Nintendo Slashes Profit Forecast and 3DS Price 168
Daetrin writes "Nintendo has announced a large loss for the first quarter of the year and lowered its annual profit forecast. In the three months prior to June 30th Nintendo lost 25.5 billion yen ($328 million) and the forecast is being reduced about 80%, from 110 billion yen ($1.4 billion) to 20 billion yen ($257 million). Nintendo is blaming poor sales of the 3DS and is responding by announcing a price cut from $250 to $170 on August 12. In order to mollify early adopters of the system Nintendo also announced that anyone who has logged into the Nintendo eShop before the price cut will receive 10 free NES games and 10 free GBA games. The GBA games won't be available until later in the year, but Nintendo claims they will be exclusive to the '3DS Ambassadors' and will not be available for purchase on the store in the future."
A related op-ed at Wired suggests the new price is still too high, given the rise of cheap portable games on various app stores.
Shocking! (Score:2)
So they're saying people don't want to buy multiple expensive devices instead of a single one that does everything to lug around?
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Compared to my PSP or my DS, I hate gaming on my phone. The controls blow, the screen is miniscule, the hardware is mediocre (new games are choppy on my 1.5 year old phone, never had that problem on the psp or ds because they're static targets), the battery life is appalling, and the signal-to-noise ratio of bad games vs good games is so low that it makes even the wii library look like a hit-factory. Finding a good game is hard, even with review sites ("Four Point Scale" issues galore). You'll go through a
Different needs. (Score:2)
"A related op-ed at Wired suggests the new price is still too high, given the rise of cheap portable games on various app stores."
When phones start having good gaming buttons and analog sticks, then I'll agree that Nintendo needs to worry. The current options for action/rpg game control on phones are horrible. I have yet to find one I can stand to play for more than 5 minutes. Even ones that -should- be good games... I just can't deal with the sloppy controls.
And there's a difference in length and quali
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apparently, in the marketplace, you're a minority. I agree with you, touch screen is awful for playing games.
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There are other options. The Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, for example, has a pretty decent set of controls. The play of the buttons is very shallow, but since it's a playstation standard layout, it feels pretty good.
There are also add-ons. Some apps (even ones in the marketplace or iOS app store) support bluetooth game controllers, including the iControlPad, a sort of strap-on control pad for iOS or android smartphones.
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Nintendo just announced that they lost over $300million in three months. I would say that the "need to worry" part is not really in question, whether or not you agree.
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Nintendo released the DSi and it flopped. There were no games for it!
A year later, they release the 3DS, and guess what? NO GAMES! The launch titles sucked. 3D Sudoku? Really!?
Even now, there are only a few decent games, most of which fail to really benefit from 3D, and don't use the extra features of the device.
The price point is not the problem. They launched it too early, before enough games were ready to show it off. Even now, people continue to make DS games and largely ignore the 3DS.
So yes, Ni
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Have you seen the sales figures for smartphones? How about the sales figures for handheld game consoles?
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I don't think 3D is going to catch on in the mobile market unless they can fit the technology into a pair of wayfarers. 2D "3D" games didn't really take off until someone like iD software came along and made something interesting work with it (first person shooters). Even then there were years of terrible isometric 3D shooters that were complete failures. Prior to that people were content with true 2D games. Other than the marketing whiz-bang, there's not a lot in 3D to convince consumers to shell out the e
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I'm a long time nintendo fan and the fact that DSiware was almost universally horrible and the shop itself completely half-baked was a disgrace.
Here comes the 3DS with the virtual console games all the DSi adopters were expecting and ~surprise~ they're all 3DS only. What good was the extra power of the DSi? Korg DS-10+ is the only title I can think of off hand that actually used it for something other than crappy camera stuff. Sorry, ninty, I'm done.
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You can buy a Fling joystick for any phone with a capacitive touch screen.
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But games need to support it, no? The problem with third-party, optional addons is that game developers can't count on people having them unless they want to restrict immensely their market.
