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Guild Wars 2 Release Date Announced 128

New submitter Woldry writes "After five years in development, Guild Wars 2 has been given a launch date: August 28, 2012. ArenaNet's aim is to provide 'a living, breathing online world that challenges convention, that's designed for fun instead of grind.' There's a beta weekend planned for July 20-22 for those who have pre-purchased the game (and for those who have gotten legitimate beta keys in advance)." Rock, Paper, Shotgun has a good write-up of some hands-on time during one of the earlier beta weekends, saying, 'Time after time, Guild Wars 2 impressed me with just how carefully no, how smartly everything has been thought out. Those things that annoy us in other games are simply banished here.'
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Guild Wars 2 Release Date Announced

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  • WOOOOO! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by samazon ( 2601193 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @10:33AM (#40478383)
    Unlike WoW, when this game sucks my boyfriend in, I'll actually be there playing with him. :D
  • Really? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 28, 2012 @10:38AM (#40478447)

    "Those things that annoy us in other games are simply banished here."

    There are no other people?

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      not so you'd notice.

      by that i don't mean the servers are empty, quite the opposite, but the game is huge and more importantly, what others are doing has no negative impact (imo) on what you're doing.

      if you want, they're quite easily just NPC's which add to the world immersion.

    • Re:Really? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by stiggle ( 649614 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @10:57AM (#40478689)

      Thats one of the things I liked about the original GuildWars - I could fill my party up with NPC and not have to deal with other people if I wanted to be anti-social. At other times I could get all my friends along too (before they left for LOTRO)

      • by TheLink ( 130905 )
        I quite like the first Guild Wars (GW1) and I'm not sure I'd like GW2 (based on what I see of the game). I really do like the GW1 game mechanics - primary+secondary classes, lots of different very interesting skills. And with the 7 heroes in a team thing, it allows you to try lots of strange team builds - so in PvE you're not playing one player, but playing a "team". So unless I can do that in GW2, to me GW2 will be more similar to WoW and WoWlike games than GW1.

        I believe a lot of people who like WoW will a
        • Re:Really? (Score:5, Interesting)

          by Creepy ( 93888 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @12:34PM (#40479809) Journal

          They had to drop the secondary classes because it was too hard to play balance. In fact, now your weapon dictates your first 5 skills (out of, eventually, 10) and the skills on the weapons have to be unlocked first. This was, IMO, the only grind in the game though - I'd go back to a noob area, kill 40 weak monsters (10 for each skill on the weapon), and then return to harder areas. I did unlock quite a few weapons (and shields and offhands) - my goal for the betas was more to fiddle with play styles, classes, races, etc and see what I liked best, so I went more "broad than long" (highest level I attained in 3 betas was 22/80, and I played a LOT - probably would be 50 if I stuck to a single character).

          That said, I like combat in GW2 MUCH better than WoW and its wall of skills you never use. Elementalists don't really become fun until about level 12, however, but then are really fun, especially with a fully unlocked staff or wand/offhand and three skills (haven't gotten slots 4 or elite unlocked yet), or even daggers. They do look like they are wearing trashy bridal dresses, though (some people say hooker, but no hooker I've ever seen dressed like that - and yes, I used to see lots of hookers in one shitty neighborhood I lived in - I also was a working musician paying about $197/mo in rent). I had a blast playing an Engineer in the stress test yesterday and I didn't think I would like that class at all (level 1-9 with no deaths or fight for life was a first for me in any of the betas). Mesmer I still love, but it was last added and worst balanced, so haven't played much since the first beta. Created and deleted a ranger because pet AI was dumb and wanted to try other classes - rangers were favored by my guild yesterday and seem to be well liked now. Guardian was broken by a major change in the last beta, but wasn't too bad from L1-L5 (I deleted a bunch of characters since I only have 5 slots and wanted to try all 8 classes). Warrior can hit really hard, though I've played that least (level 3 - this is my TODO for beta 3), leaving that up to a guildie that loves warrior. Thief... well, I loved leveling from 1-7, but 8-12 was really hard, as neither pistols nor daggers seemed to cut it. My Engineer was dual pistol and rifle swap and that seemed ok yesterday, though. Necromancer was fun, but I decided at level 5 to save that one to focus on after release, though I may play him some more next beta.

