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Duke Nukem Forever Gets Delayed - Again 222

Blacklaw writes "Duke Nukem Forever, the game that turned into the industry's longest running joke as it entered development hell, has encountered one last delay to its launch."
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Duke Nukem Forever Gets Delayed - Again

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 24, 2011 @08:46AM (#35597224)

    Ah, memories from childhood. One day my friend told me he had found a kickass game from a BBS and asked if I wanted to go play it with him after school. He described it to me and I was already sold, but but... My mother Giovanna had told me to help my father at our family pizza place after school. Damn it!

    School day became to end and I tried to consider my options, but there were none. I had to go help my papa make pizza. Frustraded, almost crying, I walked the streets of Naples back home. Every now and then I watched inside a window on the street and noticed someone playing on computer. I was thinking if that could be it, but I'd never know.

    I decided to think for a moment. Like a good oven takes its time and peace to bake and finish a delicious pizza, my padre would wait for me. It was time to go see what the game was about.

    And I was amazed. Great looking graphics, funny sounding man that I did not understand and girls with something on their chest that looked like doughnuts with a salami on top of it. It was truly marvelous.

    While later serving customers at my fathers pizza place, I couldn't but think that I have to get a computer and this Duke Nukem 3D game. I mean, I loved baking pizza. But there is a time when a boy must choose between leisure and girls. But my father never got me a computer.

    Like an overbaked pizza, my dreams were crushed when Duke Nukem Forever never came.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 24, 2011 @08:51AM (#35597248)

    was delayed again

  • by vawwyakr ( 1992390 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @08:51AM (#35597250)
    I thought it was really going to happen this time. Man, fool me once shame on you, fool me....like 20 times?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 24, 2011 @08:51AM (#35597254)

    When it was originally announced in 1997, I immediately went out and bought a state of the art Pentium 233 with 4MB RAM and a humongous 1GB hard drive.... it's sitting there waiting...waiting ....
    Hopefully it still runs on MS Windows 3.11

    • Hopefully it still runs on MS Windows 3.11

      You mean MS-DOS 6.2, right? And not that 6.22 crap either. (Dblspace ftw!)

      • by stiggle ( 649614 )

        Dblspace? Thats just a dodgy copy of Stacker technology!

        I remember DOS 4.01 - buggier than an ants nest :-)

    • by cpu6502 ( 1960974 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @09:37AM (#35597648)

      >>>When it was originally announced in 1997... Hopefully it still runs on MS Windows 3.11

      Your timing is a little off. The state-of-the-art in 1997 was:
      Windows 95 or NT 4.x
      Nintendo64 or PS1 or Sega Saturn

      I figure by the time Duke Nukem Forever arrives, it will have graphics no better than an N64 or DS.

    • I understand it requires one of them new 3D graphic accelerators, like a Rendition Verite or Voodoo Rush.
    • by operagost ( 62405 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @10:15AM (#35598068) Homepage Journal
      Cute, but I can tell you're a young'n because a Pentium (MMX) 233 would never have come with only 4 MB RAM, the Pentium II was the state-of-the-art in 1997, Windows 95 was out in 1997 (duh), and no good games ran on Windows 3.x. But thanks for playing. Now get off my lawn!
      • by cjb658 ( 1235986 )

        I think he meant to say Pentium 133 - but even then, 16MB was standard.

        Unless he meant 4MB of video RAM?

        • Man, I thought I was the MAN when I got my 4 MB video card. I think that was around the Starship Troopers/Tyrian days, now those were some graphics.

    • Pentium 233 MMX was released in June of '97 [wikipedia.org]. Most of us had upgraded to 95 SE 2 by then. ;)

  • old news (Score:5, Funny)

    by cashman73 ( 855518 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @08:53AM (#35597272) Journal
    Slashdot has been reporting on the delay of Duke Nukem Forever since 1999.
    • And it never gets old!
    • It's the ultimate dupe, and we just keep eating it up.
    • This is the first I've heard of it. Looks like a busy news day. I just checked the firehose and also learned that SCO is suing IBM, Jon Katz has strong, poorly written opinions about things he doesn't understand and high school graduation is COMING UP!!!!!!

      But seriously, I hope they 'accidentally' delay things again and copies of the game just magically rain from the sky like on June 20th.
  • by scharkalvin ( 72228 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @08:53AM (#35597274) Homepage

    Maybe their CD printer is in Japan?

  • Indeed... (Score:3, Funny)

    by pcgfx805 ( 1750684 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @08:57AM (#35597294)
    ...but as Christoph Hartmann said - "Duke never comes early"
  • Well I am big Duke Fan, to the point that once we heard it was finally coming out a friend and I got Duke3D working over WAN which I will share today. Firstly pick up a copy of Duke 3D Atomic Edition (i like this website http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/duke_nukem_3d_atomic_edition [gog.com]) I think the game is in open licensing but not 100% sure. Then download Tunngle from http://www.tunngle.net/ [tunngle.net] which is a WAN VPN thingy that allows you to play Local network games over the interweb. Install, Start Tunngle, Full scre
    • Re:Duke3D Now (Score:5, Informative)

      by VGPowerlord ( 621254 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @09:17AM (#35597458)

      Or you could just use your purchased copy's map files with something like JFDuke3D [jonof.id.au], which even includes an OpenGL renderer created by the same guy who wrote the Duke3D Build game engine.

