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Humble Indie Bundle V Released 145

New submitter Splintercat writes "The Humble Indie Bundle V has just been released, featuring Psychonauts, LIMBO, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, and Bastion for Windows, OSX and Linux. Ubuntu software center support has also been added as a method of downloading."
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Humble Indie Bundle V Released

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  • Pretty good bundle (Score:5, Informative)

    by tocsy ( 2489832 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @09:59AM (#40180243)

    Worth it for Psychonauts alone, if you don't have it. I'd never heard of any of the other games but I've been told they're all pretty spectacular.

    • by dyingtolive ( 1393037 ) <{gro.erihrofton} {ta} {ttenra.darb}> on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:05AM (#40180317)
      Amnesia is amazing. I really need to go back and finish it. Sword and Sworcery is... interesting, but the soundtrack is pretty decent if you're in to that kind of thing.
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Amnesia is so amazing you didn't bother to finish it?

        • It's one of those games you just have to stop and take a break from sometimes. It's actually genuinely creepy.
        • See these player reactions


          Real men... uh... get scared, too...

          (No, I don't dare to play it)

          • I didn't find it scary. Surprising/startling at a few of the "monster jumps out" bits, but not really scary. I'm just bad at horror movies/games, unless spiders are involved. Or Lovecraftian styles of unstoppable cosmic forces that can come for anyone, not just someone who happens to steal an orb thing. That said, it's a very fun game, with amazingly great sound design.
        • Amnesia is so amazing you didn't bother to finish it?

          Funny joke, but heck, Psychonauts is great, but its last level (Meat Circus) is so frustrating/hard that I've largely given up on it.

          I presume the computer version (I played it on PS2) is absolutely exactly the same game? (Obviously, some of the other games might be fun too.. I haven't played the other Humble Bundle games I bought previously yet, except for a few minutes of World of Goo.)

          • I don't think any non-Steam versions have it, but the Steam version was patched to make Meat Circus easier. It also has Xbox 360 gamepad support.

    • by Hatta ( 162192 )

      That is, if you didn't play it 10 years ago on the Xbox. Also, Psychonauts left me with a "hm, that was neat" feeling more than a "wow, that was amazing" feeling. But that's just me.

    • by Cederic ( 9623 )

      I already had Bastion, so I bought the pack as a gift for a friend (with Bastion) and then bought it for myself (without Bastion).

      Obviously had I done it the other way around I'd have lowered the average price, but I paid more than the minimums for both packs anyway.

    • by Cederic ( 9623 )

      What I meant to say in my other reply is that Bastion is just superb.

      Combat mechanics are a bit repetitive, but the overall package is a genuinely groundbreaking gameplay experience, and that's always a joy - first time I've had one since Battlefield:Vietnam.

    • I was going to say the same about Amnesia. A spetacular game that doubles as a very potent laxative. Really, this bundle seems to be the best yet.

      • Couldn't agree more. Amnesia is the only game that I've ever played where I had to stop playing it too late at night because it creeped me out. I highly recommend playing the game in a dark room with headphones.

    • Absolutely. Buy it just for Psychonaughts!

      I already bought it earlier in the year (otherwise I would have jumped on this) and it's funny, inventive, crazy and a delight to play. A top-notch game, one of my favourites of all time.

    • I have'nt tried Sword&sworcery yet, but all the other games in this pack are among the best indie games out there. Psychonauts is one of my favorite games ever, Limbo and Amnesia are great horror titles and bastion is a hack-n-slash game with a good story and a narrator that discusses everything you do while you do it, which is quite funny.
    • by jo_ham ( 604554 )

      I haven't played Psychnauts yet, so this was the perfect opportunity.

      I'll be seeding all of the games and soundtrack torrents from now until at least a week or two after the bundle closes.

  • An all-star pack (Score:5, Insightful)

    by PhrostyMcByte ( 589271 ) <> on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:00AM (#40180263) Homepage

    Including the scores in FLAC is awesome. More games need to do this.

    If you ever wanted the best-of-the-best indie games, this bundle is full of them and well worth paying for.

  • I own Psychonauts already as part of picking up Stacking, haven't played it yet. I have Amnesia, it's pretty awesome, though I don't play it much at all. (I suck at survival horror. It's enough trying to get through a horror movie much less something requiring active participation. So I'm about 20 minutes into the game after a few months. Lol.) I played the Bastion demo on XBox and it was awesome sauce. I've been eyeing Swords & Sorcery for a while. It alone is worth picking up the bundle. :-)
  • by guises ( 2423402 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:16AM (#40180455)
    All right, this has been said to death but what the hell: You, yes you, need to play Psychonauts. It is a game that every single person needs to play, and here it is on every major platform, DRM free, for $.01 (if that's what you want to pay). No excuses any more.