        • by Shados ( 741919 )

          GW1 is much closer to WoW (not saying its close. Nowhere close, but "closer") than GW2. GW1 has the party mechanic with healers/support, the guy in front taking the hits, and the constant running of areas for loot.

          GW2, aside for a select few dungeons, is all open, all the classes can do all of the roles to most extent (just with totally unique skills), the classes are different to a fundamental level (often with totally different engine mechanics, as opposed to just different numbers and variations of summo

          • by TheLink ( 130905 )
            My point was in GW1 you can play the _whole_ party. As far as I know in WoW or GW2 you can't - you just control one character (with the exception of pets).

            In many popular GW1 PvE team builds you don't have someone in front taking the hits.You could have minions in front taking the hits, or pets, or spirits. In PvP anyone could be taking hits - there's no taunt mechanic. Just because you could have tank+healer+DPS doesn't mean it's closer to WoW otherwise TF2 would be closer to WoW too.

            And there are very pow
    • Re:Really? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Nemyst ( 1383049 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @11:18AM (#40478867) Homepage

      I know you were going for a funny mod, but while they didn't actually remove everyone, they made them at least much less painful. You can mute chat and just about ignore everyone if you so desire, but even then they're more helpful than harmful. There's basically no way for an idiot to troll or block you from progressing. Anything they do at the very least helps them, in almost all cases also helps you.

      It's a brilliant system and one which removes much of the pain out of MMOs.

  • Those things that annoy us in other games are simply banished here..

    What are they to you ? that wasn't mentioned and I'm curious to know what they are

    • Those things that annoy us in other games are simply banished here..

      What are they to you ? that wasn't mentioned and I'm curious to know what they are

      I stopped reading after he mentioned that there was no concept of a Mana pool for spells, just cooldown timers. I was actually looking forward to this game, but not any more.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Kalendraf ( 830012 )
        You should try it before judging.

        From a game design stand-point, a mana system is fundamentally a way to prevent players from activating too many skills too quickly...which is the same thing that cooldown timers do. However, cooldown timers don't force players to channel funds into a gold sink like mana potions, or waste inventory slots to carry them. Having played many games with mana pools, I find the cooldown system in GW2 to be vastly superior.

        Obviously, those players that really enjoy buying, c
        • It also renders fireball-spam a less viable strategy, forcing players to really think strategically about their spell choices and combinations.
          • by Creepy ( 93888 )

            You also have the serious problem of, say, one ele causing constant AoE knockdown (aka knocklock) and another doing constant AoE damage. Without a timer, the first ele can dedicate their mana to just doing AoE knockdowns and counting for casting time. The only fix for this would be to increase casting time to be greater than knockdown time, and then you get 2 or 3 people working together over Vent or TS (or Skype or whatever) doing the exact same thing and just counting out loud and knowing the order. This

        • Try the ele with air (lightning) magic. That first skill once fires keeps on firing constantly until you move out of range or what you are fighting dies. Or you die. You can also fire other skills while the first one fire is still going. I really thought it was cheating it was that simple and fun.

          *note they may have changed this. I have not tried the beta in a few months

      • I stopped reading after he mentioned that there was no concept of a Mana pool for spells, just cooldown timers. I was actually looking forward to this game, but not any more.

        Why? I played casters in most MMO's since the original Everquest, and the mana pool was simply another form of cooldown timer. You needed to manage your casting rate, your regen rate, your meditation (when it was a factor), etc. against the size of your mana pool. The only thing that a mana pool actually allows that this wouldn't is the quick burn and I'd be surprised if they didn't put some kind of special ability or skill that would allow that, too.