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No, it's just a piece of rubber that acts like your finger.
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it's a little aluminum nub (with a protective plastic bottom to protect the screen) inside a plastic frame. The aluminum makes it work with the capacitative screen. It basically adds tactile feedback to the virtual onscreen joystick(it feels like a thumbpad, it doesn't shift, etc).
For what it is, it makes playing games o
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The iCade and the iControlPad may be similar and competing products up to a point, but you're not going to carry around an iCade in your pocket. There's also the fact that the iControlPad is now "iCade compatible", which means there's only one API to support on top of the on-screen controls. It should be easier to support both types of controls than it is to support multiple resolutions (iPhone + iPhone 4 = low-res + high-res resources, etc).
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phones start having good gaming buttons and analog sticks
And lose the tactile feedback I get from flat glass?!?!? But how will I get fingerprints and smudges all over my screen then?
Another reason the 3Ds isn't doing well (Score:3)
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1. Turn the 3D off
2. ???
3. Profit!
The 3D effect is great when it doesn't bother your eyes, and it really makes a difference in games that benefit from the added depth perception (a lot more than you'd think). You can turn the 3D off in parental controls as well. Also, I don't know too many people under the age of 6 that play anything more than Mario/Sonic, and I highly doubt they'd play nearly as often as older kids anyways. Nintendo has ALWAYS had health warnings about their games and talked about them muc
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Oh wait, the "headache" bullshit again?
Give your kid your glasses, and let them wear them until they get a severe headache
What are you talking about?
ALSO had a severe headache when you started to wear glasses, you also also got one when you changed your glasses strenght.
No seriously, what the hell are you talking about? If you gota headache with new glasses find a new optometrist. The only time glasses should give you a headache are when you're using the wrong strength (too weak or too strong).
What Nintendo should be allowed to do is just to roughly sue every single BS organisation intil they either make a disclairr against glasses, or they stop spewing out FUD.
Maybe if you could tell us what FUD you're talkimg about? Because as far as I can tell you seem to be saying that headaches are... to be expected and are not a cause for concern? Seriously due, explain - because I am rather baffled as to your point.
Exclusive GBA games... (Score:2)
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1: Nintendo is lying and it's really just a timed exclusive.
2: Nintendo is planning on using these games for various promotions. They'll be available as prizes for various contests, as a reward for a certain number of Nintendo Club points, etc. That wouldn't technically break their promise not to make them available for sale on the eShop, so this seems like the most
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As someone who likes 3D movies (Score:2)
from time to time, I played this a little bit at the local target and just didn't find it all that compelling. Even 3D movies I have to watch normal ones first to really be able to follow the plot.
I wonder if all this 3D stuff is coming because of consumer demand (Costco is pushing the TVs pretty hard) or the manufacturers just shooting spitballs during the recession and hoping something sticks?
I always like new technology, but the last 3D I really like was the arcade game Time Traveler, and I'm not really
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3D movie demand was actually pretty soft as this summer went on. 3D TVs aren't selling well compared to their 2D counterparts, and even when they do people don't usually use them in 3D mode.
And of course, the 3DS is a failure.
This 3D thing is mostly manufacturers playing follow the leader with nobody bothering to ask "does this stuff actually work well?"
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3D isn't consumer driven, it's studio and electronics industry driven. 3D means the studio can charge you several dollars more for your movie ticket (which is why they're converting even movies shot in 2D into 3D). 3D TV's mean consumers will have to upgrade their new whiz-bang HDTV's (which they otherwise might have sat on for years). 3D means money.
Actual consumer demand for 3D has always been tepid at best. But the studios and electronics manufacturers have been pushing it as a new big thing, in hopes th
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3D TV's mean consumers will have to upgrade their new whiz-bang HDTV's (which they otherwise might have sat on for years).
You're doing it wrong...
This fall (Score:2)
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Opera on the Wii and the Nintendo DSi is actually pretty decent, I don't know why Nintendo switched to NetFront for the 3DS.
Is NetFront any good, compared to Opera?