    Suggestion: the game plays better with a control pad, so consider acquiring one of those if you don't have one already.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Suggestion: the game plays better with a control pad, so consider acquiring one of those if you don't have one already.

      I've seen this claim made before... and it's never been true IME.

      I mean think about it. There's a reason game companies are so careful not to let PC users compete against console users in games where speed/accuracy matters like first-person shooters. That's because the mouse-and-keyboard people would slaughter the control-pad people.

      First-person shooters are not a magical exception. The mouse and keyboard is inherently superior in every way to the control pad.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        For those who are skeptical: Link []

      • Suggestion: the game plays better with a control pad, so consider acquiring one of those if you don't have one already.

        I've seen this claim made before... and it's never been true IME.

        I bought my Xbox 360 controller when I got Batman: Arkham Asylum based on advice I had been given. That game was a bit of a mess. I know everyone seem to love that game, but I found it disappointingly frustrating to play.

        That is until half way through when I decided to see what the mouse/keyboard was like. All of a sudden I was fighting with the finesse that Batman should have. It was not longer a chore just to get Batman to look around, it was just a flick of the mouse.

        I do believe that for some people, th

      • by guises ( 2423402 )

        First-person shooters are not a magical exception. The mouse and keyboard is inherently superior in every way to the control pad.

        This just isn't true, it's all about how the game is designed. You wouldn't play Katamari Damacy with a mouse and keyboard, or Street Fighter, or Super Mario Bros. Psychonauts was clearly designed with a control pad in mind.

        Obviously, being designed for a control pad isn't enough - as you point out, FPS games are always better with a mouse and keyboard, as are RTS games, and anything with a lot of menus. But platformers are usually better with a control pad. I remember struggling through Oni with a mouse

  • Only heard of "Psychonauts" which I have on my PS2 (or Gamecube...I forget which). Are the other games worth wasting my time on? If not I'll skip it.

    • Amnesia was really good. It was made by the guys who did the Penumbra games.
    • by ProbablyJoe ( 1914672 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:28AM (#40180621)
      Amnesia is the only one I've played, which is very good. Bastion and Limbo are also very highly rated. Don't know anything about the one.
    • by thoth ( 7907 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:39AM (#40180743) Journal

      It's tough to give a blanket recommendation given I (nobody) can really know what you'll like, but my thinking on this is these games are available at such a low cost, it is worth getting them just to play for an hour each. And support the concept of multi-platform DRM-free gaming. With this bundle, you even get the soundtracks in 2 formats! If it turns out you like one, that's like icing on the cake.

      I've thrown in $15 - $25 for each Humble Indie Bundle so far, and have found a few real gems in there. My favorite so far as in HIB 2 (I think): Space Chem, which is basically an organic chemistry puzzle game.

      Anyway, I played Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP on my iPhone, partway, and look forward to having it around on all my systems. It's got simple graphics, but a quirky sense of humor (written dialog) and some great background music. I'd say check it out. YMMV as far as Metacritic scores, but I'll also note that all games in this bundle score well, above 80/100.

  • Limbo Linux port (Score:5, Informative)

    by ProbablyJoe ( 1914672 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:27AM (#40180607)

    Unfortunately the Linux 'port' of Limbo is actually just a Wine wrapper. It doesn't even run for me, some say it works worse than running the Windows binary in Wine, or have reported various problems and bad performance.

    Pretty lazy when every other game has managed to make a proper native Linux port.

    • "Proper native Linux port"... maybe but more often its just some flash thingy that runs very poorly. In my experience you have to count on half or more of any given bundle's games not working.* It is really a blind guess, and support is awful. This time I am going to pay $5 or so (to charity) and only up the amount later, if the games run.

      *Notable exception: the introversion/dredmor bundle

    • On the bright side if it does run for you, it SHOULD be reasonably bug-free. Unlike, say oh idk, the Linux port of Super Meat Boy from HiB4 which came out in December and now six months later is still chock full of bugs (all of them have been completely ignored by the porter since he already has our money)... including a major one which results in the game crashing on the last boss... So, you know, there's that. :p

  • More bundles (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:34AM (#40180693)

    If you're into indie game bundles. There are currently several other active bundles:
    Groupees Build a Bundle []
    Indie Gala []
    Indie Royale Graduation Bundle []
    Bundle in a Box []

    • And you can have a look at the rest of the list at the Indie Kings bundle tracker [], although not all of the 18 listed bundles should really be there (eg. The Blackwell Bundle []). However, there is even a couple of free bundles to grab.

      I also notice that they missed out on the Just Adventure - Pay What You Want Special 3 Maybe 4 Great Games []. Now I just need a time machine to play all these games.