      As I recall, this port natively supports TCP/IP.

  • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) * on Thursday March 24, 2011 @09:00AM (#35597324)

    I'm telling you, this is whole "We're releasing Duke Nuke'Em Forever" thing is just a very elaborate April Fools Day joke from Gearbox.

    • I'm telling you, this is whole "We're releasing Duke Nuke'Em Forever" thing is just a very elaborate April Fools Day joke from Gearbox.

      Ecch, that reminds me ... must not visit Slashdot next Friday ... that pink "OMG Ponies" color scheme is just evil.

      • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *

        April 1st is definitely an awful day on /. each year. It's a reverse Christmas of sorts. It's like watching the worst comedian in the world cracking horrifically lame jokes for 24-hours straight.

        Bill Gates Announces That He's a Butthole [snicker]

  • by Rhaban ( 987410 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @09:03AM (#35597350)

    Thecnically, there was never a release date before the game was handed over to Gearbox, so it had never suffered any delay before this one.

  • by Ephemeriis ( 315124 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @09:04AM (#35597360)

    I wouldn't be surprised if they had planned to announce one more delay from the start... At this point, it'd almost be a shame to actually ship on the date promised.

  • From the Gearbox forums: "It's not a joke. This is not something we would joke about. We have a commitment to our fans to get the game out as early as possible and every day counts. New games are available on Tuesday in North America so we’re getting the game out as early as possible in this territory. The international markets do not adhere to this release timing, and it just happens that they will be able to release the game a few days before North America. We don't want to hold it back, we want
    • Game releases are often on Tuesday, but it's not like it's some sort of law. Games do come out on other days of the week.

      Hell, Nintendo releases games on Sundays.

    • It sounds like a deliberate publicity stunt to me. This way the release gets covered twice.

  • by Lord Lode ( 1290856 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @09:09AM (#35597390)

    I mean, a hasty release wouldn't be good for the quality, right?

  • by drdanny_orig ( 585847 ) * on Thursday March 24, 2011 @09:12AM (#35597412)
    Well is anyone _really_ surprised at this? If I were publishing this, I'd announce a delay even if it was on-schedule, just for the added publicity.
    • That video is great, they're successfully playing it up themselves. "Why am I the last person to find out about these things? This is BS!"

    • I doubt it's a publicity stunt. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that they were a bit nervous about the feedback they got when they let the gaming press loose on the game last month.

      The feedback was by no means universally negative - it was clear that a lot of the journos really, really wanted to like the game (as do I). Besides, previews in this industry (as in most other entertainment industries) tend to focus on the positive. However, there were quite a few coded (and sometimes not so coded) cave

  • People! (Score:5, Funny)

    by muckracer ( 1204794 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @09:24AM (#35597514)

    What part of FOREVER don't you understand?!

  • At least (Score:2, Funny)

    by kiehlster ( 844523 )
    Duke won't be considered "premature" in any sense of the word.
  • Come June, the Earth will open up and swallow the entire development team, all the source code, and every disc manufacturer with a master. Face it, there are powers in the universe beyond our comprehension, possibly Vorlons, that do not want DNF released.
  • The "Forever" part is how long the development process takes.
  • This is actually incredibly reassuring. Duke Nukem Forever being due out "soon" has been one of those things that has stayed constant since teenage years, while so much else about the world has changed! If it gets released, I'm not sure how I will deal with that. Truly it will be the end of an era. It will go from being a new game, to an old game, to being "retro", in the relative blink of an eye. But in my heart it will still be vapourware.

  • The Mayans correctly predicted "the end of Forever" at December 2012, back when the game was announced 2,000 years ago.
  • by Junior J. Junior III ( 192702 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @11:13AM (#35598774) Homepage

    What with the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster in Japan, the bombing of yet another country, and all else that is wrong with the world right now, this delay helps comfort me and feel like there are some things that we can always count on. Bless you, DNF team.

  • I can't believe they think anyone would be fool enough to fall for that one again.
  • "One last delay"? Really, Slashdot?

  • Why did I make the decision to pre-order this a SECOND time? I guess you could call me a dreamer. I am cancelling my pre-order from Amazon today. I will wait until this is on store shelves before getting excited about Duke. Sorry Gearbox, there has been plenty of time to make the game, so delays are pretty inexcusable at this point. Are you seriously telling me that this game has been 12 years in the making, and it gets delayed? Not cool. If they did it for a publicity stunt, it backfired, because if
  • by gearloos ( 816828 ) on Thursday March 24, 2011 @12:46PM (#35600006)
    They suddenly realized the compiler to build the gold copy was for Pascal.. oops.. dog
  • After all, I payed 10$ in order to play multipler games over tcp/ip.

  • Shouldn't that be "yet another delay"? Given DNF's (incredibly long) track record, the odds of this being its last delay are infinitesimal. Heck, I'm betting that once I buy it the installer will get to 99% and hang.

I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours.