        • by Creepy ( 93888 )

          Yes there is a quick burn for elementalists and thieves (initiative, which actually works pretty much exactly like mana). Mesmer isn't fully realized, so we'll have to wait and see, but you may be able to do it with a weapon swap, which I haven't unlocked yet on my mesmer. For elementalists, you can burn your entire fire bar, then switch elements to, say air (F3 key) and burn that bar, switch back to fire (F1 key), etc. For defense with less offense or snaring use the Earth and Water bars (these are all tie

        • To be honest, I'm somewhat sad to see this go as well. It all comes down to management and sacrifice. Playing an Monk in the original Guild Wars, nothing was more exciting then being strained to switch to your high mana set (at the cost of mana regeneration) and having your team just barely survive the encounter. Swapping weapon sets to hide your mana from Energy Burn mesmers, keeping everyone's positioning in mind, knowing who to prot (much more effective then heal), and managing a skill bar of 8 that not
  • by yodleboy ( 982200 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @10:53AM (#40478631)
    What do you want to bet the long awaited release date for WoW: Mists Of Pandaria is announced in the next week? Wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being pretty close to the GW2 date.
    • by splutty ( 43475 )

      Most pre-order companies put it middle of September, so that seems a fairly reasonable bet.

      • by Sir_Sri ( 199544 )

        They're just starting into raid testing. So probably september/october range. They probably want to get it out before the christmas rush (which would cannibalize other activision product sales). Which sounds out of place in the games business, but WoW lives in its own ecosystem within the games business.

    • by ildon ( 413912 )

      They've publicly stated they announce there release dates about 60 days ahead of time. It'd be pretty tight at this point to match that date.

  • by Necroman ( 61604 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @10:57AM (#40478687)

    I started seeing excitement about this late 2011, as Guild Wars 2 started to do its road show, demoing it at various conferences. There was a lot of hype behind GW2, but when they did their first Beta Weekend Event, it really blew me away.

    ArenaNet was smart and didn't show the game off to people (in beta form) until they felt it was really ready to show to the public. Their beta wasn't a place to test it while it was still alpha quality. Their beta events were there for people to experience the game, stress the servers, and test some of the more detailed mechanics that needed work.

    Even in the beta events, it's a well polished game with very few rough edges. All the classes feel unique, and have a lot of different play styles available to them (depending on how you equip/spec your character). It's really hard to describe a large MMO in just a few words (as there is so much content), but it is really worth giving it a try if you like MMOs.

    The biggest selling point that I've been using with friends is how they split up PvP. In the PvE (player vs environment/enemies), there is no fighting other players (pvp, player vs player). When I run around the PvE world, it is really one of the first games where I will help out random people. They did a great job to guide you into helping others. It really helps build a feeling of community within the PvE adventure.

    For PvP, it's all in an instanced area. So you never fight against people in the PvE world. They have 2 PvP modes. One is a battleground style PvP (much like they have in World of Warcraft with battlegrounds). These are quite fun. But then they have a persistant PvP zone (a massive zone at that), where 3 servers fight against each other for control of the areas. For people that played DAoC (dark age of Camelot), it feels much like the RvR in that.

    The story and lore of the universe is quite fun (I started reading up on GW1 lore, it's a pretty decent fantasy story). But it doesn't get too much in the way for people that don't want to take part in it.

    • by samazon ( 2601193 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @11:26AM (#40478943)
      I agree with all of the above except... the biggest selling point for me was the free-to-play.

      I was/am in the Secret World's closed beta (NDA was just lifted this week :D) and had waited for the game for months, practically peed on myself when I got into CB, and really enjoy the game. But I only JUST this week actually ordered the game, while I ordered GW2 before playing it at all (played the last beta weekend, found it more than a little enjoyable) - and it was because I'm happy to pay $60 to get a game that I might play for 10 hours (I suspect GW2 will surpass Civ by the end of the year in hours played, and I've got a little over 300 into that) but I'm less likely to BUY a game and also pay another $15 a month for access (as with TSW) even if it's a game I KNOW I enjoy and have waited for. Maybe that's a little silly, but the monthly fee (which, granted, is only equivalent to an hour in my paycheck) is still a sticking point, less because of the payment and more because it's yet another thing to worry/think/check my bank account over.