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Opera on the Wii and the Nintendo DSi is actually pretty decent, I don't know why Nintendo switched to NetFront for the 3DS.
Is NetFront any good, compared to Opera?
Seems to be decent, though I can't say that I've tried Opera on the other Nintendo devices.
Forex traders take note (Score:3)
Oh cellphones have Zelda now? (Score:2)
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That's an excellent point. Sega is eternally grateful that Sonic kept them relevant as a console manufacturer so that they never had to stoop to porting their franchises to other platforms.
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Oh? What does iOS 5 bring to gaming?
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Right, Zelda. (Score:2)
And what is Zelda on the 3DS, a rehash. Off one of the oldest games. That will teach the likes of Halo or FF! Launch title, a re-release.
And there is a nasty voice in my head that Zelda is only the top franchise for Nintendo because everything else sucks even worse. A case of one-eye's claim to the throne.
Mind you, this is Nintendo, they do crap, good, crap. They screwed up with the 3DS, to expensive a console, to expensive games and the device an odd combo of features that never quite come together. The 3D
Phones cost per month (Score:2)
Phone trumps Zelda I'm afraid.
Not for gamers too young to have a job, such as children in middle school or high school. They have no way to pay for a cellular voice contract. A salesperson I talked to in a Best Buy Mobile store told me that the carriers won't sell a data plan except bundled with a $40 per month or more expensive voice plan.
If you want Zelda on your phone, get an Android phone, the Nesoid emulator, and a Kazzo linker [parodius.com] to dump your Game Pak.
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You don't need a cellular contract, and many parents now buy their kids a plan. A kind of digital leash, if you will.
Even if you didn't have a cellphone, you don't need one to get iOS or Android via iPods and Galaxy Player [intomobile.com]. Plenty of students have iPods now.
DNF came out before Galaxy Player (Score:2)
Galaxy Player
People on Slashdot have started mentioning this lately. I'll believe them once Samsung announces a U.S. release date.
It's just a bad system (Score:2)
The 3DS is just a bad portable system. The whole 3D gimmick requires the system to remain still and in the right position. That means it's not usable on a bus. Or in the backseat of a moving car (especially if the road is at all bumpy). Or if you're just a bit fidgety and don't want to sit perfectly still for hours to play your games. Or are one of the many people who get eyestrain from it. As a result the 3D gimmick gets turned off and left off.
Without the gimmick, this thing isn't much more powerful then
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The 3d range is actually a little less sensitive than some people make it out to be. It works just fine on a bumpy right or in the bus. Admittedly, if you get sick in cars easily, that's not recommended, but still works fine. The eyestrain generally comes from not putting the 3D at the right level for your eyes... it always go away after you get used to it (a few hours max).
I'm being told some games do 3D particularly poorly. I only have
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I've had a 3DS since the UK launch day. I tried to give it a fair shake (see my journal for a few posts from a few months ago when I was trying to be positive, or at least balanced), but I've now come to the conclusion that it's a turkey. I'm seriously regretting that I gave away my old DS to a young relative when I picked up my 3DS - at least the DS had the battery to do a translatlantic flight.
I took my 3DS on such a flight recently - on the day Zelda launched in the UK, actually, and with a copy of
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I know it doesn't make up for it (the 3DS battery life really does suck), but here's a tip.
The 3DS uses the same power cable as the DSi. It works with DSi to USB power cables (which can be bought from DealExtreme for next to nothing). It can be used with any USB-based cellphone battery pack.
Personally, I've got a Tekkeon MP1550 (4xAA), which works great with my 3DS, but any portable USB power source would do. I'll admit that this was mostly convenient because I *already* carried around the MP1550 for my sma
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Actually the 3ds is quite a bit more powerful than the DS and it has more in terms of control techiques. It's a worthy upgrade, 3d or not, but it's missing GAMES.
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The circlepad is probably the best analog control stick that I've seen in any handheld to date. It was a bit stiff at first, but after loosening up, I find it on par in terms of usability with the analog sticks on a PS3 or 360 controller.
