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DOOM 3 BFG Edition On Github, Timed For Oculus Rift 83

New submitter alexanderb writes "While DOOM 3 BFG Edition might not have blown most gamers' minds, it sure blew some hackers' minds by supporting the Oculus Rift head-mounted display. Now, id Software have put up the source code of the BFG Edition under the GPL in good time for the tentative Oculus Rift release date, 12/12/12."
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DOOM 3 BFG Edition On Github, Timed For Oculus Rift

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  • by h4rr4r ( 612664 ) on Tuesday November 27, 2012 @11:13AM (#42106131)

    Just get a black sheet of construction paper and tape it to your forehead over your eyes. For the big spender purchase a sleeping mask. Both are far cheaper than the Oculus Rift and will give you the same DOOM3 experience.

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The primary feature of the BFG edition is that they added some light sources (aka sorted out the gamma) into the game, and the flashlight gun mod is in by default.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 27, 2012 @11:19AM (#42106193)

      Apparently you didn't give the BFG edition a try.
      Bethesda/ID actually listened to all the whiny players like you and made every level a bit brighter. You don't need the flashlight anymore... and if you need it you can have it along with another weapon.
      The game is much less atmospheric, but more accessible.

      • by h4rr4r ( 612664 )

        Since they did not make a linux version of the BFG edition I could not play it.
        I bought every Id game that had linux support in the past. They probably have no idea about that though since you had to buy the MS version and download the engine to play on linux.

        • by Nyder ( 754090 )

          Since they did not make a linux version of the BFG edition I could not play it.
          I bought every Id game that had linux support in the past. They probably have no idea about that though since you had to buy the MS version and download the engine to play on linux.

          They released the source code, the link is in the OP, so get programming whiney person.

          • by robsku ( 1381635 )

            Since they did not make a linux version of the BFG edition I could not play it.
            I bought every Id game that had linux support in the past. They probably have no idea about that though since you had to buy the MS version and download the engine to play on linux.

            They released the source code, the link is in the OP, so get programming whiney person.

            Because that's what one enjoys doing to get a game to run?

            There was no whining in GP's post, it was just stating an obvious issue. There's a difference - troll and flame replies to GP is an example of diff between GP and them.
            Since it's not issue to Windows users and/or non-gamers, etc. I don't understand the need to flame poster like he was insulting the whiners.

            Should you have chosen a polite way and written a message with the useful part of your troll post it could've been something like this:

            To shed some light into darkness with Linux & DooM 3 BFG Edition you might be happy to learn that Id did release the source code, as they have taken a habit to... It may quickly feel like not much help unless you're into porting (or as DooM 3 was written to compile also on Linux from the beginning it's likely to just compile cleanly from sources), but there's likely more than one person who have taken this on their TO-DO list from the moment they learned that Linux binary wasn't available so it's only a matter of time (and not likely that long time) before the engine binaries are provided in various package formats for Linux distributions - and after being released in websites and 3rd party repositories the distributions will be soon providing it on their official repos.
            I hope that helps while waiting a release for your OS of choice, have a good day :)

            But no, the

        • by robsku ( 1381635 )

          Since they did not make a linux version of the BFG edition I could not play it.
          I bought every Id game that had linux support in the past. They probably have no idea about that though since you had to buy the MS version and download the engine to play on linux.

          They do that because they know that there is a "not insignificant" (=not big money but customers anyway) number of gamers who want, appreciate and are more likely to buy it instead of something you need to run under Wine (even if reported to work fine) game if it's authors support Linux right away - and because they believe that Linux is a good platform for developing and playing games and doesn't need that much extra work if the game is written cross-platform from the start in comparison to work needed to

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      Just get a black sheet of construction paper and tape it to your forehead over your eyes. For the big spender purchase a sleeping mask. Both are far cheaper than the Oculus Rift and will give you the same DOOM3 experience.

      Not sure about the sleeping mask, but the construction paper method at least is compatible with glasses. It's the only one reason why I never participated in the kickstarter - they had a notice that said it was not glasses compatible in its current form, but the retail version will be.

  • I know what I want from Santa.
  • Can it (yet) be used with the original Doom 3 content?