      • the biggest selling point for me was the free-to-play.

        This. Especially considering the huge amount of money and talent they put into it. You would not expect this level of quality out of a free-to-play game.

      • by Rilian ( 137677 )

        I've had preorders of both Guild Wars 2 and Secret World, and have just cancelled the TSW order and will be buying more family copies of Guild Wars.

        The world, story and especially fantastic writing for NPCs seem to put TSW ahead, but the gameplay mechanics are so frustrating that I had no enthusiasm for logging on any more. It would work well as a single-player RPG but the game mechanics and monthly fee limit its appeal in its current form.

    • When I run around the PvE world, it is really one of the first games where I will help out random people.

      So, they got rid of the instanced world in Guild Wars 2? Or by "run around the PvE world" did you actually mean "when I stop back at town for some reason"?

      • GW1 keeps getting mislabeled as an MMORPG. I think it deserves the G, but none of the other letters. It isn't massive, multiplayer is optional, online is barely noticed, the RP doesn't really exist... but it is, if nothing else, at least a game.
        • by 0123456 ( 636235 )

          GW1 isn't massive? I've played on and off since the Beta and I still haven't visited all the zones.

          • While it may be big, it can't be big concurrently. You don't get a continuous world with tens of thousands of players. You get little instanced pockets with maybe five friends, but no chance of running into anyone else unexpectedly. At most you might get a little arena level with people on for an agreed upon fight - but where's the real run of the MM in MMORPG? The part where you can get ambushed while traveling by a player you didn't even realise was there, or lay in ambush yourself for some unsuspecting v
            • by 0123456 ( 636235 )

              That's because only twelve year olds think that ambushing and massacring players twenty levels lower than you is fun.

          • by Rolgar ( 556636 )

            The MM in the acronym MMORPG refers to Massively Multiplayer. The massively refers not to the size of the world, but the size of multiplayer, as opposed to a game like those in the Battlefield series, where a battle has a limit of fewer than a couple hundred players in a battle. The size of the world only needs to be massive in order to fit the number players.

            • by 0123456 ( 636235 )

              So Everquest isn't 'Massively Multiplayer' because I've never seen more than about 250 people in a zone?

      • by 0123456 ( 636235 )

        So, they got rid of the instanced world in Guild Wars 2?

        I believe it's still instanced, but most instances hold far more people and you don't need to be grouped. In the Beta I was certainly in events with 30-40 other players in one small location in a zone when the event started as I was randomly running around.

        • by tycoex ( 1832784 )

          Sort of. It's an actual persistent world now, just like other mmos.

          The world is broken up into zones, like the continents in WoW (only not quite as big); but for pretty much all purposes you will actually notice in playing, it's fully persistent.

          • Instances are limited to some dungeons, personal story, and overflow. "Overflow" means that when there are too many people in the area, instead of making everyone else that wants to go there on that server sit in a queue watching a timer, a new copy of the zone is spawned, they're put in the overflow, and can move to the "real" zone as space is available, or just stay in the overflow.

  • After Guild Wars 2 releases, the fun and addictive gameplay will lead people to quit working, eating and sleeping in order to play it.

    At least we'll die having fun.
  • by Shivetya ( 243324 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @11:11AM (#40478817) Homepage Journal

    Perhaps my biggest annoyance with the game so far is combat. In so much as your attacks will execute, animations and all, even when your not in range of your target. This leads to it looking like shadow boxing.

    Shadow boxing is that old nemesis of immersion, it is when your and your opponents moves do not synch up. When neither seems to respond to the other. WOW for all its faults does not suffer this.

    Another combat issue is their world and event bosses then to be zerg fests. Its fun once or twice but after awhile your buried under rendered effects without any real organization. I am sure groups will eventually organize for these but with the come one come all its not bound to be anything but the zerg fest.