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I dig it, too. I also like the Virtual Console on it. I think I'm probably in the minority here, but the 10 nes and gba games kick ASS.
Always thought Nintendo's "wins" really weren't (Score:2)
Celebrations of Nintendo's "win" of this generation's console with the Wii was always short-sighted, I think. Similar stories with the DS and 3DS. Sure, they make money with their hardware, good for them. But most of Sony and MS's revenue comes from actual games, licensing 3rd party titles, online content, etc. And in these areas, Nintendo has fallen WAY behind. Just imagine how much money MS must make each month from Xbox Live subscriptions alone. MS and Sony make money on a sold console for YEARS after th
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You mean the same gimmick that allows you to play first-person games like Metroid Prime the way they were meant to be? Because playing games like Halo on the Xbox with those tiny analog sticks is like trying to play Ridge Racer with a keyboard or playing MegaMan with a mouse.
The same gimmick that both Sony and Microsoft copied?
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I was talking about the Wii controls, not the 3DS or Wii U.
And yes, requiring you to move the display around is extremely dumb, especially for a glass-free 3D device which you're supposed to look at directly.
The only upgrade I'm considering is going from a DSi to a DSi XL for the bigger screens and the longer battery life.
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lulz clearly you haven't played Metroid Prime 3. It's unplayable with wagglemotion and there's no option to return it to 'real' controls.
On the contrary, turn on expert mode in the menus. The nunchuck then controls movement, and the Wii remote aims the gun cursor; no wagglemotion. It's then a much better experience than FPSs with a PS3 DualShock controller, in my experience. It's not quite as precise as a mouse for aiming, but it's better than a keyboard for movement.
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Sadly, there weren't many FPS made. I think the FPS genre is stagnant, and couldn't break away from their mold of remaking the exact same game, over and over, with slightly better graphics. FPS players seem to be the greatest graph
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so who is gonna buy the Wii U? very few people imho, probably just the hardcore nintendo fans
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I don't see the 3DS as ever becoming a hit, although I think it'll end up selling respectably as people gradually transition to that platform. I think the Wii-U will do fine, though.
Anyone have the full list? (Score:2)
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Even the ars tecnica article doesn't have the fulls list of games, it just lists a few from each list. Anyone know what they are?
Here is a decent list from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3DS_games [wikipedia.org]
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What I intended to ask for was the full list of games that they are giving to early adopters of the 3DS. They said 10 games from NES and 10 from GBA, but ars doesn't list all 10 of either.
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Early adopter (Score:5, Insightful)
And i, like many other people, was expecting that Nintendo was going to have to cut prices before the holiday season in order to compete effectively with the unexpectedly cheap Playstation Vita.
However i do have to admit that i wasn't expecting the price cuts to be this deep and this early. Maybe $250 was a little high, and $170 certainly doesn't seem like an unreasonable point for competing against the $250/$300 Vita, but it seems like perhaps two separate price cuts would have been in order. One down to $200 or $210 now, and then another price cut announced right before the release of the Vita.
But before too many other early adopters start complaining about how they're getting ripped off, remember that Sony had some pretty tough times in the early months (years?) of the PS3 launch, and at the time people were lambasting them for not cutting the price of the PS3. So which do you want? A company that responds when market conditions seem to warrant it, or one that sticks to the initial price point come hell or high water? (And all the trolls going on about how this means Nintendo is clearly doomed, note that Sony did eventually recover from those early problems. Nintendo certainly isn't out of the game yet.)
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I was going to buy one (Score:2)
Then I found about the terms [defectivebydesign.org], and lost all interest.
With the kind of crap included in TOS the only way I would get one is if they paid me for it.
In a more sensible world... (Score:2)
In a more sensible world, all NES games would be in the public domain at this point.
well gee golly (Score:2)
when you introduce a new and improved model every freaking year with little effort to back it up with software people start to loose interest, add on to the fact this thing is more or less what you already own but with a monstrous price tag and a half broken gimmick no one should really be surprised.