  • This seems as good a place to ask as any:Is there a way to make this game play more like the original? I understand that the shadows and dynamic lighting have been ripped out, the whole thing is brighter and that "duct tape mod" is forced on you. All the hype over the last few months has made me want to play the original game again, complete with the "Oh, hell I can't see shit, what am I shooting at? I hope this works. I need new trousers. Again." vibe, not a dumbed down, shiny "remaster". Comparisons I've
    • This seems as good a place to ask as any:Is there a way to make this game play more like the original? I understand that the shadows and dynamic lighting have been ripped out, the whole thing is brighter and that "duct tape mod" is forced on you. All the hype over the last few months has made me want to play the original game again, complete with the "Oh, hell I can't see shit, what am I shooting at? I hope this works. I need new trousers. Again." vibe, not a dumbed down, shiny "remaster". Comparisons I've seen say that the old game struggles to hit 30fps on current gen hardware, whereas this code base can easily hit 100+ fps on an average rig. Is there a mod (yet) that gives us the best of both worlds?

      The shadows and dynamic lightning are the same as they were; only difference there is that the flashlight doesn't cast shadows anymore (IMHO it never looked good anyway due to the angle).

  • Is it just because it's still covered by US6384822 [google.com]? Or was there some other reason for why Carmack's Reverse wasn't included in this release?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Still covered by the patent. The fix is in there as "Carmack's Revenge" - its about 4 lines of code longer than the original.

  • by Krneki ( 1192201 ) on Tuesday November 27, 2012 @12:08PM (#42106617)

    The VR headset is the next step in hardcore PC gaming since the technology seems to be finally here.

    Oh boy, can't wait for the consumer version of the Oculus rift (the current resolution is a no go for me).

    And again the porn users will help us push the virtual reality technology in every home. All hail the power of the boobs!

  • Why the hate? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Charliemopps ( 1157495 ) on Tuesday November 27, 2012 @12:17PM (#42106713)

    Why so much hate for this game? I found it terrifying. It's not the best game I ever played, but I certainly enjoyed myself. The part where if you looked in a mirror you saw your future in hell was an amazing piece of art. When you actually get to hell, it was pretty hellish imo... The shifting claustrophobia was well done... I can understand not liking it, but there are a lot worse games out there. (the latest version of Quake for example)

    • by oGMo ( 379 )

      I found it terrifying.

      I have not played "BFG Edition," so perhaps this is the version where they entirely remade it into something actually scary by dumping everything from the original and remaking it from the ground up. Otherwise, the only "terrifying" it was was terrifyingly bad.

      I mean by this point "space marines go to hell" isn't exactly surprising or a spoiler like it was with the original, so most of the game comes down to flashing lights and generic monsters predictably jumping out of things. Thi

      • What Doom 3 has that those other games don't, is FPS action. The Doom games have never been designed purely for scaring the players. Their just FPS's that happen to take place in creepy environments. Sort of like the Dead Space series really. They can have their scary moments, but the core gameplay is still that of an FPS rather than survival horror.

        • Doom3 may have these things, but they don't make it any more scary. It's still bland, boring, and unimaginative. The discussion was about "terrifying," which it isn't, not "is it a FPS" or "does it have certain gameplay elements".

          There are better FPS's. There are better Horror FPS's. Some of these are even actually scary. For instance, Amnesia [steampowered.com]. Doom 3 is just bad.

          That said, the Doom3 engine may not be bad, and hey, it's GPL'd now, so you can even go fix it if it is. This is entirely orthogonal to Doom3

        • Doom and Doom II never tried to "scare the user". They tried to "be awesome". Evil, broken, melting, fireball belching, rocket spewing, half-machine half-demon hybrids, crushing ceilings, innumerable vats of toxic waste, erratic lights, and tons of bad guys. Everywhere. And when all of them were finally vanquished, and you got to finally climb the steps and pick up your key, the walls dropped, and there was a whole other wave ready with fireballs flying. Cue Beethoven's E1M1.mid
          • by robsku ( 1381635 )

            Unlike many games of that era aiming to similar set of "features", DooM managed to achieve pure awesomeness in what it was \o/ In fact I still love firing up 3rd party (I've seen the originals enough times for life ;) ) level packs (WAD's) on the original games ({{Ultimate ,Final,}DooM,DooM ][}) - and I've been thinking of downloading DETH (Doom Editor for Total Headcases) or ZDETH (ZDooM port) level editor and my other favorite DooM tools and whip out some ultra-detailed (requiring at least BooM engine bec

    • by Zephyn ( 415698 )

      The bulk of the criticism wasn't so much over the look and feel of the game as it was the repetitiveness of the gameplay. Further into the game there are a lot of long gaps between plot points where you're dealing with nothing but long hallways full of monster closets. It had the combined effect of killing the suspension of disbelief and making the game tedious instead of scary. There's only so many times anyone can go through whoosh/ROAR/KA-BLAM/thud before it gets old.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I don't know about terrifying but I did enjoy the game. I played it when Doom 3 first came out and found it fun. It wasn't terrifying, but I was in an almost constant state of suspense. I'm playing it now, and it's almost as suspenseful.