    The abilities system where each weapon provides different abilities will lose its luster once the players settle on whats best and there is always a whats best is such flexible games.

    So a very pretty world with a great new take on cut scenes art and distance drawing. The voice acted dialog is very stiff and cheesy for the most part, again the actors don't seem to be talking to each other - they instead are talking to a fixed point in the distance. Gee, just like combat.

    I haven't found an open world with this ease of traveling that looked fun to just explore since Asheron's Call.

    • by RivenAleem ( 1590553 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @11:31AM (#40478999)

      Shadow boxing is that old nemesis of immersion, it is when your and your opponents moves do not synch up. When neither seems to respond to the other. WOW for all its faults does not suffer this.

      I'm sorry, but WHAT?

      The amount of times I've fought a dragon, or Ragnaros, in WoW and been hitting some piece of space between a circle drawn on the gound and the polygons of the creature I'm fighting are too numerous to count. How often have you heard "The boss has a huge hitbox" in WoW?

      Have a look at This Youtube video I made [] and you can see the 2 most annoying things I ever faced in the game. 1) My character being INSIDE the boss and 2) My character hitting the boss from a distance greater than the length of my weapons.

      WoW doesn't have shadowboxing? Don't make me laugh.

      • by neminem ( 561346 )

        Mod parent up a lot. Back when I used to play WoW (and such a great feeling, being able to say that), and more precisely, back pre-Cataclysm when my main was a rogue, that was often the toughest part of boss fights, figuring out where the enormous boss's hitboxen were, so I could melee it appropriately. It wasn't always where you would expect it to be. Stabbing the air a couple feet in front of a dragon in order to hit it was always fun.

        Now I'm free! Free from MMOs! (Every once in a while I feel a momentary

    • by tycoex ( 1832784 )

      The fact that you can activate skills without a target is actually one of the biggest selling points. It makes the game feature more "action-like" combat rather than standard fare turn-based mmo combat.

      And honestly, I don't see how this would affect immersion negatively. What's less realistic, being able to shoot your gun, regardless of whether it hits anyone or not, or your gun telling you that you're out of range if you try to shoot it from too far away?

    • by Terrasque ( 796014 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @05:58PM (#40486511) Homepage Journal

      Yep, it's much better in the real world, where you can only swing a sword or shoot a gun if it will hit a target.

      The fact that your char will still do the attack (but if nothing is in range do no damage) even with out of range target or no targets.... That's actually lovely. And helps making the game harder, in fact. When you got 15 second cooldown on your only slow spell, and miss with it because you were too far away just then.. And mobs can kill you in 5-10 seconds...

      Also, it lets you do and react to things without targeting first. That can buy you some valuable time :) Like a warrior ability that takes 0.5 seconds to "get going", but rape everything in front of you.. When the mob comes running, start it just before he's in range. Then he'll arrive just in time to feel the pain :D

      And to the weapons.. Most weapons have a specific goal. For warrior..

      Greatsword = Mobility, multiple targets
      Hammer = Control, single target
      Rifle = Single target ranged
      Longbow = AOE ranged

      Sword = Bleed, counter/interrupt
      Mace = Stun, counter/interrupt
      Shield = Block, stun
      Warhorn = Buffs/Debuffs
      Axe = AOE, vulnerability

      Which one of these is the One True Weapon? Depends a lot on what you're going to do, and your personal play style, if you ask me.

    • Grid based combat, then you can match units up, especially in a multiplayer game. With free movement just doesn't allow proper martial arts. The Sims 3 shows this to an astonishing degree, its martial art combat is the most realistically animated because the characters are precisely placed so the animators can completely put them in sync.

      Anything else, and it just don't work. Age of Conan showed this with its kill moves, lots of sidestepping to get the "actors" in position, large humans even shrinking on cu

    • The voice acted dialog is very stiff and cheesy for the most part, again the actors don't seem to be talking to each other - they instead are talking to a fixed point in the distance. Gee, just like combat.

