOs.

      I mean, technically I've started WoW relatively soon after it got launched in Europe myself, but, good grief, not continuously. In fact, the vast majority of these years I was _not_ on WoW at all. Ditto for other games. Actually my all time favourite MMO is City Of Heros, not WoW, but, you guessed, it's been actually a lot of not being on COH either.

      At any rate, I'll probably have a look on WoW when cataclysm launches. Or maybe not. But it's not like, you know, a marriage or a job or swearing allegiance to a new king. It's a game. You play it until you've seen all the quests that are easy to get to, maybe try again with a different character or three, but eventually that's it.

      • I would say WoW is an exception to this, because the expansions basically reinvent the game every two years, especially this one that fully refactors the initial leveling experience as well as adding the new content at the top.

        • Well, I probably wasn't too clear about it. I do come back now and again, so the point is kinda: I too could technically make a claim like "oh, I've been playing WoW since launch" and even go into what got changed in which EP. But it's more like since start playing a month or two, then taking a half a year break, then playing another month, then taking a break until the next EP, then taking yet another break, then figured I'd try playing a horde char to see what's different, then take another break, and so

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by BobMcD ( 601576 )

        You play it until you've seen all the quests that are easy to get to, maybe try again with a different character or three, but eventually that's it.

        The Heirlooms that they introduced with Wrath, and are continuing with Cata, have put an interesting spin on this, actually. Your main character's efforts can now directly result in alts leveling faster through the content you've already seen. There's XP in the battlegrounds now, too, and PvP heirlooms make that a lot easier to get into.

        Everyone I know has several alts. Many of whom reached max level during this last xpac. This did used to happen in the past, true, but not to the degree we see it today.

    • by Fizzl ( 209397 )

      Same history here. I actually got hooked on a MUD once again. BatMUD rocks. Chip off the old rock...

    • by BitHive ( 578094 )

      Geeks love WoW because it's the closest thing they'll ever experience to working at Foxconn.

      • Actually, FFO, original EQ(pre-WoWing of the experience system), and some other games are more like Foxconn than WoW. WoW is like working at Hot Dog on a Stick
        • by node 3 ( 115640 )

          Actually, FFO, original EQ(pre-WoWing of the experience system), and some other games are more like Foxconn than WoW. WoW is like working at Hot Dog on a Stick

          I thought it was TF2 that had the funny hats.

    • by BobMcD ( 601576 )

      I'm an on-and-off player since Beta. I play in within my social circle, mostly, so I'd have to say that we'd simply rather be on WoW than on Facebook. We can work together towards a common goal, 'hang out', and simply share a hobby. My vendor's rep is into WoW, too, so we can swap stories from time to time.

      WoW is a lot like the new golf. Nearly everyone has either played it, or has heard of it, and can at least carry on a conversation.

      So, the gameplay is part of it. It changes a lot from xpac to xpac,

    • "I still find it surprising when I hear so many people are still playing WoW."

      Some of us went full circle. I'm back playing Ultima Online (privately owned-public server...and free, UOSecondAge) and it is like I never left. WoW is what made me realize that, by FAR, the most fun I had playing MMO-style games was the very first years I did so.

      Go back to your roots. I honestly believe that the trailblazers in MMO history rode us right to the clearing at the end of the trail--everything else is simply derivative

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Cinder6 ( 894572 )

      Played since launch, but not continuously. After it came out, I played for 6 months or so, then quit. A while after WotLK came out, I started up again for another four months. That was a year ago. I started again last month, because I wanted to be around when Cataclysm came out. After I get to 85, I'll probably do some raiding, remember that I got totally burned out in Blackwing Lair in classic, and quit again.

      Basically, it's worth it to come back and see what's changed, but once you've done everything

    • by Rinikusu ( 28164 )

      Frequent breaks. I played the hell out of it for about 4 or 5, maybe 6 months, took a year off, played for a few months, took off until BC, took off another couple years and just resubbed a little over a year ago. My sub lapses next week, but that's because I'm on a PPC mac and support is being dropped for it, but that's okay. I'll wait until Cata is good and broken in and I'll be ready for a new computer then. :)

    • by jayveekay ( 735967 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @02:05PM (#33786896)

      While the game itself varies from occasional memorable moments to a great deal of mundane (and frequently mind-numbing) activity, the meta-game and content that surrounds the game can be very entertaining. The game is fuel for interactions with fellow players, discussions with game developers, and music videos such as [] .

    • by MattW ( 97290 ) <> on Monday October 04, 2010 @04:02PM (#33788262) Homepage

      I played at launch, but started getting bored around 20 and by 40, unable to afford a mount, quit playing.

      A friend convinced me to return just before WotLK. Using Refer-a-Friend, we leveled up. I found it a lot more pleasant with the faster XP and with his borrowed gold buying my mount. :)

      Once I was into outland, questing was tolerable, and in WotLK/Northrend, it was downright fun.

      Once I discovered raiding in Naxxramas at 80, I was hooked. Now that's why I play. As I got into the game I've changed guilds a couple times and now raid with a very high end guild. (We had a top 25 US Heroic Lich King kill, for those who know what that means.)

      The high end raiding content is genuinely hard. It's a mix of optimizing gameplay mechanics, good awareness of all the things going on, twitch reactions, strategy and personal strategic planning (what "we" do in a given situation and what "I" do if X happens), etc. For my guild, also a lot of fun camaraderie, although some top guilds are notorious for being not-so-friendly places. It's a bit time consuming, as it will eat 5 nights a week potentially during "progression", where we're learning and downing fights, but when you factor in how little time it takes up in the "off season", it only eats ~9-10 hours/week on average.