    • If you're into indie game bundles. There are currently several other active bundles:
      Groupees Build a Bundle []
      Indie Gala []
      Indie Royale Graduation Bundle []
      Bundle in a Box []

      Except for Bundle in a Box, every one of those bundles seem to involve steam, and I won't support DRM (even so called "permissive DRM").

      Bundle in a Box did say DRM-free, but I also noticed a few of the games in the bundle had the 'steam' icon. They also had the 'download' icon, so I assume that's optional, which would make it acceptable. Still, they're not doing the cross-platform emphasis that the Humble Bundle has, so I would still give preference to Humble.

    • None of those bundles even care about Linux support.

      HIB at least does, even if sometimes it's WINE bottles or Adobe AIR. (And they are getting a considerable amount of flak for that too, because that shit is not acceptable.)

  • by Nadir ( 805 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:36AM (#40180711) Homepage
    Slashdot should have used the joystick image...
  • Finally, a sale that coincides with payday. Bundle is worth it for Amnesia alone. (Frictional Games does some neat stuff; their physics in the Penumbra series was pretty amazing.) Installed via Ubuntu Software Center, works great.

  • by ProteusMoteus ( 192782 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:37AM (#40180729)

    Limbo on Linux is a wine bottle [] that runs with very poor performance. Trying to improve performance via the latest version of wine exposes a recent bug (shader model 3.0 []). Psychonauts on Linux is a real icculus [] port, but is just a wine bottle on Mac.

    Don't consider wine compatibility as the type of support for Mac/Linux that I expected from the Humble Indie Bundle.

    • by MasterPatricko ( 1414887 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @10:47AM (#40180831) Homepage

      disappointing, but they have an excuse, don't know how valid it really is:

      from the FAQ:

      Q: Why is Limbo for Linux a wrapper?
      A: Unfortunately the audio for Limbo is middle-ware which could not be properly ported.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Limbo is the only game on that list that was originally developed with Microsoft's XNA tools for the 360 arcade, so I'm not surprised that they ran into problems porting it.

    • And Bastion is cross-platform via Mono (I wonder how that'll go on Slashdot where the groupthink is to love HIB but hate Mono).

      • by h4rr4r ( 612664 )

        Groupthink to hate Mono?
        So you are magically not part of this groupthink?

        Some people, these days probably a minority hate Mono. I am one of them. It is a trap just like silverlight.

        • Groupthink to hate Mono? So you are magically not part of this groupthink?

          No, I'm not. My /. profile should explain why.

          Some people, these days probably a minority hate Mono.

          I guess that's why every Mono-related story has a bunch of emotional hatred posts all modded to +5, Insightful.

      • by Gr8Apes ( 679165 )
        Hey, if someone wants to use Mono and it works for them, great. I dislike Mono because it validates and extends the base of a crap MS language that MS can't even internally agree on what it should be and do. (Try doing system coding with any .NET language - no fair dropping to MFC or Win32, I can achieve the same effects by linking native code in any other language, except the interface will be better) I do like the HIB, but this one would have been nice for full disclosure. I've got several bundles, but no
        • And Samarost & Machinarium were wrapped flash. I have never actually played Samarost.

      • by makomk ( 752139 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @12:29PM (#40182099) Journal

        Using Mono to make it easier to port applications developed for Windows to Linux is something that even RMS doesn't particularly object to. The reason why it was controversial was because the Mono developers were trying to push it as a platform to develop new Linux desktop applications, which exposed the Linux desktop to legal risk from Microsoft and their patent portfolio and meant that the applications actually worked better under Windows than Linux. In fact, I think this is the first Windows application I've come across that's been successfully ported to Linux using Mono rather than the otther way around.

        • The reason why it was controversial was because the Mono developers were trying to push it as a platform to develop new Linux desktop applications, which exposed the Linux desktop to legal risk from Microsoft and their patent portfolio and meant that the applications actually worked better under Windows than Linux.

          I would strongly disagree with the assertion that application written using Gtk# (which is what Mono folks have been pushing for) "works better under Windows than Linux". In fact, due to Mono providing a lot of its own handy but implementation-specific features, it's pretty easy to end up with an app that only runs on Mono. It would still run on Windows, since Mono itself runs there, but it wouldn't run on .NET.

          • by makomk ( 752139 )

            In fact, due to Mono providing a lot of its own handy but implementation-specific features, it's pretty easy to end up with an app that only runs on Mono.

            There are actually Mono-developed libraries - such as one of their sets of SQLite bindings - that now only work under Microsoft .Net and not under any recent version of Mono. I know about this because a C#-based project I occasionally use relied on them and then suddenly stopped working under Mono for everyone after an update.