      Can't disagree, but notice that every cutscene in every beta so far had the big "Work In Progress" stamp in the corner. It's a safe bet they'll tighten it up by 8/28.

  • Not usually an MMO kind of guy, but the more I read about GW2, the more I think I actually have cause to finally upgrade/replace my 4 year old gaming rig... funding, however, is a different matter.

    Speaking of which, anybody want to buy some blood? Like, lots of it?
    • by 0123456 ( 636235 )

      It's quite fun and plays fine on my two year old laptop so a four year old desktop would probably handle it. The minimum requirements aren't particularly high.

      Fortunately it now looks like it will be released when I'm not on a business trip so I can actually get my old character names :).

      • System req's, per GW2 FAQ:

        Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or better Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3, AMD Athlon 64 X2, or better 2 GB RAM NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800, ATI X1800, Intel HD 3000, or better (256MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0 or better) 25 GB available HDD space Broadband Internet connection Keyboard and mouse Note: Due to potential changes, system requirements may change over time and you may be required to upgrade your current system (or obtain a new system) to continue to play the game.

        Emphasis mine. So, at the outset it should easily play on my older rig (and my antiquated lappy too, hooray!), but judging from the note at the end, I may not be able to play it forever without upgrading my equipment...

        Not really sure how I feel about that statement... Buy a game today, have to spend boo-koo bucks rebuilding my machine just to keep playing it? Something tells me that dog won't hunt.

        • by 0123456 ( 636235 )

          That's the norm with MMOGs. Graphics engines get upgraded and old machines won't play it.

          Everquest, for example, is on its second or third graphics engine. I believe they also dropped Win 9x support a few years ago.

          • That's the norm with MMOGs. Graphics engines get upgraded and old machines won't play it.

            Everquest, for example, is on its second or third graphics engine. I believe they also dropped Win 9x support a few years ago.

            Explains why I'm not an MMO kind of guy... well, that and monthly subscription fees, endless grinding, repetitive gameplay, hobbies that involve sunlight...

            • by Anonymous Coward

              Then you'll like GW2, as there's no monthly fee and therefore there's no incentive to force people to grind.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Kalendraf ( 830012 )
      A 4-year-old gaming rig should be able to handle it, but maybe not on the highest graphical settings. It plays pretty well on my 5-year-old laptop with the graphics set on low to medium.
    • Not usually an MMO kind of guy, but the more I read about GW2, the more I think I actually have cause to finally upgrade/replace my 4 year old gaming rig... funding, however, is a different matter.

      What hardware do you have? My 4 year old gaming rig (purchased 08/2008) has no issue with anything even today. I've upgraded the video card once (Nvidia 260 -> Nvidia 460) and now have some SSDs. Intel 9550 with 8GB RAM. GW2 runs great, same with Skyrim (with most graphical features on high) for another example. Even 4 years ago I don't think that rig was bleeding edge.

  • by michal ( 94596 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @11:36AM (#40479059) Homepage
    If you want read good primer on Guild Wars 2, I would recommend checking this page: []!
    • ...or just play the original Guild Wars. It's only 30 bucks for the 3 games (Original, Factions, Nightfall) and the Expansion (Eye of the North). Of course the second game plays nothing like the first, but it will give you a good background of the story and background of Tyria.
      • Unfortunately, playing GW1 will tell you almost nothing about GW2.

        GW1 was a very unique game, designed before WoW basically defined what the standard MMOG interface was going to look like, and it works very differently compared to most other games, and especially when compared to GW2 which is much closer to WoW (in good ways rather than just copying stuff as most other games have done in the last ten years).

        GW1 was an annoying, frustrating game for many people who tried it over the years, so I would NOT rec

  • by rodrigoandrade ( 713371 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @12:31PM (#40479757)

    Does GW2 have 100% spoken dialogs?