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when you introduce a new and improved model every freaking year with little effort to back it up with software people start to loose interest, add on to the fact this thing is more or less what you already own but with a monstrous price tag and a half broken gimmick no one should really be surprised.
This isn't a new model, it is a new system. That is like comparing the playstation to the playstation 2. The guts of this one are much better, along with both an analog joystick and bigger main screen (along with 3d ability) make the new games capable of a lot more. It should also be noted that the app store for this one is much better, and there are already some good things like netflix available. I agree though that the previous xl/mini/different design releases of the normal ds and even the dsi are defin
Re:My opinion (Score:5, Insightful)
You've just named the precise reasons that the original Game Boy beat its competitors:
- Better battery life (as in a USABLE battery life)
- Better games
3DS has nothing in the way of a "killer app", the screen issues are still problematic, and I know of nobody willing to pay that much for a portable device for gaming. Then again, I also remember the fiasco that was the original GBA, which didn't even have a backlight and couldn't be played without arranging a ton of lamps like some professional fucking photography studio [penny-arcade.com]. It was downright hilarious when I saw someone take apart their GBA SP and they discovered that Nintendo had literally ripped off the Afterburner design for their own GBA lighting system.
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I'd much rather pay $250 for the Vita, over the 3DS, anyway.
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It seemed more like Nintendo was following Sony's lead, not the other way around. Now, I'm a Nintendo fan, and will probably get a 3DS at some point, but the 3d will play pretty much no factor in that... to me, the 3DS is simply a DS with a better, faster processor and more memory. Nice, but nothing revolutionary, and nothing that makes purchasing it seem urgent
Try CHEAPER games (Score:2)
Some games retail in holland for about 50 euro's. That is just to fucking expensive for what is often a game only marginally better then iPhone stye games. Take ridge racer, it is a joke of a game but Nintendo expects to get full price for it. It just is to much.
Nintendo still thinks it is the only game in town but the smartphone market has broken the casual gaming market wide open. It better adjust. It ain't the hardware price, you can't even buy a decent phone for the price of 3DS but I can load an awful
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If Nintendo was a sheepherder then it would not just kill the sheep for its wool, it would machine gun the entire herd to do a blood sampling. By all means, bleed me for every nickle I got but do you got to bugger me at the same time while dancing on my mothers grave?
Thanks for keeping things in proper perspective.
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Some games retail in holland for about 50 euro's.
Really? The standard 3DS price for games in the US is $40. It's nice to know that the tradition of "overpriced for Europe" is continuing. (Let's see, according to Google, 50 Euros is ... $75. Ouch. Also, bets on when Slashdot finally realizes there's a Euro symbol and allows people to use it, instead of it coming out â? I'm guessing never, because apparently allowing the Euro symbol means they must allow BIDI marks. No, really! That's the excuse.)
As for the zelda remake... that is the MUST have title? Come one, that should have been a freebee or a special bundle.
First off, yes, it's by far the best title for the syste
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It was downright hilarious when I saw someone take apart their GBA SP and they discovered that Nintendo had literally ripped off the Afterburner design for their own GBA lighting system.
Let's be fair here, though, how many ways are there to properly design a front-light for a reflective color LCD display?
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New Smash Bros coming,
Super Mario 3D Land,
OoT and Star Fox 64 enhanced remakes,
Luigi's Mansion 2,
Kid Icarus,
Perfect DS and DSi backwards compatability,
etc., and that's JUST the first-party titles announced.
The DS did awful when it first came out, but it later became really popular (who doesn't know what one is?). Give it time and enough Mario games and it'll sell like hotcakes, I guarantee it.
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1) Cancer is deadly. The DS isn't (right?)
2) The DS is well known among gamers and non-gamers alike because it's a good portable system (the most popular one on the market right now, even).
3) Of course not as many people own DSes as people own smartphones and things like that; they're less necessary of an item. They're just for entertainment. That said, I can't think of a kid I've met that doesn't have one AND doesn't want one, but that's not really a good statistic at all.