    • by gorzek ( 647352 )

      Yeah, I was surprised to hear that. I thought the Linux/Mac versions in the HIBs were almost always native ports. If they can't manage a native port, they shouldn't advertise that game as being "compatible" with Linux/Mac. (Getting it to run under WINE is your own business, then.)

    • To some extent, I think it depends on how good the compatibility is. If WINE were a flawless compatibility layer with no performance hit, then I'd have no objection. However, if I buy it because it's advertising cross-platform compatibility and it doesn't run well on my platform of choice, then I think I'm going to be angry regardless of the method of porting it.

  • I'm buying an extra copy of the bundle and am going to install Amnesia on a computer I just built for my brother; I will not make any mention of what the game is.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      I would gladly make mention of what the game is. But I forget.

  • by future assassin ( 639396 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @11:16AM (#40181127)

    users on average pay/donate more...

  • by polymeris ( 902231 ) on Friday June 01, 2012 @11:28AM (#40181283)

    Tempting offer, but past experience indicates (for me, at least) I get only 50% of my games worth:
    Games that I tried & worked: World of Goo, Lugaru HD, Aquaria, Osmos, Revenge of the Titans, Cortex Command, Frozen Synapse, VVVVVV, Steel Storm, Avadon, Canabalt, Cogs, Darwinina, Multiwinia, Uplink, Dungeons of Dredmor

    Games that didn't work, despite my efforts (and sometimes insistence trying to get support): Gish, Penumbra: Overture, Samorost 2, Braid, Machinarium, Trine, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds Survivor, Jack Claw, SpaceChem, Trauma, Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, Hammerfight, Zen Bound 2

    Games that were promised but never actually released: Splot

    That said, World of Goo, Frozen Synapse & Dungeons of Dredmor alone were worth all the frustration.

    • My experience has been similar, but my hardware (5 year old integrated-graphics laptop) is so old that most of the failures are just insufficient resources. I usually throw in something near the minimum, then up it later if I really like one of the games. I LOVED Osmos and VVVVVV. Machinarium and Samorost 2 appear to be flash games so I'm surprosed they gave you trouble. PS, you have Cogs listed in both lists.
      • *surprised; that's my karma for pointing out Cogs
      • My bad. Cogs did work on my android phone, not very fluidly, but worked. Didn't try it on the (debian) desktop.
        And yes, perhaps I am expecting too much from my oldish hardware, but there are many games that I thought should work (notice that those that don't are not necessarily the ones with the fanciest graphics).

    • "Don't know why I keep buying these"

      "That said, World of Goo, Frozen Synapse & Dungeons of Dredmor alone were worth all the frustration."

      Also, if you feel like you're only getting 50% of the worth, why not then just pay about half what you would otherwise expect if the games all worked? Or shift the balance so less money goes to the developers and more goes to Child's Play or the EFF?

      (Also, are you playing on Linux or something? I haven't had any issues getting the games to run. Admittedly i haven
      • That is exactly what I intend to do from now on. Pay $5 to the charities and up the amount if the games work and I feel they are worth it. The thing is, it is not so much about the money as it is about waiting for the download to complete, fiddle around with the installers, browse forums looking for answers, and the general frustration about things not working.

      • Of course he's playing on Linux. I have exactly the same experience as he does with the odds that a game will work. One of the appeal of the Humble Bundles is that you get a Linux version. Many of us Linux users, do like the occasional game, but won't maintain a Windows installation just for that. So, yes, I still buy the Humble Bundles, and I take the risk. If it doesn't work. Too bad. If it works, fine... It's not as if I spend all that much (Usually 25USD per bundle)
    • Things that worked for me, on either Ubuntu 10.10 or Debian 6.0.5. I have an R300 card, and use the free drivers.

      Worked: World of Goo, Lugaru HD, Aquaria (both builds), Osmos (music stutters), Revenge of the Titans, Cortex Command, Frozen Synapse, VVVVVV, Steel Storm, Dungeons of Dredmor (after much patching!), Gish (both builds), Penumbra: Overture, Machinarium (wrapped Flash), SpaceChem (.NET), Trauma (wrapped Flash), Hammerfight (really shitty with a trackball; had to use bluetooth mouse), Night Sky, And

  • I may sound like a salesman but seriously, grab this just for the (choice of FLAC or mp3) soundtrack of Sword & Sworcery - it is really that good. []. And the game is not bad either - looking forward to the others which are new to me....

  • My son still doesn't know on what platform to download, he never saw it coming :)
    More important: he now knows that it's fairly reasonable to pay for things one enjoys.

Thus spake the master programmer: "Time for you to leave." -- Geoffrey James, "The Tao of Programming"