    Ever since I played SWTOR, I no longer care for a story that's presented in text form (like most current MMOs and computer RPGs from the 80s/90s. Between countless hours of Mass Effect 3 (when my wifi didn't wanna play nice) and SWTOR, no matter how good the story is, I just don't care if it isn't 100% spoken dialog (hello, Dragon Age).

    If I want to read a great story, I'll grab a book. I own over 20 dead-tree books that I man to start reading eventually (not to mention over 100 e-books), and my eyes can definitely use some time away from the PC screen after a full workday.

    So, unless an MMO wants to become the next Korean fetching grindfest (hello, Tera Online) my next MMO will need to have spoken dialog to draw me in. Sorry, SWTOR may have been a lame WoW clone after all is said and done, but it pushed the envelope in MMO storytelling, a new bechmark by which all future MMOs will be measured.

    • by McDee ( 105077 )

      Does GW2 have 100% spoken dialogs?

      Nope, although in general there is a lot less speaking going on as you don't need the lengthy exposition to understand what's going on. You *see* what's happening, and so it all flows a lot more naturally than the "Here's my problem: go solve it for me by picking up 10 items/killing 10 creatures" that most MMORPGs provide.

      Oh, and if you managed to reach end-game in SWTOR then GW2 will be a revelation. Big world Vs. world battles with 100+ players on-screen and no noticeable lag during the last beta event.

    • Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @01:08PM (#40480671)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Shados ( 741919 ) on Thursday June 28, 2012 @01:34PM (#40481329)

      GW2's story telling is far better, with choices during your story quest that actually change the quest in a meaningful way (so 2 people of the same class/race who made the same choices during character creation, can still end up with a different main quest).

      As for the dialogue? GW2 has about the same percentage of REAL spoken dialog as SWTOR did. SWTOR just "cheated", and reused a ton of lines, and used alien dialog for the rest. That ended up being pretty annoying after the 15th time in a row you hear "The jedi way is to serve!" and "Dying wasn't in my agenda for today!" (the further in the game you got, the worse it got). In GW2 that stuff is text based. Still, the majority of the story driven content is spoken dialog, in about the same ratio.

    • by Greyfox ( 87712 )
      Grinding in Tera actually seems pretty fun, due to its combat system. Minions were actually trying to flank me the other day. The writing is atrocious, though.

      They just need to put THAT combat system in SWTOR. Well that and arms flying off when you hit a guy with a light saber. We learned how light sabers should work in the first movie, and it's not how they work in SWTOR.

    • by Wyrd01 ( 761346 )
      Not 100%, but the Developers said they've recorded the equivalent of 60 feature length films worth of dialog.

      All the personal story quests have short cut-scenes with spoken dialogs. A lot of dialog can be heard just running around towns too. It really brings the cities to life hearing snippets of conversations everywhere you go. That was one thing SW was lacking I think, the cities and environments didn't feel alive.

      You'll also hear some of the spoken dialog as NPCs rush over to you and call out for
  • Will there be an open beta for us to try it?

    • If you pre-order the game you get access to all beta events. You could just pre-order then cancel if you don't like it. Most places will provide a full refund on a pre-order as long as you cancel before the game is actually released.
      • by antdude ( 79039 )

        Nah, I don't want to give stores my money. Plus, I don't have a credit card.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by qwe4rty ( 2599703 )
        Almost true. There is a difference between pre-order (Amazon) and pre-purchase ( If you pre-purchase the game up front (money is paid), you can play in the next Beta Weekend Event. If you pre-order the game from a retailer like Amazon (who doesn't charge you until the game ships), then you will not have access to the BWE.
  • Since it didn't require a monthly subscription, Guild Wars appealed to a lot of gamers outside the hardcore realm, with a model that let people play for a while and then set it aside. That was, in my opinion, one of its great strengths, as I've been one of those players. There were times when I had loads of time to play, and times when I was only on during holiday weekends. Unfortunately, that angle--the leave and return model--while one of the game's strengths may hurt them as Guild Wars 2 *finally* get

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
