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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Launches On September 25 247

New submitter JestersGrind writes "Blizzard has announced that Mists of Pandaria, the latest expansion of the popular World of Warcraft MMO, will be launched on September 25, 2012 and can be pre-ordered now." The game page has a good deal of information about the new expansion. The level cap is increased to 90, there is a new race (Pandaren) and a new class (Monk), and the talent system has been completely redesigned. They've added Challenge Modes for dungeons, which normalizes player gear and lets them compete to see who can clear it the fastest. The MMO-Champion website keeps track of all the minor details, if you're interested.
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World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Launches On September 25

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  • by Thundaaa Struk ( 1375331 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @09:25AM (#40763895)
    If you call in for tech support on September 25th and the hold time is more than one hour, you can bet your arse many nerds have taken the day off to play this.
    • Yeah, no. WoW isn't really a big deal anymore.

    • by na1led ( 1030470 )
      Most people who still play these MMO's are usually disconnected from the rest of the world. I doubt any of them will even read this blog.
      • by tom229 ( 1640685 )
        You've played since the first day and havent noticed each expansion progressively and consistently dumbing down the mechanics and encounters? Do you just hit level cap and unsub or something?

        Ps. Thundaaa Struk.... 3 years ago called and they want their idea of the state of online gaming back.
        • by DanTheStone ( 1212500 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @09:59AM (#40764347)

          3 years ago called

          Oh my God! Did you warn them? About Haiti and Japan?

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Anonymous Coward

          You've played since the first day and havent noticed each expansion progressively and consistently dumbing down the mechanics and encounters? Do you just hit level cap and unsub or something?

          I've noticed people complaining about that. Of course the same applies to so much else. D&D. NASCAR. Football. Baseball. Politics. Rock and Roll.

          I think the only thing actually true is that people consistently complain about the same things.

    • by crazyjj ( 2598719 ) * on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @10:08AM (#40764451)

      It just goes on, and on, and on, and on....

      MMO's, tic-tac-toe, and thermonuclear war...they're the games you can NEVER WIN.

      • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

        It just goes on, and on, and on, and on....

        MMO's, tic-tac-toe, and thermonuclear war...they're the games you can NEVER WIN.

        I guess I won at WOW then. did everything one could without joining the weekly ballet practices with 20 people and then quit out of boredom(before expansions and none of them have brought me back there.. the problem is that the world is static. if you have to wait in line to turn in guests to some guy who is just giving the same fucking guest to some other guy it starts to feel like a circus ride, the bg's did provide some added entertainment but those too have no effect whatsoever on the game world).


        • by Calydor ( 739835 )

          You realize the world isn't exactly static anymore, what with phased areas and actual progression through zones?

      • I know you were being funny but MMOs are NOT games, they are toys. A lot gamers will go "Whaaat?"

        A game by *definition* has a winning state (and conversely) a losing state. There is way to "win" at WOW. (Yeah some would joke that the only way to win is not play. :-/ )

        Sure you can die but that is orthogonal to the definition. You can also die in Team Fortress 2 -- the effects are not long-lasting -- but TF2 has closure, unlike WOW.

        Both games and toys along with this sandbox mode can be a lot of fun! But pl

    • Why would a nerd call tech support? To troll them?

    • This was true when Wrath came out, I know because I was one of the 40 or so guys out of 300 who showed up to work that day. That was a long-ass time ago and people actually fought over the Tuesday morning shift, because that's when WoW would be down for maintenance every goddamned week. Most people wanted to work during those hours, so they could get home early and play the new content before everyone else.

      Today, though, the ratio is reversed. Probably just a handful of hardcore weenies will actually bot

  • by claytongulick ( 725397 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @09:42AM (#40764095) Homepage

    Honestly, the technology underpinning WoW is just too dated these days. Players expect more - Tera is a perfect example of that, a combat system where you actually have to hit your opponent (yes, some of it is simulated, but it feels real.

    I have 5 level 80+ chars on WoW, but haven't played the game in at least a year, maybe two, and don't plan to go back to it, even for Pandas.

    What little gaming time I have, I spend on games that are trying to innovate.

    If Blizzard wants me back, they need to do something other than yet another expansion money grab. They need to do something new, innovative and wonderful. Sadly, I don't see much of this coming from them any more. I played Diablo 3 for about 3 hours before I got bored and switched back to Tera.

    Hey Blizzard, how about this: World of Starcraft. And make it awesome, using latest technology - not an groaning engine that's 10 years old.

    • by Splab ( 574204 )

      Players want an easy grindfest.

      If they wanted advanced fighting mechanics games like DD:O would be massive hits (You can actually dodge spells/shots, but you have to move your toon yourself)

    • by nyri ( 132206 )

      I have 5 level 80+ chars on WoW, but haven't played the game in at least a year, maybe two, and don't plan to go back to it, even for Pandas.

      Even for Pandas? So you are saying that Pandas are basically cool but the game sucks otherwise? I seriously thought that adding Pandas was a bad case of jumping the shark. Well, maybe I just need to admit it to my self: I'm totally out of touch with gamers today. Now if you excuse me, I'll go and find rumors about Football Manager 2013 which I will eventually buy but won't find time to play.

      • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

        well they added kung fu too.

        so.. a stick toting panda and monks. jumping sharks would be soo much cooler.

      • by akzeac ( 862521 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @10:59AM (#40765213)

        I have 5 level 80+ chars on WoW, but haven't played the game in at least a year, maybe two, and don't plan to go back to it, even for Pandas.

        I seriously thought that adding Pandas was a bad case of jumping the shark

        So after talking goats, walking cows, walrus men, British werewolves, zombies, vampires, zombie vampires, egyptian cat men, fungus people, bearish furbolgs, beings of energy wrapped in bandages and necromantic crow-men... you have a problem with pandas?

    • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

      tera? this tera? []

      simulated?? what the fuck man???????????

      • by Omestes ( 471991 )

        I played a bit in the Tera beta... it was shallow, but the combat was fun...

        I refused to give them money just because the game was pedobear approved. Why the hell would I play any game capitalizing on sexy 8 year old girls? I'm guessing its trying for a very different demographic than me (people who like the whole creepy cute "uguu" japanese thing), but there still is something very distasteful about it. Same with the female wardrobes, they took a very annoying trend, and made it more so. Its about a st

    • by Krojack ( 575051 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @10:54AM (#40765127)

      Honestly, the technology underpinning WoW is just too dated these days

      Hey Blizzard, how about this: World of Starcraft. And make it awesome, using latest technology - not an groaning engine that's 10 years old.

      Personally I think the WoW servers are on the leading edge of MMO tech. The new cross server phasing zones would be awesome for the lower pop servers and those people with friends spread out over several servers. To bad it's being added now and not 3-4 years ago.

      As for the game engine, yes it's dated. That said I would still rather have the WoW graphics then a game with the latest and greatest graphics that require a $500 video card to play at max settings only to still get frame rate dropping in large fights with several people. The game graphics are at the bottom of importance. The game play and content are #1.

    • by gsslay ( 807818 )

      I have 5 level 80+ chars on WoW, but haven't played the game in at least a year

      So you've been paying a monthly subscription for a game you haven't played in a year?

      If Blizzard wants me back

      Blizzard must love gamers like you. No, they don't want you back, just keep paying them for nothing.

      • by Zephyn ( 415698 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @11:30AM (#40765709)

        Your WoW characters don't disappear when you unsubscribe. It's entirely feasible to have multiple high level characters and not be subscribed to the game for long periods of time.

      • by Omestes ( 471991 )

        Er... I've got 3 level 80s, and I haven't given Blizzard any money in a long time. They don't delete your characters for not paying them. If I decided to start giving them money again, all my old characters are magically available to me again.

        Way to jump to conclusions!

    • I think that was sort of the goal behind Titan, to innovate while they still had customers locked into the Blizz-does-it-right mindset.

      I'm not sure what happened to Titan, because it sure has hell has completely fallen off the radar. Now whatever new property Blizz comes up with not only DOESN'T have the blizz-fanboi carryover, it'll have an extra hurdle in terms of "what, does this have pandas too?" sort of silliness.

      Considering that ...
      a) Titan has been in dev for what, 5 years now (allegedly) since 2007

  • by morcego ( 260031 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @09:42AM (#40764099)

    but MoP is completely of my radar. I used to be a WoW player, a raid who played over 30 hours/week. But the disappointment with the last expansion (Cataclysm) and later content patches pushed me off the game. Without mentioning I had Dragon Soul (the latest "raid") 10 hours after it was released, the overall quality of the game went downhill. Short content with little to no creativity, recycled mechanics and overall boring content.

  • sigh (Score:2, Informative)

    by DiSKiLLeR ( 17651 )

    *rolls eyes*

    Panderen, which started out as an easter egg joke in Warcraft 3 somehow got turned into a full blown expansions in WoW, because, honestly, blizzard has totally ran out of ideas at this point....

    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      It's because players where beating down the servers with request for an actual class.
      Blizzard listen to it's user base. But because it's blizzard that's bad?

  • by Tanman ( 90298 ) on Wednesday July 25, 2012 @11:27AM (#40765655)

    Blizzard would like to thank you for your patience. While we constantly strive to maintain a stable server environment, there was no way we could have predicted so many people, most of whom pre-ordered the expansion pack, were ACTUALLY going to attempt to play it the day it came out. We thank you for your patience while we work out minor server stability issues. We are confident that you will be able to log in and enjoy the world we worked so hard to create on October 10th, following our regularly scheduled maintenance.

  • that Blizzard still thinks their have enough of a quality advantage that they can still charge and monthly subscription fee AND the price of a new game for an expansion pack.

  • My wife and I both play, and have for years. My tendency is to play too much, get all the gear, and achievements, get frustrated by something stupid and quit for a while -- only to come back a few months later. My wife plays casually, *loves* the graphics, and all the little frills (pets, mounts, etc.), and actually *reads* quest text and follows the story. I tend to think she's doing it right, and I'm (usually) doing it wrong. We'll be getting MoP and likely enjoying it enough to pay the fees.
  • World of Warcraft: Mass Pandering

In specifications, Murphy's Law supersedes Ohm's.
