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Role Playing (Games) Games

Legend: Tabletop Gaming For a Good Cause 83

danaris writes "On Friday, Rule of Cool gaming released Legend, a d20-derived tabletop roleplaying game system designed to be easy to learn, easy to play, and just really fun. As the names suggest, they recognize that people in an RPG frequently want to be playing epic characters with cool abilities, so they provide that — while making sure all such characters are reasonably well balanced against characters and monsters of the same level. For a nice overview of the system, there's a review up on by one of the playtesters, and another review by a moderator from Reddit's RPG section. The game is initially being distributed as a pay-what-you-want benefit to the Child's Play charity, with all proceeds (not just all profits) going to the charity."
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Legend: Tabletop Gaming For a Good Cause

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  • Legend like down, most likely /.ed. Back to my dreary life....
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Should be back. Hit it again, and let me know.

  • Looks fun! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by werepants ( 1912634 ) on Tuesday November 29, 2011 @02:57AM (#38199616)
    I started playing D&D not too long ago after hearing about it for ages, and it is a lot of fun, but the complexity of the system can be daunting to say the least. The games I've played also burn an inordinate amount of time on checking rules and spell behavior and keeping track of all sorts of mindless minutia. This system looks to retain much of the good but do it in a simpler and more streamlined way, which should make for fun gameplay.

    If I can convince some of my D&D buddies to chip in as well, might have to pick it up. The biggest problem with tabletop games (especially obscure or new ones) is that it can be hard to track down people to actually play with.
    • The biggest problem with tabletop games (especially obscure or new ones) is that it can be hard to track down people to actually play with.

      The solution to this problem is to learn to be a Dungeon Master. Once a DM sets aside time to plan and run a game, all he has to do is get the word out and people show up.

      • The downside being is that you have to DM a game.

        5x the work, 1/10 the fun.

        • If you stick with it a while it grows on you. I think being a DM is more fun than being a player. I guess it depends on how creative you are and maybe how much you like being the center of attention. :-)
          • Have to disagree there. I've easily spent three times as much gaming time as DM as I have actually getting to play. Maybe it just comes from being "The Roleplayer" archetype, but I think it's more that people who actually enjoy DMing more than playing are a rarity, kind of like real women on dating sites.

          • I DMed for a while and really enjoyed the "me versus everyone else" aspect of it. It was a constant cat and mouse game of me trying to keep a band of yahoos on track and them doing everything in their power to derail every part of my campaign. Some stuff the players did was just inspired (all but one person jumping into a bag of holding so the last person could carry them across a rickety bridge) and some was just plain stupid (casting fireball while trapped in a giant spider's web. It torched half the p

            • by daid303 ( 843777 )

              At least your party tries new things. Mine stood 10 minutes on a floor in a half destroyed building, we me telling them the crunch sounds ever got louder. Finally I had to collapse the building on them.

          • I have enjoyed playing more than I enjoy DMing but....I've been a DM since 1978.

            I currently have two active campaigns.

            I enjoy my games because...
            I set up a wide but shallow environment and let the players drive the direction of the campaign.
            I develop in depth as they focus on an area.
            I have secret cards that the players draw at the start of play. Only the individual player knows what is on their card. The cards let them break the rules, automatically succeed, etc. It produces a "movie" feel with unexpecte

    • by vlm ( 69642 )

      The biggest problem with tabletop games (especially obscure or new ones) is that it can be hard to track down people to actually play with.

      Let me summarize my university years experience with DnD for you:

      "Wanna come over and play DnD? Uh, I gotta study for a test, or do laundry or trim my ear hairs or something"


      "Wanna drink a couple cases of beer, eat some pizza, and play DnD? F yeah, can I come over and start right now?"

      The downside is the DM needs to be at least somewhat sober, which makes the DM really pissed off when the players are falling down drunk.

      Hint Hint, almost exactly one month from right now, too old to party types like mysel

    • I still play (A)D&D with friends from time to time, but we play the way old versions of the game. We played Basic D&D (the "Moldvay" version that came out in 1981 with the magenta box) for a couple years, since it is extremely simple and easy to run for the DM. (There was also an Expert book for when characters went above 3rd level) Recently, we jumped to the first edition of AD&D, which many of us in the group have experience with, so it isn't a tricky change for us. AD&D is definitely

  • by deniable ( 76198 ) on Tuesday November 29, 2011 @06:17AM (#38200296)
    So Mongoose says they'll put out a game called Wayfarer using RuneQuest rules. Someone points out that there's a game called Wayfarers. So they changed the name to... Legend. Now we have two Legends. Maybe they should rename one to Firebird.
    • by Kirth ( 183 )

      And besides of all that babbling how slick and consistent this D20-Legend is, RuneQuest (1977) will most probably still beat this hands down in terms of consistency and balance.

      So I'd be going with that Legend []

      • by Toonol ( 1057698 )
        Absolutely. Runequest may be the most elegant RPG system ever made (I prefer the 3rd edition). It is both simpler and more realistic than any of the editions of D&D. You can download the core rules free from a number of sites... take a look, everybody, if you're interested in RPGs.

        A lot of people might be familiar with the system without realizing it, because Chaosium uses a simplified version of it for many of their games, including Call of Cthulhu.
  • Another combat-feat paper implementation of WOW. Mostly just different flavoured ways of dealing damage.

    OK, Basic and 1st Edition Advanced was much the same, but extensive non-combat spells, thief abilities and milieu helpers in the DM's guide at least gave a grounding for something beyond chipping away at hit points.

    Eh, I'm probably just jaded. This'll fly well with WOWers and geezers looking to get back to basics, and you can't argue with the price.

You can write a small letter to Grandma in the filename. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS, University of Washington