      I'm one of those rare people that thinks the flashlight only working with no gun was brilliant. It added a different element to the game. The BFG edition has it out with any weapon, but it times out (I understand the idea, but it's equally stupid because no flashlight h

    • Why so much hate for this game?

      If it had been a new series I doubt anyone would have cared half as much. (Do you think they'll still be making Rage jokes in 10 years?) But Doom as a series was about fast gameplay, running and gunning, falling back to cleared areas (and sometimes meeting a toothy surprise), getting the hordes to fight amongst themselves. But apparently somewhere along the way they decided to make System Shock 3: SHODAN Goes to Hell instead. Some innovation was needed to the old series, but retooling it into a bad copy of

    • Re:Why the hate? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by GreggBz ( 777373 ) on Tuesday November 27, 2012 @02:37PM (#42108145) Homepage

      Yea, I don't get it either. I remember first playing the Demo. The graphics and lighting blew my mind. The game got glowing reviews when it was released. Then about a month later Half Life 2 came out and everyone jumped on the Doom 3 must suck bandwagon.

      Half Life 2 was fantastic and all, but I felt like I had to invest a lot into it. Games don't have to be movies. Sometimes I just want to blast demons.

      It really marked the beginning of the end of the dumb shooter. Now everything's a hybrid RPG or some kind of exersize in simulated combat.

    • by Hatta ( 162192 )

      It wasn't DOOM. DOOM is an arcade FPS, not a survival horror game. DOOM is Robotron 2084 in a first person perspective. Serious Sam 2 or Painkiller did DOOM better than DOOM 3 did.

      • by Nimey ( 114278 )

        Precisely this. The only Doom in Doom 3 (besides the name) was the setting and the hellspawn. When id reused the name they brought with it certain expectations that they failed to meet.

        That and the damned lighting. At least with Doom and Doom II you could cheat yourself up some light-amplification goggles so you could see things, but it seemed with 3 you had to install mods for this sort of thing.

        Oh, and I would have killed for a proper automap like in Doom (or preferably Descent, since it was proper 3D)

        • by robsku ( 1381635 )

          My thoughts exactly, even though I admit never having played it myself. Seeing it in action was enough to lose big part of my interest to try it, and largely it was really not about it being bad in anyway (I have no opinion) as separate game, but the failed expectations for using a name and not living up to it.
          They should have named it Quake - or simply something new - as after Q1&Q2 it was clear that the name had no specific theme tied to it (though in *some* aspects I've felt that Q2 actually achieved

    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      Ditto. It wasn't bad. I enjoyed it. I am not a fan of the hell levels though. The game was a bit linear too. There are mod(ification)s and maps that are good!

    • For me it was the first 45 minutes. That's not DOOM at all. Get all the people out of my way and let me start shooting hellspawn. I tried it back in the day and didn't have the patience to get past that part, and after hearing groaning about the flashlight, I just wasn't in the mood to get invested.

      Recently, I bought BFG edition because it seemed like the only way to get Doom 1 & 2 on PS3, but I ended up really getting into Doom 3 after giving it a fair try. I like it a lot once the action gets goi
  • How is it to be released 12/12/12 when the Dev unit isn't shipping till early January 2013? http://www.oculusvr.com/preorder/ [oculusvr.com]

    They selling the units before any Devs get one? So they will support only Doom 3 BFG when they come out?

    • by EdZ ( 755139 )
      Kickstarter units are being shipped before pre-orders from the website. I'm not sure where the 12/12/12 date came from either: as of this posting, Palmer has yet to announce anything new on the MTBS forums (where the Rift development emerged from), though Dycus (another member of the Oculus team) has said an announcement is coming 'before Wednesday'.
  • What does BFG stand for? British Forces Germany?
  • Didn't think we were going to see any more of Id's sources after the ZeniMax acquisition
  • This BFG edition is a JOKE compared to the mods (100% made by volunteer work) I've been playing lately. I've seen volunteer effort replace almost ALL the textures with HD textures (very nicely done, looks like professional quality), add in bloom/HDR, add in parallax occlusion mapping [photobucket.com] (high-end computers only!), add in new monsters, and probably more I'm forgetting. Just get a $10 or $5 copy of the Doom 3 from 2004 and get some of these FREE mods, and the game will look so good you'll think it was made in

What this country needs is a good five cent microcomputer.