      Anyhow, end game raiding = a blast. That's why I play.

  • It's about time (Score:3, Insightful)

    by VGPowerlord ( 621254 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @01:13PM (#33786310)

    It's about time. We knew the release date had to be soon, as Blizzard's WoW Updater has already pushed out 4.8GB of updates to each user for the upcoming version (4.0.0).

    • by BobMcD ( 601576 )

      My best guess as to the timeline:

      10/12/10 - Soft-Confirmed date of the 4.0.1 patch. This will be client and class/mechanics changes only.

      10/26/10 - End of Beta

      11/23/10 - 4.0.3 'Sundering' patch containing world changes, but not perks like Goblins/Worgen, etc. This coincides with WoW's sixth anniversary.

      12/07/10 - Cataclysm proper, as announced today...

      12/14/10 - Rumored start of Arena Season Nine

      The thing that's odd to me is, why start an arena season when nobody is geared to take part in it yet??

      • by Graff ( 532189 )

        The thing that's odd to me is, why start an arena season when nobody is geared to take part in it yet??

        You get gear during the season. People have been gearing up for season nine during the whole of season eight. PVE doesn't really factor into it.

        • by BobMcD ( 601576 )

          Sort of, but you can't equip any of it until you're 85. How does one get time to level to max AND grind up a bunch of points in only seven days?

          I'm not expecting there would be anyone to queue against for such a person...

    • That's, "Hell, it's about time."

  • So Familiar.... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by EXTomar ( 78739 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @01:15PM (#33786342)

    Why does a very destructive sneak attack from the ocean on major coastal cities around December sound so familiar?

    To be serious for a moment, I still play since launch. The thing that kept my attention is their drive is partially beating the content and continuing drive to change the content. Seeing a new boss, dissecting its behavior, and attacking in a cooperative team manner is always fun. There is just enough complexity that it triggers my analytical side so when they revamp or change out mechanics I'm always interested.

    Granted "WoW" isn't a perfect game and it does hinge on personal experiences (if you have no friends to play with, "WoW" is easily the dumbest thing to try to play) but I'm always stumped when people say "WoW" is a horrible experience.

    • Wow is great.... mostly. Wow has relatively complex fights certain epic battles and great pvp opportunities. Tons of fighting.

      The bad really does hurt it though. PVE, is entirely pointless... well not entirely but it is easy to the point of being trivial. The whole PVE experience is hilariously pathetic. I realize I'm speaking more from a good at games POV... since I am a LOT better than the majority of wow players. But I think they pander too much to the terrible players.... And since PVE solo content is
  • by chemicaldave ( 1776600 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @01:20PM (#33786392)
    The author failed to mention a primary feature of the expansion: flying allowed in Azeroth. The world was previously not setup to allow players to see the ugly transition between zones, and this is seen as a major update.
  • Honestly I would have thought the guys in Marketing would have pulled this for the 23rd - their sixth anniversary. My only guess at this point is that they plan their 4.0.3 'sundering' patch on 11/23 instead. But genuinely, I would have imagined that they would pull towards that date, even if there were major bugs left to be fixed.

  • Man, I remember that we were talking about Cataclysm more than a year ago. It had already been in development for quite some time, it had already gone through a lot of changes. When I talked to other people making guesses about when Cataclysm would come out, we figured it would hit around February/March 2010, so as to not interfere with Starcraft 2's release.

    Well, it's not interfering with SC2, that's for sure. December 2010 - sheesh! It amazes me more that I keep falling for it, thinking Blizzard pr
    • They've been reliably* putting out a new pay expansion every two years.
    • Your guess was simply terrible. Not really their fault.

      And I don't understand this mentality. Those guys are jerks! Letting us know that a product will be coming out sometime and then we have to WAIT. Why couldn't they have kept it secret from us. Have some control man.
  • I haven't played WoW in a long time, not since Burning Crusade. So I missed WotLK.

    If I restart my subscription now, and buy WotLK (so I have the most recent content available) do I have to pay again to get Cataclysm? If that's true it probably makes sense to do some catching up using Burning Crusade then wait for Cataclysm... assuming that option is still open.

    Apologize in advance if this is obvious to anyone. Thanks.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I haven't played WoW in a long time, not since Burning Crusade. So I missed WotLK.

      If I restart my subscription now, and buy WotLK (so I have the most recent content available) do I have to pay again to get Cataclysm? If that's true it probably makes sense to do some catching up using Burning Crusade then wait for Cataclysm... assuming that option is still open.

      Apologize in advance if this is obvious to anyone. Thanks.

      The changes to the old world (Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms)/old zones will not require any expansion. You could play the original WoW only and be stuck at 60, but you could still go to the changed zones.

      However, the two new races (Goblins and Worgen), the new zones, the levels 81-85 require the Cataclysm expansion. Archaeology may require it too (new secondary profession).

    • You can play w/ just the original if you want. And yeah, when cata is released wotlk will probably drop in price. But you would need all the expansions.
  • I would have to kill seventy trillion boars instead of forty trillion?

    Not really sure why the level cap keeps getting bumped. It's just more grind.

      Yeah! I just spent twelve months grinding this guy to level *insert here* and getting him all the best stuff! Nothing can kill him now!




    Yeah. Real fun.

    Call me when the game isn't a boring single-path grindfest.

    • WoW has never been about the path to the level cap it has always been about the content at the level cap.
  • It must be deliberate
  • by Myji Humoz ( 1535565 ) on Monday October 04, 2010 @02:28PM (#33787222)
    Sociologists will wonder in vain why final exam grades in 2010 were so abnormally abysmal.

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