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Stereo displays have this effect when you don't look at them at the right angle and distance. Your eyes will each see the wrong channel and you won't be able to make sense of what you see. I worked with stereo displays a few years back, some people even claimed they were unable to position themselves correctly in front of the display because they had to look at it to be able to align. I own a 3DS and I found that it's very easy to hold it too close to the eyes; looking from the side doesn't work at all of c
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Isn't that what they are trying to do with the Wii U?
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Let's not kid ourselves. Those so-called "200$ phones" are tied to monthly fees in the 50-100$ range.
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ipod touch is $199 and the games start at free. and you can read books, wikipedia on it, there are apps to help with homework and school and tens of thousands of other non-game useful apps. and soon you will be able to text on it once iOS 5 comes out
the 3ds just plays games that cost $30 and up
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"the 3ds just plays games that cost $30 and up"
That's like saying a fillet knife just fillets fish while your ax can cut wood and fish and thus is superior.
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It also ignores the eShop, where there are many App-store priced games. Of course, most of them seem to be complete crap, but there are some gems in there that cost way less than $30.
What $200 phone do you recommend? (Score:2)
a $200 phone
The only smartphones with game download stores that I know of in that price range without an expensive cellular service contract are Samsung Intercept and LG Optimus V (and their counterparts on other carriers). And those don't even have gamepads.
How to fight shovelware (Score:2)
The DS and Wii being the shovelware kings didn't help either.
I've read that there's far more shovelware on iPod touch than on DS. Is there even a practical way to fight shovelware?
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Superman (N64) (Score:2)
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Antitrust (Score:2)
Nintendo used many wonderful techniques to combat shovelware during the NES and SNES days. They worked wonderfully.
For one thing, Nintendo lost an antitrust lawsuit over this. For another, it didn't stop all shovelware: all but one of the games on this list of the bottom 20 [cracked.com] carried the Official Nintendo Seal.
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Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have a right to veto the publication of your software on their console platforms
Say I were to develop software for the console called Dell Zino [dell.com], which runs a Microsoft platform. How could Microsoft veto that? (TIP: An answer starts by defining "console".)
Manufacturers of Android-powered phones pay a fee to Microsoft to use the Android platform. How can Microsoft veto applications for Android-powered devices? (TIP: An answer starts by defining "their".)
Sony v. Hotz anyone? (Score:2)
If somebody were to figure out a way to sign their own code for the system, they could sell games without Ninsonysoft's approval.
That hasn't been clearly true for over a decade. In October 1998, both houses of the United States Congress approved the Digital Millennium Copyright Act by voice vote. One needs both the ability and the right.
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no incentive for third-party developers to create games
Especially given Nintendo's long-standing policy against home development, compared to Microsoft's $99 per year Xbox Live Indie Games model that Apple copied for its App Store.
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Lets be fair, Apple has had third-party developers (1976) six years longer than Nintendo has (1985). I know how popular it is to hate on Apple, but it should be remembered that it wasn't even possible to do "home development" on anything the general public could afford until Woz came up with the Apple I. Sure, there was stuff like the Altair 8800 that was useful for general purpose stuff... But when you include the cost of the relevant hardware and a teletype terminal, you were looking at what would be ~$10
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However here's an alternate source from Bloomberg [bloomberg.com] with most of the same details. And one from cnet. [cnet.com]
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Chill, the system came out four months ago! It supports 100% backwards compatibility with DS and DSi titles (even downloadable ones), which is something the Vita doesn't have (only downloadable titles supported), so even if you can't find anything for the 3DS, there's hundreds of regular DS games to play. Also, there's Street Fighter IV, OoT, Star Fox 64, another Mario Kart coming out, Luigi's Mansion 2's coming out, Kid Icarus, Dead or Alive, BlazBlue, I could go on. Just go on GameRankings or Metacritic a
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'Tis fine, my bad for not reading your summary thoroughly enough.