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First Person Shooters (Games) Nintendo Games Idle

Super Mario Bros. As a First-Person Shooter 1

RedEaredSlider writes "If you ever wanted to see Mario finally give those little mushroom creatures the what-for, this is the game for you. The experience of a side-scroller as a first-person shooter is a bit surreal, though."
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Super Mario Bros. As a First-Person Shooter

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  • ...but completely unplayable. IMHO, platformers are platformers because the game mechanics require you to be able to see in all directions at once, not just one. While this is shiny (and, if I'm not mistaken, something of a jab at modern FPSes with the achievement-like scoring system), it's just another gameplay style that I pray never gets implemented.

1 + 1 = 3, for large values of 1.
